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Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development
ISSN : 26860325     EISSN : 26862808     DOI : 10.58228
Core Subject : Health,
Publish the research results of lecturers in the fields of Physiotherapy, Midwifery and Medical Records & Health Information. This National Scientific Journal is published twice a year every February and August
Articles 7 Documents
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Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development
Publisher : Poltekkes 'Aisyiyah Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (732.597 KB) | DOI: 10.58228/jahrd.v4i2.120


Background : The only effective way that can be done for early detection of the possibility of this disease is to perform Breast Self-Examination (BSE) which can reduce the mortality rate by 25-30%. For women who have a low level of knowledge and understanding about breast cancer and how to detect it, it is necessary to provide information about breast cancer and how to detect it, namely BSE since adolescence (Viviyawati, 2014) Objective: to measure the ability of WUS on BSE, then analyze the level of change before and after being given counseling. This research was conducted in Pejaten Village, Kramatwatu Subdistrict, Serang Banten. The approach used in this research is to use a comparative approach. The research method used is to use the analytical survey method. The results showed that the knowledge of WUS in Pejaten Village about BSE experienced a very significant increase after being given counseling, knowledge at pretest was 21% good, then 83% good at posttest/after counseling. Likewise, the results on the ability to practice BSE before being given counseling 98% have not been able to do BSE, to 95% are able to do BSE after counseling. Wilcoxon test results obtained a significance value of 0.000 (p <0.05), the calculated Z value of -8.464. This means that BSE counseling has an effect on WUS knowledge about early detection of breast cancer in Pejaten Village, Serang Banten in 2022. Likewise, the Wilcoxon test results on the respondent's ability to practice BSE is 0.000 (p <0.05), the Z count value is -8.672.
Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development
Publisher : Poltekkes 'Aisyiyah Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (769.579 KB) | DOI: 10.58228/jahrd.v4i2.121


Background: Sexual behavior in adolescents is very dependent on the sexual knowledge possessed by the child. Sexual behavior is behavior related to reproductive functions or that stimulates sensation in receptors located on or around the reproductive organs or erogenous areas. Adolescence is a period of development in all respects, so that being unstable or easily influenced is a characteristic of adolescents themselves. The rapid development of social media among teenagers as a communication tool that is easy to use by anyone and can be accessed anywhere has created a major phenomenon in the flow of information, not only that, the increasingly rapid growth of social media has caused various effects for the youth themselves, both physical and psychological effects. positive and negative effects. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the use of social media with premarital sexual knowledge in adolescents at SMAN 1 Kramatwatu. The research method used is quantitative, namely the cross sectional analytical survey method. The results of the analysis show that there is a relationship between the use of social media, the role of parents, the role of teachers and the role of peers with premarital sexual knowledge in adolescents at SMAN 1 Kramatwatu with a p-value <0.05. Keywords: Social Media, Premarital Sexual Knowledge, Teenagers
Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development
Publisher : Poltekkes 'Aisyiyah Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (820.482 KB) | DOI: 10.58228/jahrd.v4i2.122


Background: Puskesmas is the primary pillar of health care in Indonesia and also organizes the first level of Community Health Efforts (UKM) and Individual Health Efforts (UKP). The Puskesmas prioritizes promotive and preventive efforts to achieve the best public health degrees in their working areas. In carrying out its functions, puskesmas have several authorities, one of which is carrying out medical record activities (PERMENKES, 2014). Methods: The research design used is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The data collection method used is by using the in-depth interview method using an interview guide. The population in the study were all service officers who in carrying out their duties related to SIMPUS were 8 people, Inclusion Criteria: Service officers who used SIMPus, Officers who could apply Simpus, Willing to become informants, Exclusion Criteria: Officers who could not use SIMP, Polindes, Pustu , Dentistry that has not been connected to simpus Conclusion: Availability in the number and qualifications of human resource education involved in the use of E-Puskesmas/SIMPUS at the Curug Health Center is still a problem that needs to be considered to be pursued, so that it can support health services to the community, especially in the field of Medical Records and Health Information. Human resources are in accordance with educational qualifications, so the program can run well. Suggestion: Adding human resources, especially D3 Medical Records and Information graduates or other Health Degrees so that the Coordinator of the Medical Records Unit is not burdened with other responsibilities.
Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development
Publisher : Poltekkes 'Aisyiyah Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (779.098 KB) | DOI: 10.58228/jahrd.v4i2.124


Background: Every pregnant woman has the potential for danger during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. Until now, in all parts of the world, high-risk pregnancies are still a problem in health services, especially in developing countries. In Indonesia, the MMR decreased during the period 1991-2015 from 390 to 305 per 100,000 live births. However, this achievement is still far from the MDGs target of 102 per 100,000 live births. Until 2015 the target of the MDGs has not been achieved. While the target for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the MMR target is 70 per 100,000 live births in 2030. In relation to high-risk pregnancies, at the Kramatwatu Health Center there were 739 high-risk pregnancies found in 2021, while in the village of Pejaten, there are still many women of childbearing age who are pregnant or give birth at a risky age of 83. From these conditions, complications can result from high-risk pregnancies such as miscarriage, premature birth, genetic disorders and death. This can occur due to lack of knowledge about high-risk pregnancies. This research method is descriptive research with cross sectional or cross sectional design. This research was conducted in Pejaten Village, Kramatwatu Serang Banten. The research sample was taken by purposive sampling. Primary data collection was carried out using a questionnaire containing 25 questions filled out by respondents. In addition, the research output will be published in the Poltekkes journal (Jurnal of Applied Health). More than half (58.3%) of respondents still have less knowledge about high risk in pregnancy. Factors Age, education, occupation, history of pregnancy and sources of information related to the level of knowledge of wus about high risk in pregnancy. This research can help provide information to develop new strategies that are more appropriate in an effort to reduce high risk in pregnancy in the Kramatwatu Health Center area, especially in Pejaten village.
Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development
Publisher : Poltekkes 'Aisyiyah Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (722.964 KB) | DOI: 10.58228/jahrd.v4i2.125


Objectives: To find out the description of the Time of Providing Medical Record Documents for Outpatient Polyclinic Patients at Tk Hospital. IV Kencana Attack in 2022. Methodology: This research uses descriptive research with interview and observation methods. The subjects in this study were 6 people consisting of the head of the medical record, the medical record coordinator, the filing officer, the receiving/returning medical record document, the medical record distribution officer and the registration officer, and the object of this study was the patient's medical record document. outpatients borrowed from the inner poly with the average number of medical record documents borrowed per day is 20 medical record documents. The research instrument used observation sheets, interview guidelines, stopwatches, and recorders. Results: As many as 13 officers who play a role in providing outpatient medical record documents, only 1 has a D3 Medical Record and Health Information educational background. Standard Operating Procedures related to the Provision of Outpatient Medical Record Documents are not yet owned. As many as 81 medical record documents were observed, medical record documents that were in accordance with the SPM (≤10 minutes) were 39 (48%) with an average time of providing medical record documents of 8 minutes, while the number of medical record documents that were not in accordance with the SPM (>10 minutes) as many as 42 (52%) with an average time of providing medical record documents 14 minutes 12 seconds.
Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development
Publisher : Poltekkes 'Aisyiyah Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (776.034 KB) | DOI: 10.58228/jahrd.v4i2.126


Background: Prevention of stunting starting from the beginning of pregnancy must be done in order to reduce the incidence of stunting in children. Incidence of stunting can occur during pregnancy due to inadequate nutritional intake during pregnancy, inappropriate eating patterns, and low food quality resulting in stunted growth. Objective: The study was to determine the relationship between the characteristics of pregnant women in preventing stunting at the Serang City Health Center. Design This research is cross-sectional. The research population was pregnant women in the second trimester in the working area of ​​the Mapane Health Center, totaling 49 people. The sampling technique used is total sampling. Methods: research with a cross sectional approach with a sample of pregnant women with anemia or KEK at the Serang City Health Center by testing specific hypotheses to find out whether the relationship or significant effect between the research variables has implications for stunting prevention. Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between the work of pregnant women who experience anemia and stunting prevention behavior at Serang City Health Center in 2022. There is no significant relationship between Age, Gravida and Education of pregnant women who experience anemia with stunting prevention behavior at Serang City Health Center in 2022 Suggestion: midwives in providing counseling or counseling to pregnant women are always accompanied by families who are at home or close to where they live so that they can remind each other if there are habits or lack of nutrition for the health of pregnant women and the growth and development of their babies.
Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Journal Of Applied Health Research And Development
Publisher : Poltekkes 'Aisyiyah Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (598.698 KB) | DOI: 10.58228/jahrd.v4i2.127


Background: A summary form of admission and discharge history is a medical record form that is used to record a summary of the course of the disease from the time the patient enters until the patient leaves the hospital. Therefore, it is one of the forms that are immortalized, so it is necessary to design a design that is in accordance with the standards. Research Objectives: To identify the physical aspects, anatomical aspects, and aspects of the contents of the summary form of admission and discharge history of adult patients at the Kindergarten Hospital. IV Kencana Serang in 2022. Research Methodology: This study used descriptive research with observation and interview methods. The subjects in this study were medical record officers and the object in this study was a summary form of admission and discharge history of adult patients. The research instrument used observation sheets and interview guidelines. Research results: From the physical aspect, the material is HVS 75 gram paper, rectangular shape, HVS F4 paper size, the color of the paper is white with black ink writing. From the anatomical aspect, the heading in the form of the title of the form has been included, the subtitles are missing, the name of the hospital has been included, the hospital logo is not included, the revision number is not included. page numbers are included. Introduction in the form of the title of the form. Instruction in the form of * Adult and child patients. Body in the form of top margin (5 cm), bottom margin (2 cm), side margin (1.5 cm), back margin (1.5 cm). Spacing 1.15 spaces. Vertical and horizontal rules. Type Style Times New Roman with font size 11. The way of recording is done by handwriting. Close in the form of a clear name and signature has been included. From the aspect of content, the completeness of the data items is appropriate. Terminology / Terms in the form of diagnosis, complications, anesthesia, transfusion. Abbreviations in the form of Date, Goal, NRP, NIP, Kls, dr, Sp, Lk / Pr, Is / Kk / Kp / H / B, S / N / J / D. The symbol is the symbol * Adult and child patients. Suggestion: It is necessary to redesign the entry and exit history summary form for adult patients from the physical, anatomical and content aspects.

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