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Jurnal Akuntansi, Manajemen dan Ekonomi Digital (JAMED)
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Jurnal Akuntansi, Manajemen dan Ekonomi Digital (JAMED) terbit pertama pada bulan November 2021, yang dikelola oleh Tim Insight Power dan LPPM STIKes SITI HAJAR. JAMED berisi tentang hasil penelitian atau review literatur dibidang yang terkait dengan akuntansi, manajemen dan ekonomi digital. JAMED bertujuan menjadi media untuk mempublikasikan isu-isu empiris yang berkaitan dengan studi akuntansi, manajemen, dan ekonomi digital. JAMED terbit 4 (kali) setahun yaitu bulan Februari, Mei, Agustus, dan November. Artikel karya ilmiah yang ada di dalam Jurnal ini telah ditinjau, dan direvisi. Penulis artikel bertanggung jawab atas apa yang dipublikasi. Redaksi mengundang para Peneliti, Dosen, Mahasiswa, Profesional dan Praktisi untuk mempublikasi karya ilmiah dibidang yang terkait dengan akuntansi, manajemen, dan ekonomi digital berupa hasil penelitian atau kajian pustaka yang belum pernah diterbitkan secara resmi. Journal of Accounting, Management and Digital Economy (JAMED) was first published in November 2021, which is managed by the Insight Power Team and LPPM STIKes SITI HAJAR. JAMED contains the results of research or literature reviews in fields related to accounting, management, and the digital economy. JAMED aims to be a medium for publishing empirical issues related to the study of accounting, management, and the digital economy. JAMED is published 4 (times) a year, namely in February, May, August, and November. The scientific articles in this journal have been reviewed and revised. The author of the article is responsible for what is published. The Editor invites Researchers, Lecturers, Students, Professionals, and Practitioners to publish scientific works in the fields related to accounting, management, and digital economy in the form of research results or literature reviews that have never been officially published.
Articles 2 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 2, No 2 (2022): JAMED - Mei 2022" : 2 Documents clear
Kajian Representasi Budaya Pendidikan Dalam Film Laskar Pelangi Santi Manda Sari; Abdullah Hasibuan
Jurnal Akuntansi, Manajemen dan Ekonomi Digital Vol 2, No 2 (2022): JAMED - Mei 2022
Publisher : LPPM STIKes SITI HAJAR dan Insight Power

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Film is no longer defined as a work of art but rather as a social practice and mass communication. In the perspective of social practice, film involves a complex and dynamic interaction of the supporting elements of the production, distribution and exhibition processes. While the film in the perspective of mass communication is interpreted as a representation of the message conveyed to the audience. Representation as a large part of cultural studies is centered on the question of how the world is socially constructed and described from us and by us interpreted in films as an intergenerational cultural heritage. So the film as a medium of mass communication also functions as a cultural transmission in society. Laskar Pelangi film with the theme of education and social is understood as a representation of cultural reality that shows how a culture works and lives in a society. So that the film can be said as an effective medium in cultural learning by the community. This research is a cultural studies research with a qualitative research approach. Through the unit of analysis in the form of Laskar Pelangi film, Barthes' Semiotics analysis is used which can cover the signifier, the signified, the denotative meaning and the existing connotative meaning. Thus, a number of myths and ideologies were found hidden behind the cultural representations shown in the film. The results of this research are a number of concepts related to cultural studies. Such as the concept of marginalization of society, the hegemony of power, the concept of identity. the concept of gender, modernization, ethnography related to the basic framework of anthropology, and cultural materialism. The whole concept reflects a number of findings of educational culture such as the still weak education sector due to the distribution of the education budget that has not been maximized, the pretension of education because it is more concerned with prestige than skills, lack of appreciation for the process, education is still measured from mere statistics, and the commercialization of education.Keywords: Representation, culture, education, film
Analisis Diskriminasi Sosial Dalam Novel “Ayah Mengapa Aku Berbeda” Karya Agnes Danovar (Tinjauan Sosial Dan Moral) Ayu Indari Tania Napitupulu; Alfitriana Purba
Jurnal Akuntansi, Manajemen dan Ekonomi Digital Vol 2, No 2 (2022): JAMED - Mei 2022
Publisher : LPPM STIKes SITI HAJAR dan Insight Power

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Novel Ayah Mengapa Aku Berbeda? Agnes Davonar's works include a good form of literary work and are interesting to read. The researcher's interest in this novel is caused by the act of social discrimination against a child. The characters in this novel give an example to the children out there that the act of social discrimination does not need to happen again, both in the school environment and the surrounding environment. Even though the character is born with a disability, he has a very strong will to achieve a goal. The research problem is about what are the types of internal social discrimination and the factors that cause discrimination in the novel Ayah Mengapa Aku Berbeda? by Agnes Davonar. The purpose of this study is to find out what types of social discrimination are and the factors that cause discrimination in the novel Ayah Mengapa Aku Berbeda? by Agnes Davonar. The research design in writing this proposal is a qualitative descriptive study using the text study method. The object studied is in the form of a literary text, namely the novel Ayah Mengapa Aku Berbeda by Agnes Davonar. The results of his research are forms of social discrimination in the novel Ayah Mengapa Aku Berbeda? Agnes Davonar's work is basically discrimination against people with disabilities. Due to having a disability as a disability, the little girl named Angel often gets unfair treatment from her peers. The treatment that Angel gets because of his physical limitations causes him to be the subject of insults, insults and also ridicule from his friends at school. The suggestion in this novel is that the reader learns to look at the positive side of every shortcoming. And invites readers to realize that everything that happens in this life is God's plan.Keywords: Literature, Qualitative, Discrimination, Diffable

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