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Science of Management and Students Research Journal (SMS) Publisher: Faculty of Economics, Batanghari University Jl. Slamet Ryadi, Broni-Jambi, Kodepos: 36122, Phone: 0741-668280, email:
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Science of Management and Students Research Journal (SMS)
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Science of Management and Students Research Journal (SMS) is an open access peer-reviewed journal that aims to share and discuss issues and research results. This journal is published by Faculty of Economics, Batanghari University. This journal publishes scientific articles on research results and reviews covering the fields of economics, management, business, accounting, and Islamic economics.
Articles 6 Documents
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Pengaruh Current Ratio, Debt To Equity Ratio Dan Return On Asset Terhadap Harga Saham Perusahaan Perkebunan Arianti Pratiwi
Science of Management and Students Research Journal (SMS) Vol 1, No 7 (2019): Juli
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (624.148 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/sms.v1i7.33


Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio and Return On Assets to Stock Prices in Plantation Sector Industrial Companies Listed on the Stock Exchange for the 2013-2017 Period. With an average CR 711.47%, DER 4.90%, ROA 28.52% and the stock price is 28.831.4%.The analytical method used is the classical assumption test (normality test, multicolourarity test, heterokedacity test, autocorrelation test), hypothesis testing (f test, t test), multiple linear analysis, test of the determination coefficient R square. All research data were processed using SPSS version 20.The object in this study is a company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for The period 2013-2017. This study uses financial ratios that can be calculated from annual financial statements. The population received at the Indonesia Stock Exchange is 16 companies. However, not all Plantation Industries listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange can be sampled in this study. Sampling uses criteria that have been agreed before, after passing the criteria for the number chosen as a sample of 5 companies. Based on predetermined criteria, obtained samples of companies that meet the sample criteria in this study Astra Agro Lestari Tbk, Tunas Baru Lampung Tbk, PP London Sumatera Indonesia Tbk, Sampoerna Agro Tbk, Salim Ivomas Pratam Tbk,Test results F, it is known that the Current Ratio, Debt Ratio to Equity and Asset Returns are considered significant to the Stock Price. While in the t test, there are only two variables, namely CR and ROA variables.The calculated F value is 14,339 with a probability of 0,000 smaller than 0.05 so that it can be concluded that the independent variable (Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, Return on Assets) together has a significant effect on the stock prices of companies supported on the IDX in 2013 -2017. Changes that occur in stock prices can be done by the variable Current Ratio (CR), Debt Ratio to Equity (DER), Return on Assets (ROA), amounting to 62.5%, the remaining 37.5%, depending on other variables outside the model .
Pengaruh Harga Emas dan Nilai Tukar Rupiah Terhadap Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan Yang Terdapat di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2006-2017 Arni Hardiyanti
Science of Management and Students Research Journal (SMS) Vol 1, No 7 (2019): Juli
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (415.588 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/sms.v1i7.34


The purpose of this research conducted to analyze The Effect Of Gold Prices And The Rupiah Exchange Rate On The Composite Stock Price Index Found On the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2006-2017. Objective of the research to all companies in the joint stock price index.Technique analytical use description quantitative analysis method, which is using analysis multiple linear regression analysis doing classical assumption test that normality test, multicolinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, autocorrelation test and hypothesis test is F test, T test and coefficient of determination test which aim to find out whether the conclusions in the sample can be applied to the population can be generalized or not.The result of this research indicate about Effect Of Gold Prices And The Rupiah Exchange Rate On The Composite Stock Price Index Found On the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2006-2017. Simultaneously with the number of Fcount 11,833 and Ftable 4,26 , it can be seen Fcount  > Ftable is 6,085 > 4,26 , meaning there is a significant Effect Of Gold Prices And Rupiah Exchange Rate.The partial influence about Effect Of Gold Prices And The Rupiah Exchange Rate On The Composite Stock Price Index Found On the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2006-2017 with the number of gold prices Tcount 1,773 and Ttable 2,26216 is the meaning Tcount  < Ttable , 1,773 < 2,26216 ,the number of rupiah exchange rate tcount 2,057 and ttable  2,26216 is the meaning tcount < ttable , 2,067 < 2,26216 , meaning that the price of gold does not have a positive effect on the composite stock price index period 2006-2017.
Analisis Pengaruh PDRB, Pengangguran dan Indeks Pembangunan Manusia terhadap Tingkat Kemiskinan di Provinsi Jambi Maulidin Habibi
Science of Management and Students Research Journal (SMS) Vol 1, No 7 (2019): Juli
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (368.321 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/sms.v1i7.105


The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the effect of GRDP, Unemployment and the Human Development Index simultaneously and passively on the level of poverty in Jambi Province. The analytical method used in this research is the analysis of secondary data, the data used in this study is time series data covering the period 2002-2016. Data analysis techniques use multiple linear regression. Based on the simultaneous test results of F count of 16,237 while with a confidence level of 95 percent df = n-k obtained F table value of 3.49 thus the calculated F is greater than the value of F table. This means that jointly the GRDP, Unemployment and the Human Development Index affect the level of poverty. Based on the partial test T table 1.7822 while the GRDP T-count (-4.288) negative and significant influence on poverty, unemployment (969) has a positive and insignificant effect on the poverty level and the Human Development Index (-098) has a negative and insignificant effect against the level of poverty. There is an influence of GRDP, Unemployment and Human Development Index in a similitude to the level of poverty. From these results it can be suggested that the government must distribute regional income fairly and equitably so that all layers of the poor can enjoy the results of economic development for the common good.
Pengaruh Komitmen Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Pada Kantor Kecamatan Kotabaru Jambi Balya Haji Ahmar
Science of Management and Students Research Journal (SMS) Vol 1, No 7 (2019): Juli
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (448.704 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/sms.v1i7.35


Employee performance improvement will bring progress for the company, therefore efforts to enhance employee performance. The purpose of this research is to know the commitment on performance at Kantor Kecamatan Kotabaru Jambi and to find out how the influence or commitment on performance at Kantor Kecamatan Kotabaru Jambi.            This research is a desciptive quantitative research and analysis tool used in this research are simple linear regression is useful to see the direction of the relationship between the variable bound against free. For the purpose of answering the purpose number 2 used statistical test t. The correlation coefficient to know how the relationship between variables and coefficients of determination of useful to see the magnitude of the influence of the variable bound against free.            Kantor Kecamatan Kotabaru Jambi is a functional unit that functions as a center for community service work as well as the role of foresting relic society working relic in order to improve the ability of the hifup welfare and provide maxiun service thoroughly and integrated to society.       The calculation SPSS Y = 14.066 + 0.428 X + e of the equations looks positive influence between commitment (X) on performance (Y) at Kantor Kecamatan Kotabaru Jambi. From the result of the obtained values SPSS (coefficient) r2 this figure amounted 36,3% states that the variable commitment (X) is able to explain the variabel performence (Y) is 36,3% and the remaining 63,7% is explained by other factors which is not included in the research model. Partially the commitment have an influence on performance at Kantor Kecamatan Kotabaru Jambi.            Employees should always keep commitment to work properlu so that the goals can be achieved and the leadership should be have well and keep the work environment so that performance can be maintained.
Pengaruh Total Assets Turnover, Cash Ratio Dan Working Net Capital terhadap Net Profit Margin pada Pt. Smartfren Telecom Tbk di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2008-2017 Ani Anggraini
Science of Management and Students Research Journal (SMS) Vol 1, No 7 (2019): Juli
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (429.566 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/sms.v1i7.31


This study aims to analyze whether total assets turnover, cash ratio and working net capital have a significant or partial effect on the net profit margin at PT. Smartfren Telecom Tbk on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2008-2017. This research uses quantitative descriptive analysis method and qualitative descriptive analysis. The analytical tool of this research is the same as the analytical method, namely multiple linear regression using log. The results of the study show that simultaneously from this study shows the effect of total assets turnover, cash ratio and net working capital on the net profit margin at PT. Smartfren Telecom Tbk which is listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2008-2017. Simultaneously with the number of Fcount 72,388 and Ftable 3.86, it can be seen that Fcount>Ftable is 72,398> 3.86, meaning that there is a significant effect on total assets turnover, cash ratio and net working capital on the net profit margin. Partial influence on total influence of assets turnover, cash ratio and net working capital ratio Against the net profit margin at PT. Smartfren Telecom Tbk, which is listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2008-2017 with the total assets turnover of t -10,466 and 2,570 tables means t count <table, -10,466 <2,570, meaning total assets turnover does not have a positive effect on net profit margin, cash ratio t count 1.556 and t table 2.570 means t count <t table, 1.556 <2.570, meaning that the cash ratio does not have a positive effect on the net profit margin and net working capital t count 0.368 and t table 2.570 is the meaning t count <t table, 0.368 <52,570 which means net working capital does not have a positive influence on the net profit margin for the period 2008-2017.
Pengaruh Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Loans Deposit Ratio (LDR) dan Return On Asset (ROA) Terhadap Laba Bersih Pada PT. Bank Central Asia (BCA) Tbk Periode 2008-2017 Anita Nasution
Science of Management and Students Research Journal (SMS) Vol 1, No 7 (2019): Juli
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (407.978 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/sms.v1i7.32


Thepurpose of this research is to know the influence of the capital adequacy ratio (CAR), loan to deposit ratio (LDR) and return on assets (ROA) simultaneously and partial against net profit at PT Bank Central Asia Tbk priode 2008-2017. This research is a desciptive quantitative research and analysis tool used in this research are multiple linear regression is useful to see the direction of the relationship between the variable bound against free. For the purpose of answering the number one used statistical test i.e test F and to answer the purpose number 2 used statistical test i.e test t. The correlation coefficient to know how the relationship between variables and coefficients of determination of useful to see the magnitude of the influence of the variable bound against free. PT. Bank Central Asia is one of the largest and most famous banking in Indonesia and banking has a positive profit value on each year. Based on the customer satisfaction index of commercial banks released by the info bank consistently from year sebelunya, Bank Central Asia (BCA) are on top-tier commercial banks that provide the customer satisfaction. Result SPSS 20 get a multiple linear regression equation is Y = 0,142 – 0,484 X1 + 3,034 X2 + 1,524 X3 + e. The determination is 0,904, meaning that is a CAR (X1), LDR (X2) and ROA (X3) of net profit (Y) at on PT Bank Central Asia Tbk priode 2008-2017.From the result of the obtained values SPSS (coefficient) r2 this figure amounted 0,818 states that the CAR,LDR and ROA against is able to explain the variabel net profit  by 81,8% and the reaining 18,1% is explained by other factors which is not included in the research model. For companies based on this research should more companies encourage variable that could affect profits at PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) and for the next researcher is expected to try other financial ratios as variables independent, because it is very possible other financial ratio effect on net income.

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