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Jurnal Keperawatan Notokusumo
ISSN : 23384514     EISSN : 28081781     DOI : 10.53423
Jurnal Keperawatan diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan STIKES Notokusumo. Jurnal ini diterbitkan secara berkala dua kali dalam setahun yaitu periode Juni - Desember. Jurnal ini memuat hasil-hasil penelitian dan kajian dalam bidang ilmu keperawatan.
Articles 10 Documents
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Efektifitas Pemberian Olesan Jahe Merah Terhadap Penurunan Keluhan Nyeri Sendi pada Lansia Rahayu Novi Widyastuti
Jurnal Keperawatan Notokusumo Vol. 1 No. 1 (2013): Jurnal Keperawatan Notokusumo

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Background: The process of being old is the process that naturally occurs in the elderly as a result of a decrease in all organs. This makes a lot of elderly complaints that can disturb their comfort and decrease their standard in fullfilling their needs in their life. Thus, the elderly may suffer from painful rheumatic surrounding the joint. The cause of illness or pain can be due to rheumatism, uric acid, or osteoatritis. If the complaints are not treated well, they may result in a decrease in activity, social isolation, sleep disturbances and fall. This research aims to determine the effectiveness of ginger rub tothe decrease of painful joints complaints in the elderly in PSTW Luhur Budhi. Method of research: This is an experiment research using the method of experiment and the design research of One Group Pretest-Postest which is conducted on the elderly who stay in the PSTW Budhi Luhur Yogyakarta, on April 3, 2009 until May 3, 2009. The elderly who become the sample in this research are the elderly who have painful joints complaints. There are 10 samples in this research taken as the respondents. Thedata collection is obtained using interviews and the questionnaires uses instrument intensity of joint pain that is called a numeric scale. Research results: The finding of this research shows that there is a decrease in the number of painful joints complaints between pretes and postes namely pretes of low pain 30%, low pain postes becomes 80%, medium pain pretes are 70% to medium postes 10%, and there is no category of pain postes as 10%. This result is not much different with the results of the test using Wilcoxon statistics. Based on the analysis results, it is obtained p value = 0.014 (p <0.005), so that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. This means that the rub of red ginger is effective against the decrease in joint pain complaints in the elderly in PSTW Budhi Luhur Yogyakarta. The elderly who have painful joints complaints can take this red ginger as a medicine to reduce or eliminate joint pain complaints rather than the use of chemical medicines that commonly have side effect.
Pengaruh Musik Terhadap Kecemasan Ibu Selama Kangaroo Mother Care di Yogyakarta Priliana Wiwi Kustio
Jurnal Keperawatan Notokusumo Vol. 1 No. 1 (2013): Jurnal Keperawatan Notokusumo

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Background: Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) is a means or method of caring for LBW, where there isdirect skin contact between mother and baby makes automatic adjustments to the mother's bodytemperature to protect her baby. Some interventions such as massage treatments in the NICU babies,Kangaroo MotherCare and listening to music has benefits to reduce maternal anxiety.
Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Melalui Metode Ceramah Terhadap Perubahan Perubahan Perilaku Remaja dalam Menghadapi Perubahan Sistem Reproduksi Utami Maria Putri Sari
Jurnal Keperawatan Notokusumo Vol. 1 No. 1 (2013): Jurnal Keperawatan Notokusumo

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Background : teenage period is a period of growth initiated from maturity of reproductive organs. Concern in reproduction system is minimum nowadays. Teenagers often lack basic information about methods of maintaining reproductive health. Objective : The study aimed to identify impact of lecture to behavior the teenagers assessed from knowledge, attitude, and action in responding to changes of reproduction system.
Perbedaan Efektivitas Penggunaan Media Belajar Video dan Modul Keterampilan Keperawatan dalam Pencapaian Kompetensi Pemasangan Kateter Urine Kustanti Cecilya
Jurnal Keperawatan Notokusumo Vol. 1 No. 1 (2013): Jurnal Keperawatan Notokusumo

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Background: The process of learning in nursing education institutions of learning include lectures and laboratory practice in nursing. The success of the laboratory learning process is influenced by the use of learning media. So far the teaching practicum in Nursing Academy Notokusumo media using the book module skills. From the evaluation of learning there are some skills that result was not optimal, such as urinary catheterization skill. Hence the need for instructional media innovations better. Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine differences in the effectiveness of the use of video and media learning modules nursing skills in the achievement of competence in the urine catheter Nursing Academy students Notokusumo Yogyakarta. Methods: This study is a research Randomized Controlled Trial, using the intervention group and control group. The number of respondents within each group of 15 students. The study was conducted in Notokusumo Nursing Academy on 25 May to 1 July 2012. Analysis of test data used is the t. Results: From the result showed that the data is known in the intervention group showed an increase in the average value significantly between before and after treatment, ie from 61.53 to 83.4. Judging from the paired t-test test results obtained at 0.011 p value, so there is known to significantly influence the use of video learning media.
Kepatuhan Penatalaksanaan Diabetes Mellitus Terhadap Kadar Gula Darah Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe II Soenarto Juliana
Jurnal Keperawatan Notokusumo Vol. 1 No. 1 (2013): Jurnal Keperawatan Notokusumo

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Background: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a trouble of metabolism chronic marked by the existence of increase of rate blood sugar. Prevalence of DM in region work the Puskesmas Banguntapan I Bantul in Januari-Juli 2010 patient of DM type II noted by 199 people. Mostly them less knowing about of DM disease. An effort to avoid an increase or decrease in blood sugar levels of diabetic patients will require the active participation of patients, families and health professionals. Good management of DM will control the sugar levels of patients so that patients will be able to live longer with excellent quality. Objective : To know the relation of compliance of management DM (order compliance the eat/diet, athletic regularly, take medicine, following counselling about management of DM type II) with the rate of blood sugar at patient of DM Type II in region work the Puskesmas Banguntapan I Bantul. Method : Quantitative descriptive research correlation with the approach of cross sectional. This research is conducted in Puskesmas Banguntapan I Bantul with the population all DM patient which take care of the street 199 people. Sampel in this research amount to 67 people with the intake sampel by purposive sample. Method of data collecting by questionnaire and analyse the data with the analysis of univariate and bivariate. Result: Patient compliance about management DM of most is not obedient (52,2%). As for at all of compliance of management DM of most at every phase of DDM execution also show is not obedient, for example phase of food diet (49,3%), corporeal practice (67,2%), medication (44,8%), counselling (70,1%) and monitoring of rate of blood sugar (49,3%). While rate of blood sugar at patient of DM Type II most (62,7%) included in ugly criterion in control (? 200 mg / dL). Result of correlation test show there are relation which signifikan of between compliance of management DM with the rate of blood sugar at patient of DM Type II with the correlation coefficient 0,611 and probability 0,000 at level signifikansi 5%.
Efektivitas Rosella Terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah pada Penderita Hipertensi Suyamto; Sari Dian Nur Adkhana
Jurnal Keperawatan Notokusumo Vol. 1 No. 1 (2013): Jurnal Keperawatan Notokusumo

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Background : Hypertension is the main problem of people’s health in Indonesia and in some parts of the world. Hypertension cannot recover by itself. The blood pressure tends to escalate as people are getting older. One of the cures is nonpharmacological, such as by following healthy life style. The other way is by curing it herbally, and one of them is consuming rosella flower sheath. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas rosella terhadap penurunan tekana darah pada penderita hipertensi di Rt 3 dan Rt 4 Candikarang Sardonoharjo Ngaglik Sleman Yogyakarta. The research’s objective was to explore the efectiveness of rosella towards the decline of the blood pressure on hypertension sufferers in the Neighbourhood Community 3 and 4 Candikarang Sardonoharjo Ngaglik Sleman Yogyakarta. Aim of the Research: this research was aimed at identifying the rosella efectivenss towards the decline of the blood pressure on hypertension sufferers. Research Methodology : The research methodology which was applied here was the research design of pre experiemtnal one. The design of the research applied one group pretest-prostest, which was conducted in Candikarang Village, Sardonoharjo, Nganglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta from 3 May 2010 up to 17 May 2010 with the population of all 20 hypertension sufferers in the area and the samples were 11 people, using the acciental sampling tehcnique. Rosella was given in seven days respectively everyday as much as 10 grams mixed into 0,5 litre of water . the measuring tool to identify the respondents’ blood pressure during the pretest and posttest was using sphygmomanometer and sthetoscope. Result of the Research : Before the treatment was conducted, there was a person (9%) with hypertension, 4 people (36%) suffering from stadium I hypertension, and the rest, 6 people (55%) with stadium 2 hypertension. Aftter the treatement to the respondents’ blood pressur, there were 2 people (18%) having normal blood pressure, 1 person (9%) suffering from prehypertension, 2 people (18%) with stadium I hypertension, and the rest, 6 people (55%) suffering from stadium 2 hypertension. The analysis applied in this research was Wilcoxon to identify the difference between the blood pressure in the pretest postest treatment. Based on the statistical examination, the value of P was 0,194 which meant that the value of p > 0,05. It can be concluded that there was no effect of consuming rosella towards the decline of the blood pressure on the hypertension sufferers in the neighborhood community 3 and 4 Candikarang Village Sardonoharjo Ngaglik Sleman Yogyakarta. The suggestion for the next researchers is that they should prolong the time of the same research.
Harapan Pasien Kanker Payudara yang Mendapat Kemoterapi Tentang Dukungan Keluarga Ni Ketut Kardiyudiani
Jurnal Keperawatan Notokusumo Vol. 1 No. 1 (2013): Jurnal Keperawatan Notokusumo

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Background: Breast cancer is carcinoma or malignancy in some morphology as well, and one kinds of treatment that is given is chemotherapy. There were various kinds of nursing strategy to help overcoming various effects that are aroused by the chemotherapy given including family support. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to explore deeper about family support in raising breast cancer patient’s hope which is got chemotherapy. This research is held toward five participants and find four themes i.e. hope to continue normal life in their family, hope to raise family understanding about the impact malady caused by chemotherapy, hope to be appreciated, to be listened and to be accompanied, hope to be helped by their family in overcoming a problem which is faced because of the disease. Methods: The design of this research study uses a qualitative method of phenomenology is an approach to learn the meaning of the human experience of undergoing a phase in his life. Observation methods in-depth interviews conducted by researchers simultaneously to participants, as well as interviews from other sources such as care giver. Researcher uses himself as a means of collecting data, using in-depth interviews (indept interview). Interviews conducted no more than 30-60 minutes. Closed when the information has been obtained in accordance with the research objectives. Researchers maintain that no judgment against participants from previous participants' understanding. Researchers writing non-verbal expressions are important participants in favor of expression participants using field notes. Field notes to document the use of non-verbal participants, the atmosphere during the interview for later incorporated in the transcript. Result: The results of this study are in the form of theme. Themes found after analysts thematic and found there are 4 themes: 1) the theme to resume normal activities within a family, 2) improved understanding of the family theme of the impact of chemotherapy due to disease and treatment, 3) theme hopes to be appreciated, listened to, and accompanied, 4 ) theme help solving problems faced due to illness.
Evidence Based Practice Intradialytic Exercise untuk Pengelolaan Tekanan Darah pada Pasien Chronic Kidney Diseases (CKD) Stage V Kusuma Prima Daniyati
Jurnal Keperawatan Notokusumo Vol. 1 No. 1 (2013): Jurnal Keperawatan Notokusumo

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Background : Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a progressive disorder of kidney function and can not be recovered back. Haemodialysis serves as replacement therapy of loss of kidney function. Patients typically undergo hemodialysis uraemic syndrome, a collection of symptoms that can lead to cardiovascular diseases, such as hypertension. Intradialytic exercise is an exercise that is done at the time of undergoing hemodialysis. Objective: This study aims to manage blood pressure in patients undergoing hemodialysis and hypertension by intradialytic exercise action. Method: The method used survey and used a sample of 30 people with the intake sample by purposive sample. Based on the measurement of blood pressure pre and post-exercise looks intradialytic blood pressure changes and blood pressure stability. Result: Based on the evaluation of the implementation of intradialytic exercise that has been carried out for 3 weeks (6 times exercise) occurs stability of blood pressure during exercise. The results of observations in patients who had stable blood pressure at pre and post-HD shows that they follow intradialytic exercise with the maximum movement in accordance with the instructions provided and regularly every 2 times a week. Whereas in patients who have unstable blood pressure at pre and post-HD can be affected by several factors such as frequency of exercise, stress conditions, and sleep disorders. Conclusion: Patients are expected to exercise regularly time of dialysis, so it can decrease blood pressure is near normal or blood pressure remained stable.
Implementasi E-Journal sebagai Akselerasi Up-Date Referensi dan Fasilitas Pengenalan Evidence Based Nursing (EBN) di Institusi Pendidikan Keperawatan Taukhit
Jurnal Keperawatan Notokusumo Vol. 1 No. 1 (2013): Jurnal Keperawatan Notokusumo

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Along with the development of science and technology in education, especially learning the science of nursing, providing a challenge for teachers and students so that they can be used effectively in the learning in class nursing. Education recently started experiencing rapid growth and progress, including on nursing education to the critical learning and recognition of nursing actions that focuses on the scientific evidence (Evidence Based Nursing). One of the major breakthroughs to resolve the issue is the provision of e-journal. E-Journal is a scholarly journal that can be accessed through electronic documents in the form of computerized existence of the e-journal will make it easier for users to search for literature. In addition to the e-journal will also facilitate learning based on scientific evidence of nursing .e-Journal will allow access to scientific articles becomes easier and faster. Various advantages and convenience of the e-Journal, it is important to be developed in nursing education institutions as acceleration refernsi and up-date the introduction of evidence-based nursing (EBN).
Penanganan Kejadian Atresia Ani pada Anak Haryono Rudi
Jurnal Keperawatan Notokusumo Vol. 1 No. 1 (2013): Jurnal Keperawatan Notokusumo

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Atresia ani is not complete embryonic development in the distal rectum or anus closed abnormally. Atresia ani have another name ie imperforate anus. If atresia occurs it is almost always requires surgery to create a channel like normal state. Data obtained atresia ani events arising in the ratio 1 of 5000 live births, with a population of 200 million and Indonesia 35 per mil birth rate, it is predicted to be born each year with the disease in 1400 infants atresia ani. Atresia Ani with basically any type need to be given attention to the effects that would be caused to the child afterwards. So early detection is very important to be done by a nurse or medical team who are competent in the field. The most appropriate time to detect genital abnormalities shortly after the baby is born. At least with a physical examination and digital rectal inspection. The main treatment is surgery with time and adjusted models of type or classification of atresia ani suffered. But the nursing actions that are based on the establishment of nursing diagnosis is also important to provide good care and treatment to sustain the elimination of basic human needs, both before and after surgery.

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