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International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML)
ISSN : 28291654     EISSN : 2829517X     DOI : 10.59712
International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML) is an open access and peer-reviewed journal that aims to offer an international academic platform for cross-border legal research in multiple governance policies and civil rights law, particularly in developing and emerging countries. These may include but are not limited to various fields such as: civil law, criminal law, constitutional and administrative law, customary institution law, religious jurisprudence law, international regime law, legal pluralism governance, health law, economic law and some of the health and economic another section related to contemporary issues in legal, healt and economic scholarship.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 57 Documents
Cyber Criminal Policy In The Perspective Of Decency Edy Sukendy; Bayu Bayu; Habib Munawar
International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML)
Publisher : International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (142.876 KB) | DOI: 10.59712/iaml.v1i1.2


Cyber crime is one of the forms or a new dimension of evil today gets wide attention in the international world. One of the problems that is very unsettling and got the attention of various circles is the issue of cyber crime in the field decency which later became known by the term cyber adultery. That cyber adultery in essentially no different with crime/violation of decency in general, such as adultery. Cyber adultery/cyber sex can be viewed as satisfaction/excitement maya (virtual gratification) that is associated with sexual expression, and a new form of intimacy (a new type of intimacy). An intimate relationship or intimacy (intimacy) it can also contains the meaning of sexual intercourse or adultery. This means that cyber sex is a form of new from adultery. To overcome this problem, it takes its criminal policies in an effort crime prevention, which in essence is an integral part of the effort the protection of society (social defence) and the efforts of the social welfare (social welfare).
Legal Protection Against The Implementation Of Policies For Deportation In The Border Areas Of Indonesia Muhammad Ansor Lubis; Mahzaniar Mahzaniar
International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML)
Publisher : International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (241.871 KB) | DOI: 10.59712/iaml.v1i1.3


Indonesia's constitution guarantees the right of citizens of Indonesia (WNI) to get a job and a decent livelihood in accordance with Article 27 Paragraph 2 of the 1945 constitution. The citizens also has the right to seek work anywhere as he wishes. This right cause migration of citizens abroad, especially to the neighboring Country, Malaysia. Unfortunately, many problems arise when they get in Malaysia which then resulted in a lot of citizens who should be deported to the border regions Nunukan Kalimantan Utara. Thus, this study aims to determine the form of the legal protection of the rights of Indonesian citizens who were deported in Kabupaten Nunukan in North Kalimantan Province. Specifically, the objectives are: (1) To determine the form of the legal protection of Indonesian citizens who were deported under the Labour LAW. This research is a legal research then approach the problem used is the method of approach to the law (statute approach), approach cases (cases approach), and a conceptual approach (conceptual approach). The approach of the law performed by means of studying the laws and regulations that still applies in particular in Kabupaten Nunukan in North Kalimantan Province are involved with legal issues. This approach is used to inventory and analyze the legal instruments of the national Indonesia for the rights of Indonesian citizens, especially the rights of Indonesian citizens who were deported. The results of this study are expected later able to provide input to the policy-setting protection strategies for deportan in the border region of Indonesia.
The Management Of The Border Region In Perspective International Law (Indonesia-Malaysia) Maswandi Maswandi
International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML)
Publisher : International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (145.893 KB) | DOI: 10.59712/iaml.v1i1.4


Mastery of ownership of a region is one of the goals of a country. Problems related to the border between Indonesia and Malaysia often occurs since the independence of each country. Persengketaaan the border region generally arise because of differences in views about the boundary line between one Country over the boundary line which is located in the image. International law has long since set up with a clear and provide legal certainty about the border region of a country. The determination of the boundaries of a country is determined by the processes of international law, both use the concept of self-determination, the principle of uti possidetis, and the boundaries of the state. So the determination of the boundaries of a country are expected to no longer pose a conflict. A bilateral agreement between the Uk and the Netherlands in the period before the independence of Indonesia and Malaysia, has been providing legal certainty about the boundaries between the two countries. So, the legal basis of the colonial government such should be used as reference material for Indonesia and Malaysia to determine the area of each region. Cooperation with the management of the border region between Indonesia and Malaysia need to be improved. This is of course a view that the region border on the Island of Borneo to truly experience inequality, better facilities and infrastructure between the two countries.Quality improvement resources to local communities through capacity building programe, is expected to enhance the role of law enforcement that is based on the local wisdom of the community of the border region.
International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML)
Publisher : International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (213.089 KB) | DOI: 10.59712/iaml.v1i1.5


Dispute the Environment is a dispute between two or more parties that posed the presence or suspected presence of contamination and / or destruction of the environment. Dispute settlement environment in the outer court was held to reach an agreement regarding the form and amount of compensation and/or for specific actions to ensure the will not the occurrence or recurrence of a negative impact on the environment. In the settlement of disputes environment outside the court can use the services of a third party, both of which do not have the authority to take decisions and who has the authority to take decisions, to help resolve disputes environment. Mediation is one form of dispute resolution environment outside the court. In order to resolve the dispute the environment outside the court, then the mechanism is the use of Alternative Dispute resolution as stipulated in Law No. 30 of 1999 on Arbitration and Alternative Dispute resolution. The mediation can also be used to resolve environmental disputes in Court that the mechanism is based on the PERMA No. 1, 2008 on the Procedure of Mediation in the Court
Violation of Human Rights in The Perspective of The Sociology of Law Judiciary in Indonesia Jamillah Jamillah
International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML)
Publisher : International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (223.011 KB) | DOI: 10.59712/iaml.v1i1.7


Protection of Human Rights (HAM) is one of the characteristics of the rule of law. Violation of the right to life is a serious Human Rights violation that is qualified as a crime against humanity and a crime of genocide. Indonesia has enacted UU No.26 Tahun 2000 on Human Rights Courts as the basis for establishing a retroactive Ad Hoc Human Rights Court. Settlement of past gross human rights violations through the courts has been conducted in the 1999 East Timor case and the Tanjung Priok case in 1984. Both cases were terminated "free" at the Cassation and Reconsideration. From the judicial sociology review, both Judges' decisions are in fact extraction of interpretations of legal norms, moral values and social interests that live in society and become the nation's view. The sociological legal perspective provides the view that the judicial settlement has not been able to provide a sense of justice and beneficiary as a legal objective, therefore a non-judicial resolution is required for other cases of gross human rights abuses, as adopted by the Public Prosecution Service together with other government elements and Komnas HAM.
Execution Of Court Decisions Against Land Cases Joe Frank Simon; Franky Samosir
International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML)
Publisher : International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (133.324 KB) | DOI: 10.59712/iaml.v1i1.9


The execution of land cases that have permanent legal force is the embodiment of the value of justice and legal certainty. All parties must actually respect and and implement both litigants and related third parties. A court decision that has been legally enforceable must still be viewed as a truth, because it must be respected and conscientiously implemented as a moral responsibility and legal responsibility. Normatively regulated on the implementation of court decisions that have permanent powers both in the environment of the General Court and the State Administrative Court. But at the level of implementation encountered obstacles barriers. The execution of the decision of the District Court on land matters with permanent strength gets obstacles from the losing side.The losing party made various attempts to thwart the execution of the court's decision with a permanent ruling,so that in its implementation it used the help of security forces. Similarly, the court on land matters by the Administrative Court is highly dependent on the goodwill of government agencies or agencies.This happens because there is no coercive institution as well as the decision of a civil case.
Employment Law Industrial Revolution Perspective 4.0 Satria Pardede
International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML)
Publisher : International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (227.684 KB) | DOI: 10.59712/iaml.v1i1.10


This article aims to find solutions due to educated unemployment in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. The problem of the high level of labor with the availability of inadequate job vacancies further adds to the problems in the employment sector. Data from the Central Statistics Agency shows that the unemployment rate is quite high at the high school and university level compared to the diploma level. On the other hand, employers consider that they find it difficult to find potential workers who fit the desired criteria. With the regulation on the use of foreign labor is one of the things that can help in overcoming the needs of Labor. However, the existence of regulations on foreign labor must be examined further. Don't let the existence of these regulations actually close the opportunity for Indonesian workers to get a job in Indonesia. It is necessary to find a solution to solve the problem in the field of employment. Any party can help reduce the unemployment rate in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. The government has a central role in reducing educated unemployment. The government can evaluate employment legislation to protect the workforce and respond to the Industrial Revolution era 4.0. In addition, the government can review the curriculum at every level of education so that graduates have the soft skills and hard skills needed in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Each educational unit has a special focus in preparing its graduates in the era of the Industrial Revolution by adding practical learning hours. In addition, graduates must have innovative thinking in creating new jobs in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0.
E-Procurement System In The Mechanism Of Procurement Of Goods And Services Electronically Ariman Sitompul
International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML)
Publisher : International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (208.923 KB) | DOI: 10.59712/iaml.v1i1.11


In the implementation of State Life, the government is always required to promote public welfare. Because there is no country that does not have a purpose and diverse purposes of that country. To carry out this obligation, the government has an obligation to provide the needs of the people in various forms in the form of goods, services and infrastructure development. on the other hand, the government also needs the goods and services in implementing the government, for that it is necessary to procure goods and services. Procurement of goods and services is essentially an effort by the user to obtain or realize the goods and services he wants by using certain methods and processes in order to achieve an agreement on price, time and other agreements. In order for the nature and essence of the procurement of goods and services can be carried out as well as possible, then both parties, namely the users and providers, must always be based on the philosophy of procurement of goods and services, subject to the ethics and norms of procurement of goods and services that apply, follow the principles, methods and processes of procurement of goods and services that are standard. In the system of procurement of Good Goods and services is a system of procurement of goods and services that are able to apply the principles of good governance and Clean Governance (Good Governance and Clean Governance), encourage the efficiency and effectiveness of public spending, as well as structuring the behavior of the three pillars (government, private and public).
Legal Aspects Of Execution Of Dependent Rights Against Auction Buyers In Indonesia Tarmizi Nugraha; Guntur Simamora
International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML)
Publisher : International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (195.68 KB) | DOI: 10.59712/iaml.v1i1.12


The right of mortgage arises because of an agreement, that is, an agreement between the parties. Legal protection of the winner of the auction means the existence of legal certainty over the rights of the buyer / winner of the auction on the object purchased through the auction. In the auction process that has been carried out in practice will cause legal consequences, namely the transfer of the rights of the auction object from the seller to the buyer/winner of the auction as regulated in law no. 4 Of 1996 On The Rights Of Dependents On Land And Objects Related To The Land. In the transition of the rights of the auction object is not uncommon to cause a problem, such as the inability to control the auction object by the buyer/winner of the auction, which the owner of the auction object does not want to voluntarily vacate the auction object.
Resilience System National In The Perspective Of Utilitarianism Dedy Ismanto; Bayu Bayu
International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering (IAML)
Publisher : International Asia Of Law and Money Laundering

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (144.445 KB) | DOI: 10.59712/iaml.v1i1.13


The importance of optimal health services can be seen from the consideration and general explanation of Law No. 36 of 2009 on health, in the event of health problems, it will lead to a decrease productivity and if productivity falls, then National Development will be hampered, meaning here it can be concluded, that health must be a concern for all elements, because all elements have the same interests and goals that lead to a smooth National Development, so that welfare can be realized that can be achieved with productivity obtained by striving for health services in order to, The question that arises is whether the implementation of the National Health System as formulated in the legislation can bring as many benefits as possible people? .The principle of expediency is strongly influenced by the thought of utilitarianism, namely that the law was created to realize happiness for as many people as possible so that the benefits of the law can be felt by as many people as possible, in terms of harmonization of Law No. 36 of 2009 on health and all elements related to Law No. 36 in 2009 on health , the maximum benefit for all elements of society can be realized if social justice can be realized, thus: if the welfare gap can be reduced, then social justice can be realized; it can happen if there is maximum economic productivity, then every citizen can feel the benefits of management of production branches that are important and concern the lives of many people.