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M. Mukhlis Fahruddin
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Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Islam Negri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang Jl. Gajayana No. 50 Malang 65144
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Es-Syajar:Journal of Islam, Science and Technology Integration
ISSN : -     EISSN : 29887909     DOI :
Core Subject : Religion, Social,
Integrasi Islam dan Sains Integrasi Islam dan Teknologi 1.Pemikiran dan konsep integrasi Islam dan Sains 2.Hasil penelitian berbasis integrasi Islam dan Sains 3.Implementasi pembelajaran berbasis integrasi Islam dan Sains 4.Implementasi teknologi berbasis integrasi Islam dan Sains
Articles 10 Documents
Integrasi Pendidikan Islam dan sains Perspektif Ismail Raji Al-Faruqi Moh Kamilus Zaman; M. Mukhlis Fahruddin
Es-Syajar:Journal of Islam, Science and Technology Integration Vol 1, No 1 (2023): Es-Syajar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/es.v1i1.19840


The discourse on integration in Indonesia has long been echoed as stated in UUSPN Number 20 of 2003 article 30 which requires the implementation of religious education at all levels of education as a form of shared awareness to achieve a complete quality of life. In the implementation of education, it has two main missions, namely fostering intellectual power and fostering moral power. Synergizing science and Islam (Religion) is something that is very important, even a necessity, because ignoring religious values in the development of science and technology will give birth to tremendous negative impacts. normal. The negative impact of the tendency to ignore values (religious morality) can be seen empirically in corrupt behavior and other things that are done by humans on this earth by using the power of science and technology. This research is a library research (library research) where in this research the researcher uses descriptive analytical method. The descriptive method is used to describe Ismail Al Faruqi's views regarding the concept of Islamization taken from several of his related works. Meanwhile, the analytical method used by researchers is to analyze the extent to which the concept of Islamization is in an effort to integrate science and religion. The results of this discussion indicate that, (First: The Islamization of knowledge initiated by Al-faruqi is to Islamize modern science by means of rehabilitation, revolution, reconstruction (rearranging data) and adjustments to the parts that make it up. To apply the idea of the Islamization of knowledge, Al-Faruqi lays his epistemological foundation on the principle of monotheism which consists of five kinds of units, including: 1). Oneness (unity) of Allah SWT. 2). Unity of creation 3). The unity of truth and knowledge. 4). Unity life. 5). Human unity Second: Educational Integration at UIN Malang Perspective of Al-Faruqi UIN Malang as a pioneer in the establishment of ma'had or student dormitories Developed educational culture adapted to university culture. UIN Malang prefer the Imam Al-Ghazali approach which classifies knowledge into Fardlu 'ain and fardlu Kifayah with the "takwil" method taken from social sciences.
Pandangan Islam Terhadap Pengembangan Dan Pemanfaatan Sains Dan Teknologi Anas Suprapto; Yulianto Yulianto
Es-Syajar:Journal of Islam, Science and Technology Integration Vol 1, No 1 (2023): Es-Syajar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/es.v1i1.20423


The development and use of technology as a human activity in the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence is included in the category of something that is subject to law. So this activity must also be closely related to Islamic law itself, starting from taklifi law to wadl'i law. This research is a literature study. In data collection techniques, the authors explore scientific papers as well as several credible sites that discuss topics regarding Islam and technology, such as credible news sites, scientific papers obtained from several journals, both from Islamic journals. as well as universal journals such as the Technology Journal. The results of this discussion show that, 1. Islamic Views in the Development and Utilization of Science and Technology, including: a) Islamic views in the Development and Utilization of Science and Technology, studying and developing a technology as a tool for the benefit of human life has several advantages starting from fiqh law , moral values, to evidence of servitude to Allah SWT. b) Shari'a Goals in the Development and Utilization of Technology. In summary, if a technology has become a medium/tool in realizing the needs of human life: primary, secondary, and tertiary needs, then the law of technological development which was originally fardu kifayah can turn into fardu ain, sunah, and as a priority. c) The Islamic view on the use or use of technology, the use or use of technology is very close to the purpose of using the technology itself. d) The Polemic on the Use of Loudspeaker Technology (Toa), the use of loudspeakers in the range of 100 db as stated by the Minister of Religion in his circular letter is makruh, it can even be illegal. 2. Development and utilization of science and technology in terms of benefit and resistance to damage in Islam, including: a) Maslahat and Mafsadat levels, religious orders to create benefit are orders to realize various good deeds (al-ihsānu). While the essence of good deeds is the activity of realizing benefit and resisting damage. b) How to determine Benefit and Harm, Ukhrowi, Shari'a (an-Naqlu wa asSyar`i) and Worldly, Intellect, experimentation, and customs (al-`aqlu wa at- Tajarrubu Wa al-Ādatu) c) Charities Human Actions in the Perspective of Generating Benefit and Rejecting Damage, Benefit (al-maṣlahatu), Cause of worldly benefit, Cause of ukhrowi benefit and Cause of worldly and ukhrowi benefit ) Science and Technology as Tools and Media to Realize Benefit and Refuse Damage, media law is in harmony with the law of the purpose of using the media itself. If the goal is unlawful, makruh, obligatory mubah, or sunna, then media law and the cause is also unlawful, makruh, mubah, obligatory, or sunnah
Deradikalisasi Agama Melalui Integrasi Nilai Moderasi Beragama dalam Pembelajaran PAI di SMAN 1 Pamekasan Sayyi Sayyi Fithriyah
Es-Syajar:Journal of Islam, Science and Technology Integration Vol 1, No 1 (2023): Es-Syajar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/es.v1i1.20424


The presence of the era of society 5.0 is a challenge for the creation of an inclusive nation, tolerant and harmonious nation in the midst of the rapid flow of information that can be accessed and accepted by the wider community without borders, the condition of the nation which in percentage terms is 55% is not ready for the birth of this era, as a result it creates a nation that tends to being extremist, radical and intolerant of the information he received could not be properly filtered and clarified. The purpose of this research is to explore the value of religious moderation and reveal the strategy of integrating these values in PAI (Islamic Religious Education) at SMAN 1 Pamekasan which has made efforts to deradicalize the religion of its students. This study used a qualitative approach with case study design. Research data was obtained through observation, interviews, and document studies related to deradicalization of religion through the integration of various moderation values in PAI (Islamic Religious Education). The results showed that the religious moderation values include values of tolerance, egalitarianism, balance, harmony, inclusiveness, humanism, equality, love of the motherland, mutual respect, forgiveness, mutual help, fairness, consistency, discipline, and independence values. These values are integrated in PAI (Islamic Religious Education) through various integration approaches and strategies, namely; traditional integration strategy, free integration strategy, reflective integration strategy, transdisciplinary integration strategy, and trans-internal integration strategy.
Pohon Bidara (Ziziphus mauritiana Lamk) dalam Tafsir AlQur’an serta Analisis Manfaatnya sebagai Obat Anti-Kanker Alami Alima Fadhila Majid
Es-Syajar:Journal of Islam, Science and Technology Integration Vol 1, No 1 (2023): Es-Syajar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/es.v1i1.20425


The use of bidara has developed from time to time. As technology develops, the use of bidara can be found in the world of medical treatment. This is what interests the writer to find out about the use of bidara as a natural anti-cancer drug and the interpretation of bidara trees reviewed in the Qur'an, sura Saba' verse 16. In this study, the author used a qualitative approach with the Library Research technique. The method used is descriptive-analysis. The primary source in this study is the book of Tafsir Ibn Katsîr and the secondary sources are magazines or articles, journals and scientific works related to research. The results of this study are the use of active compounds contained in bidara leaves, namely alkaloids, sapori, tani, and steroids. According to Jannah's research results (2018), sea bidara leaf extract has the potential to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells (1470) in vitro with values of ethanol extract, chloroform fraction, and n-hexane fraction of 5814, Mn, and 384 respectively. The katsir regarding the bidara in surah Saba': 16 states that the bidara (As-Sidr) in the sentence Min sidrin qalīl (a few bidara trees) in this context Ibn katṡīr interprets the pronunciation of As-Sidr as a substitute for good trees because of the disbelief of the Saba people '
Manfaat Mentimun (Cucumis Sativus) Perspektif Islam Untuk Kesehatan Aprilia Dwi Fatimah
Es-Syajar:Journal of Islam, Science and Technology Integration Vol 1, No 1 (2023): Es-Syajar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/es.v1i1.20426


Allah SWT has mentioned in the Qur'an one fruit that is good for the body, namely cucumber Cucumber is a very good fruit and has many benefits, consuming it which contains lots of nutrients and anti-oxidants will be a solution to problems in maintaining a healthy body. There have been many studies on the benefits of cucumber content. The method used in writing this journal is descriptive qualitative and literature review method. The data collection technique used was to collect data from various sources of literature from journals and other literary sources. Allah SWT has mentioned cucumbers in the Al-Qur'an surah AlBaqarah verse 61, besides that it was also narrated by Aisyah R.A, (the wife of Rasulullah SAW) that Rasulullah SAW always ate cucumbers mixed with dates, the benefits according to Aisyah could form a fat body that ideal. Cucumber plants are included in the type of seasonal or short-lived fruit vegetable plants. Cucumber plants grow in vines (creeping) in the form of bushes or shrubs, and the height or length of the plants can reach 2 meters or more. Cucumber is a family of Cucurbitaceae and can be a source of natural antioxidants because it contains vitamin C and flavonoids which can break free radical reactions. Cucumber can be used for treatment, namely to lower blood pressure, cure jaundice, improve urination, maintain bone health, canker sores, anti-cancer, prevent dehydration, hypertension, and destroy kidney stones
Menganalisa Pola Hidup Bersih Sehat ( PHBS ) Dalam Perspektif Islam di Desa Tegalweru Kec. Dau Kabupaten Malang Anita Andriya Ningsih; Riskiyah Maulani; Izzah Nurfadillah; Tsania Riris Nur Aisyah
Es-Syajar:Journal of Islam, Science and Technology Integration Vol 1, No 2 (2023): Es-Syajar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/es.v1i2.23353


Clean and Healthy Living Behavior or often abbreviated as PHBS is the behavior or action of seeking cleanliness and health from one's own volition and transmitting it to others. This behavior includes maintaining personal hygiene and health so that it impacts the health of others and the surrounding environment. This research was conducted in Tegalweru Village, Kec. In his environment, Dau Malang Regency found that there are still many public places and local residents who do not understand how to carry out good and correct PHBS. Therefore KKM students carry out socialization related to OHBS in order to create a prosperous society. Implementing PHBS in the community can be said to be difficult considering there is still a lack of awareness within each one. Even though it's not only from health, but religion also often reminds of cleanliness. Because cleanliness is the beginning of a healthy life. If healthy, activities can be carried out including in worshiping God Almighty. The aim of this research is to see how the religious side is related to PHBS. The research method used is descriptive. The results obtained from this study are that religion strongly supports a clean and healthy lifestyle. Even one hadith confirms that cleanliness is part of faith.
Studi Tafsir Tematik: Kajian Nanopartikel Menurut Al-Qur’an Serta Pemanfaatannya di Bidang Medis Farah Fauzia Maulahibati; Umaiyatus Syarifah; Eko Budi Minarno
Es-Syajar:Journal of Islam, Science and Technology Integration Vol 1, No 2 (2023): Es-Syajar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/es.v1i2.23329


Nanoparticles are small particles that can penetrate physiological barriers in the body and circulate in the circulatory system. Nanoparticles are very small, just like atoms, which cannot be seen directly by the eye and require a microscope to see them. Nanoparticles are made with a very small size to overcome difficulties in dissolving active substances, improve poor bioviability of compounds, and directly modify drug delivery systems to specific areas. The Qur'an does not specifically discuss nanoparticles, but the Qur'an explains it implicitly in the word zarrah which is repeated 6 times. The repetition of the word zarrah is in Q.S An-Nisa'/4 verse 40, Q.S Yunus/10 verse 61, Q.S Saba'/34 verse 3, Q.S Saba'/34 verse 22, and Q.S Al-Zalzalah/99 verses 7-8. This research method uses thematic interpretation, namely the method of interpretation through the collection of verses of the Qur’an with the same topic to be studied. Scholars and commentators interpret zarrah as a small seed or red ant head or something small in size. Modern commentators always associate zarrah with atoms because of their very small size. Along with the times, there is currently a new technology in the medical world that uses small particles such as atoms known as nanoparticles
Khasiat Buah Tin (Fiscus carica L.) dalam Perspektif Al-Qur’an dan Sains Nova Ramadhanti
Es-Syajar:Journal of Islam, Science and Technology Integration Vol 1, No 2 (2023): Es-Syajar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/es.v1i2.23342


The fig fruit plant (Ficus carica L.) is a type of plant that belongs to the Moraceae family which has a specialty in the Qur'an and is rich in benefits and grows a lot in the West Asia region and of course Indonesia. In Indonesia, the existence of figs has begun to be developed to be varied into products that can compete in the market. Figs are specifically enshrined in the Qur'an which is in the letter at-Tiin, this means that Allah hints at the efficacy or benefits of figs. The content of bioactive compounds in figs can be used as medicine and is useful for treating various diseases. In addition to bioactive compounds, the largest chemical content is in figs, namely polyphenols and flavonoids. The purpose of writing this journal is to provide information regarding the properties and benefits of figs. The properties contained in figs are also used for traditional medicine, including being used for the treatment of ulcers, indigestion and diarrhea, while in the scientific scope and pharmacological activity including as an antibacterial, antioxidant, antitumor, and anti-inflammatory agent.
Menilik Nilai Illahiyat Dalam Konsep Kecermatan Maksimun Pada Sistem Respirasi Manusia Yoga Agustian Permadi Winarto
Es-Syajar:Journal of Islam, Science and Technology Integration Vol 1, No 2 (2023): Es-Syajar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/es.v1i2.23351


Integration is the process of combining several separate parts into a unified whole or whole. Integration is not just a formality in combining scientific and Islamic knowledge, but also includes efforts to bring together perspectives, ways of thinking and ways of acting between the two. In the view of Islam, science and nature have a balance with religion which implies the intention to pursue scientific knowledge by Muslims. As the universe itself is seen in the Qur'an as a collection of signs of His power. One of the signs of God's power that is interesting to study in an integrative manner from a scientific and Islamic point of view is the human respiratory system, where this system is one of the most important systems in the survival of living things, especially humans. The purpose of this study is intended to bridge scientific studies and practice. This research was conducted through the method of literature review from various sources, including the Al-Quran as the most important scientific source in Islam with the study of scientific thematic interpretations. The results of this study show the important role of respiration in living things and its relation to the power of Allah SWT regarding the concept of creation which follows the principle of maximum accuracy, where the explanation of this is also supported by His words in the Al-Quran.
Tiga Komponen Utama (Sumber Daya Manusia, Sistem Kerambah, Sistem Pengelolaan) Pemberdayaan Embung Cokro, Sukoanyar, Pakis, Malang Nafisa Qotrul Hidayah; Faizah Fajar Putri; Nur Muhammad Taqiyyuddin Subki; Hermawan Wibawa Putra; Binti Nur 'Alimah
Es-Syajar:Journal of Islam, Science and Technology Integration Vol 1, No 2 (2023): Es-Syajar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/es.v1i2.23352


Kuliah Kerja Mahasiswa (KKM) is a forum and a concrete manifestation of student obligations in carrying out the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in the field of community service. The KKM service activity for group 33 of the State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang was carried out in Cokro Hamlet, Sukoanyar Village, Pakis District, Malang Regency. Community service is carried out in various aspects, one of which is empowering village resources. Sukoanyar Village has a reservoir or irrigation pond which is a village asset. However, the reality on the ground is that the Cokro Reservoir has experienced several setbacks, namely its less productive activities and management. The purpose of implementing embung empowerment socialization is as an effort to achieve the main goal, namely cokro embung which is productive both in terms of empowerment value, economic value, aesthetic value and profit value. The effort of the KKM 33 UIN Malang group in assisting this empowerment process was to socialize the empowerment of cokro ponds. The content of the socialization is about the main components of the reservoir management which include; productivity of human resources, cage systems, harvesting systems, feed systems and suitable types of fish. Fish that are suitable for cultivation are tilapia. Apart from that, KKM-33 of UIN Malang has also built a garden on the side of the pond and carried out stocking of fish ready for fishing in order to help the process of empowering the pond.

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