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Journal of Pubnursing Sciences
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Journal of Pubnursing Sciences (JPS) adalah jurnal peer review dan akses terbuka yang menerbitkan karya ilmiah di bidang keperawatan (e-ISSN 2988-4330, pISSN xxxxxx) yang dikembangkan oleh Pubsains Publisher. Journal of Pubnursing Sciences (JPS) mencakup semua bidang keperawatan termasuk penelitian keperawatan dasar, keperawatan manajemen, keperawatan gawat darurat dan kritis, keperawatan medikal-bedah, keperawatan kesehatan jiwa, keperawatan maternitas, keperawatan anak, keperawatan gerontologi, keperawatan komunitas, keperawatan pendidikan keperawatan keluarga, pengobatan komplementer dan alternatif dalam keperawatan dan keperawatan onkologi.
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Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Pengetahuan Perawat Tentang Perawatan Paliatif Pada Anak Kanker Di RS Wilayah Jakarta Carolina Putri Indah Sari
Journal of Pubnursing Sciences Vol 1 No 03 (2023): Journal of Pubnursing Sciences (JPS)
Publisher : PT. Pubsains Nur Cendekia

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Pediatric palliative care focuses on providing holistic and integrated care to improve the quality of life for children and adolescents with underlying illnesses. The challenge faced by nurses is to equalize the perception between parents and the medical team in carrying out palliative care.  This study aims to determine the factors related to nurses' knowledge about palliative care for children with cancer at hospitals in the Jakarta area. This research used a cross sectional design with a total sampling technique of 47 respondents. The measuring tool used was a nurse knowledge questionnaire about palliative care originating from Abuhammad's research which had been translated and modified by the researcher. Data analysis used SPSS version 25 with the Spearman's rho statistical test which was used to test the strength of the relationship between two variables that were not based on actual data values. The results of the study showed that there was no relationship between age (p = 0.961), last education (p = 0.822), length of work (p = 0.307), skills possessed (p = 0.076), and mastery of work (p = 0.272) with Nurses' knowledge about palliative care. Nurses need to increase their knowledge which can be done by participating in training and education about palliative care, so that they can increase nurses' self-confidence.
Hubungan Kepatuhan Minum Obat Tablet Zat Besi (Fe) Pada Ibu Hamil Dengan Risiko Kejadian Anemia Di Puskesmas Bantargebang Pratama Febrianty, Diva; Meliyana, Ernauli; Indrawati, Lina
Journal of Pubnursing Sciences Vol 1 No 03 (2023): Journal of Pubnursing Sciences (JPS)
Publisher : PT. Pubsains Nur Cendekia

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Background: During pregnancy, women really need good nutritional intake, starting from food and iron (Fe) supplements. Pregnant women are at risk of experiencing anemia, especially due to iron (Fe) deficiency. Objective: To determine the relationship between adherence to taking iron (Fe) tablet medication in pregnant women and the risk of anemia at the Bantargebang Community Health Center. Method: Using a quantitative type of research, which is observational analytical in nature using a cross sectional study design and using Total Sampling sampling techniques, with a sample size of 100 people at the Bantar Gebang Community Health Center. The instrument for measuring the level of compliance of pregnant women uses a questionnaire whose validity and reliability have been tested. Meanwhile, to determine the level of anemia in pregnant women using a hemoglobinometer. Data analysis uses the chi-square formula. Results: Univariate analysis showed that the majority of pregnant women adhered to taking iron (Fe) tablets, 58 respondents (58.0%). Most pregnant women did not experience anemia, 54 respondents (54.0%). Bivariate analysis showed that the majority of pregnant women who were compliant in taking tablet medication (Fe) did not experience anemia as many as 42 respondents (42.0%) and the statistical test results using chi squere were obtained at 0.00 < 0.05. Conclusion: There is a relationship between adherence to taking iron (Fe) tablets in pregnant women and the risk of anemia at the Bantargebang Community Health Center.
Optimalisasi Praktik Perawat Dalam Pencegahan Cedera Jarum Suntik Wibowo, Nurhadi
Journal of Pubnursing Sciences Vol 1 No 03 (2023): Journal of Pubnursing Sciences (JPS)
Publisher : PT. Pubsains Nur Cendekia

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Nurses as the person in charge of nursing care must ensure safe behavior while working, one of which is from the occurrence of needlestick injuries. The purpose of this paper is to identify the impact of optimizing nurse practice in the prevention of needlestick injuries. The author observed the behavior of nurses by using Standard Operating Procedures (SPO) to administer drugs through intravenous. Optimization of nurses' practices through interactive discussions on the prevention of needlestick injuries during pre-conferences. The results of optimizing nurses' practices in giving drugs through intravenous complete according to SPO. It is recommended that optimization of nurse practice is important to prevent needlestick injuries.
Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Tingkat Kecemasan Orang Tua Selama Menunggu Anaknya Menjalani Tindakan Operasi Di RS Wilayah Jakarta Sihombing, Enna Rossalina
Journal of Pubnursing Sciences Vol 1 No 03 (2023): Journal of Pubnursing Sciences (JPS)
Publisher : PT. Pubsains Nur Cendekia

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Introduction: Surgery is a stressor that requires physical and psychosocial adaptation both for patients and families and this stressor will create anxiety. Objective: This study aims to find out the factors related to the level of parents' anxiety while waiting for their children to undergo surgery at the hospital in Jakarta area. Method: This research uses a descriptive correlation method with a cross-sectional approach. Data was collected with a questionnaire of 80 respondents, namely parents who were waiting for their children who were undergoing operations at the hospital in Jakarta area. Sampling technique is total sampling. This study was conducted in May-August 2022 in the family waiting room who were undergoing operational actions at the hospital in Jakarta area. This study uses a questionnaire as a measurement tool, a statistical test using the Chi-Square Test. Results: There is no relationship between age (p value: 0.754), sex (p value: 0.774), education (p value: 0.599) and work (p value: 0.673) with an anxiety level of parents. While the surgery time (p value: 0.010), experience (p value: 0.028), type of operation (p value: 0.021) and type of anesthesia anathesi (p value: 0.036) has something to do with the level of anxiety of parents while waiting for their children to carry out the action Operations at hospitals in Jakarta area. Conclusion: There is no relationship between age, gender, education and work with the level of anxiety of parents while waiting for their children to carry out operations at the hospital in Jakarta area. Whereas the time of surgery, experience, type of operation and type of anesthesia has to do with the level of anxiety of parents of parents while waiting for their children to carry out surgery at the hospital in Jakarta area
Hubungan Adiksi Smartphone dengan Mental Emosional pada Remaja di SMPN 1 Jawilan Kabupaten Serang haerani, beti
Journal of Pubnursing Sciences Vol 1 No 03 (2023): Journal of Pubnursing Sciences (JPS)
Publisher : PT. Pubsains Nur Cendekia

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Smartphone addiction is the use of smartphones with a period of more than 7 hours per day so users enjoy to use them for a long time, smartphone addiction can have an impact on development especially in adolescents such as emotional disorders. Research goal: to identify the relationship of smartphone addiction with emotional mental health in teenagers at Junior High School 1 Jawilan. Research method: analytical descriptive quantitative with cross sectional approach. Population: 852 all Jawilan Junior High School students. Sample: 98 respondents in class IX with age criteria of 14-16 years. Sampling technique: probability random sampling. Instrument: spread of Smartphone Addiction Scale questionnaire and Self Reporting Questionnaire-20 with statistical tests using chi square. Results: showed that respondents in the most criteria were age criteria of 14 years as many as 55 respondents (56.1%), female gender criteria as many as 51 respondents (52.0%), high levels of addiction in smartphones as many as 86 respondents (87.8%), emotional mental indicators 74 respondents (75.5%). Chi Square statistical test results with a value = 0.035 or less (<0.05). Conclusion: Showing the Relationship of Smartphone Addiction with Emotional Mentality to Teenagers in Junior High School 1 Jawilan. Suggestion: monitoring the use of smartphones will have an impact on the emotional mental health of adolescents.
Hubungan Antara Motivasi dan Disiplin Kerja Dengan Produktivitas Kerja Perawat di Ruang Rawat Inap RS Melati Tangerang Deswita, Reny
Journal of Pubnursing Sciences Vol 1 No 03 (2023): Journal of Pubnursing Sciences (JPS)
Publisher : PT. Pubsains Nur Cendekia

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Background: Nurses' work productivity is an important factor in improving and developing the quality of hospital services. Productivity in nursing is complex and impacts patient care. If nurse productivity is low, the performance of nurses in providing nursing services will decrease. As a result, client satisfaction as recipients of nursing services is not met properly, so that the quality of nursing services decreases. Apart from that, poor nurse productivity tends to result in poor documentation quality as well. Objective: The aim of this research is to analyze the relationship between work motivation and discipline and work productivity. Method: Quantitative research with a cross sectional approach, the sample in this study was 65 respondents. This research was conducted at Melati Tangerang Hospital from April-May 2023. This research used univariate tests to identify the characteristics of respondents and bivariate tests using the Chi-Square Test were used to determine the relationship between variables. Results: there is a significant relationship between work motivation and discipline and nurses' work productivity with a p-value of 0.000. 81.5% of respondents have high work motivation, 84.6% of respondents have high work discipline and as many as 81.5% of respondents have a high level of work productivity. Conclusion: High work motivation and discipline can increase work productivity thereby improving the quality of nursing services and preventing errors in providing nursing care
Pengaruh Pelaksanaan Peer Learning Terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Mahasiswa D3 Keperawatan Tentang Konsep Keperawatan Medikal Bedah Papo Bage, Veronika
Journal of Pubnursing Sciences Vol 1 No 03 (2023): Journal of Pubnursing Sciences (JPS)
Publisher : PT. Pubsains Nur Cendekia

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This research aims to instill the influence of peer learning method training on increasing the knowledge of students in the STIKes Mayapada Nursing Diploma III Study Program. The research design used was a quasi-experimental design with an intervention group that took part in peer learning training and a control group that did not take part in similar training. The research population was all students in semesters 3, 5, and 6, with a sample of 40 students selected randomly. Data was collected through training evaluations and knowledge tests before and after training. The results of the data analysis showed that the intervention group experienced a significant increase in knowledge (p < 0.05), while the control group did not show a significant change. The implication is that peer learning training can increase students' knowledge of Nursing, support the concept of inclusive education, and prepare students to face the demands of the ever-growing homicidal profession. This research makes an important contribution to understanding the benefits of peer learning in the context of protection education.  

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