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Indonesian Journal of Education (INJOE)
Published by CV. Adiba Aisha Amira
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Core Subject : Education,
Indonesian Journal of Education (INJOE) publishes articles on education and learning in general. Contains articles / research results written by experts, scientists, practitioners, and reviewers in the field of education and learning. Some of Indonesian Journal of Education (INJOE): Education and learning theory and foundation, Education and learning philosophy, Education and learning technology, Education and learning media, Education evaluation, Education Management, Education and learning innovation, Education for all levels, Formal education, Informal education, Education non-formal, Rural education, Urban education, Education and learning curriculum, Educators and students, Education and learning policies, Learning methods and strategies, Learning assessment, socio-cultural, etc.
Articles 13 Documents
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School Administration With National Standards of Education to Improve the Quality of Education Indonesia Helda Daniati
Indonesian Journal of Education (INJOE) Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): DECEMBER

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School administration is the entire management process, starting from controlling, managing and regulating various ways or efforts so that school goals can be implemented. Management of the development of Graduate Competency Standards and Educators and Education Personnel Standards is a program to determine the quality of education. To encourage the improvement of the quality of education in Indonesia, the government implements a standardization of the education system that must be applied by all educational institutions in Indonesia. The program was called the National Education Standards which later became the basis for the government to plan, implement, and supervise education. By implementing this standardization, it is hoped that there will be an increase in the quality of education in Indonesia. In its preparation, the National Education Standards have been perfected with full planning, direction and sustainability, adjusting for life changes that occur on a national and global scale.
Analysis of Village and City in the Concept Modern Education Aulia Safitri
Indonesian Journal of Education (INJOE) Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): DECEMBER

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Differences in attitudes and behavior reflect that rural and urban children have different passions in studying. City children with existing facilities in schools and in some areas have been provided with fast information with the existing media they are no longer interested in seeking knowledge. So education has a very important role in alleviating poverty, especially in rural communities, where access to education is very limited. In addition, awareness of the importance of getting education is still very much in rural communities. To achieve this, it is necessary to cooperate with related parties in equitable access to education for all communities, especially rural communities in the context of alleviating poverty and improving sustainable welfare. In order to minimize the gap between education in urban and rural areas in terms of quality and quantity, education harmony is needed such as: structuring local content, determining curriculum standards and textbooks, determining study hours, teacher appointment patterns, provisions for the number of students per class, teaching hours for teachers and others are determined equally.
Efforts to Improve School Effectiveness in Organizations Ardianti Ardianti
Indonesian Journal of Education (INJOE) Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): DECEMBER

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The concept of an effective school is the specification of the organizational development process in the principal's management process that is in accordance with the actual needs of the school. This managerial efficiency is characterized by the optimal functioning of the organizational structure, teacher and professional performance, progressive student preparation and learning. School effectiveness is also reflected in the implementation and development of academic activities and the achievement of educational goals. Therefore, the more skilled school principals, teachers, and school staff are in carrying out their duties and responsibilities, the more efficient and effective the entire school system and services will be.
Education Financing and Assessment in Improving the Quality of Education In Indonesia Helma Rusina
Indonesian Journal of Education (INJOE) Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): DECEMBER

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The education process cannot run without costs, the cost of education is all expenditures, whether in the form of money or not, as an expression of the responsibility of all parties to the development of education. Through education, a quality and superior generation is born, so education is an important factor to make it happen. Education funding is needed for school programs, teacher salaries, employee salaries and other needs that can support the achievement of the vision and mission. Then the assessment of the learning program also needs to be carried out properly, with the aim of knowing the extent to which the learning program affects the improvement of the quality of education.
The Role of School Operators in Data and Information System Management and Service to Improve School Quality Emelia Rosana
Indonesian Journal of Education (INJOE) Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): DECEMBER

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Education today requires a foundation that must be built, namely realizing its position as a producer of educational services. Schools must understand well the increasingly complex needs of society, especially following the very rapid development of IT information. The research with the title "the role of school operators in managing information data systems as quality assurance of education services has a problem formulation what is the role of school operators in managing information data systems as education quality assurance, the process of managing data and information systems as quality assurance, and What is the relationship between school operators and the process of managing data and information systems with the quality of education services. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of school operators in managing information data systems as a guarantee of the quality of education services, along with the relationship between school operators and the process of managing data and information systems with the quality of education services. The object of this research is focused on the role of school operators in managing information data systems as a guarantee of the quality of education services. This research is descriptive qualitative which describes based on what it is. The result of this research is that the operator's role in managing the information data system is an indicator of the quality of education services. The relationship between them is symmetrical because the task of the service does not rely on the operator alone.
National Standards of Education Hikmah Hikmah
Indonesian Journal of Education (INJOE) Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): DECEMBER

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National education standards are minimum criteria regarding various relevant aspects in the implementation of the national education system and must be met by education providers and/or units throughout the jurisdiction of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. National education standards are minimum standards or criteria related to the education system held in Indonesia. National Education is used for Education organized by the Central Government, Local Government, and the community in the formal education pathway, non-formal education pathway, and informal education pathway. The formal education pathway is formal early childhood education; basic education; middle education; and higher education. The non-formal education pathway is non-formal early childhood education; and equality education.
Education Administration Perspective Policy Makers and Educational Institutions Asma Niah
Indonesian Journal of Education (INJOE) Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): DECEMBER

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Education Administration is a process or effort to achieve an educational goal by taking into account various components of education so that it can improve the education system by utilizing various tools to support learning and teaching activities. The scope of education administration is not just school administration or learning administration. Such a view is a narrow view. Education administration is broader than that, although the estuary of all policies is an educational unit at all levels and types. So education administration is at the level of policy makers and at the level of education units. Educational administration is the science of structuring human resources, curriculum or learning resources and facilities to achieve educational goals optimally and create an agreed-upon atmosphere for humans. Doubts about the function of the school as the best place for learning are still doubted by several related parties, and facts regarding the capacity building program have failed to hone the skills of teachers, which has resulted in the poor quality of the learning they have built.
Stages Application of National Standards Research For Higher Universities Fatimatul Zahra
Indonesian Journal of Education (INJOE) Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): DECEMBER

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The need for minimum criteria regarding the research system at universities that apply in all jurisdictions of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. The national standard of research for lecturers is one of the activities of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. These activities must be planned, implemented, monitored, and documented by the UPPM. National research standards consist of: 1. Research results standards 2. Research content standards 3. Research process standards 4. Research assessment standards 5. Research standards 6. Research facilities and infrastructure standards 7. Research management standards 8. Research funding and financing standards.
Student Management STAI Rakha Amuntai Student Tasks Based on Library Research and Public Field Research Dewi Yanti; Syahrani Syahrani
Indonesian Journal of Education (INJOE) Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): DECEMBER

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Lecturers should be able to see their profession as a calling from the soul, so that they carry out their duties which are summarized in the tridharma of higher education. On the other hand, lecturers must be able to develop the talents of their students if they look talented and instill skills in their students if the skills are not visible. For this reason, STAI lecturer Rakha Amuntai began to improve by making all his student assignments more qualified by increasing the standard of assignments that were initially only papers based on published literature research, especially if there were students who were ready to make field research-based articles into published articles.
National Standards of Education in Contents Standards and Education Process Standards in Indonesia Helda Helda; Syahrani Syahrani
Indonesian Journal of Education (INJOE) Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): DECEMBER

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Education is an important aspect in nation building. However, educational attainment in Indonesia at present has not yet reached the best quality of education. Various policies in an effort to improve the quality of education have been carried out by the government and are still continuing. National Education Standards (SNP) are minimum criteria regarding various relevant aspects in the implementation of the national education system and must be met by education providers and/or units throughout the jurisdiction of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. National Education Standards serve as the basis for planning, implementing, and supervising education in the context of realizing quality national education. National Education Standards aim to ensure the quality of national education in the context of educating the nation's life and shaping the character and civilization of a dignified nation. National Education Standards are refined in a planned, directed, and sustainable manner in accordance with the changing demands of local, national, and global life. There are eight National Education Standards, namely: Content Standards, Process Standards, Educators and Education Personnel Standards, Facilities and Infrastructure Standards, Management Standards, Financing Standards, and Educational Assessment Standards.

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