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Jambura Medical and Health Science Journal
ISSN : 28300580     EISSN : 28304608     DOI :
Core Subject : Health,
Jambura Medical and Health Science Journal (JMHSJ) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, and interesting case reports. The journal focuses on promoting medical and health sciences, derived from basic sciences, clinical and community health research, both in animal and human study. The mission of our journal is to provide biomedical scientists, clinical and public health researchers as well as other health care professionals with the media to publish their research works
Articles 6 Documents
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Periocular Chemotherapy in Palpebral Malignancies: A Review Nabita Aulia; Halimah Pagarra; Suliati P Amir; Andi Pratiwi
Jambura Medical and Health Science Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2023): Jambura Medical and Health Science Journal
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/jmhsj.v2i2.21825


Background: Palpebral malignancy is still a significant health problem and consists of sebaceous gland carcinoma (SGC), basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and malignant melanoma (MM). Although total resection using the Moh micrograph method is standard therapy for these cases, perioral chemotherapy may be an alternative therapy in patients where surgery cannot be performed.Content: Periocular chemotherapy in lid malignancy is recommended in cases that are inhibited or contraindicated for surgery, with obscure tumor margins, with markers of tumor invasion of vascular, lymphatic, nerve, or other orbital structures, signs of relapse after surgery, local pagetoid involvement, sizeable tumor size, and also presented an appearance of diffuse and multifocal tumor on histopathological examination. Choices of local chemotherapeutic agents based on the variety of palpebral malignancy, namely: (1) imiquimod for BCC; (2) mitomycin-C for SGC; (3) cisplatin, doxorubicin, bleomycin, peplomycin, methotrexate, and 5-fluorouracil for SCC; and (4) Imiquimod for MM. Topical chemotherapy is given to patients using an iodontotherapy method or ophthalmic cream.. More often than not, topical chemotherapy possessed a few side effects that are mild and tolerable and disappear on their own after treatment has finished.Conclusion: Local/periocular chemotherapy for palpebral malignancy is an alternative adjuvant therapy that can be considered, especially in cases where surgery is not possible. Key words: Malignancy, chemotherapy, palpebral, periocular
The Correlation Between Working Posture and Work Duration and Non-Specific Neck Pain Symptoms in Computer User Employees Andi Siti Irfa Fidia Mustafah; Nurhikmawaty Hasbiah; Andi Rahmaniar
Jambura Medical and Health Science Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2023): Jambura Medical and Health Science Journal
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/jmhsj.v2i2.16573


Introduction: Longer work processes with non-ergonomic working postures by employees who use computers can certainly cause musculoskeletal tension. One of the musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) associated with computer use is complaints of non-specific neck pain caused by a non-ergonomic posture of the neck muscles over a long period, which causes muscle tension. This study aims to determine the relationship between working posture and duration of work using a computer on non-specific neck pain complaints among Hasanuddin University Rectorate employees.Method: A cross-sectional research design was carried out on 121 administrative employees aged 22 years who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Assessment of working posture uses the Baseline Risk Identification of Ergonomic Factor (BRIEF) questionnaire, and for non-specific neck pain complaints using the Nordic Body Map (NBM) questionnaire. The Spearman's rho correlation test analyzes the relationship between variables.Results: 49 out of 121 respondents had a high-risk working posture for non-specific neck pain, and 59 out of 121 had a long working duration. Working posture is positively correlated with symptoms of non-specific neck pain (p = 0.001; r = 0.598). In contrast, work duration did not correlate with symptoms of non-specific neck pain (p = 0.063; r = 0.169).Conclusion: High-risk working postures can predict the incidence of non-specific neck pain in office administration employees. This can be a consideration for office leaders to pay attention to the working posture of their employees.Key words: Duration, non-specific neck pain, working posture
Potential of Red Algae Eucheuma spinosum as Antibacterial to Pseudomonas aeruginosa Nur Insani Amir; Arafah Nurfadillah; Tri Rama Dani
Jambura Medical and Health Science Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2023): Jambura Medical and Health Science Journal
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/jmhsj.v2i2.21581


Introduction: Eucheuma spinosum is one of Indonesia's potential marine resources that can be used as an antimicrobial. The red algae E. spinosum contains many secondary metabolites which can inhibit the growth of bacteria. This research aimed to determine the optimum inhibitory power of the red algae extract E. spinosum using n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol solvents in inhibiting the growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria.Method: The extraction process uses the maceration method with n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol as solvents. Antibacterial testing was carried out using the paper disk diffusion method with soaking for 1 hour and incubating for 24 hours. The extract with the largest clear zone diameter was then tested further using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) to investigate the compound content in the sample.Results: The solvent that produced the largest inhibition zone diameter was ethyl acetate extract, namely 16.1 mm at a concentration of 4%. Analysis of the compounds contained in the ethyl acetate extract using GCMS showed the presence of hexadecanoic acid which is a terpenoid group.Conclusion: The optimum concentration of red algae E. spinosum extract to inhibit the growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was 16.1 mm in 4% ethyl acetate solvent. Key words: Antibacterial, Eucheuma spinosum, Pseudomonas aeruginosa
The Relationship between Disaster Knowledge and Disaster Preparedness Attitudes in Medical Students of Universitas Negeri Gorontalo Andhika Rezeky Gunawan Gani; Zuhriana K Yusuf; Irmawati Irmawati
Jambura Medical and Health Science Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2023): Jambura Medical and Health Science Journal
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/jmhsj.v2i2.21823


Introduction: The incidence of natural disasters worldwide is increasing and unpredictable. As one of the high-risk disaster countries, good knowledge and disaster preparedness in Indonesia residence are needed to reduce the risk of a disaster. As agents of change, students should have competent skills in disaster situations. This study aims to determine the relationship between disaster knowledge and disaster preparedness attitudes among medical students at Universitas Negeri Gorontalo (UNG).Method: This research is a descriptive study with a cross-sectional design and uses a total sampling technique on active UNG medical students during the research period. The research was conducted at the UNG Faculty of Medicine from September to November 2022. The research instrument used a questionnaire that had been used in previous studies. The independent variable is disaster knowledge, while the dependent variable is disaster preparedness attitudes. Bivariate analysis was carried out using the chi-square test to determine the relationship between the two variables.Results: Of the 208 respondents, most have a high level of disaster knowledge of 81.7%. The description of disaster preparedness attitudes shows that most respondents have a good attitude towards disaster preparedness, namely 52.4%. There is no significant relationship between disaster knowledge and preparedness attitudes (p-value 0.160).Conclusion: There is no relationship between disaster knowledge and disaster preparedness attitudes among UNG medical students. It is hoped that the institution will continue to develop disaster education so that students can have better disaster knowledge and be able to deal with disaster situations. Key words: Attitude, disaster, knowledge, preparedness
Overview of Characteristics for Impaired Lung Function in Bentor Drivers in Gorontalo City in 2023 Muhammad Fahran Darise; Sri Manovita Pateda; Yancy Lumentut; Abdi Dzul Ikram Hasanuddin; Muhammad Zukri Antuke
Jambura Medical and Health Science Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2023): Jambura Medical and Health Science Journal
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/jmhsj.v2i2.21824


Introduction: Impaired lung function is a functional disorder of the lungs that causes a slowing of airflow during respiration. Bentor drivers are a profession with a risk of decreasing lung function due to work activities that are always on the road and exposed to motor vehicle pollution. Exposure to cigarette smoke in active and passive smokers is also significant in causing several other respiratory diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The purpose of this study was to describe the risk factors for impaired lung function in Bentor drivers in Gorontalo City in 2023.Method: The research was conducted in June 2023 on eligible Bentor drivers accidentally found in Gorontalo City. The research instrument used a questionnaire, stress perception scale (SPS), and spirometry.Results: The results obtained are the distribution of risk factors for impaired lung function in Bentor drivers in Gorontalo City in 2023, based on length of work found more work more than five years (63.33%), more work more than 8 hours a day (75%), had smoking habits with a smoking duration of more than ten years (58.3%) and smoked more than ten cigarettes a day (62.5%) and had a severe perception of stress (66.6%).Conclusion: Bentor drivers are one of the contributing factors in impaired lung function. There is a relationship between the risk factors for smoking, length of work, duration of exposure to pollution, and perception of stress with lung function in Bentor drivers in Gorontalo City. Key words: Bentor drivers, lung function, smoking, stress perception
Delayed Management of Pediatric Testicular Torsion with Absence of Severe Pain : An Evidance-Based Case Report Pramudita Angga Kartika; Riza Mazidu Sholihin
Jambura Medical and Health Science Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2023): Jambura Medical and Health Science Journal
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/jmhsj.v2i2.21818


Testicular torsion is a surgical emergency. To protect the affected gonad, early diagnosis and surgical therapy are essential. The pediatrician's difficulty in communicating his complaints is one of the potential patient-specific causes for a delayed diagnosis related to any of these symptoms. We describe a case of unilateral testicular torsion in a 13-year-old child who had complained of swelling but hadn't experienced intense scrotal discomfort in six days. His right testicle was completely shattered. When the right testicle was discovered to have a 360-degree torsion and to be detorted but not viable in the operating room, it had an orchidectomy, and the left testis underwent an orchidopexy. Three internet databases—PubMed, Google Scholar, and Science Direct—were used to search the literature. An English journal that discusses pediatric testicular torsion has inclusion criteria. There is insufficient research on testicular torsion that manifests with painless symptoms. Treatment could be postponed if this phenomenon isn't considered appropriately.

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