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Anas Fakhruddin
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Faculty of Ushuluddin and Philosophy, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya, St. Ahmad Yani 117 Surabaya, East Java 60237, Indonesia.
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JRP (Jurnal Review Politik)
ISSN : 20886241     EISSN : 26156504     DOI :
Core Subject : Social,
Jurnal Review Politik (JRP) is a high-quality peer-reviewed research journal published by the Department of Islamic Political Thought, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Philosophy, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University, Surabaya. The languages used are Indonesian and English. JRP is published twice a year, June and December. The journal focuses on the studies of Islamic Political Thought, political science, religion and politics, governance issues, and public policies in Indonesia and other Islamic countries. The journal publishes theoretical and empirical research articles to promote and disseminate the academic atmosphere in and around the regions. The journal has areas of concern that include political science, Indonesian politics, gender politics and identity, community welfare, social development, citizenship and public management, public policy, international politics & security, media, information & literacy, religion and politics, digital society and disruption, civil society movement, governance & democracy, radicalism, and terrorism.
Articles 7 Documents
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Kelembagaan Dewan Adat dan Politik Ruang di Kabupaten Kaimana: (:), Kelembagaan Dewan Adat Dan Politik Ruang di Kabupaten Kaimana Dominggus Alexander Rupiassa; Pamerdi Giri Wiloso; Wilson Therik
JRP (Jurnal Review Politik) Vol. 8 No. 1 (2018): June
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (473.644 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/jrp.2018.8.1.1-13


Abstract Talking more about the involvement of custom, almost in every region of Papua and West Papua have their own customcouncil. The custom council is the in dependent institution which is considered as a house of cultureby the community of tribes who live there. In that term, the existence of the custom council must be gone as their role due to be their option for all the community. There are eight tribes that live there namely, Kuri, Koiwaei, Mairasi, Irarutu, Madewana, Napiti Miere and Oburau. Basides, the writer also stress about the involvement of the custom council in Region Head Election in Kaimana Regency, for the period of 2015-2020. This writing is made in order to describe the existence of the custom council in Kaimana Regency in socio-political aspect from year. The council has gone too deep in the electionby giving support to one of the candidates. This action made disintegration of the council as an independent institution and even morea house of culture. All those phenomenon and even facts that mentioned above were got by the writer by using qualitative method. And this method has been applied in collecting datas of many sources, doing interview, and taking documentation. Keywords: the custom council, region head election, socio-political Abstrak Berbicara terkait keberadaan dewan adat, hampir diseluruh wilayah Papua dan Papua Barat memiliki lembaga dewan adat. Dewan adat adalah lembaga independen, yang dinilai sebagai rumah budaya oleh komunitas suku yang ada. Dalam pemaknaan tersebut, keberadaan dewan adat haruslah melaksanakan fungsi dengan melihat pada aspek keberpihakan. Terkhusus masyarakat delapan suku yang ada yakni suku Kuri, Koiwaei, Mairasi, Irarutu, Madewana, Napiti, Miere dan Oburau. Disamping melihat peran dewan adat Kabupaten Kaimana, kondisi sosial politik terkait dengan fenomena pasca pemilu kada 2015-2020 Kabupaten Kaimana, tentang keterlibatan dewan adat secara langsung. Tulisan ini bertujuan menjelaskan dinamika peran kelembagaan dewan adat Kabupaten Kaimana dalam kehidupan sosial politik dari waktu ke waktu. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan melakukan pengumpulan data dari beragam sumber seperti wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Dari metode penelitian yang dipakai, didapati bahwa keterlibatan dewan adat dalam konteks pemilukada Kabupaten Kaimana 2015-2020, dengan memberi dukungan politik pada salah satu pasangan, telah berdampak pada ketidak utuhan dewan adat sebagai sebuah lembaga independen bahkan sebagai rumah budaya. Kata Kunci: dewan adat, pemilukada, sosial politik
Kebijakan Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat Tentang Pembatasan Imigran Muslim Era Pemerintahan Donald Trump M. Fathoni Hakim
JRP (Jurnal Review Politik) Vol. 8 No. 1 (2018): June
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/jrp.2018.8.1.%p


There are two focus problems in this research. Which are: a). How does the securitization process of Muslim immigrant issues in the United States. b). What is the impact on criminal law? Donald Trump?In analyzing Donald Trump's foreign policy, researchers using foreign policy analysis from William D. Coplin that shares domestic and international factors, as well as the characteristics and nature of policymakers. In terms of domestic factors, it is found that the issue of Muslim immigrants in securitization becomes a security threat. The decline in economic and military capabilities also appears in this domestic factor. From the international side, emerging new US competitors, namely China. The rise of China's economic and military dimensions also lies behind this international factor. Domestic factors and international factors combined with Donald Trump's personality and character as an entrepreneur, have arrogant, narcissistic, overcommited and tend to be conservative. In this case the formulation of US foreign decisions about Restriction of immigrant muslim.
Islam dan Agamaisasi Politik: Studi Analisis Terhadap Peran dan Pergerakan Forum Kiai Muda (FKM) Pamekasan Madura Abd A`la; Ahwan Mukarrom; Mukhammad Zamzami
JRP (Jurnal Review Politik) Vol. 8 No. 1 (2018): June
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/jrp.2018.8.1.%p


Artikel ini mengulas sepak terjang organisasi keislaman yang dibentuk elite kiai dan lora di Pamekasan, yakni Forum Kiai Muda (FKM), di mana produksi pemikiran dan gerakan keagamaannya yang Islamis dapat mengorganisir massa secara masif dan mampu membentuk sektarianisme berlapis di Pamekasan Madura. Sebagai gerakan keagamaan Islam, visi FKM adalah mengantisipasi dan menghindarkan wilayah Madura dari segala bentuk deviasi ajaran dan paham kegamaaan. Terdapat empat jenis penyimpangan keagamaan yang menjadi sasaran utama, yakni Shî‘ah, Wahabi, Liberal, dan penistaan agama, yang kemudian disingkat oleh mereka menjadi SYIBILIP. Keempat pemahaman ini adalah musuh besar. Adapun menyebut FKM sebagai ormas keagamaan yang bergerak di wilayah politis merujuk pada peran dan fungsi strategis mereka yang aktif melibatkan diri dalam banyak dinamika politik, baik di level daerah maupun pusat. Di level daerah, peran dan fungsi strategis politik FKM terilustrasi secara jelas dalam kerja sama politik yang mereka bangun bersama elit partai politik di tingkat daerah. Kata Kunci: Forum Kiai Muda (FKM); Islamisme; gerakan. Abstract: This article analyzes the activities of Islamic organizations formed by the elite kiai and lora in Pamekasan, namely the Forum Kiai Muda (FKM) Madura, where the production of Islamic religious thoughts and movements can organize massively and is able to form layered sectarianism in Pamekasan Madura. As an Islamic religious movement, FKM’s vision is to anticipate and avoid the Madura region from all forms of teaching deviations and understanding congregation. There are four types of religious irregularities that are the main targets, namely Shî‘ah, Wahabi, Liberal, and blasphemy, which they later abbreviate as SYIBILIP. These four understandings are great enemies for Islam. The mention of FKM as a religious mass organization that moves in the political area refers to their strategic roles and functions that actively involve themselves in many political dynamics, both at the regional and central levels. At the regional level, FKM’s political strategic roles and functions are clearly illustrated in the political cooperation they have built with political party elites at the regional level. Keywords: Kiai Muda Forum (FKM); Islamism; movement.
Gerakan Sosial Kaum Santri Melawan Rencana Penambangan di Paseban M Khusna Amal
JRP (Jurnal Review Politik) Vol. 8 No. 1 (2018): June
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (685.183 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/jrp.2018.8.1.%p


This paper examines the involvement of santri in protesting against the government's policy on the exploration of iron sand mines in Paseban, Jember. Unlike previous studies that tended to saw protest as a form of group struggle and/or sosial class oriented to gain (in a materialistic sense), the protests movements supported by santri activists were not that simple. The study has shown that the protests by the santri in fact have a pluralistic goals, including a counter to government policies that are considered more pro-capitalists, protect the fate of the grassroots community from the impact of mining, and maintain coastal ecological sustainability. Another interesting finding is that santri use religion in their protest not merely as a theological weapon, but rather as a source of ethics, morals and spirit of resistance. Of course, this fact can corrects the commodification theory which always sees the use of religion by agencies in relation to the struggle to accumulate capital
Menakar Realitas Politik Pencitraan pada Pilgub Ntb 2018: Perspektif Etika Politik Islam ahmad nurjihadi
JRP (Jurnal Review Politik) Vol. 8 No. 1 (2018): June
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/jrp.2018.8.1.%p


The focus of this study seeks to answer how imaging politics are played by contestants of governor and deputy governor candidates in the NTB 2018 PILGUB and how to analyze Islamic political ethics against the facts of imaging politics. The character of this research is phenomenalogical research which will unravel political ethics and morality which underlie the existence of political imaging of candidates. The technical analysis used is an analysis of phenomena that try to unravel the facts of imaging politics and measure them by analyzing Islamic political ethics. The results of the study are several trends, namely; first, A and B nominate themselves as the Governor of NTB 2018 even though their tenure has been running for less than 2 years. Second, the phenomenon of women and dynastic political tendencies. Third, the tendency of national politicians to go down the mountain. Fourth, Personafication of Personal Candidates is like a prominent image based on religious (Muslim) integrity. Fifth, Psedo-Populis is a sudden populist phenomenon that is displayed by several candidates. Sixth is Strengthening Communal and Regional Identity such as affiliation with religious organizations, regional sons based on territory and ethnic origin.
Perang terhadap Narkoba ala Duterte (Analisis Political Culture) Faradilla Fadlia; Ismar Ramadani
JRP (Jurnal Review Politik) Vol. 8 No. 1 (2018): June
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/jrp.2018.8.1.%p


Tulisan ini berusaha untuk melihat bagaimana implementasi kebijakan “War on drugs” yang dilakukan oleh Duterte berdampak bagi masyarakat di Filipina dan bagaimana masyarakat mendukung kebijakan ini meskipun kebijakan tersebut dianggap telah melanggar Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM). Kesimpulan sementara tulisan ini bahwa budaya politik (pengalaman yang berulang akibat tingginya tingkat kriminalitas di Filipina) yang melahirkan pemahaman kolektif mengenai ketakutan akan kekerasan sehingga masyarakat memberikan dukungan terhadap kebijakan menggunakan tindakan kekerasan untuk keamanan yang dilakukan oleh Duterte. Selain itu kondisi tingkat kriminalitas yang cukup tinggi memungkinkan masyarakat memimpikan pemimpin yang memiliki image pemimpin kuat. Duterte, “The Punisher” dianggap sebagai jawaban bagi permasalahan tingkat kriminalitas yang cukup tinggi di Filipina. Tulisan ini menggunakan teori Budaya politik dan metode yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah literature review.
Perubahan Afiliasi Politik Perubahan Afiliasi Politik Ulama Pesantren NU Masa Transisi Demokrasi di Wilayah Eks-Keresidenan Surakarta (1998-2004) M. bagus sekar alam
JRP (Jurnal Review Politik) Vol. 8 No. 1 (2018): June
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/jrp.2018.8.1.%p


This Article describes about the dynamic changes of NU Pesantren Ulama Political Affiliation transformation in ex-Keresidenan Surakarta Region during Democratic transition period (1998-2004). Historical approach was selected as a tool to get the comprehensive narrative explanation. During 1998 reformation, Indonesia experienced the euforia of democrative wave of changing to become more free in political stage. NU pesantren ulama became more free returning in politic. The first political movement by NU pesantren ulama during this era was established and raised Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB) just before 1999 national election. Their purpose by establishing new party was to put their representatives in government (legislative and executive). The fact that happened after NU pesantren ulama returned in politic was not good. These NU pesantren ulama had forgotten their main role and tasks in socio-religious and moslem community. Because of that fact in the beginning of 2004 election the majority of NU pesantren ulama in this region returned to their professionalism which standing neutral above their political interest.

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