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Jurnal Penelitian
ISSN : 23385898     EISSN : 26864959     DOI :
Core Subject : Health,
Research Journal of Institute of Health Science Nahdlatul Ulama Tuban is published by the IIKNU Tuban Community Service Research Institute. Published 2 times a year in June and December. Since January 2021, the journal has been ACCREDITATED with the grade "SINTA 6" by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (RistekDikti) of The Republic of Indonesia. The recognition was published in Director Decree B/1796/E5.2/KI.02.00/2020 December 30 2020 effective until 2023. The journal certificate can be downloaded here.
Articles 8 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): JURNAL PENELITIAN" : 8 Documents clear
GAMBARAN KEJADIAN COVID-19 DI WILAYAH KERJA PUSKESMAS UMBULHARJO I (PERIODE BULAN MEI – AGUSTUS 2021) Rokhmayanti Rokhmayanti; Titim Martini; Ike Lukita Padmawati; Fardhiasih Dwi Astuti; Siti Kurnia Widi Hastuti
Jurnal Penelitian Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Nahdlatul Ulama Tuban Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Nahdlatul Ulama Tuban

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (668.524 KB) | DOI: 10.47710/jp.v4i2.174


COVID-19 cases since the beginning of 2020 have experienced a fluctuating increase. This incident is caused by a virus that can attack everyone with a high level of transmission. Characteristics of events in each region may be different. Therefore, knowing the distribution of epidemiology in an area is important to study. The purpose of this study was to determine the epidemiological description based on people, place, and time in the working area of the Umbulharjo I Health Center. This study used an analytical descriptive method with secondary data sources derived from the results of an epidemiological investigation conducted in May – August 2021. The results of this study indicate that the majority of COVID-19 cases in the working area of the Umbulharjo I Health Center are women, aged 26-35 years, with the highest area in Kelurahan 3 which has a higher population density than other areas, and the highest spike in cases occurred in The month of July with the most daily cases occurred on 28-29 June 2021. 
Spirituality and Anxiety In Elderly With Hypertension Yusuf Waliyyun Arifuddin; Whisky Fredika; rudiyanto rudiyanto; Fany Anitarini
Jurnal Penelitian Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Nahdlatul Ulama Tuban Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Nahdlatul Ulama Tuban

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (603.227 KB) | DOI: 10.47710/jp.v4i2.175


Anxiety is an emotional condition that causes discomfort which is characterized by feelings of worry, anxiety and fear so that it can interfere with life. One of the factors that cause anxiety in the elderly is spiritual activity. The higher the spiritual level of the elderly, the lower the level of anxiety will be. This study aimed to determine the correlation between spiritual level and anxiety in the hypertensive elderly. The design of this study was correlational with a cross sectional approach. The sample was 31 respondents. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling and the statistical test used was Rank Spearman. The measuring instruments used were the Daily Spiritual Experience Scale (DSES) and Geriatric Anxiety Scale (GAS) questionnaires. The research results showed that most of the respondents were at a moderate spiritual level (58.1%) and most of the respondents were at a moderate level of anxiety (71.0%). The Spearman Rank test result showed a Significance (2-tailed) result of 0.000 (ρ < 0.05). So, it can be concluded that there was a significant correlation between Spiritual and Anxiety Level with a very strong relationship. The higher the spiritual level, the lower the level of anxiety felt. Therefore, spiritual activities such as getting closer to God, participating in studies, reading holy books or holy Qur’an that are believed to be, and having a good relationship with the surrounding environment are very beneficial for the elderly to control their anxiety, especially for the elderly who have chronic diseases. 
Jurnal Penelitian Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Nahdlatul Ulama Tuban Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Nahdlatul Ulama Tuban

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (689.45 KB) | DOI: 10.47710/jp.v4i2.177


The prevalence of children experiencing fine motor delays in Indonesia according to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in 2018, reached 11.7%. Fine motor delays can cause impaired coordination of hand and eye movements, so they can interfere with children's creativity and skills. There are many ways that can be done to prevent fine motor delays, including by providing therapy to play finger painting and puzzles, but some people do not know this. Based on the results of the preliminary studies, it is known that of 10 children, 6 of them had deviations and 4 children were in the dubious category. Objective: Knowing The Comparison Of Finger Painting And Puzzle Play Therapy To Fine Motor Development Of Preschool Age Children Research Methods: research method quasi experiment design. Design two group posttest only nonequivalent control group. Population 42 and Sample of 32 preschool children using accidental sampling techniques, KPSP instruments and standard operational procedures (SOP). Results: The average fine motor score in the puzzle group was 9.50 while the average fine motor score in the finger painting group was 7.50. with a P-value of 0.000. Conclusion: there was a significant difference of the average postest value of the puzzle group by 23.12 points higher than the finger painting therapy of 9.88 points.
POLA ASUH IBU DALAM MENDUKUNG STATUS GIZI BAIK ANAK Elita Endah Mawarni; Fany Anitarini; Anggi Sudarsono
Jurnal Penelitian Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Nahdlatul Ulama Tuban Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Nahdlatul Ulama Tuban

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (548.079 KB) | DOI: 10.47710/jp.v4i2.180


The nutritional status of toddlers is the most important factor that must be considered because toddlerhood is the golden period of development. At the age of toddlers a child's growth is very rapid so that it requires nutritional intake according to its needs, in addition to nutritional intake during toddler growth it also requires good parenting from both parents and family, so that toddler growth and development will be more optimal. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between maternal parenting and the nutritional status of toddlers at the Kertosari Health Center in 2021.This study used a correlation design, with a total sampling technique. The number of samples is 48 respondents used in the study. Data was collected using a mother's parenting questionnaire sheet & KMS Observation Sheet.This study showed that most of the respondents had good parenting styles for 27 out of 48 respondents (56.2%) and normal nutritional status for 19 out of 48 respondents (60.4%). Statistical analysis using the Spearman rank test obtained an alpha value of 0.01% meaning 0.01 > 0.084. So there is no significant relationship between Mother's Parenting Style and the Nutritional Status of Toddlers in 2021.Most of the respondents in this study had good parenting styles with normal nutritional status supported by productive age of the mother so that mothers can seek information through social media and have sufficient income to support family needs and nutritional intake for toddlers. In addition, mothers with not busy work status will be able to pay more attention to the growth and development of their toddlers than mothers who don't have much time for their toddlers.
EFEKTIFITAS EKSTRAK ETANOL DAUN SIRSAK (Annona Muricata L.) TERHADAP KADAR GLUKOSA DARAH TIKUS PUTIH (Rattus norvegicus) YANG DIINDUKSI ALOKSAN Ainun Najib; Leny Eka Tyas Wahyuni; Adieba Warda Hayya; Alfian Abdul Rajab
Jurnal Penelitian Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Nahdlatul Ulama Tuban Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Nahdlatul Ulama Tuban

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (40.246 KB) | DOI: 10.47710/jp.v4i2.181


Soursop leaves (Annona muricata L.) contain flavonoid compounds. Flavonoid compounds act as diabetes drugs. This study aimed to determine the effect of soursop leaf ethanol extract on alloxan-induced hypoglycemia in white male rats. In this study, four treatment groups were used, namely. negative control received no treatment, positive control received treatment with metformin 9 mg, the first treatment 7.2 mg and the last group was treated with a second dose of 14.4 mg. Rats were satisfied first before being treated, then measured blood sugar levels were. Rats were induced with alloxan intraperitoneally (IP), then observed the development of their blood sugar levels for three days, and their blood sugar levels were checked once a day. For seven days, then given ethanol extract of Soursop leaves daily for five days. The results showed that soursop leaf ethanol extract could reduce blood glucose on days H4-H8, which decreased by 6.67 mg / mL in the treatment group 1 sample and 5.66 mg / mL in the treatment sample.2. The test results with the Kruskal-Wallis test at the level of 0.05 showed that there was no significant difference between the use of soursop leaf ethanol extract and metformin against blood sugar reduction.
INTENSITAS NYERI DAN KECEMASAN PASIEN PASCA OPERASI Ahmad Rosuli; Agnes Murindra Prasetyo; Rudiyanto Rudiyanto; Rani Diana Balqis
Jurnal Penelitian Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Nahdlatul Ulama Tuban Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Nahdlatul Ulama Tuban

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (585.466 KB) | DOI: 10.47710/jp.v4i2.184


Introduction: The pain experienced by pascaoperative patients is subjective, where each patient has a different level of pain. The level of pain arises causing pascaoperative patients to feel increased anxiety. This study aims to analyze the relationship of pain intensity with anxiety in pascaoperative patients in the treatment room of AL HUDA Tile Hospital by 2021. Method: correlational with cross sectional approach. Accidental sampling technique consists of 66 pascaoperative patient respondents. Rank Spearman's statistical test. The data collection used questionnaires on NRS to measure pain intensity and HARS questionnaires to measure anxiety levels in pascaoperative patients. Results: of statistical test calculation Rank Spearman SPSS version 16 obtained correlation Coefficient 0.640 and sig (2 tailed) = 0.000 < 0.05 level (2-tailed) there is a relationship of pain intensity with anxiety in pascaoperative patients in the treatment room al HUDA Tile Hospital in 2021, resulting in a correlation coefficient of 0.640 strong objection level between pain intensity and anxiety levels in patients pasca surgery. Analysis: Results from the intensity of pascaoperative patient pain most pascaoperative patients experienced severe pain, which was 38 respondents (57.6%). While in the results of anxiety in pascaoperative patients almost as close as pascaoperative patients experience severe anxiety, which is a number of 32 respondents (48.5%). Conclusion: Pascaoperative patients will feel pain from the effects of surgery performed so that it can cause anxiety effects, perform implementation to reduce pain and provide clear information related to actions taken against patients properly to reduce anxiety in pascaoperative patients.
Increased Blood Pressure As A Prediction Factor Of Stroke Incidence In Tulungagung District Angga Miftakhul Nizar; Farida Farida; Anis Murniati
Jurnal Penelitian Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Nahdlatul Ulama Tuban Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Nahdlatul Ulama Tuban

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (748.646 KB) | DOI: 10.47710/jp.v4i2.185


Stroke is a sudden neurologic disorder that occurs due to restriction or cessation of blood flow through the arterial supply system. High blood pressure causes an increase in peripheral blood pressure, causing a poor hemodynamic system and thickening of blood vessels and hypertrophy of the heart muscle. The aim of this research is to analyze the relationship between blood pressure and stroke events at the Karangrejo Health Center.The research was conducted on 10-13 November 2022. The type of research was correlation, analytic design with a cross-sectional approach and the research instrument was a questionnaire. The study population is a portion of stroke patients at the Karangrejo Health Center. Samples were taken by purposive sampling technique of 30 respondents. Blood pressure independent variable, stroke incident dependent variable. Data were analyzed with the Spearman rho test.The results showed that more than half of the respondents had blood pressure in the Severe Hypertension category, namely 13 respondents (43.3%). Most of the respondents had a history of Non-Hemorrhagic Stroke, namely 20 respondents (66.7%). Spearman Rho statistical test obtained P Value = 0.000 <0.05 so that H1 is accepted, which means there is a relationship between blood pressure and stroke events at the Karangrejo Health Center, Karangrejo District, Tulungagung Regency. Blood pressure is very closely related to the incidence of stroke. This proves that it is important to control blood pressure in hypertensive patients so that they can anticipate complications of stroke.
FAKTOR GAYA HIDUP KELUARGA BERISIKO DIABETES MELITUS DI DESA BELIMBING, KECAMATAN REJOTANGAN, KABUPATEN TULUNGAGUNG (Family Lifestyle Factors as The Risk of Diabetes Mellitus in Blimbing, Rejotangan, Tulungagung) Aesthetica Islamy; Berlian Yuli Saputri; Suharyoto Suharyoto; Ketjuk Herminaju; Suciati Suciati; Niatasya Septa Ericha Putri
Jurnal Penelitian Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Nahdlatul Ulama Tuban Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): JURNAL PENELITIAN
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Nahdlatul Ulama Tuban

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (623.408 KB) | DOI: 10.47710/jp.v4i2.191


Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) is the leading cause of death worldwide. Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is one of four non-communicable diseases that can be caused by lifestyle factors. There are 4 family lifestyles that are a risk of causing diabetes mellitus, namely physical activity (exercise habits), diet (habits to consume sugary drinks), smoking habits, and the frequency of monitoring blood sugar levels. This study aims to describe the lifestyle of families at risk of diabetes mellitus in Blimbing Village, Rejotangan District in 2022. The research design used is descriptive quantitative. The population and sample of this study were families who lived in the same house with people has diabetes mellitus as many as 20 samples, provided that they met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The variable used in this study is a single variable, namely the lifestyle of the family at risk of diabetes mellitus. Furthermore, data collection was carried out using a questionnaire, after which the data was processed by editing, coding, data entry, tabulation, and analyzed by percentage. The results of the research from 20 total respondents can be seen that most of the respondents have a bad lifestyle as many as 13 people (65%), respondents have very bad lifestyle as many as 4 people (20%), and respondents with a good lifestyle as many as 2 people (10%). The conclusion from the results of the study shows that special attention is needed to control the risk of diabetes mellitus seen from the aspect of family lifestyle, most of which have a bad lifestyle in order to start a good lifestyle.

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