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Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman
ISSN : 19795866     EISSN : 27221547     DOI :
Focus and Scope Jurnal Ilmiah Cita Ilmu: Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman is a Scientific Journal that focuses its study on the field of culture and Islam. Citra Ilmu: The Scientific Journal of Culture and Islam invites scholars and experts working in all aspects of Culture and Islamic Studies to submit their manuscripts in both research and theoretical, prospective, review book, community-based research and case studies. Interesting topics include but not limited to culture Islamic theology, Islamic History, Islamic Thought, History of Islamic Thought, Islamic Philosophy, Mysticism, Islamic Anthropology, Islamic Sosiology, Living Quran, Living Hadits, Science of Islamic Interpretation
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 6 Documents
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Analisis Kesalahan Gramatikal dalam Penulisan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nur Khamid
Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman Vol 17 No 33 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu: Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman
Publisher : Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung

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As it is known, there are still many students who do not understand how to write descriptions in English. Within that framework, this research was conducted to determine the extent of grammatical errors in morphological and syntactic aspects, the most prominent errors and to find out the causes of errors. The writing technique used purpose sampling where the researcher took 33 samples from 600 populations. From the research results, morphological and syntactic errors were found. The errors were caused, among others: difficulty understanding grammar, composing sentences, mastering vocabulary, memorizing formulas, teachers not clearly explaining, students lack of learning, class atmosphere is not conducive and lack of practice or practice. So that students make many mistakes in writing English descriptions. This condition must be understood and addressed as it is. In the future, a deeper study is needed to evaluate the English learning program so that students can better master writing English descriptions.
اليمين في القانون الإندونيسي والشريعة الإسلامية ( دراسة مقارنة ) Eko Sariyekti
Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman Vol 17 No 33 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu: Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman
Publisher : Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung

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Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kedudukan sumpah dalam hukum Indonesia dan Syari’at Islamiyah, serta bagaimana hukum Indonesia dan Syari’at Islamiyah memandang sumpah. Dengan menggunakakan metode observasi dan metode documenter yang bersifat Analysis Descriptive Comparative. Tulisan ini menyimpulkan bahwa ada persamaan dan perbedaan tentang kedudukan sumpah dalam hukum Indonesia dengan sumpah yang ada dalam Syari’at Islamiyah. Persamaannya adalah bahwa tujuan Sumpah dalam hukum Indonesia maupun Syariah Islamiyah sama sama menjadi suatu perantara untuk penetapan suatu hokum. Sedangkan perbedaannya adalah bahwa sumpah dalam hukum Indonesia terikat dengan ketentuan Undang-undang KUH Perdata, sedangkan dalam syari’at Islam sumpah dapat dilakukan dimana saja dan dengan siapa saja. Oleh karena itu dapat dikatakan bahwasanya sumpah dalam Syariah Islamiyah lebih luas dari pada sumpah dalam hukum Indonesia.
Internalisasi Nilai Pendidikan Islam di SMK Negeri Tembarak Siti Chalimatus Sakdiyyah
Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman Vol 17 No 33 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu: Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman
Publisher : Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung

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Every school certainly has a culture, including SMK Negeri Tembarak. In its implementation, the school culture at SMK Negeri Tembarak is internalized by the value of Islamic education because the value of Islamic education is not maximally absorbed, resulting in negative behavior even though there is a school culture at SMK Negeri Tembarak. This type of research is a field research with qualitative methods. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, and documentation. And data analysis techniques with data editor, data display, and data verification. The results of this study are first, the process of school culture in internalizing the value of Islamic education at SMK Negeri Tembarak is inseparable from the principal's program and the school's annual program, reinforced by the presence of supporting facilities such as musola, extracurricular, intracurricular, and others. Second, the form of implementation of the existing school culture that supports Islamic Education teachers in internalizing the values ​​of Islamic education implies moral values, worship values, and Islamic values. Third, the supporting and inhibiting factors. The supporting factors are active students, environment, habits, the existence of uswah or examples, and interesting activities. While the obstacles in the form of apathy, less attractive activities, lack of socialization, environment, and new habits.
Impelementasi Takzir dalam Membentuk Karakter Santri di Pondok Pesantren Miftakhurrosyidin Kabupaten Temanggung Jawa Tengah Anisatul Ngazizah; Moh. Syafi'
Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman Vol 17 No 33 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu: Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman
Publisher : Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung

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This research discusses the implementation of takzir in Islamic boarding school Miftakhurrosyidin, Temanggung Regency. Takzir is a form of punishment that is intended to educate and correct the perpetrator to realize that his actions are prohibited and to then leave and stop it, however some parties think that takzir does not have educational values, is identical to violence and is a form of bullying against students. This study aims to determine the implementation of takzir in Miftakhurrosyidin Islamic boarding school, whether takzir does not have educational values ​​or can it actually shape the character of students. In accordance with the locus, this study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The results of the study show that: first, takzir is followed up by the security officers gradually and according to the level of violations committed by the students. Second, physical punishment does not endanger the physical condition of the students while non-physical punishment is in the form of punishment which is intended to strive for the intellectual and spiritual development of the students. Third, the students are increasingly qualified in thinking, behaving and embracing fellow friends to jointly achieve success in studying blessed and useful knowledge by not violating the rules at the Islamic boarding school and istikamah carrying out routines at the Islamic boarding school.
Morning Activity dan Implikasinya Terhadap Habituasi Infaq dan Shadaqah serta Penguatan Karakter Peduli Sosial Siswa SMP Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga Amalina Rizqi Rahmawati; Mukh Nursikin
Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman Vol 17 No 33 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu: Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman
Publisher : Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung

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The purpose of the education can be activity with optimal result, if operated with appropriate strategy. One of the appropriate strategy to help the purpose of education can be achieve is morning activity. Activities in the morning before to beginning of teaching. For giving good habituation in students self. The purpose of the research are (1) to describe morning activity in Muhammadiyah Plus Junior High School Salatiga; (2) to describe morning activity implication to give clarity habituation in Muhammadiyah Plus Junior High School Salatiga; and (3) to describe morning activity implication to increase take care for each other in Muhammadiyah Plus Junior High School Salatiga. The methodology of this research is field research and the subjects are teachers of Muhammadiyah Plus Junior High School Salatiga. The data collection uses interview technique, observation, and documentation. The result of this research are as follows: (1) morning activity are activity in the morning befpre the beginning to teaching such as dhuha prayers together, tadarus, tahfizh, morning motivation, give clarity, and morning ceremony; (2) morning activity implication to give clarity hatituation such as student active to give for help the each other; and (3) morning activity implication to increase take care for each other are student can emphaty to other people, take care to friends, follows on social event, respect to teachers and staffs.
Strategi Memutus Mata Rantai Pembajakan Hak Cipta pada Seni Batik Nusantara Hamidulloh Ibda
Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman Vol 17 No 33 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu: Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman
Publisher : Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung

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Batik as an artistic and cultural heritage of the archipelago (Nusantara) must be preserved as well as preserved. However, today’s phenomenon is rampant batik piracy. There are three models of batik piracy, namely plagiarism of batik designs, piracy of batik art works, and claims of batik copyright. In 2019 there was copyright on 23 batik motifs owned by the Nabire Regency Government. Not to mention the cases that have not been revealed in the mass media. This article discusses three studies. First, batik as an artistic and cultural heritage of the archipelago. Second, the irony of pirating batik art. Third, the strategy to break the chain of piracy of batik art. Of the strategies examined in this article, there are nine methods of pirating batik. First, assertiveness in taking action against hijackers. Second, protection of local and national batik works. Third, certification and copyright to protect batik from piracy. Fourth, is suing the hijacker legally. Fifth, applying the pillars of art which are not limited to reading, painting, and filing. Sixth, collecting data on batik in Indonesia. Seventh, collective awareness of art, culture, and archipelago heritage inherent in batik. Eighth, in-depth art education through strengthening the curriculum, teachers, subjects, and learning methods. Ninth, it is necessary to have a batik program goes to school or batik goes to campus.

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