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Journal of Entrepreneurial and Business Diversity
ISSN : 29855365     EISSN : 29862132     DOI : 10.38142/jebd
Core Subject : Science,
The Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Diversity discusses the role of diversity in increasing innovation and developing healthier entrepreneurial ecosystems under the auspices of PT Keberlanjutan Strategies Indonesia. The Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Diversity aims to relate to current research the role of diversity in increasing innovation and developing healthier entrepreneurial ecosystems. The Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Diversity published four (4) issues per year and published in January - February; March - April; May - June; July - August; September - October; November - December. The scope of the Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Diversity includes: Theoretical perspectives on diversity and inclusion; Best practices for promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace; The Role of Technology in diversity and inclusion; The impact of diversity on consumer behavior and market outcomes; The impact of diversity on international business and cross-cultural management; The intersectionality of diverse identities and experiences in the workplace; Business Development; Business Corporate Innovation; Entrepreneurial Strategy Entrepreneur case studies Entrepreneurial Analysis Startup entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship in technology Social entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship in creative fields Entrepreneurship in the service sector Entrepreneurship in industry Entrepreneurship in agribusiness;
Articles 15 Documents
The Influence Of Electronic Word Of Mouth And Brand Image On Purchasing Decisions At Shopee Ardian SAMSUDDIN
Journal of Entrepreneurial and Business Diversity Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Entrepreneurial and Business Diversity. (January – March 2023)
Publisher : PT. Keberlanjutan Strategis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38142/jebd.v1i1.27


Purpose:With the fourth industrial revolution, technology around the world is developing faster, enabling faster information transfer (Nabilah et al., 2021). This is exacerbated by the increasing number of internet users around the world. Internet use is prevalent in many areas of everyday life. The economic sector is the only industry that has been negatively affected by the emergence of the internet (Malay, 2022).Methodology: The methodology used in this research is quantitative. Consumers who took part in this survey had previously made purchases at On the other hand, the minimum number of samples needed for this research is around 90 samples by using a questionnaire in determining the research. While the analysis tool uses multiple regression via SPSS.Findings: The results of the study suggest that keeping this in mind, it can be said that Electronic Word Of Mouth is a useful word of mouth tool for Shopee purchase recommendations. Electronic Word Of Mouth has a more dominant influence on the purity of purchases at Matahari Depart Store, so it is suggested that Matahari's management must be able to provide good service to consumers.Implication: The implications of the research state that brand image lifestyle and electronic word of mouth promotion on purchasing decisions are very decisive for marketing. So that the brand can create a good product and increase purchases.
The Effect Of Financial Performance, Leverage, Good Corporate Governance And Company Size On The Sustainability Report (Study Of Companies Listed On The IDX, LQ 45 In Year 2015 – 2019) Nurdin NURDIN; Padlah RIYADI
Journal of Entrepreneurial and Business Diversity Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Entrepreneurial and Business Diversity. (January – March 2023)
Publisher : PT. Keberlanjutan Strategis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38142/jebd.v1i1.34


Purpose:The research aims to determine the effect of financial performance, leverage, good corporate governance and company size on sustainability reports (study of companies listed on the LQ 45 2015 – 2019). Entity business management is currently not only based on economic aspects but also social aspects as the main basis for decision makers.Methodology:This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of profitability, leverage, institutional ownership, audit committee, independent commissioners, and company size on the sustainability reports of LQ 45 companies listed on the IDX in 2015-2019, so that 85 research samples were determined. Data was processed and analyzed using multiple linear regression.Findings:Related to sustainability in full and detail in the annual report or make a separate report regarding the company's social and environmental activities in the sustainability report or sustainability reporting. FOR Investors Investment is given to entities engaged in the natural resource management sector. Disclosure of sustainability reports is a consideration because entities that carry out and report corporate social responsibility will undoubtedly be more attractive to investors. After all, this gives legitimacy to the company's good value in the eyes of investors.Implication:Future research is expected to use different objects, such as companies in the manufacturing and mining sectors, which are directly correlated with environmental aspects and different indices, for example, SRI-KEHATI, LQ45, Kompas 100, and so on. The different research times and variables are also a suggestion for other researchers—the value of shares, aspects of capital, and other financial performance.
The Effect of Clarity of Budget Targets and Reporting System on Performance Accountability with Internal Control as Intervening Variables in SKPD Kotabaru District Government Sanusi SANUSI; Padlah RIYADI
Journal of Entrepreneurial and Business Diversity Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Entrepreneurial and Business Diversity. (January – March 2023)
Publisher : PT. Keberlanjutan Strategis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38142/jebd.v1i1.36


Purpose:Financial Reporting System, In the public sector, financial reports have an important role in generating accountability. The financial information contained in the financial statements becomes the basis for considering decisions. Financial information as a tool to carry out public accountability as effectively as possible, and is not included as the final goal of public sector accounting.Methodology:This study aims to examine the clarity of budget targets and reporting systems that affect performance accountability. This study also examines whether the internal control system mediates the effect of the clarity of budget targets and the reporting system. This study is of the type of associative causality and is carried out through a survey method by distributing questionnaires to the compilers of the performance accountability report of government agencies in Kotabaru.Findings:The population of this study was all SKPD in the Kotabaru Regency Government, totalling 30 SKPD consisting of 82 sample respondents. This study uses descriptive statistical analysis and partial least squares (SEM-PLS) analysis. Analysis powered by Smart-PLS 3.0.Implication:The results of this study show that the clarity of budget targets and internal controls affect the performance accountability of government agencies, while the reporting system does not affect performance accountability. Clarity of budget targets, and reporting systems affect internal control. Internal control as an intervening variable can affect the clarity of budget objectives and reporting systems on performance accountability.
The Effect of Product Innovation and Market Orientation on Performance Muhammadiyah Da'wah Institute Marketing Eko PRABOWO; Muhamad ZEN
Journal of Entrepreneurial and Business Diversity Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Entrepreneurial and Business Diversity. (January – March 2023)
Publisher : PT. Keberlanjutan Strategis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38142/jebd.v1i1.40


Purpose:Muhammadiyah da'wah is included in da'wah in the reform era because da'wah in the reform era Muhammadiyah began to get a good response, it is very important to have a strategy, management and management of da'wah to advance da'wah. The purpose of this research is to identify the techniques and tactics of Indonesian Muhammadiyah da'wah.Methodology:This study is qualitative research with data collection methods through observation. Data analysis in this study used a qualitative descriptive method with a sociological approach.Findings:The study results show that Muhammadiyah da'wah's methods generally include the da'wah method of wisdom, good advice, and good dialogue. Muhammadiyah's da'wah strategy is to prioritize Islamic teachings in accordance with the Shari'ah, form a Hajj ritual guidance institution, build a culture of dialogue, and foster young generations, mass media preaching, cultural preaching, and preaching community empowerment in the fields of education, economy, social and health.Implication:Da’wah in the marketing strategy of Muhammadiyah da'wah institutions in the form of selling Muhammadiyah products such as water and noodles to the community by treating them with quality ingredients so that they do not cause disease implications that occur, and the selling price is not too high and can still be reached by consumers as well as mineral water in general. The purpose of this Muhammadiyah product is to uphold the Islamic religion so that an actual Islamic society is realized. By offering Muhammadiyah products, they can introduce Muhammadiyah preaching to consumers by buying Muhammadiyah products.
The Educator Resource Management In Improving Teacher Professionalism In MTS Muqaddimatul Akhlak Silo Jember Nabila HASANAH; Sofyan TSAURI; Lailatul USRIYAH
Journal of Entrepreneurial and Business Diversity Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Entrepreneurial and Business Diversity. (January – March 2023)
Publisher : PT. Keberlanjutan Strategis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38142/jebd.v1i1.43


Purpose:Educator Resource Management is a process of using competent human resources through the process of recruitment, selection, placement, training, and development to achieve the goals of educational institutions and professional teachers. The purpose of this research is to find out how the process of recruitment and selection of teaching resources. 2) To determine the placement of educational resources d. 3) To find out the training and development of educator resources.Methodology:This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of research Field research. Sources of data using primary data sources and secondary data sources. Data collection techniques using non-participatory observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis used descriptive qualitative with Miles and Huberman's interactive model. Data validity uses source triangulation and data triangulation.Findings:The recruitment process applies the principles of professionalism and transparency. b) The MTS Muqaddimatul Akhlak Silo Jember selection included administration selection, interviews, and teaching practice. 2) Placement of educators decided by the Head of the Madrasah is carried out by determining the background of the diploma, prioritizing work experience and abilities (skills), and paying attention to the attitude and appearance of prospective educators who will apply. 3). Training and development at Mts Muqaddimatul Akhlak Silo Jember.Implication:To improve and develop the potential of these teachers, the school organizes Training and workshops held by other agencies with the hope that the potential and knowledge of teachers will increase and develop so that they positively affect school progress.
Implementation Of Digital Marketing as An Effort to Increase Sales for MSMEs In the City of Bandar Lampung in The New Normal Saepudin SAEPUDIN; Fuad AZKA; Muhammad Glenn YUNIFER
Journal of Entrepreneurial and Business Diversity Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Entrepreneurial and Business Diversity. (January – March 2023)
Publisher : PT. Keberlanjutan Strategis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38142/jebd.v1i1.44


Purpose:Since the World Health Organization (WHO implemented the Coronavirus as a global pandemic, with case data in Indonesia as of June 29, 2020, with the number of confirmed cases reaching 55,092 people, it had a major impact on various sectors, one of which is the economic sector, especially MSME businesses. This study aims to see the role of digital marketing in increasing MSME sales in Bandar Lampung City during the COVID-19 pandemic.Methodology:This study uses a qualitative method called literature study, namely the technique of collecting data and information through various literature or references. The primary references used in scientific writing are scientific journals, information, and national and international news. The data used are secondary data, which are mostly obtained from websites and government statistics that are relevant to the object being studied. Processing of the data and information contained in this scientific paper using the descriptive methodFindings:In this scientific paper, digital marketing strategies will be explained with the concepts of social media marketing and content marketing. Digital marketing provides several benefits, including connecting sellers and buyers on the internet, expanding market share, and generating higher sales.Implication:By implementing digital marketing as a marketing strategy, sales turnover for MSME players will increase.
A Low Financial Literacy On The Desire To Do Online Loans (Case Study Of Muhammadiyah Surabaya University Students) Bagas Laksana PUTRA; Arfian Ambar RIFQI; Samdan AL-MASYHURI
Journal of Entrepreneurial and Business Diversity Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Entrepreneurial and Business Diversity. (January – March 2023)
Publisher : PT. Keberlanjutan Strategis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38142/jebd.v1i1.45


Purpose:The purpose of this study is to find out the Low Financial Literacy Against the Desire to Make Online Loans (Case Study of University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya Students).Methodology:The type of research used in this study is a qualitative method. In this qualitative method, the researcher conducts research by considering the situation and condition of the respondents. The data collection method used is by conducting interviews and documentation. Interviews were conducted with 90 management students at the University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya. Meanwhile, the following data collection method is the method of documentation or collecting information in journals.Findings:The results of the study showed that there were still many students who had a lack of understanding. Then, many students do not understand the impact caused by the dissemination of personal information data. Then, many students have not been able to calculate the risk that will be obtained if the payment exceeds the maturity date or even the risk of spreading illegal data.Implication:This study underscores the importance of equipping students with the necessary skills to navigate financial decisions responsibly. It can include educating them about the implications of sharing personal information, understanding the risks associated with late payments, and recognizing the dangers of spreading illegal data.
Exploring The Influence Of Entrepreneurial Abilities On Graduates' Risk-Taking Readiness Mercy Ejovwokeoghene OGBARI
Journal of Entrepreneurial and Business Diversity Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Entrepreneurial and Business Diversity. (January – March 2023)
Publisher : PT. Keberlanjutan Strategis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38142/jebd.v1i1.56


Purpose:Most graduates from Nigerian universities are trained to rely on white-collar employment for their living rather than being given entrepreneurial or self-reliant skills. Because of this, a sizeable percentage of Nigerian university graduates are still looking for rewarding jobs today. Although they theoretically understand becoming self-sufficient, they need more business acumen. It is, therefore, vital to equip these graduates with the abilities and information required to enable them to create employment rather than seek it. As a result, this study looked into the impact of entrepreneurial abilities on graduates' readiness to venture and accept risks.Methodology:The study's research tool was a thoughtfully created questionnaire with a descriptive design. The researcher employed both a descriptive study design and a causal research design. The population of the study consisted of 7,098 Covenant University graduates. The Yamane formula was used to determine the sample size for this investigation, which was 379. The study's random sample techniques were practical, clear-cut, and intended.Findings:The study's conclusions show a significant and favorable relationship between graduates' risk-taking propensity and entrepreneurial skills among Nigerian university students.Implication:The study finds that graduates' tendency to take risks and their intention to start their businesses are highly influenced by entrepreneurial education and the development of entrepreneurial skills through self-learning and taught courses.
The Effect of Sustainability Accounting, Work Environment, and Leadership on Employee Performance: no Ni Kadek Dwi Ayu ANGGRENI; I Made SARA; Komang Adi Kurniawan SAPUTRA
Journal of Entrepreneurial and Business Diversity Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Entrepreneurial and Business Diversity. (January – March 2023)
Publisher : PT. Keberlanjutan Strategis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38142/jebd.v1i1.73


Purpose:This study examines and analyzes the effect of Sustainability Accounting, Work Environment, and Leadership on Employee Performance.Methodology:This research was conducted at the Office of the Central Bureau of Statistics of Bali Province with a sample of 60 respondents using a saturated sampling technique. All data obtained from the questionnaire distribution is feasible, then analyzed using multiple linear regression and hypothesis testing (t-test and f-test).Findings:The study results show that (1) Sustainability Accounting positively affects Employee Performance at the Office of the Central Bureau of Statistics of Bali Province. It shows that the better or increasing the Sustainability Accounting, the more employee performance will also increase at the Office of the Central Bureau of Statistics of the Province of Bali (2) The work environment has a positive effect on Employee Performance at the Office of the Central Bureau of Statistics of the Province of Bali. It shows that the better or increasing the work environment, the more employee performance will also increase at the Office of the Central Statistics Agency of the Province of Bali (3) Leadership has a positive effect on Employee Performance at the Office of the Central Statistics Agency of the Province of Bali.Implication:It shows that the better or increasing the leadership, the higher the performance of employees at the Office of the Central Bureau of Statistics for the Province of Bali.
The Effect of Debtor Character and Fiducian Guarantee from SME Entrepreneurs on Credit Approval Ida Ayu Made BINTANG; Ida Ayu SURASMI; Putu Gede Wisnu Permana KAWISANA
Journal of Entrepreneurial and Business Diversity Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Entrepreneurial and Business Diversity. (January – March 2023)
Publisher : PT. Keberlanjutan Strategis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38142/jebd.v1i1.74


Purpose:This study aims to determine the effect of debtor character and fiduciary guarantees from SME entrepreneurs on credit approval during the coronavirus pandemic at Bank BPD Klungkung Regency. The location of this research is at the BPD Bank, Klungkung Regency.Methodology:The population used is the credit employees of Bank BPD Klungkung Branch, with 35 employees. The sample in this study used 35 respondents. The data collection technique used in this study was a questionnaire containing a Likert scale. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis.Findings:The results of this study indicate that the debtor's character has a significant positive effect on credit approval during the coronavirus pandemic at Bank BPD Klungkung Regency. Fiduciary guarantees from SME entrepreneurs have no significant positive effect on credit approval during the coronavirus pandemic at Bank BPD Klungkung Regency.Implication:This indicates that banks prioritize easy credit for SME entrepreneurs rather than fiduciary guarantees in supporting credit relaxation policies during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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