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Ryan Taufika
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Core Subject : Education, Social,
Pancasila and Citizenship Education Journal: Media Study of Pancasila and Citizenship Education is focused on the study of discourse and citizenship practices in the dimensions and perspectives of cultural diversity, equality, and social justice in the context of socio-economic, civic education and learning, related to issues of social and moral responsibility, community involvement and political literacy, as well as legal awareness. This journal publishes scientific and research-based articles on various Pancasila and civic education, and educational topics where conceptual issues of citizenship, local wisdom, political education, legal education, multiculturalism, and plurality issues are discussed. Pancasila and Citizenship Education Journal are very interested in scientific and professional studies in the discourse and practice of citizenship. We seek submissions of articles that cross the lines of scientific disciplines (interdisciplinary perspectives) that aim at the development of Pancasila and citizenship studies and citizenship education in the local, national, and global scope. Our particular attention is paid to works dealing with historical and contemporary questions of concern regarding other dimensions, meanings, and forms in relation to citizenship and contributing to education for citizenship. Each article published has gone through a peer-reviewed process by designated experts. They have experience in journal management and article publications in prestigious journals. The article published in Kewarganegaraan has met the requirements set by the Editorial Board of this journal.
Articles 5 Documents
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Pengaruh Pendidikan Multikultural Terhadap Demokrasi di Indonesia Aris Suhendar Aris Suhendar
Pancasila and Civics Education Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Pancasila and Civic Education Journal
Publisher : Pancasila and Civics Education Journal (PCEJ)

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Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki perbedaan suku, etnis, agama dan bahasa di seluruh wilayahnya. Perbedaan tersebut dapat dengan mudah memicu konflik sosial di lingkungan masyarakat. Konflik tersebut dapat diminimalisir dengan adanya pendidikan multikultural di masyarakat. Pendidikan multikultural menjadi sangat penting karena memiliki beberapa pengaruh yaitu, (i) dapat membangun sikap saling menghargai antar sesama manusia, (ii) sebagai alternatif untuk mengurangi terjadinya konflik di lingkungan masyarakat, (iii) dapat membangun karakter masyarakat yang lebih memahami nilai-nilai kebangsaan dan nilai-nilai pancasila, dan (iv) sarana untuk membangun masyarakat yang demokratis. Penelitian ini menggunakan research literature reviewyang terdiri dari tiga tahapan yaitu mengidentifikasi, menganalisis dan menemukan masalah. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu pendidikan multikultural sangat berpengaruh terhadap demokrasi yang ada di Indonesia..
The Influence of the Examples Non-Examples Learning Model on the Learning Outcomes of PKn Students of SMK PAB 3 Medan Estate Vinda Chairunnisa
Pancasila and Civics Education Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Pancasila and Civic Education Journal
Publisher : Pancasila and Civics Education Journal (PCEJ)

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Learning is basically the provision of knowledge given to students by students, using various models, strategies and methods in learning, not forgetting to also pay attention to students' psychological factors. Data were collected by means of observation and interviews, questionnaires, documentation and triangulation. This study aims to determine the influence of the examples non-examples learning model on student learning outcomes in civic education subjects, as well as to find out how much influence the non-examples learning model has on pkn learning outcomes with human rights material in class X AK SMK PAB 3 Medan Estate. The samples used in this study were all class X AK students of SMK PAB 3 Medan Estate, totaling 35 people. From the data obtained by researchers, it can be concluded that there is an effect of examples non examples (X) learning on student learning outcomes (Y) material at the level of
Preservation of Local Wisdom in Lemah Ireng Village Eka Noviana; Alil Rinenggo; Novi Sucining Puji; Adip Vasya Arviani; Merian Pratomo
Pancasila and Civics Education Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Pancasila and Civic Education Journal
Publisher : Pancasila and Civics Education Journal (PCEJ)

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Local wisdom is part of culture that cannot be separated from society. One of the local wisdoms in the form of traditions that still survive is in Lemah Ireng Village. This research is motivated by the low awareness of the nation's children, especially the youth of the current generation of culture. This study aims to find out local wisdom that still exists and how the community preserves traditions or customs. The research uses a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques through interviews and observation. Data analysis went through four stages, namely data collection, data presentation, data reduction, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the local wisdoms that are still being preserved in Lemah Ireng Village are the Punggahan tradition, Pudunan tradition, and Sedekah Bumi. Preservation of local wisdom is carried out by teaching the younger generation to recognize, learn, and be involved in the traditions or customs that exist in Lemah Ireng Village. The community hopes that the prevailing customs will not be lost and continue to develop into the next generation.
Internalization of Pancasila Values and Nasionalism in Citizenship Education Vinna Kemala
Pancasila and Civics Education Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Pancasila and Civic Education Journal
Publisher : Pancasila and Civics Education Journal (PCEJ)

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Historically, education in Indonesia has played an important role in promoting nationalism among Indonesian people. Until now, especially Citizenship Education plays an important and strategic role in preserving, improving, and transforming the values of state ideology and nationalism to the younger generation. In the current era of globalization, Citizenship Education has a mission as education for democracy, politics, multiculturalism, nationalism, and conflict resolution education. Citizenship education must be interpreted maximally , namely teaching students to think critically and analytically in solving social problems and be able to apply the values of state ideology and nationalism. Therefore, civics education is not only taught as transmission citizenship, but also taught as reflective inquiry. To do this, Civic Education must integrate direct or indirect approaches in value education, so that students are able to internalize the values of the state ideology and nationalism as their beliefs. Then, several principles of the maximum teaching and learning process must also color Citizenship Education in Indonesian schools.
The Nature of the Axiological Foundation of Pancasila and Civic Education isna Sari Rukmana
Pancasila and Civics Education Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Pancasila and Civic Education Journal
Publisher : Pancasila and Civics Education Journal (PCEJ)

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Filsafat bertugas menafsirkan fenomena semesta, kebenaran berada disepanjang pemikiran. Pada hakikatnya aktifitas ilmu digerakkan oleh pertanyaan yang didasarkan pada tiga masalah pokok yakni: Apakah yang ingin diketahui, bagaimana cara memperoleh pengetahuan dan apakah nilai pengetahuan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, ilmu dan pendidikan tidak terlepas dari landasan ontologi, epistemologi dan aksiologi. Pendidikan Pacasila dan Kewarganegaraan (PPKn) sebagai pembelajaran terfokus pada masalah pembangunan bangsa dan negara dalam perspektif Pancasila. Metode yang digunakan dalam pembahasan penulisan karya ini adalah metode deskriptif untuk menjelaskan Hakikat Landasan Aksiologis Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan. Sila-sila Pancasila sebagai suatu system filsafat juga memiliki satu kesatuan aksiologisnya, sehinga nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam Pancasila pada hakikatnya juga merupakan suatu kesatuan. Nilai-nilai tersebut secara lengkap dan harmonis, baik nilai material, nilai vital, nilai kebenaran, nilai keindahan atau nilai estetis, nilai kebaikan atau nilai moral, maupun nilai kesucian yang sistematis hierarkis, yang dimulai dari sila Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa sebagai dasar sampai sila Keadilan sosial sebagai seluruh rakyat Indonesia sebagai tujuan. Selain itu, Hakikat sila-sila Pancasila (substansi Pancasila) adalah nilai-nilai sebagai pedoman Negara adalah norma, adapun aktualisasinya merupakan realisasi konkrit Pancasila. Substansi Pancasila dengan kelima silanya yang terdapat pada ketuhanan, kemanusiaan, persatuan, kerakyatan dan keadilan prinsip dasar yang mengandung kualitas tertentu itu merupakan cita-cita dan harapan atau hal yang ditujukan oleh bangsa Indonesia untuk diwujudkan menjadi kenyataan dalam kehidupannya, baik dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa mupun bernegara

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