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Journal of Calligraphy
ISSN : -     EISSN : 27978788     DOI : 10.17977
Journal of Calligraphy is an open-access journal that publishes peer-reviewed articles on the world of calligraphy. The articles that can be published is about calligraphy (practice, theory, research, and development) from the global value perspective. It can discuss the history, tools/materials, technique/design/style, worldview, knowledge and civilization, digital-computerized, emerging technologies, education/teaching, conservation and restoration, visual psychology, marketing and management, global trend and future that are suitable with the worldwide value of calligraphy.
Articles 43 Documents
تعليم الخط العربي عن بعد بجمعية دار الخط من خلال منهج "حميدي" أثتاء الوباء Faris Maturedy; Ahmad Yasir Amrulloh
Journal of Calligraphy Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Journal Of Calligraphy
Publisher : Journal of Calligraphy

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The Covid-19 epidemic has spread around the world. As a result, people's activities stopped especially educational activities in schools. This is the case with the teaching of calligraphy using the "Hamidi" curriculum in Dar Al-Khatt. The aim of the research is to describe the process of teaching calligraphy with a "Hamidy" approach during the epidemic. Then the researchers used the qualitative research method. Thus, the data was collected by a deep interview with the calligraphy teacher at the Dar Al-Khatt Society. The data was analyzed by the descriptive method. The result indicated that learning the script takes place either directly or indirectly from a distance. After it was a direct meeting between the teacher and students. The teacher complained of their inability to provide suggestions and correction accurately.
مصطلحات فن الخط العربي الإسلامي أد/ نادية لقجع جلول سايح
Journal of Calligraphy Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Journal Of Calligraphy
Publisher : Journal of Calligraphy

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Arabic calligraphy is one of the most prominent and highest Islamic arts because of its connection with the Holy Qur’an, or more accurately because it is linked to the drawing of the Noble Qur’an, that is, by the way of writing its words as drawn by the “Book of Revelation”, and thus enjoys a unique symbolism in Islamic civilization, and because it is a civil industry, it strengthens with the power of civilization. It is weakened by its weakness, and because it is a creative faculty, calligraphers, artists and writers have mastered the diversity of its forms, and because it is an independent art by itself, a unified idiomatic base has been formed that brings together everyone who wants to study this art as a unique field of knowledge. As we try, through this research, to combine with the explanation the terms of Arabic calligraphy, we in fact present a living model and conclusive evidence of the richness of the aesthetic of Arabic license.
فنّ الخطّ العربي بين الروح الإسلامية والبعد الاستيتيقي Khadidja Merat
Journal of Calligraphy Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Journal Of Calligraphy
Publisher : Journal of Calligraphy

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This research tries to explain the art of Arabic calligraphy; This ancient art, with its distinctive formations, decorations, and geometries, decorated with Islamic letters of the spirit, imparts a special breath to the fonts and gives them an aesthetic imprint and medallion of difference and individuality. Therefore, this intervention falls under the Title “ Arabic Calligraphy Art Between the Islamic Spirit and the Strategic Dimension”, is an attempt to answer the central problem of calligraphy, namely: Arabic combining the Islamic spirit with an aesthetic dimension? Or in other words, how does the spirit of Islam give Arabic calligraphy an aesthetic and aesthetic dimension? This study will rely on a historical descriptive approach, because it will describe the phenomenon of Arabic calligraphy art in addition to its history, origin, and development, to achieve the focus and axis of the study which is represented in the aesthetics and reliability of the work. this calligraphy. The study achieved a series of results, the most important of which were: 1- Arabic calligraphy is a symbol of Arab civilization. 2- The emergence of Islam contributed to the interest in calligraphy and the transition from the spoken system to the written system. 3 - Muslims are attracted to Arabic calligraphy as a means to communicate with them, communicate their civilization and culture, and spread their religion throughout the world. 4 There is a close connection between Arabic calligraphy and Arabic identity, namely that the art of Arabic calligraphy is the language and spirit of this Arabism. 5- The Islamic spirit of Arabic calligraphy has breathed into it an aesthetic and aesthetic dimension, making it a symbol of Islamic urbanism and decoration on clothing and others.
الخطُّ العربيُّ من الأساطيرِ الغَيْبِيَّةِ إلى الجُهُودِ البَشَرِيَّة الأستاذ الدكتور مصطفى محمد رزق السواحلي
Journal of Calligraphy Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Journal of Calligraphy
Publisher : Journal of Calligraphy

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    No doubt, that Allah has chosen Arabic calligraphy to write the words of the Holy Qur’an, and gave it magnificence and beauty that was not available to any other calligraphy. So it with its exquisite geometric shapes paints some unlimited beautiful images, even it became an independent art. Arabs were satisfied with it for obscene images and nude statues, and this geometric formation became an aesthetic feature that gave Islamic civilization a special character throughout the ages. This transcendent beauty led a group of scholars to say that it descended from the divine in this wonderful image that is beyond the human capacity, and Arabic heritage books have been loaded with dozens of narrations in this field .This is what this research attempts to achieve, in order to differentiate between what is the metaphysical that needs a definitive text of proof and significance, and what is the human as a product of the cumulative efforts of the experiences of scientists and creators throughout the ages, which requires a rational, moderate position on the issue of the unseen generally, then to present a number of those narrations scattered in the wombs of the books of Arab heritage, and criticize them as a narration and knowledge. Then to mention those who borrowed Arabic calligraphy from the neighboring nations before Islam, and who developed it after Islam, until it became an Islamic industry par excellence, through the descriptive analytical method. In the end the research concluded with a number of results, the most important of them are: Belief in the unseen is a religious duty, provided that there is a valid evidence from the authentic revelation, which is lacking in the narrations that are filled inside the books of Arab heritage that attribute the development of Arabic calligraphy to a group of those who passed away, starting with Adam, peace be upon him. Some scholars have escaped from confronting this problem to the saying of revelation, which has no evidence for it, if it was by inspiration; there was no difference or development in it, as it did not happen in the Holy Qur’an. Most realistic narrations indicate that the Arabs borrowed their calligraphy from the neighboring nations, especially from the Nabataean script in the Anbar region. The bond between the writing and civilization is an inseparable bond, which is what was achieved for Arabs after the appearance of Islam, which makes us to say: It is an Islamic industry par excellence, and the follow-up of the efforts of Arab scholars in the field of developing Arabic calligraphy confirms that the calligraphy is a human industry, developed by the scholars who spent their ages in serving the sciences and arts in Arabic language.
أثر مهارة الكتابة في تحسين الخط العربي لدى التلاميذ الناطقين بغير العربية في المراحل التعليمية الأساسية في نيجيريا : Ahmad Garba Ahmad Garba
Journal of Calligraphy Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Journal Of Calligraphy
Publisher : Journal of Calligraphy

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The writing skill is a fourth type of language skill, and it means the ability to express what is in the conscience and thoughts through transcription, and it is a skill that requires a high idea, which is always a complex scientific because it needs continuous training and continuous practice. This study aims to shed light on the impact and importance of mastering skill in improving Arabic calligraphy among non-Arabic speaking students in the basic educational stages in Nigeria. This study includes the following; Research abstract, introduction, research methodology, definition of the basic educational stages in Nigeria, the concept of writing skill, its importance, objectives of its education, types of writing, stages of its education, the status of Arabic calligraphy in education, its teaching method, research results, suggestions, conclusion and references.
الآراء الجمالية وأهميتها في تجويد فن الخط العربي: دراسة تحليلية: دعاء بنت محمد داود الأشعري دعاء بنت محمد داود الأشعري
Journal of Calligraphy Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Journal Of Calligraphy
Publisher : Journal of Calligraphy

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The art of calligraphy is considered one of the Islamic visual and sacred arts, and that the Islamic nation dealt with authorship and intonation in Arabic calligraphy and improving the engineering structure in terms of beautifying it because it is an art related to the Islamic faith, so this study aims to shed light on the most important aesthetic views that were mentioned regarding the art of Arabic calligraphy within A systematic perspective that includes the aesthetic context and rooted the principle of beauty in this art. The method used in this study is the descriptive analytical method, which describes and analyzes the opinions and aesthetic characteristics inherent within the art of Arabic calligraphy. The study concluded that the sum of these aesthetic opinions mentioned regarding the art of Arabic calligraphy had a great impact in imparting values and aesthetic dimensions to the art of Arabic calligraphy on the one hand, and on the other hand, they had a prominent role in its development, refinement and perfection.
تدريس الأدب العربي في الجامعات الكاميرونية: الواقع والمستقبل أبو سليمانو
Journal of Calligraphy Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Journal Of Calligraphy
Publisher : Journal of Calligraphy

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سنتناول في هذا البحث مسألة تدريس الأدب العربي في الجامعات الكاميرونية، وذلك للأهمية التي يحظى بها هذا الموضوع ، قائلا إنه اندفع نحو التطور والتقدم منذ بدأ تدريسها في جامعتي نغودري ومروا الحكوميتين، مواكبا بذلك اللغة العربية؛ فمثلا في جامعة مروا تخرج حتى الآن مئات من الطلبة، ونوقشت عشرات من البحوث العلمية للماجستير والدكتوراه. وقد شكلت هذه الحصيلة إضافة كبيرة للأدب العربي من حيث التعليم الجامعي في الكاميرون؛ وبالرغم من هذا التقدم المحمود فما زال تعليم الأدب العربي في الجامعتين المذكورتين يعاني العديد من المشكلات التي نرجو ونأمل أن تحل قريبا.وقد تحددت مشكلة البحث في كشف مهارات، ومداخل، وطرائق التدريس التي يستخدمها معلمو اللغة العربية في تدريس الأدب العربي في المرحلة الجامعية، وكذلك افتقار ميدان تدريس الأدب العربي إلى دراسة علمية تقوّم أداء معلمي اللغة العربية؟هذا وقد اتبعت المنهج الوصفي في معالجة هذه المشكلة المذكورة.
الخط المغربي: تاريخه وأنواعه وخصائصه أ. فاطمة طاهري; أ. أنس بوسلام
Journal of Calligraphy Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Journal Of Calligraphy
Publisher : Journal of Calligraphy

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The article deals with the history and spread of Al khatt al maghribi. this khatt which descends from Al khatt al koufi. The article then reviews the types of Al khatt al maghribi, the most prominent of which are: - Al khatt al koufi al maghribi - Al khatt al Mabsout - Al khatt al moujawhar - khatt A-thuluth - Al khatt al Musnad or Al khatt al Zamami. Finally, the article explains the most prominent characteristics of Al khatt al maghribi, such as the absence of specific rules. تاريخ الخط المغربي وانتشاره، هذا الخط الذي ينحدر من الخط الكوفي بالمشرق. ثم يستعرض المقال أنواع الخط المغربي وأبرزها: - الخط الكوفي المغربي- الخط المبسوط – الخط المجوهر – خط الثلث المغربي، - خط المسند أو الزمامي، وفي الأخير يوضح المقال أبرز خصائص الخط المغربي كعدم وجود قواعد محددة لهذا الخط.
Arabic calligraphy in Andalusia and Ottoman houses: a comparative analysis Ziad Baydoun; , Zumahiran Kamarudin
Journal of Calligraphy Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Journal of Calligraphy
Publisher : Journal of Calligraphy

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Islamic calligraphy during the Andalusian and Ottoman civilizations and after the spread of Islam greatly affected the advancement of decorative art in architecture and the built environment. During that time, Arabic calligraphy has been developed between those two eras. Although Arabic calligraphy was very famous and popular in the past, modern designers can still create a repeated copy of it. The study's objectives are to determine the differences in using Arabic calligraphy between Ġazaleh house, which is from the Ottoman period, and Patio de la Acequia, which is from the Andalusian time and to analyze the usage of Arabic calligraphy in these two houses accordingly. This research involved an analytical review of the Arabic calligraphy found in the mentioned two houses—a comparative analysis between Ġazaleh house and Patio de la Acequia. The study illustrates the application of Arabic scripts in the house's decorations on the Location, placement in the interior or exterior space, and the materials used in the application of the scripts of Arabic calligraphy used in the chosen case studies. The comparison will cover the main components principles used in the Arabic calligraphy scripts in both houses.
Relevancy of Kufic Scripts In Wayfinding And Signage of Public Buildings In The Urban Scape of Selangor Zumahiran Kamarudin; Raja Intan Suhaylah Raja Abdul Rahman
Journal of Calligraphy Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Journal of Calligraphy
Publisher : Journal of Calligraphy

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The development of Kufic calligraphy has some impact on the graphic art of the wayfinding design. However, information on the Kufic styles used in the wayfinding design and signage is little known, and studies about this aspect are minimal. Therefore, the objectives of this study are to identify and analyse the different styles of Kufic scripts used in the wayfinding design and signage and to categorise and characterise Kufic calligraphy's application for the wayfinding design of commercial and institutional buildings in the urban scape of Selangor. This research involved a visual analysis of the wayfinding design and signage of 10 visited buildings to get more accurate screening on the types and styles of Kufic scripts used. The analysis revealed the application of three major Kufi styles in the different location of wayfinding signage of the buildings suggesting the relevancy of angular calligraphy for wayfinding design and signage.