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Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman
ISSN : 19795866     EISSN : 27221547     DOI :
Focus and Scope Jurnal Ilmiah Cita Ilmu: Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman is a Scientific Journal that focuses its study on the field of culture and Islam. Citra Ilmu: The Scientific Journal of Culture and Islam invites scholars and experts working in all aspects of Culture and Islamic Studies to submit their manuscripts in both research and theoretical, prospective, review book, community-based research and case studies. Interesting topics include but not limited to culture Islamic theology, Islamic History, Islamic Thought, History of Islamic Thought, Islamic Philosophy, Mysticism, Islamic Anthropology, Islamic Sosiology, Living Quran, Living Hadits, Science of Islamic Interpretation
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 15 No 30 (2019)" : 6 Documents clear
Budaya Makuliwwa: Studi Living Qur’an Masyarakat Nelayan Desa Pambusuang Kecamatan Balanipa Kabupaten Polewali Mandar Sulawesi Barat Thabrani Tadjuddin
Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman Vol 15 No 30 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung

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Penelitian ini membahas tentang tradisi lokal masyarakat Mandar khususnya masyarakat nelayan di desa pambusuang kecamatan balanipa di Sulawesi Barat. Tradisi ini merupakan komponen kebudayaan yang cukup tua yang telah lama dipertahankan oleh masyarakat. Tradisi ini lebih dikenal dengan istilah ritual makkuliwa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap pengaruh unsur kebudayaan baru yakni Islam dengan ritual makkuliwa, apakah menembus inti kebudayaan atau hanya pada konsep praktek ritual. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriktif analitik. Pola kerja dari penelitian ini berupaya mengkombinasikan antara studi kepustakaan dan studi lapangan. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan teori Resepsi audiens untuk mengungkap pola interaksi dan respon masyarakat terhadap ayat-ayat Alquran sebagai bentuk fenomena Alquran yang hidup yang populer dikenal dengan Living Qur’an. Hasil studi menunjukan bahwa ritual makkuliwa dan unsur Islam memiliki pola yang sama sebagai peneguhan terhadap sesuatu yang memiliki kekuatan diluar nalar manusia. Sehingga pada prakteknya, dua unsur kebudayaan ini saling mempengaruhi baik pada tataran praktek maupun ruang spiritual dan kepercayaan masyarakat nelayan. Tradisi ini kemudian menjadi serangakaian upacara sebagai bentuk peneguhan terhadap Allah swt sebagai penguasa tanpa harus mengubah secara keseruhan rangkaian dan praktek ritual makkuliwa yang telah lama dipertahankan.
Dampak Pernikahan Dini Terhadap Keberlangsungan Rumah Tangga (Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Gemawang) Retno Kunratih
Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman Vol 15 No 30 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung

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This paper describes the phenomenon of early marriage in the Gemawang sub-district which is still prevalent. In accordance with the locus, this study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The author found the practice of early marriage due to several very dominant factors. Community culture, level of education, and patterns of child interaction and economic problems that underlie the practice of early marriage. The impact of this practice is that many household life experiences many very serious problems / problems. The practice of domestic violence which leads to divorce often colors the case in the community. Departing from the problems that arise, the author will try to find solutions to existing problems. Preventive efforts, strengthening knowledge and awareness of the importance of building moral responsibility in society are solutions to the freezing of people’s thinking. By giving rise to people’s understanding of the essence of marriage, which is to create a sakinah, mawadah wa rahmah community, the ideal hopes of baiti jannati will be realized.
Pagelaran Seni: Harmoni Umat Beragama dan Nasionalisme (Komunitas Tali Akrab Pantura di Gereja Bukit Sion) Kholidia Efining Mutiara
Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman Vol 15 No 30 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung

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Berbagai kerusuhan dengan mengatas namakan agama sebagai sumber permusuhan antar umat seperti keberadaan radikalisme dan terorisme dengan alibi kepentingan agama dapat berdampak dengan memudarnya nilai kebhinekaan dan jiwa NKRI. Oleh sebab itu, perlu bagi kita untuk mencari jalan tengah menuju kedamaian. Slama ini yang kita ketahui, Halal bi halal yang dilakukan sewaktu hari raya iedul fitri, biasanya kita rayakan dengan sesama muslim. Kini untuk membangun sikap toleransi beragama juga untuk penguatan NKRI halal bi halal dapat kita lakukan dengan kawan lintas agama, salah satu hal yang paling ditonjolkan adalah pagelaran akulturasi seni. Dalam Komunitas tali akrab pantura. Penelitian ini akan menghasilkan penelitian yang dapat menembus sekat perbedaan, menggunakan observasi partisipatoris, wawancara dengan beberapa dukungan literature. Peneliti harapkan hasil dari penelitian ini akan membangun kedamaian khususnya antar umat beragama. Selain itu penguatan NKRI yang berlandaskan Bhineka tunggal ika akan teraplikasikan sehingga tidak ada lasan lagi untuk saling mengecam dan menjatuhkan antar kepercayaan.
Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman Vol 15 No 30 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung

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This paper discusses Fatima Mernisi’s hermeneutics in understanding misogynic traditions. The meaning of misogynic traditions is a hadith that has a bater of women. The methodology used by the Mernisi is called double investigation, which is an investigation of historical and methodological aspects. The First step is finding the historical context of hadith. At this step, Mernisi analyzes the socio-historical situation when the text is spoken / practiced by the Prophet. Second, methodological step, which is to criticize sanad and situations when the hadith is narrated again. When, why, whom, and how the text was narrated again by the first transmitter. In analyzing hadith, Mernisi uses the methodology which has been pioneered by classical scholars, criticism of sanad. A significant difference is that criticism of Sanad is used as a knife of analysis in verifying the credibility of shahabah as the first transmitter. That is, in the realm of the scientific study of hadith, shahabah are not immune to criticism. As a result, Mernisi found that several hadiths with nuanced misogyny had to be rejected because the first transmitter did not fulfill the criteria adalah. Unfortunately, Mernisi only emphasized the authenticity aspect of the hadith, not the contextual aspects. This methodology seems to be suitable only for certain traditions which are problematic, but cannot be universally applied to all misogynyc traditions..
Dampak Sosial Anak Pekerja Migran yang Tidak Dikehendaki Kelahirannya (Studi di Rumah Moch. Kholily Jember Jawa Timur) Siti Noor Aini; Jeihan Ali Azhar
Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman Vol 15 No 30 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung

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This study examines the social impacts of unwanted births by migrant workers at Moch. Kholily’s house in Jember, East Java. Plenty of unwanted birth rights violations cases by migrant workers raise a number of children’s basic rights issues, including the bad stigma of the children from the community, such as negative labels towards them as “anak oleh-oleh TKI”, “anak unta” and other abusive calls. The issue of negative social impacts even comes from their own extended family in the form of rejection of their presence to be a family member. Certainly, it violates the children’s rights, which is clearly opposing the Law of Indonesia Number 18 of 2017 on Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers and their families. For this reason, this study is pivotal to be carried out through the sociological and phenomenological approach to explore any negative social impacts experienced by unwanted births children among the migrant workers at Moch. Kholily’s house Jember, East Java. The result of this study demonstrates that there are three categories of unwanted births. First is the unplanned births among migrant worker candidates prior to their placement in the destination country. Second is the unwanted births due to pregnancy through non-marital sexual intercourse among migrant workers. The third is the unwanted births due to sexual violence. While the social impacts on victims have been identified as follows: (1) issues of civil rights and freedom; (2) issues of familial rights and alternative care; (3) problems of child healthcare and basic welfare; (4) problems of education and family time for children.
Pemberdayaan Berbasis Teknologi dan Informasi Melalui Aplikasi Maktabah Al Syamilah dan Maushuah Al Hadis di Pesantren Alhidayah Prapak Kranggan Kabupaten Temanggung Jawa Tengah Moh. Syafi’; Ana Sofiyatul Azizah
Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman Vol 15 No 30 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung

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This study is the result of the IT-based empowerment assistance with Maktabah Syamilah and Maktabah Mausu’ah al Hadits applications at Pesantren Alhidayah Prapak Kranggan, Temanggung. This Pesantren has not integrated the Technology and Information of digital library software and applications as part of the integral learning facilities at the Pesantren. The digital library applications (perpustakaan digital) of Maktabah Syamilah and Maktabah Mausu’ah al Hadits both provide convenience, efficiency, and accuracy in obtaining the reference for Islamic studies sources that are very easy to use for education at Pesantren Alhidayah. By employing the PAR (participatory action research), sociological, and phenomenological method, the Pesantren community has the following perception prior to the assistance program: first, the skepticism towards the Maktabah Syamilah and Mausu’ah al Hadits applications due to the Wahhabism indications. Second, the moderate views towards the Maktabah Syamilah and Mausu’ah al Hadits applications as the enrichment to the cross-sectarian Islamic thoughts. Meanwhile, after the assistance program, they succeeded in carrying out the transformative actions as follows. First, they show a skill to use and utilize the Maktabah Syamilah and Mausu’ah applications appropriately. Second, they are motivated for applying the Maktabah Syamilah and Mausu’ah as an integral part of the educational system. Third, they apply the Maktabah Syamilah and Mausu’ah into the learning system, Pesantren discussions, and Pesantren library. Forth, they are able to synchronize the contents of Maktabah Syamilah and Mausu’ah with the manual version.

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