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Historia Islamica: Journal of Islamic History and Civilization
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Jurnal Historia Islamica merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Sejarah Peradaban Islam, Fakultas Ushuluddin, Adab dan Dakwah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Manado. Edisi online dan cetak jurnal ini terbit perdana pada tahun 2022 Jurnal Historia Islamica terbit satu volume yang terdiri dari dua edisi dalam setahun, edisi I terbit antara bulan Januari sampai dengan bulan bulan Juni, sedangkan edisi II terbit atara bulan Juli sampai dengan Desember. Jurnal Historia Islamica mengundang para, akademisi, peneliti, ilmuan, dan cendekiawan sejarah Islam untuk mengiriman hasil penelitian di bidang sejarah peradaban Islam, perubahan sosial, masalah sosial keagamaan, dan isu-isu aktual lainnya yang dikaji dengan pendekatan sejarah dan berkaitan dengan fokus dan scope jurnal. Mengenai sistematika tata tulis, dapat dibaca pada halaman tersendiri. Redaksi berhak memperbaiki susunan kalimat tanpa mengubah isi karangan yang dimuat.
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Historia Islamica: Journal of Islamic History and Civilization Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Historia Islamica
Publisher : Program Studi Sejarah Peradaban Islam Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Dakwah IAIN Manado

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Abstract This article reviews the socio-religious role of KH. Muhammad Arsyad Thawil al-Bantani 1889 – 1934. The focus of this paper is the activities carried out by KH. Muhammad Arsyad Thawil in Manado in 1889 – 1934, which is related to the development of Islam in Manado. The aim is to reveal and complete data on the history of Islam in North Sulawesi. The method that the writer uses is qualitative-descriptive by interviewing informants and supported by some written data resulting from previous research. This study describes the role of KH. Muhammad Arsyad Thawil al-Bantani in Manado in 1889 – 1934 which cannot be separated from the socio-religious conditions of the Islamic community at that time Keywords: Social, Religious, KH. Arsyad Thawil, Islamization of Manado. Abstrak Artikel ini mengkaji tentang peran sosial keagamaan KH. Muhammad Arsyad Thawil al-Bantani tahun 1889 – 1934. Fokus tulisan ini adalah aktifitas yang dilakukan oleh KH. Muhammad Arsyad Thawil di Manado tahun 1889 – 1934, yang berhungan dengan perkembangan Islam di Manado. Tujuannya adalah untuk menampakkan dan melengkapi data-data sejarah Islam di Sulawesi Utara. Adapun metode yang penulis gunakan adalah kualitatif-deskriptif dengan mewawancarai para informan dan dengan didukung oleh beberapa data tertulis yang dihasilkan dari penelitian sebelumnya. Penelitian ini menggambarkan peran KH. Muhammad Arsyad Thawil al-Bantani di Manado tahun 1889 – 1934 yang tidak bisa dilepaskan dari kondisi sosial keagamaan masyarakat Islam pada saat itu. Kata kunci: Sosial, Keagamaan, KH. Arsyad Thawil, islamisasi Manado.
Historia Islamica: Journal of Islamic History and Civilization Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Historia Islamica
Publisher : Program Studi Sejarah Peradaban Islam Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Dakwah IAIN Manado

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Abstract The issues discussed in this study which includes: (1). How Mbah biography Banaran and preaching activity? (2). How is the phenomenon of pilgrims at the tomb of Mbah Banaran (Mbah Imam Faqih)? (3). How polarization patterns and rituals of pilgrimage?. To answer these problems, the authors in this study used qualitative methods and phenomenological approach to the stages; Search data from oral sources and archaeological evidence of existing heritage. While the theory used is phenomenological theory. Primary sources in the form of interviews with a caretaker, a pilgrim, one of the descendants of Mbah Banaran (Mbah Imam Faqih) and communities around the tomb. The results showed that, (1). Mbah Imam Faqih is the disseminator of Islam and pembabad Kandangan villages which still have descendants of Islamic Mataram kingdom (2). Many pilgrims who come for pilgrimage. They have a background different from both schools of belief such as NU, Muhammadiyah and Kejawen, ethnicity as ethnic Chinese and Javanese culture as people around the tomb with the pilgrim boarding school students, professions such as farmers, traders, bureaucrats, businessmen, wiraswasata and youth unemployment. (3). Their motives or objectives vary pilgrims in pilgrimage at the tomb of Mbah Banaran (Mbah Imam Faqih) such as religious motives, economic, political, cultural, educational and faith / flow and differences in ritual pilgrimage pilgrims. Keywords: Phenomena, Traditions & Grave Pilgrims Abstrak Adapun permasalahan yang dibahas pada penelitian ini yaitu meliputi: (1). Bagaimana biografi Mbah Banaran dan aktifitas dakwahnya? (2). Bagaimana fenomena peziarah di makam Mbah Banaran (Mbah Imam Faqih)? (3). Bagaimana polarisasi motif dan ritual ziarah?. Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut, penulis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan pendekatan fenomenologi dengan tahapan; Pencarian data dari sumber lisan dan bukti arkeologi peninggalan yang ada. Sedangkan teori yang digunakan adalah teori fenomenologi. Sumber primer berupa dari, wawancara dengan juru kunci, peziarah, salah satu keturunan dari Mbah Banaran (Mbah Imam Faqih) dan masyarakat sekitar makam. Serta buku-buku referensi pendukung yang berkaitan dengan pembahasan ini. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, (1). Mbah Imam Faqih adalah penyebar Islam dan pembabad desa Kandangan yang masih memiliki keturunan dari kerajaan Mataram Islam. (2). Banyak peziarah yang datang untuk berziarah. Mereka memiliki latar belakang yang berbeda-beda baik dari faham kepercayaan seperti NU, Muhammadiyah dan Kejawen, etnis seperti orang keturunan Tionghoa dan orang Jawa, budaya seperti masyarakat sekitar makam dengan peziarah santri pondok pesantren, profesi seperti petani, pedagang, birokrat, pengusaha, wiraswasata dan pemuda pengangguran. (3). Adanya motif atau tujuan berbeda-beda peziarah dalam berziarah di makam Mbah Banaran (Mbah Imam Faqih) seperti motif agama, ekonomi, politik, budaya, pendidikan dan keyakinan/aliran dan perbedaan ritual ziarah para peziarah. Kata Kunci: Fenomena, Tradisi & Peziarah Makam
Historia Islamica: Journal of Islamic History and Civilization Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Historia Islamica
Publisher : Program Studi Sejarah Peradaban Islam Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Dakwah IAIN Manado

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Abstract This research aims at recording traces of historical heritage, Al-Wustho Mosque in Surakarta. The limitations of this study are 1878-2013 AD. The interesting thing about this is the mosque was formerly the Mangkunegaran Palace Mosque, but in its development, it became a public mosque. The Al-Wustho Mosque is one of the oldest mosques Surakarta. Therefore, the Al-Wustho Mosque has historical values ​​that are quite long, important, and interesting to study in depth. This writing applies historical research methods from Kuntowijoyo, which includes five stages: topic selection, heuristics, verification, interpretation, and historiography. The findings are that the Al-Wustho Mosque was formerly a private mosque belonging to the Mangkunegaran Palace built by Mangkunegara I in Kauman village, Pasar Legi. Then, in 1878 AD during the reign of the IV Mangkunegara, he moved the mosque building to its current position. The Al-Wusto Mosque underwent renovations during the reign of the VII Mangkunegara with the help of a Dutch-blooded architect. At the time of carrying out the renovation, the Mangkunegara VII also added buildings in the form of towers and Maligin on the right and left sides of the mosque. In its development, the Mosque switched from the Mangkunegaran Palace Mosque to a public mosque under the Ministry of Religion, after being designated as a Cultural Heritage, and now it is the responsibility of the Surakarta City government. Keywords: Al Wustho Mosque, Mangkunegaran Palace, Surakarta, History, Cultural heritage objects Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merekam jejak peninggalan sejarah, yang berupa Masjid Al-Wustho di Surakarta. Adapun batasan dalam penelitian ini yaitu tahun 1878-2013 M. Salah satu hal menarik dari penelitian ini ialah karena Masjid Al-Wustho dahulunya merupakan Masjid Keraton Mangkunegaran, namun dalam perkembangannya menjadi masjid umum. Masjid Al-Wustho Surakarta merupakan salah satu masjid tertua di kota Surakarta. Oleh karena itu, Masjid Al-Wustho ini memiliki nilai-nilai sejarah yang cukup panjang dan penting serta menarik untuk diteliti secara mendalam. Penulisan sejarah ini menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah dari kuntowijoyo, yang meliputi lima tahapan, yaitu: pemilihan topik, heuristik, verifikasi, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Adapun temuan di dalam penelitian sejarah ini ialah bahwa Masjid Al-Wustho Surakarta dahulunya merupakan sebuah masjid pribadi milik Kraton Mangkunegaran yang dibangun oleh Mangkunegara I di kampung Kauman, Pasar Legi. Kemudian, pada tahun 1878 M yaitu pada masa pemerintahan Mangkunegara ke-IV beliau memindahkan bangunan masjid ke posisi sekarang ini. Masjid Al-Wusto mengalami renovasi pada masa pemerintahan Mangkunegara ke-VII dengan bantuan seorang arsitek berdarah Belanda. Pada saat melakukan renovasi tersebut, Mangkunegara ke-VII juga menambahkan bangunan berupa menara dan Maligin yang berada di sisi kanan dan kiri masjid. Di dalam perkembangannya, Masjid Al-Wustho beralih dari Masjid Keraton Mangkunegaran menjadi masjid umum dibawah Departemen Keagamaan, setelah ditetapkan menjadi Cagar Budaya, dan kini menjadi tanggung jawab pemerintah Kota Surakarta. Kata kunci: Masjid Al Wustho, Keraton Mangkunegaran, Surakarta, Sejarah, Benda cagar budaya
Historia Islamica: Journal of Islamic History and Civilization Vol 1 No 2 (2022): Historia Islamica
Publisher : Program Studi Sejarah Peradaban Islam Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Dakwah IAIN Manado

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This paper examines the transformation of NU organization in Manado in 1960-1998, because studies related to Islamic organizations in Manado are still lacking. Even though historically Islamic organizations like NU have made significant contributions to the development of society, especially Muslims in Manado, from a social, religious, educational, economic, and political perspective. The importance of tracing history related to NU and its transformation in Manado, this study aims to explain how the history of the formation of NU in Manado and how was the transformation of NU in Manado from 1960-1998? This study is limited to 1960-1998, because in 1960 it is estimated that the first NU management was formed in Manado City. Meanwhile, 1998 was a year of division within the NU body in Manado City because of the NU central policy which then declared PKB as a party formed by and for NU members, but open to anyone, including non-Muslims. Historical research methods are used in this paper with heuristic stages, source verification, interpretation, and historiography. This paper shows that the formation of the NU branch in Manado is thought to have taken place in 1960 by Habib Abdurrahman Mulachele. Previously, several Islamic organizations had been established, such as Sarikat Islam (SI) in 1920, Muhammadiyah (1934), and Alkhairaat (1947). Since its formation in 1960, it was found that NU's transformation until 1998 experienced ups and downs.
Historia Islamica: Journal of Islamic History and Civilization Vol 1 No 2 (2022): Historia Islamica
Publisher : Program Studi Sejarah Peradaban Islam Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Dakwah IAIN Manado

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This study discusses the history and development of the Muhammad Raahmatan Lil Alamin Assembly at Pesapen Surabaya in 2004 – 2016. This research was conducted using historical research methods, which included several steps, namely heuristics, verification, interpretation and historiography. The approach used is a historical approach used to describe past events. While the theory used is the theory of Neil Smelser theory of collective behavior. In this theory it is stated that a group of masses is a group that acts on each other physically and is almost related to the same interests or concerns. From the results of the research that has been done, there are several findings, namely the Shalawat Muhammad Rahmatan Lil Alamin Council was founded in 2004 which was founded by Shaykh Abdul Kahar in Surabaya, Shaykh Abdul Kahar founded the Shalawat Muhammad Rahmatan Lil Alamin Council, he received a mandate from his teacher namely Gus Syamsu Dhuha to spread the practice of Muhammad's blessings to mankind. Shaykh Abdul Kahar began to spread the teachings of Muhammad's blessings in several ways and approaches to several human circles. So that the assembly of shalawat Muhammad rahamatan lil alamin has many followers.
Historia Islamica: Journal of Islamic History and Civilization Vol 1 No 2 (2022): Historia Islamica
Publisher : Program Studi Sejarah Peradaban Islam Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Dakwah IAIN Manado

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This article reviews the early history of Bohabak village in East Bolaang mongondow, and examines the socio-religious history of the Bohabak community with historical evidence such as mosques and churches. The purpose of this research is to reveal the history of Bohabak village and its socio-religious aspects which have not been implemented so far. The method used by the author is the historical method which consists of four stages: the first is heuristic or data collection, the second is source criticism to objectively filter historical data, the third is interpreting data, and the last is historiography or historical writing. The results of this study describe that Bohabak Village is one of the villages in North Bolaang Monggondow Regency which existed around 1600 AD. At that time this area was not known or not known as Bohabak village, because at that time it was still known as the Makopag kingdom, called the makopag kingdom because at that time there was a group of primitive humans. In terms of religious life, the people of Bohabak Village know that religious tolerance is so strong, this is evidenced by the creation of mutual cooperation among religious adherents, mutual respect when adherents of other religions carry out worship activities and even maintain their security
Historia Islamica: Journal of Islamic History and Civilization Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Historia Islamica
Publisher : Program Studi Sejarah Peradaban Islam Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Dakwah IAIN Manado

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This article examines the history of the Uhud war which took place in 3 H/625 AD. In this war the Muslims suffered their first defeat in battle, previously the Muslims won the battle of Badr. In this article the author uses the historical method which consists of four stages, namely heuristics or data collection, the second is source criticism, the third is interpreting data, and the last is historiography or historical writing. The results of this study found three main causes of the defeat of Muslims in the Uhud war. The first cause of the change in the motivation for war which was originally to protect the Islamic religion but turned into a motivation to enrich oneself with spoils of war, besides that the second cause was the lack of discipline in the ranks of the Muslims, and the last cause was the presence of intruders in the ranks of the Muslims at that time.
Historia Islamica: Journal of Islamic History and Civilization Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Historia Islamica
Publisher : Program Studi Sejarah Peradaban Islam Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Dakwah IAIN Manado

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Abdullah Sungkar was born in Klaten in 1937. He is of Yemeni descent and lives in Pasar Kliwon. He is active in Al-Irsyad. Abdullah Sungkar has strong religious principles that he learned from his father. He idolized reformist figures both nationally and internationally. After graduating from high school, he continued his father's business. This business led him to meet Abu Bakar Bashir in Jombang. This meeting marked the beginning of his missionary journey. They preached through the radio under the name RADIS (Radio Islam Da'wah Islamiyah) in 1969. Their missionary journey was successful. In 1976, Hispran (Haji Ismail Pranoto) recruited Abdullah Sungkar and Abu Bakar Bashir to enter DI. Abdullah Sungkar and DI have a different understanding. Abdullah Sungkar has a modernist and Salafi Islamic perspective. Meanwhile, DI has a traditionalist Islamic view. The intriguing aspect is the distinction. There are four factors that make salafi not so problematic for DI. First, DI focuses on the ideals of an Islamic state. Second, DI at that time focused on training and recruitment. Third, the spread of salafi understanding is not evenly distributed. Fourth, Abdullah Sungkar was preoccupied with pursuing the authorities. New problems arose when Di was led by Ajengan Masduki and Abdullah Sungkar became foreign minister. Abdullah Sungkar criticized the religious rituals of Ajengan Masduki that contained TBC (Tahayul, Bid'at, and Khurafat). The criticism became a personal matter between the two. Problems reappeared when Ajengan Masduki visited Afghanistan and performed traditional Islamic religious rituals. DI's personal conflicts escalate into major conflicts. Abdullah Sungkar and his followers then declared their departure from DI and continued their ideals through a new organization called Jemaah Islamiyah.
Historia Islamica: Journal of Islamic History and Civilization Vol 1 No 2 (2022): Historia Islamica
Publisher : Program Studi Sejarah Peradaban Islam Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Dakwah IAIN Manado

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Mojoagung is a sub-district located on the eastern outskirts of Jombang district which is also directly adjacent to Mojokerto district. Mojoagung itself has a very long history, because Mojoagung itself is a very strategic area, because it is crossed by roads between provinces. With its strategic position, Mojoagung eventually occupied several historical stages from the Islamic Mataram period to the post-independence period. Therefore, this writing aims to discuss something that is quite interesting and very related to today, namely "Membumihanguskan Mojoagung: Kondisi Mojoagung 1945-1949”. This discussion has the purpose of analyzing the situation and condition of Mojoagung and the buildings during the Physical Revolution which was known as the total scorched earth action that was carried out. In this study has a temporal limit with a range of years 1945-1949. The method used in this paper is historical methodology in general as proposed by Kuntowijoyo which includes five stages, namely topic selection, heuristics (collection of sources can be in the form of written or oral), verification (internal and external criticism of sources), interpretation (analytic interpretation and synthesis), and historiography (writing history). The results of this study are to show the destruction that occurred until there was no trace, and the impact on the disconnection of the memory of Mojoagung in the past.
Historia Islamica: Journal of Islamic History and Civilization Vol 1 No 2 (2022): Historia Islamica
Publisher : Program Studi Sejarah Peradaban Islam Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Dakwah IAIN Manado

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The cultural development of a kingdom has become a necessity of its existence. It can also be interpreted as an attempt by the kingdom to show its existence in the world political arena. The Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam experienced cultural development as an effort to introduce the culture of the archipelago and Islam. These two things make the culture of the kingdom of Aceh Darussalam have different cultures from the cultures of other kingdoms, such as religious, political and trade cultures. In addition to the form of culture, there are also cultural products in the form of physical and non-physical, namely infrastructure and intellectuality. What is interesting is that these cultures were born from acculturation between religious teachings, customs and intellect, so that the unification of Aceh Darussalam's culture can be used as the identity of a kingdom.

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