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Eruditio : Indonesia Journal of Food and Drug Safety
ISSN : 27472493     EISSN : 28076222     DOI :
Eruditio : Indonesia Journal of Food and Drug Safety adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Pusat Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan (PPSDM POM), Indonesia. Jurnal ini memuat hasil kajian dan kajian literatur di bidang keamanan Obat dan Makanan.
Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Edisi Desember" : 6 Documents clear
Peredaran Ilegal Obat Aborsi melalui Media Sosial dan Upaya Penanggulangannya Adhika Primananda; Dewa Gede Bayu Rastika
Eruditio : Indonesia Journal of Food and Drug Safety Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Edisi Desember
Publisher : Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (845.56 KB) | DOI: 10.54384/eruditio.v2i1.73


The stigmatization and the strict rules of the abortion practice makes Indonesian women often seek help for abortion through non-medical personnel or by using misoprostol privately without prescription. Difficult to access the information, interactions, and transactions in the real world, coupled with the adherence of teenagers' lives to the social media, can encourage teenagers who experience unwanted pregnancies to overcome their problems from the real world to the cyberspace. This phenomenon is exploited by irresponsible persons by promoting and illegally distributing drugs that are claimed as abortion drugs. This study aims to describe the condition of the illicit trafficking of illegal abortion drugs in social media and find the best intervention that can be done to solve the problem. This study was conducted by collecting and processing big data sourced from social media using Netlytic application and then analyzing the data using the Problem Analysis Triangle concept. Interesting findings from social media analysis is that abortion drug sellers use an intimate approach to target those teenagers. They try to build intimate, trusted, interactive and communicative interaction with the potential clients by using words such as “school” and provide suggestions of drug use according to the age of the pregnancy. The illicit trafficking of illegal abortion drugs through social media that is carried out conspicuously and widely with a high amount of seller shows that there is an opportunity that motivates the prepetrators who illegally sells abortion drugs because of the absence of guardian that capable to guard the market. Therefore, it is necessary to intervene the sellers of illegal abortion drugs as criminals (offenders), consumers of abortion drugs as targets (targets/victims), and the market in the form of social media as a place of crime (Place) to prevent the crime and victimization from happening.
Penyimpangan Distribusi Obat Keras pada Sarana Tidak Memiliki Keahlian dan Kewenangan Melakukan Praktik Kefarmasian: Indonesia Rizki Arrahman Yovia; Fauqi Elfarabi; Fuji Handayani; Ari Andriano Santoso; Surya Dwi Putra
Eruditio : Indonesia Journal of Food and Drug Safety Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Edisi Desember
Publisher : Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (854.183 KB) | DOI: 10.54384/eruditio.v2i1.74


The distribution diversion of prescription drugs at facilities that do not have the expertise and authority to pharmaceuticals practice dominate other types of violations, they are Illegal Drugs and Substandard Drugs. This phenomenon is also caused by public participation, the tendency of people who want to do self-medication, ease of transaction, efficiency of time, energy, and the changes of lifestyle are factors that support the rapid growth of commerce transactions through offline and online media. This trend will certainly have a major impact on the supply chain, especially on drug distribution in Indonesia. The research used qualitative and quantitative methods to obtaining an overview of drug distribution that could describe the situation of supply chain, the potential, and spot that could be used as a diversion of the distribution of prescription drugs in facilities that do not have the expertise and authority to pharmaceuticals practice. The results showed that 90.3% of drugstores sell prescription drugs with the modus dominated by salesmen at 88.4%. Drugstores that selling prescription drugs generally does not put up a drugstores name sign (28.93%). Distribution Systems of prescription drugs at facilities that do not have the expertise and authority to pharmaceuticals practice is carried out offline and online that makes the drug marketing become wider. The diversion of prescription drug distribution occurs in the process of importing medicinal ingredients, the pharmaceutical industry, and retail facilities.
Aplikasi Teknik Double Wash unutk Isolasi DNA Spesies pada Sampel Cangkang Kapsul Lunak: Application of Double Wash Technique for Species DNA Isolation in Soft Capsule Shell Samples Marcella Sutanta; Diana Tri Wulan; Yusrina Nabila; Alfi Sophian
Eruditio : Indonesia Journal of Food and Drug Safety Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Edisi Desember
Publisher : Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (509.378 KB) | DOI: 10.54384/eruditio.v2i1.78


The presence of gelatin components can be identified through fat, protein and DNA. DNA can be obtained through the DNA isolation process which is the process of separating DNA from other components of the cell. The DNA purification stage is the most important thing in DNA isolation because at this stage it can reduce to a minimum the number of contaminants in DNA isolates to determine the purity and concentration of the DNA isolate obtained. The purpose of this technique is to produce DNA isolates that are low inhibitors or are in the purity range of 1.7-2.1. The extraction method used in this study used the double wash technique, the technique was modified from the test stage following the manual kit used, it's just that the technique used was modified at the washing stage with each washing done twice in the washing section. first and second washing so that a total of four items of washing were carried out. The results of the DNA isolates were then analyzed for the purity and concentration of DNA obtained using a nanophotometer, the DNA isolates obtained were in the range of 4,400 - 5,500 ng/µL with an average of 4,950 ng/µL. As for the purity value measured at the wavelength A260/A280, the results were obtained with a purity range between 1,760 - 1,840 with an average of 1,800. This research concludes that all the extracted samples show the results of DNA isolates that fall into the category of good DNA and meet the requirements needed in molecular analysis.
Dampak Dualisme Peraturan Sabun Cuci Tangan Iin Febrianti Sende; Anita Kembaren; Warmanto Firmansyah; Zein Fadhlurrahman
Eruditio : Indonesia Journal of Food and Drug Safety Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Edisi Desember
Publisher : Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1186.349 KB) | DOI: 10.54384/eruditio.v2i1.80


During the Covid-19 pandemic, people’s need for hand soap has increased which on the other hand is used by business actors to produce and selling more than before. Currently, there is a dualism of hand soap regulations in Indonesia, hand soap can be registered as Household Health Supplies (PKRT) which is supervised by the Ministry of Health, and as Cosmetics which is supervised by Indonesian FDA. The research aims to determine the trend of hand soap distribution and the potential impact of the dualistic condition of hand soap regulations, as a form of early detection to prevent or reduce crime in the cosmetic sector, especially for hand soap products. The research was conducted by collecting registration data and distribution data through direct field research and online mapping in e-commerce. The results showed that hand soap registered as cosmetics is more than as PKRT, and there was an increase in the number of registration data for hand soap as PKRT and Cosmetics during 2020. Based on the results of monitoring distribution in online and offline media, it is known that there are hand soaps registered as Cosmetics, PKRT, PKRT and cosmetics (double distribution permits), and illegal (do not have distribution permits). The dualism of hand soap regulation can confuse supervisory and enforcement officers in handling illegal hand soap, as well as potentially be exploited by criminals who produce and distribute illegal hand soap. This also has an impact on the existence of hand soap that has a double distribution permit (PKRT and Cosmetics) which is considered inefficient and can harm business actors. Indonesian FDA must take strategic steps to resolve the dualism of hand soap regulations, by coordinating with the Ministry of Health and intensifying the supervision of hand soap distribution in the market.
Dampak COVID-19 Terhadap Tren Permohonan Layanan Informasi dan Pengaduan Konsumen Secara Elektronik pada ULPK Loka POM di Kabupaten Banyumas Tahun 2019-2020 Ana Yulia; Rahmat Hidayat; Siska Indriarsih; Eka Wahyuni
Eruditio : Indonesia Journal of Food and Drug Safety Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Edisi Desember
Publisher : Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (357.427 KB) | DOI: 10.54384/eruditio.v2i1.94


The Consumer Complaints Service Unit (ULPK) Loka POM in Banyumas Regency is tasked with providing information, accommodating and informing the results of follow-up complaints submitted by the community. COVID-19 or better known as the Corona Virus has become a public concern and has changed the mechanism of public services at all institutions and agencies in Indonesia, including the ULPK Loka POM in Banyumas Regency. The existence of social distancing policies resulted in a change in the trend of requests for information services and consumer complaints electronically, where direct consultation facilities which in 2019 became the most popular choice of consumers (57.87%) turned into online consultations via WhatsApp as much as 52.27% in 2020. The increase in the number of WhatsApp media usage in 2020 by 13.18%. On the other hand, there was a decrease in the number of applicants in the first semester of 2021 by 22%. Through this research, it is also known that the most professions of applicants for information services and consumer complaints in 2019 were the general public (40.53%), turning into professions of business actors as much as 45.34% (2020) and 56% (Semester I of 2021). . This research was conducted using a descriptive method by analyzing data from ULPK Loka POM in Banyumas Regency which was obtained from the application of the Consumer Complaints Service Reporting System (Simpel LPK). From this study, several recommendations were obtained, namely: (1) It is necessary to carry out public service innovations for the community, (2) It is necessary to measure the Community Satisfaction Index (IKM) on a regular basis, and (3) It is necessary to determine the target focus of Communication, Information, and Education activities. (KIE) for business actors.
Review: Uji Sterilitas dan Regionalisasi Laboratorium Sterilitas Badan POM: Review: Uji Sterilitas dan Regionalisasi Laboratorium Sterilitas Badan POM Henny Setiawati; Bertha Lolo Lukita
Eruditio : Indonesia Journal of Food and Drug Safety Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Edisi Desember
Publisher : Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (717.563 KB) | DOI: 10.54384/eruditio.v2i1.96


Sterile products are preparations that meet the physical, chemical requirements and free from microorganisms, both bacteria and fungi. The sterility test is used as one of the parameters for products released from a manufacturer, even though it is not to guarantee entire of the batch meets the sterile requirements. Sterile preparations are manufactured in a facility that has strict environmental characteristics to minimize the risk of microbial contamination. Sterility testing facilities also requires certain facilities to avoid false-positive results, because sterility testing is only be repeated if there is an error in laboratory testing. Sterility test results that give non-sterile results need to be reviewed whether the results obtained are from the product or due to laboratory errors. Sterility testing facilities require large costs. Expensive testing facilities causes the testing are not conducted by all Provincial Laboratory. The regionalized laboratory at Badan POM is a concept to conduct sterility testing that meets national/international guidelines and reduces large costs. This review is based on a literature study covering sterility testing based on national and international guidelines, sterility testing facilities, limitations of sterility testing and investigation of sterility test failure. Additionally, this review will also describe the concept of regionalization of sterility test laboratories at the Indonesian Food and Drug Authority (Indonesian FDA)

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