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Inovtek Seri Mesin
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Inovtek Seri Mesin published original, theoretical, and applied research in the domain of mechanical engineering. The topics include, but not limited to : • Material & Manufacturing Production • Mechanical Design & Mechanism • Renewable Energy & Thermofluids • Mechatronics, Robotics, & Optoelectronics • Other related fields Research papers are examined through peer-reviewed process prior publication. The content of the research papers expose the depth of mechanical engineering research works. Aside from full-length articles, the journal also considers technical briefs, design innovation papers, reviews, discussions of published papers with rebuttal, book reviews, and editorials.
Articles 45 Documents
Perancangan Sistem Udara Bertekanan Untuk Cabin Pressurization dan Praktikum Mahasiswa Febrian Setiaji; Teguh Wibowo
INOVTEK - SERI MESIN Vol 2, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (211.559 KB) | DOI: 10.35314/ism.v2i1.2324


The compressed air system is also called a vital system because it functions as a provider of compressed air for activities such as lifting and holding, turning and pressing, and even can be used for cleaning. In addition to those activities, it can also be used as a supply to the cabin pressurization simulation tool so that the pressure in the cabin can match the pressure of the aircraft when it is on the ground.This final project entitled "Design of a Compressed Air System for Cabin Pressurization and Student Practices" designed a compressed air system that will be used to simulate cabin pressurization by examining the appropriate components and calculating pressure losses in the system. The results of the preparation of this final project are expected to be useful to help provide an overview of the compressed air system and the manufacture of a pressurized air distribution system in Polban Aeronautical Engineering hangar.                                                                                                       Keywords: System, distribution, compressed air, pipes, cabin pressurization
Rancang Bangun Boiler Vertikal Destilasi Minyak Serai Wangi dengan Kapasitas Uap 100 Kg/Jam Eva Oktaviani; Abdul Gafur; Ibnu Hajar
INOVTEK - SERI MESIN Vol 1, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (254.386 KB) | DOI: 10.35314/ism.v1i2.2029


Penelitian ini untuk  merancang dan membuat boiler vertikal alat destilasi minyak serai wangi dengan kapasitas uap 100 kg/jam. Merancang boiler jenis vertikal firetube boiler menggunakan standar perancangan ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) dan membuat gambar desain dengan menggunaka software Autodesk Inventor versi 2017. Hasil penelitian didapatkan spesifikasi boiler tekanan internal perancangan 3 bar dan tekanan operasi 2 bar. Dengan dimensi boiler yaitu diameter 500 mm, tinggi 1200 mm dan didalamnya terdapat pipa api dengan diameter 40 mm, panjang 100 mm dan berjumlah 17 buah. Material yang digunakan carbon steel bahan SA 285 GRADE C dan pipa Seamless carbon steel SA 53 Grade BSeamless carbon steel SA 53 Grade B. Dan bahan bakar yang digunakan oli bekas. Metode destilasi yang akan digunakan ialah metode destilati uap langsung.Kata kunci:  Boiler, destilasi, ASME                                                               This research is to design and manufacture a vertical boiler for citronella oil distillation with a steam capacity of 100 kg/hour. Designing a vertical firetube boiler using ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) design standards and making design drawings using the 2017 version of Autodesk Inventor software. The dimensions of the boiler are 500 mm in diameter, 1200 mm in height and inside there are fire pipes with a diameter of 40 mm, a length of 100 mm and a total of 17 pieces. The materials used are carbon steel, SA 285 GRADE C and pipes, Seamless carbon steel, SA 53 Grade B, Seamless carbon steel, SA 53 Grade B. And the fuel used is used oil. The distillation method that will be used is the direct steam distillation method.Keywords:  Boiler, distillation, ASME
Pengaruh Variasi Material Peredam Terhadap Getaran yang dihasilkan Genset 27 Kva di Galangan Perkapalan Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis Ade Safri Mahadar; Razali Razali
INOVTEK - SERI MESIN Vol 1, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (175.736 KB) | DOI: 10.35314/ism.v1i1.1719


Getaran ialah gerakan ossilasi disekitar sebuah titik. Vibrasi adalah getaran, dapat disebabkan oleh getaran udara atau getaran mekanis, misalnya mesin atau alat-alat mekanis lainnya. Getaran merupakan efek dari suatu sumber yang memakai suatu ukuran hertz. Getaran (vibrasi) adalah suatu factor fisik yang menjalar ketubuh manusia mulai dari tangan sampai keseluruh tubuh turut bergetar (oscilation) akibat getaran peralatan mekanis yang dipergunakan dalam tempat kerja. Hasil pengujian dengan 3 variasi peredam getaran karet, kayu manggis, dam kayu rambai mendapatkan nilai tertinggi dari peredam karet dengan nilai 1,92 m/s², nilai tertinggi dari peredam kayu manggis 1,08 m/s², dan untuk nilai tertinggi peredam kayu rambai 9,48 m/s².
Aplikasi Desain Generatif Pada Rangka Sepeda Dengan Menggunakan Perangkat Lunak Solidworks dan Matlab Simulink Muhammad Ilham Baihaki; Carolus Bintoro
INOVTEK - SERI MESIN Vol 2, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (243.834 KB) | DOI: 10.35314/ism.v2i1.2329


This research discusses the application of generative design on mountain bike frames using Solidworks and MATLAB Simulink software. The topic is taken from the problem of the inertial force that occurs in the structure of a mountain bike due to the dynamic forces that work. In the implementation, several things were carried out, namely the first to design the geometry of the mountain bike frame and determine the static load using solidworks software. Second, bicycle track modeling and dynamic load determination method using MATLAB simulink software. Third, numerical simulation on mountain bike frames with static and dynamic loads using solidworks. Thus, in this research a computational study was carried out using Solidworks and MATLAB simulink software. From the computational study, the results of different dynamic forces are obtained at each loading. At a maximum of mass of 90 kg the rider produces a static force of 1695,1 N and a dynamic force of 36,78 N. Under these loading conditions, a positive margin of safety is obtained so that the frame design of a mountain bike is declared safety.Keywords: Generative, Bike Frame, Solidworks, MATLAB simulink
Rancang Bangun JIG untuk Proses Gurdi Permukaan Silindris dengan Autodesk Inventor Edward Giovani Hasibuan; Firman Alhaffis; Imran Imran
INOVTEK - SERI MESIN Vol 1, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (285.485 KB) | DOI: 10.35314/ism.v1i2.2041


Penelitian ini adalah Rancang Bangun sebuah alat bantu Jig dalam pekerjaan gurdi benda silindris. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh gaya tekan pada objek dan kekuatan material. Analisis elemen hingga dilakukan Perbandingan Material untuk mengukur seberapa baik material terhadap tegangan Von Mises, deformasi dan faktor keamanan. Material yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Material Aluminium 6061, Steel, dan Iron Cast. Dari simulasi ditemukan nilai von mises material Jig berturut-turut yaitu 13.99 MPa, 19.8 MPa, dan 13.98 MPa. Hasil penelitian didapat bahwa dengan perbandingan 3 jenis Material yang memiliki Yield Point dan Tensile strength berbeda disimulasikan pada software Autodesk Inventor Professional 2017. dari pengamatan dari beberapa faktor maka material terbaik yaitu Material Steel, hasil von mises yaitu sebesar 19.8 MPa dengan deformasi senilai 191.8 mm. Faktor keselamatan sangat dipertimbangkan yaitu 12.62 ul.Kata kunci:  jig & fixture, Aluminium 6061, Steel, Iron Cast, Analisis Elemen Hingga.This research is about Jig design on drill work on pipe. This study also aims to examine the effect of the compressive force on the object and the strength of the material. Finite element analysis (FEA) was carried out with material comparisons to measure the ability of the material to von mises stress, deformation, and safety factor. The materials used in this research are aluminum 6061, steel, and cast iron. From each simulation, the von mises values of Jig material were 13.99 MPa, 19.8 MPa, and 13.98 MPa. The results showed that with a comparison of three types of materials that have different yield points and tensile strengths. analysis process with computational Autodesk Inventor Professional 2017. From the observation of several factors, the best material is steel, the von Mises result is 19.8 MPa with deformation of 191.8 mm. The safety factor is very concerned 12.62 ul. Keyword:  jig & fixture, Aluminium 6061, Steel, Iron Cast, Finite Elements Analysis.
Rancang Bangun Alat Penggiling Terasi dengan Variasi Diameter Lubang Pengeluaran Muhammad Taufiq; Akmal Indra
INOVTEK - SERI MESIN Vol 1, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (311.657 KB) | DOI: 10.35314/ism.v1i1.1725


Potensi perikanan Republik Indonesia memenangkan pasar MEA (Masyarakat EkonomiASEAN) dan produk makanan olahan hasil laut telah meraih green ticket yang dikeluarkan oleh USAFDA sehingga beberapa industri pengolahan hasil laut menembus pasar AS dan Eropa. Desa PanipahanKecamatan Pasir Limau Kapas sebagai besar bermata pencaharian sebagai nelayan. Merekamemanfaatkan hasil tangkapan berupa udang rebon untuk diolah menjadi terasi, untuk mengetahuiperbandingan kapasitas hasil gilingan dengan variasi diameter lubang pengeluaran alat penggiling terasidan untuk mengetahui rendemen dengan variasi diameter lubang pengeluaran..Upaya untuk pembuatanalat ini menggunakan extruder yang berfungsi untuk menggiling udang rebon kebagian die.Hasildesakan udang rebon tersebut kemudian digiling dengan jumblah pisau penggiling 2 mata pisauyangdipasang bertingkat dengan kecepatan 1400 RPM dengan daya 1 Hp. Menggunakan sistempenggiling ini bahan baku dapat tergiling lembut yang kemudian dikeringkan dan dibentuk sesuai dengakebutuhan. Untuk menegetahui bahwa terasi hasil dari alat itu layak untuk dipasarkan ataupundikosumsi maka dilakukan pengujian densitas. Setiap perbedaan lubang keluaran maka berbanding lurusdengan perbedaan hasil berat terasi yang mana diameter lobang keluaran 3 mm menyusut dalam waktu8,49 menit, 8,55menit dan 9,11 menit. Diameter lubang keluaran 4 mm menyusut dalam waktu 6,29menit, 6,40 menit, dan 7,21 menit, dan diameter lubang keluaran 5 mm menyusut dalam waktu 6,9menit, 6,12 menit, dan 7,11 menit. Semakin lamawaktu penjemuran udang rebonsemakin basar pulanilai penyusutan pada berat udang, begitu juga semakin kecil lubang diameter dies akan menghasilkannilai densitas yang tinggi.
INOVTEK - SERI MESIN Vol 3, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (524.778 KB) | DOI: 10.35314/ism.v3i1.2912


On generally stripping process fiber coconut in the community still many use method traditional where method traditional have a number of deficiency that is capacity small work where for peeling one fruit coconut eat time ± 1-5 minutes. Stripping with method traditional this still have many deficiency and weakness among them need great power, need people who have Skills special, risk caught eye knife , need a long time, and Position stripping less than ideal. designing and make machine peeler fiber semi automatic coconut with variation blade For knowing how much efficient variation on eye knife machine peeler fiber coconut. Study this conducted based on four stage, the first observation field, the second planning and design, the third assembly machine, and finally is To do testing. Machine peeler fiber semi automatic coconut that uses 3 shafts as a 2 shaft stripping medium lower as peeler with variation eye knife straight and inclined, 1 axis on what has been given rubber as press media fruit coconut to fruit coconut no bouncing when the stripping process take place. Machine this designed for make it easy and speed up the stripping process fruit coconut old with capacity 100 pieces/hour. Round axis stripping 23 rpm and round 2540 engine can produce capacity, Efficiency machine stripping fiber coconut with vary eye knife shaped straight and slanted in one axis this could peeling fiber coconut by whole with good, stripping style on fiber coconut 980 N dan power axis stripping 1179.58 Watts. Stripping fiber coconut need average time 37,26 second for 1 piece coconut old .
Analisa Komposit Polimar Serbuk Kulit Kelapa Sebagai Bahan Penguat untuk Membuat Helm Safety Siska Mar Dwi Yani; Bambang Dwi Haripriadi
INOVTEK - SERI MESIN Vol 2, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1478.953 KB) | DOI: 10.35314/ism.v2i2.2699


Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai dan sifat mekanik uji impact dan mengetahui karakteristik patahan spesimen. Serbuk kelapa hijau yang digunakan harus dipisah dari seratnya dan diayak ukuran mash 1.1 mm, pembuatan komposit menggunakan cetakan kaca dengan ukuran Panjang: 55 mm, lebar: 10 mm tinggi: 10 mm dan kedalaman takikan 5 mm. Spesimen benda uji mengacu pada standar ASTM E23 05 untuk uji impact. Dari hasil pengujian, dengan variasi kandungan bahan 20% serbuk kelapa + 80% resin, 30% serbuk kelapa + 70% resin, 40% serbuk kelapa + 60% resin, 50% serbuk kelapa + 50% resin, 60% serbuk kelapa + 40% resin. Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan didapatkan bahwa harga kekuatan impact material komposit terendah terjadi pada variasi 60% resin + 40% serbuk kelapa dengan nilai rata-rata  kekuatan impact sebesar 0.532 J/, kekuatan impact material komposit tertinggi terjadi pada variasi 20% resin + 80% serbuk kelapa dengan nilai rata-rata kekuatan impact sebesar 0.628 J/. Variasi 40% resin + 60% serbuk kelapa dengan nilai rata-rata  kekuatan impact sebesar 0.603 J/, dimana hasil patahannya tergolong liat. Morfologi yang menyatu baik dengan sempurna antara resin epoxy dan serbuk kelapa dengan variasi spesimen 20% serbuk kelapa + 80% resin.
Analisis Kekuatan Material Komposit Serabut Kelapa Hasil Metode Press Hand Lay-up dengan Curring Oven pada Variabel Waktu Bisma Faris Santoso; Fadhil Muhammad; Syarif Hidayat
INOVTEK - SERI MESIN Vol 2, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (209.182 KB) | DOI: 10.35314/ism.v2i1.2325


This research contains about how much the increase in the strength of the coconut fiber composite material as a result of the press hand lay-up method with post-curing treatment on the variable duration of heat curing. With a duration of 60, 120, 180 minutes, heat curing will find out which variation has the best effectiveness, considering several factors to increase the strength of composite materials, one of which is heat curing treatment can make coconut fiber composites have higher tensile strength values and are able to utilizing coconut fiber waste which is more useful than usual as an embodiment of 3R (reuse, recycle, reduce.) through methods commonly used for composite manufacture in general and focusing on the percentage increase in post-curing results will be a reference and reference for further research to realize the creation of coconut fiber composite which is more useful. The process of making coconut fiber composites in this TA uses the press hand lay-up method, with alkalization soaking first and then post-curing treatment using an oven with a constant temperature of 100°C. To find the specifications and the percentage of this strength increase factor is by means of a tensile test with the parameters obtained: Ultimate Tensile Strength, strain, modulus of elasticity, and poisson ratio. With the highest result is at a duration of 3 hours worth 47.09 MPaKeywords: composite, Resin Polyester, coconut fiber, tensile test, heat curing, post-curing
Rancang Bangun Separator Destilasi Minyak Serai Wangi Suprayogi Suprayogi; Alfansuri Alfansuri
INOVTEK - SERI MESIN Vol 1, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (201.837 KB) | DOI: 10.35314/ism.v1i2.2030


Penelitian ini untuk merancang dan membuat separator destilasi minyak serai wangi. Merancang Separator jenis ini menggunakan standar perancangan ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) dan membuat gambar desain dengan menggunaka software Autodesk Inventor versi 2017. Hasil penelitian didapatkan spesifikasi volume tabung . Dengan dimensi separator yaitu diameter 300 mm, tinggi 250 mm. Material yang digunakan Stainlees steel 304 dan pipa Stainlees steel. Dengan  temperature desain 352 oF. Metode destilasi yang akan digunakan ialah metode destilati uap langsung.                                              Kata kunci: Pemisah, destilasi, ASME                                                              This research is to design and manufacture a distillation separator for citronella oil. Designing this type of separator using ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) design standards and making design drawings using the 2017 version of Autodesk Inventor software. The dimensions of the separator are 300 mm in diameter and 250 mm in height. The material used is Stainlees steel 304 and Stainlees steel pipes. With a design temperature of 352 oF. The distillation method that will be used is the direct steam distillation method.Keywords: Separator, distillation, ASME