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Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman
ISSN : 19795866     EISSN : 27221547     DOI :
Focus and Scope Jurnal Ilmiah Cita Ilmu: Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman is a Scientific Journal that focuses its study on the field of culture and Islam. Citra Ilmu: The Scientific Journal of Culture and Islam invites scholars and experts working in all aspects of Culture and Islamic Studies to submit their manuscripts in both research and theoretical, prospective, review book, community-based research and case studies. Interesting topics include but not limited to culture Islamic theology, Islamic History, Islamic Thought, History of Islamic Thought, Islamic Philosophy, Mysticism, Islamic Anthropology, Islamic Sosiology, Living Quran, Living Hadits, Science of Islamic Interpretation
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 8 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 12 No 23 (2016)" : 8 Documents clear
Implementasi Konsep Islah Dalam Sistem Hukum Pidana Muhamad Jamal
Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman Vol 12 No 23 (2016)
Publisher : Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung

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The criminal law is a law to regulate people who have committed a crime, get a reply according to his ways or used to say proportional. So the basis of the criminal pembenarnya lies in the existence of evil itself. It is based on the principle of No Criminal Without Error (geen straf zonder Schuld). And the purpose of the application of criminal law under the absolute theory is to satisfy the demands of justice by way of reply to the prisoners as well as prison spaces. Nevertheless, the penalties imposed on perpetrators of criminal acts does not reduce crime in this country. In Indonesia, we have encountered many inequities in the application of criminal law as a form of justice. It is a fact and a reality that is counter-productive of view of criminal law purposes. Therefore, it is important concept in the prevention of criminal acts without any retaliation that actually create new problems. In some countries the concept is} la> h in criminal law has been implemented as bring together victims and perpetrators so that the problems they encounter can be resolved properly and the situation returned to normal running. Islam knows the theory is} la> h} or s} ULH} u, which is "a process of dispute resolution where the parties terminate their case amicably." In the terminology of Islam in general, is} la> h} (reconciliation) can be defined as an activity that wants to bring a change of state from bad to good standing. Meanwhile, according to jurists, the word is} la> h} is defined as peace. Indonesia's criminal law does not recognize the existence of peace. Peace in criminal law is only in criminal acts that are complaint and in case of complaints do pancabutan, then it is assumed as peace or is} la> h}.
Gender dalam Perspektif Islam: Telaah Kritis Peran Wanita Muslimah di Indonesia Sigit Tri Utomo
Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman Vol 12 No 23 (2016)
Publisher : Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung

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In the era of modernization, as now women are considered equal to men .the women have the same rights in certain areas such as the right to obtain positions in the bureaucracy, the right to issue opinions and others.the opinion that developed in the community on the status of women and the world is still divided into pole opposite. On one hand, it is generally argued that women should have at home, devoted to her husband, and has a domestic role. On the other hand, the development of similarly suggested that women should be in accordance with their rights of freedom. The phenomenon of cases stemming from gender discrimination is still easily found in public life. Domestic violence, sexual exploitation of women and children in various forms such as trafficking, ostensibly as a labor, delivery art, marriage and various other gender problem still a social problem that needs their handling more serious and focused mainly on the government's attention.
Implikasi Pendidikan Berbasis Keluarga Terhadap Internalisasi Nilai Pendidikan Islam Luluk Ifadah
Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman Vol 12 No 23 (2016)
Publisher : Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung

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Currently the reality of education children need to be used as a reference in formulating big ideas about efforts to provide the best education .since most of parents precisely position the institution or institutions of formal education as a bearer of the greatest responsibility in building the future of their children's education. Individuality which proliferated in human consciousness and dominate the structure of the relationship between people has shifted the noble values ​​in the parent and child relationship. Parents in the context of education in the family environment is the influence of early and should be builtby all the elements that exist in the family. It should also be understood that the children had a chance to think, discover and explore the world with the their own time .here parents need to provide materials and methods appropriate for children in spearheading the transformation and internalization of the values ​​of the Islamic Education through the frame of family-based education.
Perdagangan Perempuan: Perspektif HAM dan Filsafat Hukum Islam Fuad Mustafid
Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman Vol 12 No 23 (2016)
Publisher : Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung

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Trafficking in women or also popular as women trafficking is a crime that has lasted quite a long time and in many countries in this world, not least in Indonesia. Efforts are being made by the government of this country to overcome or eliminate the practice of trafficking in women, but the results are not / not satisfactory. The women in this country continue to be victims of trafficking practices in humane. Religious and legal provisions exist in this country as well as powerless against the phenomena of women trade practices. This paper examines the phenomenon of trafficking in women (women trafficking) from a human rights perspective and philosophy of Islamic law. Thus, this paper was practically a comparative study, in which the issue of trafficking of women examined from two perspectives at once, which is a human rights perspective and philosophy of Islamic law. From this study, we concluded that the practice of trafficking in women is part of the crimes against humanity that are not only contrary to human rights, but also contrary to the provisions of the religious (Islamic law).
Penyebab Adam dan Hawa Turun dari Surga dalam Alquran dan Bible dalam Persperktif Feminisme Muslim: Sebuah Telaah Ulang Moh. Syafi’
Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman Vol 12 No 23 (2016)
Publisher : Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung

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This paper to prove whether the story of Adam and Eve fell from heaven in the text of the Koran and the Bible are "the gender Refraction " or not, that is the study in this paper. To prove that there are jender refraction or not in this text the author describe similarities and differences in the story, and then analyzed through comparative analysis, in order to prove the presence and absence of Muslim feminist assumptions about unclear gender of the story in the Bible. From the comparative analysis of the two texts not found gender refraction that is the women as the cause of falling of Adam and Eve from paradise. In the Qur'an mentioned the cause is Satan while in the Bible is a snake, even though the Bible contains many stories israili cargo that is not credible.
Pembacaan Hermeneutik Puisi UhIbbuka Aksaru Karya Mahmud Darwisy: Kajian Semiotika Riffaterre Hidayatun Ulfa
Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman Vol 12 No 23 (2016)
Publisher : Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung

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This article examines the meaning of poetry Uh} ibbuka Aks aru in the poetry anthology Al-Diwan: Al-'A'mal al-U <la> I work Mahmud Darwi sy> using Riffaterre semiotic studies. The purpose of this study is to find wholeness meaning (significance) in the poem. To produce the meaning of poetry, readings do heuristic and hermeneutic reading including where there is a matrix, model, variant, hipogram potential and actual hipogram. In this study, the authors attempt to derive meaning only through the hermeneutic reading only. The hermeneutic of reading produced a sense of poetry, the love of the homeland.
Meta Kecerdasan dan Kesadaran Multikultural (Kajian Pemikiran Psikologi Sufistik al-Gazali) Abdullah Hadziq
Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman Vol 12 No 23 (2016)
Publisher : Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung

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In philosophical discourse matter of metaphysics is a perennial problem that is timeless. Among the incoming discourse in metaphysics is a matter of psychology. One of the unique variants of this study is the psychology of thinking Sufi al-Ghazali about meta intelligence and multicultural awareness. It is about the soul as a spiritual substance that has Qudrah Ilahiyyah created by the nature of al-amr, not of nature al-khalq the carnal. Ruh as a substance that psychology has a berkemapuna Latifah smart in thinking, remembering and knowing the reality of the object. This spirit in man there is a potential psychic divine (rabbaniyyah). If rabbaniyyah potential is maximized, then the person is very likely to have spiritual intelligence, which is able to bring positive implications for all behavior-based ethics divinity (morality mutakhalliq bi Allah). This conception of al-Ghzali according to the author is unique because although the soul entered the territory of the transcendental, but can also be assessed in relation to the empirical fact that is psychophysical. Therefore, when the potential divinity is continuously developed to the maximum in man, it is not impossible psychological behavior that appears likely to love kindness, compassion, and peace are based on moral and multicultural.
Tradisi Suran Masyarakat Traji: Sebuah Kajian Antropologi Linguistik Nur Alfi Mu’anayah
Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman Vol 12 No 23 (2016)
Publisher : Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung

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This research discusses Suran tradition by Traji society in Temanggung, Central Java. It aims at finding linguistic units, determining their meaning, and identifying cultural background that influences the tradition. Data in this research are linguistic units found on Suran. The analysis showed that names of serving are Traji’s cultural symbols, and the Javanese song lyric describes their culture. Then, there are two cultural systems that influence the tradition intensively, they are agriculture and religion & belief.

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