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Integration: Journal Of Social Sciences And Culture
ISSN : 29862531     EISSN : 29856515     DOI : 10.38142/ijssc
Core Subject : Art, Social,
Integration: Journal Of Social Sciences And Culture discusses the Social Sciences And Culture under the auspices of PT Keberlanjutan Strategies Indonesia. Journal of Social Sciences and Culture is a peer-reviewed academic journal that focuses on the study of human society and culture. It publishes articles, research papers, and book reviews on a wide range of topics related to social sciences and culture, including anthropology, sociology, psychology, and history, and many more. The journal aims to provide a platform for scholars to share their research findings and to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in these fields. Integration: Journal Of Social Sciences And Culture is has published in four (4) issues per year and published in January – March, April – June, July – September, October – December. The scope of the Integration: Journal Of Social Sciences And Culture includes: Traditional Art & Culture Comparative Literature Foreign Literature Art history and criticism Indonesian Literature Foreign History Indonesian History Cultures across languages Social Sciences Human Resource Management Waste Management Corporate Social Responsibility Philosophy Economics Sociology Geography Social Welfare Anthropology
Articles 25 Documents
The Family Hope Program: An effort in Poverty Alleviation in Kepil District, Wonosobo Regency NUGRAHA, Irwan Abdu; NUGRAHAENI, Fitria Marlina
Integration: Journal Of Social Sciences And Culture Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Integration: Journal Of Social Sciences And Culture (January – March 2023)
Publisher : PT. Keberlanjutan Strategis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38142/ijssc.v1i1.28


Purpose:This research examines the process during the implementation of the Family Hope Program in Kepil District, Wonosobo Regency. The research used a qualitative descriptive method, using primary and secondary data as data sources. Methodology: The researcher conducted in-depth interviews with stakeholders supported by literature sources from journals, books, and the internet to obtain primary data. Four indicators were used to see the Family Hope Program policy implementation: Communication, Resources, Bureaucratic Structure, and Disposition. Findings: The results of this study show that communication is done hierarchically between the central government and the local government, which can then be socialized with Family Hope Program recipient communities Implication:In addition, the resources appointed to carry out this Socialization must meet the requirements and be trained to socialize the program well with the community. However, Family Hope Program recipients must still be targeted in the field.
The Role Of Village Funds For Community Welfare In A Review Of Maqasid Sharia, Talang Emppat District, Central Bengkulu Regency CINTYA, Nanda Tri
Integration: Journal Of Social Sciences And Culture Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Integration: Journal Of Social Sciences And Culture (January – March 2023)
Publisher : PT. Keberlanjutan Strategis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38142/ijssc.v1i1.30


Purpose:This study aims to examine the role of village funds in community welfare in Bengkulu Province. Methodology:The type of research conducted in this research is descriptive qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. Primary data in this study were data obtained directly from selected informants through direct interviews with the Head of Kembang Seri Village, Pulau Panggung Village and Taba Pasmah Village, Secretary of Kembang Seri Village, Tengah Padang Village and Padang Ulak Tanjung Village, Kembang Seri Village Community, Tengah Padang Village and Padang Ulak Tanjung Village. Secondary data in this study is obtained from the website and written data from informants. This secondary data is used as complementary and supporting data from the primary data. Secondary data in this study relate to the phenomenon to be studied. Findings:The results of this study indicate that the planning process for using Village Funds in the Village follows maqashid sharia, especially in all dharuriyat aspects. Implication:Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that the planning process for using village funds in the Village is in accordance with maqasid sharia. However, several programs still need to try to bring mashlahah to the village community to practice.
The Analysis of Factors Affecting Student Decisions in Selecting Sharia Economics Study Program at The Faculty of Islamic Religion Muhammadiyah University Yogyakarta RUSANDRY, Rusandry; SAMSUDDIN, Ardian
Integration: Journal Of Social Sciences And Culture Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Integration: Journal Of Social Sciences And Culture (January – March 2023)
Publisher : PT. Keberlanjutan Strategis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38142/ijssc.v1i1.49


Purpose:This study analyzes factors influencing students to take the Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University's Islamic Economics program. The factors that researchers will study include interest, motivation, parental status, and employment which are expected.Methodology: This study uses a questionnaire method by making a list of questions and giving them to respondents in the hope of responding to these questions.Findings:Measurement variable is done by Likert scale using the suspension method. The population in this study were undergraduate students at the Faculty of Religion Islam Department of Sharia Economics at Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University.Implication:The sampling method was carried out by accidental sampling, a sampling technique based on coincidence/incidental encounter researchers. It can be used as a sample if viewed by someone who coincidentally encountered it; it is suitable as a data source.
Implementation of the Use of Village Funds in Improving Welfare Communities in Jailolo District, West Halmahera Regency, Province North Maluku SAMSUDDIN, Ardian; RUSANDRY, Rusandry
Integration: Journal Of Social Sciences And Culture Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Integration: Journal Of Social Sciences And Culture (January – March 2023)
Publisher : PT. Keberlanjutan Strategis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38142/ijssc.v1i1.51


Purpose: This research aims to determine, implement, and use the village budget to improve the community's welfare in the Jailolo sub-district, West Halmahera Regency. Therefore, planning for the implementation and accountability of the Village Government is needed. Oversight by the West Halmahera Regency Government plays a vital role in improving community welfare through the village budget.Methodology: This research uses qualitative methods, interviews with the Village Government of the Jailolo District, and directly with the community. This research also limits research to choosing which data are relevant and which are irrelevant.Findings: The results of this study indicate that administratively the management of the Village Government is very effective in the planning, implementation, and accountability of ADD. There are still many things that need to be evaluated by the Jailolo Village Government in terms of improving community welfare through the village budget. Especially in terms of reporting, the village government consistently reports village funds to the village head every month.Implication:The government of West Halmahera Regency aims to enhance the management of village funds by implementing better supervision. It will involve obtaining reports from the Village Head, who is responsible for the funds. The objective is to ensure that village development aligns with the RPJMD and RKPD, creating a unified system in the development area.
Multiculturalism in the Quran (Tafsir Siyasy Analysis Q.S Al-Hujarat Verse 13) AMIN, Moh; KAUNAIN, Muflih Fahmi
Integration: Journal Of Social Sciences And Culture Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Integration: Journal Of Social Sciences And Culture (January – March 2023)
Publisher : PT. Keberlanjutan Strategis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38142/ijssc.v1i1.52


Purpose: This article discusses multiculturalism by analyzing the contemporary interpretation of Q.S Al-Hujarat verse 13, which is the rationale for the diversity of human backgrounds in Islam.Methodology: The methodology used is descriptive analysis with the type of qualitative research- literature study, which uses references related to contemporary interpretation and multiculturalism thoughts Q.S Al-Hujarat verse 13. The theory used in this article is the Contemporary Method of Interpreting the Quran from Abdullah Saeed, a contemporary interpretation method to analyze verses related to the latest social, political, and other societal problems.Findings: Abdullah Saeed's tafsir theory was chosen because this tafsir is a tafsir that has a contextual and renewable interpretation method in looking at current social problems in particular and universally.Implication: The result of this article is that two values reflect multiculturalism in the Quran. First is the value of Inclusiveness and Plurality, which is the fundamental value of diversity that humanity must own. Second, Justice and Equality must be applied in life indiscriminately.
Analysis of the Level of Responsiveness of Local Government Public Services through Social Media SOANTAHON, Sherwin Mikhael
Integration: Journal Of Social Sciences And Culture Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Integration: Journal Of Social Sciences And Culture (January – March 2023)
Publisher : PT. Keberlanjutan Strategis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38142/ijssc.v1i1.53


Purpose: This study aims to analyze the level of responsiveness of local government public services through social media. This issue was raised due to the increasing trend of social media use by the public and the potential for providing public services to the community through social media. In this study, we will look at the level of responsiveness of local government agencies, especially city governments, in serving people who request public services through social media.Methodology:This research uses a mixed approach (mixed method) with sample selection using random sampling techniques based on area (cluster random sampling). The sample used comes from representatives of the Regional Government from the city level based on the division of the western, central, and eastern parts of Indonesia.Findings:The results of this study indicate that the level of responsiveness of local government public services through social media is still low. The sample analysis results in this study show that only 10.71% of official local government social media accounts respond to complaints/submissions of public services through social media.Implication:From the results of this study, the level of responsiveness of local government public services is still relatively low. It can hurt the quality and image of public services by the Regional Government.
Research Trends in E-tourism: A Bibliometric Analysis using VOSviewer AWANG, Mesak Yamres
Integration: Journal Of Social Sciences And Culture Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Integration: Journal Of Social Sciences And Culture (January – March 2023)
Publisher : PT. Keberlanjutan Strategis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38142/ijssc.v1i1.54


Purpose: This study was conducted to determine (1) the growth of the number of scientific publications in the field of E-tourism, (2) the number of publications per field/subject, and (3) the map of publication development based on keywords and publication year.MethodologyThis study used a quantitative descriptive method with bibliometric analysis. Data was collected by searching through the Google Scholar database with the keyword "E-tourism" with the category "keywords for 2012–2022 using Publish or Perish 8 software. In addition, VOSviewer software is used to analyze the publication of development maps.FindingsThe study results show that the growth of scientific publications in land e-tourism shows fluctuations and an increasing trend. The highest increase will occur in 2022, with 41 documents (13.67%). Most subjects and subjects are in the fields of services, development, technology, and systems. While the keywords that appear the least are effort and challenge. The interrelationships between topics are grouped into eight clusters, seen through network visualization.ImplicationThis research is expected to assist researchers in determining themes to be researched and can also be a reference for tourism research.
Association Situation and Educational Situation in Elementary School WIDIANSYAH, Apriyanti
Integration: Journal Of Social Sciences And Culture Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Integration: Journal Of Social Sciences And Culture (January – March 2023)
Publisher : PT. Keberlanjutan Strategis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38142/ijssc.v1i1.62


Purpose The research aims to find out how the situation of the association in shaping education both in social situations and education in elementary schools.MethodologyThe research methodology used is Descriptive Qualitative Research, intending to obtain an overview of the correlative dimensions of the synergism of social situations and educational situations in elementary schools, with the hope of developing substantive thinking as a whole (not dichotomous and partial). The data collection techniques used include: First, Observation, ; Second, interviews; Third, literature; Fourth, Documentation.FindingsWhen it comes to social situations and educational situations, educators, including teachers as educators at school, need to keep in mind carefully so that they can place themselves in the correct position in every situation that may be encountered in carrying out their duties as a teacher/educator. A teacher must know when he is just hanging out with his students and when he is educating or being an educator. In order not to act wrongly because, for ordinary people, the two situations are the same, and call them by the same name.ImplicationNo two children are identical in this world. In social situations, children get the opportunity to express what they live. Children can freely and spontaneously express their thoughts, feelings, and desires. Children can develop their personality with the opportunity to act and behave as he wants. On the one hand, children do feel dependent on adults, but on the other hand, children want to gain freedom or independence. This desire can be obtained by children in the association.
The Impact of Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn) on the Character Education of Students at SMK PGRI 1 Cimahi HENDRIAWAN, Erry; MARLINA, Rina; PANDIKAR, Ernandia; SOFYAN, Edy
Integration: Journal Of Social Sciences And Culture Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Integration: Journal Of Social Sciences And Culture (January – March 2023)
Publisher : PT. Keberlanjutan Strategis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38142/ijssc.v1i1.69


Purpose:This research is motivated by the low level of character education among students who recognize the importance of character education; therefore, the subject of Pancasila and Civics Education (PPKn), which is one of the subjects that includes lessons in understanding, living, and practicing values in life, is used as a reference for cultivating the values of character education in students, particularly in their love for their country. This study aimed to determine the impact of Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn) on character education at SMK PGRI 1 Cimahi. Citizen knowledge, civic character, civic abilities, and patriotism character are examined by the researcher. The research method employed is a quantitative research method, and random sampling is the sampling technique. His investigation yielded a mean result of 51.7123, while the mean character education score for students was 41.9726. This study concludes that Pancasila and civic education (PPKn) have an impact on the character education of students at SMK PGRI 1 Cimahi.Methodology:This study employs a questionnaire methodology, wherein a set of questions is formulated and distributed to participants with the aim of eliciting their responses to these inquiries.Findings:The collection of variable measurements was conducted with a Likert scale through the suspension method. The participants in this study consisted of students enrolled in the eleventh grade at SMK PGRI 1 Cimahi.Implication:The sampling method is conducted using probability sampling, specifically employing a probability sample design. This approach ensures that sampling is grounded in the principle that all units within the population have an equal chance of being selected
The Concept of Interest and Riba' in a Just Economy and Society According to Islam EVIDIAWATY, Evidiawaty
Integration: Journal Of Social Sciences And Culture Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Integration: Journal Of Social Sciences And Culture (January – March 2023)
Publisher : PT. Keberlanjutan Strategis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38142/ijssc.v1i1.70


Purpose: Whether bank interest in Islam is considered riba or permissible is still debated. The diverse views of economists and scholars depend on the interpretations of the Qur'an and Sunnah. Some consider bank interest to be usury, while others do not. If the interest contains coercion and illegal levies, it is considered usury. Some are against bank interest for justice and a strong economy, while others believe bank interest can hamper the economy. There is also a view of allowing bank interest if it is used for productive businesses. Economists and banks want to encourage savings so that funds can help borrowers, creating economic growth and prosperity.Methodology:This journal article writing method is based on a literature review by reviewing books, interpretations, and writings on usury, bank interest, debt, and other related matters.Findings:The purpose of this writing is to show how the public can get several perspectives on usury and bank interest from the thoughts of economists and scholars.Implication:These views are then linked to the economic conditions of the Indonesian people, who have not fully embraced Sharia-based economic practices. The hope is that the Indonesian Muslim community can choose a view that is more in line with what they believe in their efforts to obey Allah's commands by staying away from what is prohibited by applying it in the present.

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