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Science of Management and Students Research Journal (SMS) Publisher: Faculty of Economics, Batanghari University Jl. Slamet Ryadi, Broni-Jambi, Kodepos: 36122, Phone: 0741-668280, email:
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Science of Management and Students Research Journal (SMS)
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Science of Management and Students Research Journal (SMS) is an open access peer-reviewed journal that aims to share and discuss issues and research results. This journal is published by Faculty of Economics, Batanghari University. This journal publishes scientific articles on research results and reviews covering the fields of economics, management, business, accounting, and Islamic economics.
Articles 5 Documents
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Pengaruh Kualitas Produk dan Harga terhadap Keputusan Pembelian T-Shirt (Kaos) pada Outlet Temphoyac Kota Jambi Naofal Dwi Andri
Science of Management and Students Research Journal (SMS) Vol 1, No 5 (2019): Mei
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (345.233 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/sms.v1i5.24


This research discusses the quality of the product and the price Of the purchase of a t-shirt at the Outlet of Temphoyac in Jambi city. The object of this research is the Outlet Temphoyac in Jambi city in the period 2013-2017. The type of data in this research using primary data and secondary data, can be used by using a questionnaire and literature such as books, newspapers, magazines, and information related to issues that are being discussed.The population in this research is the entire consumer outlet temphoyac Independent of Jambi city in 2017 as many as 8438.  the sample in this research is the 99 people. By using qualitative descriptive method. Analysis tools is Multiple Linear Regression Equation with the support by SPSS software 20.0 beside that also in a classical assumption test and hypothetical test to find out the significance of the dependent variable to the independent variables with The F-test, t-test and a test of determination. Based on this research shows that the results was the requirements in a classic assumption test approved. The hypothetical test showhs that tcounton product quality variables (X1) is 6,249 and (X 2)with a significance level of 2,664 is 0.000. Because the tcount 6,249 and 2,664> ttable 1.984 and significance level of 0.000 significance probability < a = 0.05. then Ho denied Ha received. This means the variable quality of the product and the price of individual positive and significant effect against the purchasing decision. Conclusion this research Investigation the product quality on a t-shirt Temphoyac of 99 respondents score was 322 and prices on t-shirt Temphoyac of 99 respondents 361,25 his score and includes the category of "good". Related, based on those results, the average respondent look as product quality and good Price or match it is apparent from respondents that had long been so consumers t-shirt Temphoyac.Purchase decisions on consumer t-shirt Temphoyac from 99 respondents withits score was 841.5 and includes the category of "very good". Based on those results, the average respondent looks satisfied with the T-Shirt Purchase Decision, this can be seen from the respondents who have trusted the quality of the products on the Temphoyac T-Shirt.
Pengaruh Debt to Asset Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio dan Long Term Debt to Equity Ratio terhadap Return on Equity Ratio pada Industri Property yang Terdaftar Dibursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2013-2017 Nia Asnita
Science of Management and Students Research Journal (SMS) Vol 1, No 5 (2019): Mei
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (426.667 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/sms.v1i5.25


The study aims analyze whether debt to asset ratio, debt to equity ratio dan long term debt to equity ratio have a significant or partical effect on the return on equity at property industry on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2013-2017. This sereach uses quantitative descriptive analysis method qualitative descriptive analysis. The analytical tool of this research is the same as the analytical method. Namely multiple linier regression using log. The result of the study show that simultaneous from this study show the effect of debt to asset rasio, debt to equity ratio and long term debt to equity ratio on the return on equity at industry property which is listed on the Indonesia stock exchange for the preoid 2013-2017. Simultaneously with the number of Fcount 1.687 and Ftable 3.10. it can bee seen that Fcount < Ftable is 1.687 < 3.10. meaning that there is a no signifikan effect on debt to asset ratio, debt to equity ratio and long term debt to equity ratio on the return on equity. Partial influence on debt to asset ratio, debt to equity ratio againt the return on equity at industry property, which is listed on the Indonesia stock exchange for the period 2013-2017. Whit the debt to asset ratio of t 0.462 and 2.08596 tables meants t count < t table, 0.462<2.08596, meaning total debt to asset ratio does not have a positive effect on return on equity. Dbt to equity ratio of t 1.291 and 2.08596 tables meants t coun < t table, 1.291<2.08596, meaning tota debt to equity ratio does not have a positive effect on return on equity, long term debt to equity ratio of t -2.248 and 2.08596 taables meants t count < t table, -2.248<2.08596, meaning total long term debt to equity ratio does not a have positive effect on return on equity the period 2013-2017.
Pengaruh Pelayanan Purna Jual terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Kendaraan Roda Tiga Merek Nozomi pada Main Dealer CV. Sinar Abadi Jambi Muhammad Habiburrahman
Science of Management and Students Research Journal (SMS) Vol 1, No 5 (2019): Mei
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (459.508 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/sms.v1i5.21


After-sale service CV. Sinar Abadi Jambi provided is a guarantee, provision of accesories, services, maintenance and repairs, facilities and equipment. After-sales service is given in the hope of being able to retain customers who are likely to be able to repurchase if they feel satisfied by the product and the services provided. In addition, after-sales service is also provided in order to attract new consumers to buy the products offered. Moreover, for products that do need their own care and knowledge to master it. When viewed from a company perspective, the company is required to be able to develop its products. Not only selling good products and quality but also must pay attention to the additional services that accompany these products. The hypothesis of this research alleged that after-sales service has an effect on consumer purchasing decisions on CV. Sinar Abadi Jambi. This study uses variable measurements using a Likert scale. CV. Sinar Abadi Jambi which is located at JL. A. Thalib Simpang IV Sipin, Telanaipura, Jambi City, is one of the business entities appointed by brand holders to distribute and market products. From the calculation of the Likert scale obtained after-sales service variable (X) with an average value of 293.1. The variable Purchase Decision (Y) with an average value of 273.78 can thus be concluded to be Important. From the analysis of the value of t count on the After Sales Service (X) variable is 8.268 with a significance level of 0.000. Because the value of t count 8.268> t table value is 1.984 and the significance level is 0.000 <probability of significance α = 0.05, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. This means that the variable after sales service individually has a good effect on consumer purchasing decisions. Companies need to establish branch offices or representatives in areas that have potential consumers that aim to make it easier for consumers to get the products they need from the company and reduce distribution costs for consumers
Pengaruh Promosi Penjualan Sabun Leivy terhadap Keputusan Pembelian pada Konsumen CV. Kiano Sukses Mandiri Kota Jambi Muhammad Raihan Mubaraq
Science of Management and Students Research Journal (SMS) Vol 1, No 5 (2019): Mei
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (393.848 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/sms.v1i5.22


This researchdiscusses the sales promotion of purchasing decisions on CV. Kiano Sukses Mandiri Jambi City. The object of this research is CV. Kiano Sukses Mandiri Jambi City Period 2013-2017. The type of data in this research uses primary data and secondary data, it can be used using questionnaires and such as literature books, newspapers, magazines, and information relating to the problem being discussed. The population in this research were all consumers of CV. Kiano Sukses Mandiri Jambi City in 2017 was 554. The sample in this research was 100 people. By using descriptive qualitative methods and quantitative descriptive methods. The analysis tool that uses Simple Linear Regression Equations with the support by SPSS 20.0 software besides that is also tested Classical assumptions and hypothetical test to determine the significance of independent variables on variables using F Test, t Test and Test of determination. Based on the results of the research examining this research meets the requirements in the classic assumption test. Based on hypothetical testthe value of T count on the Sales Promotion variable (X) is 5.614 with a significance level of 0.000. Because the value of t count is 5.614> the value of t table is 1.984 and the significance level is 0.000 <probability of significance a = 0.1. then Ho refused Ha accepted. This means that the Promotion Sales variable individually has a positive and significant effect on the Purchase Decision Conclusions Based on thisresearch Sales Promotion on Leivy soap products from 100 respondents the score is 309.65 and belongs to the category of "good enough". Related, based on these results, the average respondent was seen as a Sales Promotion for Leivy soap products which was quite good or sufficient according to this, as seen from respondents who had long been Leivy soap consumers. The purchase decision on Leivy soap consumers from 100 respondents was 348.2 and included in the "good" category. Related, based on these results, the average respondent was seen based on a good Leivy Purchase Decision, according to this, it was seen from respondents who believed in the quality of the product on Leivy soap.
Pengaruh Disiplin terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Bagian Produksi pada PT. Sumbertama Nusa Pertiwi BSP Unit Jambi Meri Ardiyanti
Science of Management and Students Research Journal (SMS) Vol 1, No 5 (2019): Mei
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (416.194 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/sms.v1i5.23


This research above to know and analize whether the discipline and work productivity at PT. Sumbertama Nusa Pertiwi is good, to know and analize of discipline to work productivity of employees at PT. Sumbertama Nusa Pertiwi.This study includes a descriptive study to test the hypotesis, sampel this study were employees PT. Sumbertama Nusa Pertiwi of 34 People, with a population census method as respondents in answering the questionnaire. The technique of colleting data using questionaires. Data analisys technique used was SPSS with simple regresi analisys and t test.The influene of despline on employee productivity production at PT. Sumbertama Nusa Pertiwi is Y = 14,919 + 0,547 X, constant of 14,919 means that if a variable is constant discpline, the labor productivity in PT. Sumbertama Nusa Pertiwi will descrease 14,919. Discpline variabel coefficient of 0,547 means that if a variable discipline increased by 1% the productivity of labor in PT. Sumbertama Nusa Pertiwi to increase by 0,547%.Based on the t test it’s known that discipline has  a signnificant positive  effect on  employee work productivity.

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