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JoDENS: Journal of Digital Ecosystem for Natural Sustainability
Published by Universitas Universal
ISSN : 27986179     EISSN : 27986179     DOI : -
Core Subject : Science,
Jurnal ini mencakup seluruh konsep teoritis dan aplikasi informatika/komputasi dalam Membangun Ekosistem Digital untuk Kelestarian Alam (dunia), yang meliputi, namun tidak terbatas pada: Artificial Intelligence Big Data Bioinformatics Game Development Geographical Information Systems Image Processing Information Systems Internet of Things Multimedia Engineering Software Engineering.
Articles 38 Documents
Journal of Digital Ecosystem for Natural Sustainability Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Juli 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Komputer - Universitas Universal

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The services provided by the hotel support the mission of The Hills Hotel at Batam City. The critique and suggestion form provided by the hotel has a function to accommodate complaints from visitors against the waiters that the hotel has provided. The use of this criticism and suggestion form has often been ignored by visitors because it is still conventional. The purpose of developing this application is to replace the function of criticism and suggestion forms that still use paper into digital form in the form of ratings in the hope of increasing the interest of hotel visitors in providing visitor responses to hotel services. The development of this application uses the method of observation, literature study and needs analysis and the design of this application system uses the prototyping methodology. This application development uses Android Studio software and uses MySQL as a database. The design of this application uses Unified Modelling Language to describe the actions that occur in this application. Application of Visitor Response to Hotel Services as a substitute for criticism and suggestion forms serves to collect data on hotel visitor responses and the collected data will be used as material for hotel reviews in improving the quality of their servants.
ANALISA PREDIKSI ANGKA KESEMBUHAN COVID-19 PADA BULAN APRIL 2021 Firstan Rio; Michael; Ralfpiere Charlitos; Sudiono; Susanti Thang
Journal of Digital Ecosystem for Natural Sustainability Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Juli 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Komputer - Universitas Universal

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This study aims to prediction the number of people confirmed recovered COVID-19 from April 16 2021 to April 30 2021. Quantitative methods were used in this study with data sources derived from secondary data and using Simple linear regression analysis methods. Simple linear regression analysis method selection is considered appropriate as a tool to process data in the form of time series such as the data used in this study. The results showed the number of people who confirmed recovered COVID-19 from April 16 2021 to April 30 2021 as many as 142 people.
Journal of Digital Ecosystem for Natural Sustainability Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Juli 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Komputer - Universitas Universal

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PT PGN (Persero) gets an erratic gas sales volume every year, this can affect the existing gas supply. If the existing gas supply can't fulfill the demand or vice versa, the existing supply becomes excessive and affect company performance. Of these problems, it is necessary to predict sales volume to determine future inventory. This research uses Multiple Linear Regression Algorithm by applying the Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) method. The Multiple Linear Regression Algorithm aims to find the value of the regression equation, after getting the regression equation, the next step is to do it. Error analysis to determine the accuracy of predictions using MAD, MSE, and MAPE through R.Studio software. From the processing results, the results obtained from the sales volume in 2016 amounted to 109 443.97, 2017 amounted to 79 521.42, 2018 amounted to 102 059.01 and in 2019 amounted to 86 799.89 at PT.PGN (Persero). Then with the resulting error analysis, the MAD value is 27741.58, the MSE value is 791516224.16 and the MAPE value is 27.18%.
Journal of Digital Ecosystem for Natural Sustainability Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Juli 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Komputer - Universitas Universal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (886.936 KB)


The depletion of petroleum reserves causes the opportunity for the use of renewable energy in the future to be very wide open, both in terms of energy needs at the industrial and personal level / BIPV (Building-Integrated Photovoltaic), namely housing that is integrated with renewable energy. It takes a monitoring system that is able to provide information data about the energy generated from the hybrid system (photovoltaics and wind turbines) online so that it can be monitored wherever and whenever. The expensive equipment to build a renewable energy system and the required information system will certainly be very burdensome for residential-scale renewable energy users (BIPV). The use of open source products and inexpensive equipment is an alternative to reduce costs. Using the 328 controller module as a data acquisition compatible with arduino IDE and rapsberry pi as a gateway using the debian linux operating system. The equipment communicates with each other wirelessly using a radio receiver, then the resulting data is displayed online using a cms dashboard so that it can be monitored wherever and whenever. The system used is open source (free) (arduino IDE, Linux debian, dashboard cms) so this monitoring system is cheap in terms of information systems.
Journal of Digital Ecosystem for Natural Sustainability Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Juli 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Komputer - Universitas Universal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (396.634 KB)


Operational activities in hotels are the most important thing in the hospitality business because they are closely related to service. Errors and deficiencies on the operational side can directly affect service to guests. The delivery of operational activities between departments at the time of the briefing must be clear so that there is no miscommunication between departments. Submission of the report on the results of the briefing via email that difficulties were found and even were not conveyed properly. The fact of this finding is because some employees only open emails via computers because the report results are in the form of .xlsx files and there are still many incoming emails that result in unanswered information on the results of the briefing. The research method used is observation, interviews, and literature study. The software method used in software development is to use the waterfall model. This application development uses Visual Studio Code and uses MySQL as a database management system. The final result of this research is to resolve the findings of ongoing problems by building a reporting application and reminder from the results of mobile-based briefings that can be used anywhere and anytime. Reporting all archives that are neatly organized can improve operational activities at The Hills Hotel Batam without any miscommunication between department heads.
Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Persediaan Barang Toko Lingga Dengan Metode Waterfall Windy; Evelyn Liu
Journal of Digital Ecosystem for Natural Sustainability Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Komputer - Universitas Universal

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Toko Lingga is one of the local stores based in Batam City that focuses on selling building materials needs fast and easy information systems to fulfill the operational needs. At this moment, Toko Lingga still doesn't have a convenient way of recording and collecting data in the inventory system. To know the available stocks, the administration needs to go to the warehouse to check the available stocks one by one. Because of that, information that needs to be shared with other parties is hard to give and not accurate. To support this research, researchers use a Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) with the waterfall method, also with ERD and UML. With this information system based on the android app, Toko Lingga will have a better way to collect information in a short moment and accurate data.
Rancang User Interface Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Website Untuk Mata Kuliah Animasi Komputer Ezekiel Agatan Lie; Ricky Mandala; Whisly
Journal of Digital Ecosystem for Natural Sustainability Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Komputer - Universitas Universal

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At this time, the growth of knowledge is increasing rapidly, as well as technology. In today's world of education, learning media has become one of the best tools for carrying out the teaching and learning process. Learning Media can be an attraction for readers or college students. However, to attract the attention of readers, the user interface is the one that we can use in learning media systems, especially website-based. In this research, it’s necessary to use the Design Thinking method that focuses on human-centered design to obtain some information and data about the needs or desires of readers so we can remake the user interface according to the suggestion from the readers. The user interface of the learning media is created as a website-based for the Computer Animation courses where students are not satisfied enough with the material and learning methods. In this learning media, the knowledge of animation is available that they can see it in the form of text, images, videos, and animations.
Rancangan UI/UX Aplikasi Analytics Pada Toko Online Wao.Sneakers Menggunakan Aplikasi Figma Andre Avindra; Chentia Metta Cahyani; Linda Ratu Ningsih
Journal of Digital Ecosystem for Natural Sustainability Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Komputer - Universitas Universal

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Instagram social media is used by wao.sneakers as a medium to market products and aims to make it easier for consumers or potential buyers to find information about the product to be purchased and also aims to facilitate transactions. Product posts and follower count, is one indicator that can affect the trust and buying interest of a consumer. The purpose of this research is to design a attractive, easy to use and modern UI/UX for an analytics application for wao.sneakers. So that it can increase engagement which has an impact on increase the trust and buying interest of a consumer. The data needed in designing the UI/UX design is obtained by conducting interviews directly with the owner, namely Chathrine. In designing this UI/UX, the editing software used is Figma. With this research is expected to facilitate wao.sneakers in designing a mobile-based analytics application.
Rancang Purwarupa Aplikasi Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Jurusan Bagi Mahasiswa dengan Pendekatan Design Thinking Michael; Ralfpiere Charlitos; Sudiono; Susanti Thang
Journal of Digital Ecosystem for Natural Sustainability Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Komputer - Universitas Universal

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The purpose of this study is to design an application prototype that can help all the incoming student to know their inner self and choose the best major according to their skill. This research is a qualitative research with a Design Thinking approach. The Design Thinking approach has five stages namely emphatize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. Design Thinking Approach is an approach used to create innovation by focusing on "Human Centered Design". Data collection methods that going to be used in this study are online survey. The end result of this study are the ARJUS prototype application which has four main function, namely personality test, major recommendation, university recommendation, scholarship information.
Rancangan Bangun Sistem Informasi Geografi Menggunakan Google Fusion Tables API Untuk Pengaduan Kerusakan Jalan Wahyu Widodo; Wawan Cahyo Nugroho
Journal of Digital Ecosystem for Natural Sustainability Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Komputer - Universitas Universal

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Roads are one of the lifeblood infrastructure of the community in carrying out activities and driving the wheels of the economy through regional development and forming a spatial structure in order to realize national development goals, so that the level of urgency is high. Damage to road infrastructure is one of the contributors to traffic accidents, especially during the rainy season. The relevant government agencies already have information and complaints service units, but there is no system that makes it easier for the public to report road damage that is more specific with maps and location coordinates. Research on the design of a road damage Geographic Information System (GIS) called MySIGSAG to make it easier for the public to report road damage. The results of this study are a web-based and mobile Android GIS program with the name MySIGSAG. Consists of a public panel that contains the home page, splashscreen, and main menus such as reports, map checks, chart checks, and info. In addition, the admin panel contains the main page for managing content. The Relevant government agencies can present comprehensive road damage reports and provide convenience for the public in submitting reports and monitoring the development of road conditions.

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