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Journal Education and Government Wiyata
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Core Subject : Education, Social,
Journal Education And Government Wiyata adalah sebuah jurnal blind peer-review yang didedikasikan untuk publikasi hasil penelitian atau kajian literatur yang berkualitas dalam aspek Pendidikan dan Pemerintahan dan tidak terbatas secara implisit. Semua publikasi di Journal Education And Government Wiyata bersifat akses terbuka yang memungkinkan artikel tersedia secara bebas online tanpa berlangganan apapun. Jurnal ini diterbitkan dan dikelola secara profesional oleh Yayasan Panca Bakti Wiyata Pangandaran Yaitu organisasi berbadan hukum sesuai surat keputusan MENKUMHAM RI : AHU -0003089.AH.01.12. TAHUN 2015 dalam membantu para akademisi, peneliti dan praktisi untuk menyebarkan hasil penelitiannya. Journal Education And Government Wiyata menerbitkan artikel secara berkala empat kali setahun yaitu pada februari, mei, agustus dan november. Jurnal ini menerima manuskrip hasil penelitian/riset dan hasil kajian literatur (literatur review). Sebagai bagian dari semangat menyebarluaskan ilmu pengetahuan hasil dari penelitian dan pemikiran untuk pengabdian pada masyarakat luas dan sebagai sumber referensi akademisi di bidang Pemerintahan. FOCUS : Journal Education And Government Wiyata adalah Jurnal nasional yang fokus pada bidang Pendidikan dan Bidang Pemerintahan. Jurnal ini menerima maniskrip hasil penelitian/riset dan hasil kajian literatur (literatur review). Scope Pendidikan Manajemen Pendidikan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Pendidikan Dasar Administrasi Pendidikan, Kebijakan Pendidikan Pendidikan Agama Parenting Pendidikan Ramah Anak Belajar dan Sumber Pembelajaran Scope Pemerintahan Administrasi Negara Birokrasi Pemerintah Politik Pemerintahan Kepemimpinan Pemerintahan Ekonomi Pemerintah Hukum Tata Pemerintah Elektronik Government Pengawasan Tata Kelola Pemerintahan Pemberdayaan Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah Pembangunan Desa Perencanaan Pemerintah Kebijakan Pemerintahan.
Articles 30 Documents
TANTANGAN KEPEMIMPINAN DI DAERAH Regi Refian Garis; Diah Suciati; Andi Wardani; Rusli
Journal Education and Government Wiyata Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Februari 2023
Publisher : Yayasan Panca Bakti Wiyata Pangandaran

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Collaboration between central and regional leadership is important to achieve common goals and improve the quality of life of the community. The purpose of this study is to find out how leadership is implemented in the regions. The method used is the study of literature from various sources, such as books and scientific journal articles. The results of the discussion are as follows: Some of the advantages of collaboration between central and regional leadership Better use of resources: With collaboration between the center and the regions, existing resources can be better utilized to achieve common goals. The two can support each other in terms of financing, human resources, and technology. Government performance improvement: Collaboration between the center and the regions can help improve government performance in terms of public services and better decision making. Both can learn from each other and exchange experiences to improve overall government performance. Increasing community participation: With collaboration between the center and the regions, community participation can increase. Communities are becoming more involved in decision-making processes and implementing programs implemented by the government. Improved coordination and synergy: Collaboration between the center and regions can improve coordination and synergy between various government agencies. This can help accelerate the implementation of programs and policies taken. Improving development equity: Collaboration between the center and the regions can help increase the distribution of development in all regions of Indonesia. With good coordination, programs and policies can be implemented more evenly and reach all regions in Indonesia.
PENGARUH KOMUNIKASI GURU DALAM MENGAJAR TERHADAP EFEKTIVITAS PEMBELAJARAN (Penelitian di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Serba Bakti Suryalaya Kecamatan Pageurageung Kabupaten Tasikmalaya) Syarifah Setiana Ardiati; Suhrowardi; Ihsan Ahmad Fauzi
Journal Education and Government Wiyata Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Februari 2023
Publisher : Yayasan Panca Bakti Wiyata Pangandaran

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Education is a process of transferring knowledge, values, and culture, throuugh educative communication between teachers and students. Teacher communication in teaching has implications for the effectiveness of learning. Ideally, if the teacher’s communication in teaching runs effectively, the success or effectiveness of learning will be high. Meanwhile if the teacher communication in teaching is less effective, the success or effectiveness of learning will be low. This description attracts the author’s interest to determine the effect of teacher communication in teaching on learning effectiveness. The research method that the author uses is a descriptive method with a quantitative appproach. Based on the result of data processing, teacher communication in teaching has a positive influence on the effectiveness of learning. This can be interpreted that the alternative hypothesis is accepted and in other words there is a positive and significant influence of teacher communication in teaching on the effectiveness of learning in class IX MTs Serba bakti suryalaya.
Journal Education and Government Wiyata Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Februari 2023
Publisher : Yayasan Panca Bakti Wiyata Pangandaran

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan peran pemerintah desa dan non pemerintah dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam pembangunan ekonomi desa serta mengetahui faktor-faktor pendukung dan penghambat yang dihadapi dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat di Desa Kertajaya Kecamatan Cigugur Kabupaten Pangandaran. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik analasis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan model interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemerintah desa dalam memberdayakan masyarakat berdasarkan potensi yang ada di Desa Kertajaya baik itu pelaku usaha kecil, pertanian, dan peternakan serta dengan pemberian bantuan ternak dan memfasilitasi sarana dan prasarana bagi peternak domba, kemudian sarana dan prasarana pertanian. juga sebagai kepanjangan tangan pemerintah dalam membina, mengarahkan dan mengendalikan termasuk didalamnya membuka peluang pasar terutama luar pasar daerah.
Journal Education and Government Wiyata Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Februari 2023
Publisher : Yayasan Panca Bakti Wiyata Pangandaran

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Good Governance mulai muncul di Indonesia setelah era reformasi. Hal ini dilatar belakangi oleh berbagai macam permasalahan yang muncul Tuntutan pemerintah orde baru yaitu presiden sebagai pusat kekuasaan. sebagai akibat dari konstitusi maupun akibat dari lembaga tinggi negara lainnya yang tidak berjalan dengan baik, dan juga tersumbatnya control social yang berasal dari partisipasi masyarakat.penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Dengan metode ini peneliti berusaha untuk mendeskripsikan, menganalisis. Good Governance ini hadir sebagai salah satu bentuk solusi dalam mengatasi permasalahan yang terjadi dalam suatu negara. Good Governance membantu mengintegrasikan anatar peran pemerintah, privat sector, dan masyarakat untuk mencapai konsesus bersama, dimana dalam pelaksanaannya dapat di pertanggungjawabkan dan bersifat efektif dan efesien. Dengan memperhatikan nilainilai dan cara kerja good governance, Good governance merupakan wujud penyampaian pertanggungjawaban dari para penerima amanah kepada pemberi amanah belum memuaskan bilamana kesadaran tentang bagaimana pentingnya menerapkan prinsup-prinsip good and clean governance dan kebutuhan bagi penyelenggara negara maka korupsi, nepotisme dan penyimpngan-penyimpangan lainnya dapat diminimalisir. Pemerintah juga bisa dikatakan baik apabila pembangunannya dapat dilakukan dengan biaya yang sangat minimal namun dengan hasil maksimal.
Journal Education and Government Wiyata Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Februari 2023
Publisher : Yayasan Panca Bakti Wiyata Pangandaran

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Pada era demokrasi modern ini, sudah seharusnya para kontestan pasangan calon pemimpin pemerintah atau kepala daerah memiliki kemampuan dalam memikat dan meyakinkan pemilih. Salah satunya dengan metode yang menentukan kemenangan suatu pasangan calon dalam kontestasi pemilihan umum adalah Brand politik yang menjadi ciri sekaligus citra dari pasangan calon tersebut. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Pada pemilihan umum, masyarakat diberi kesempatan untuk menentukan siapa yang akan mewakili mereka di lembaga legislatif dan yang akan memimpin mereka sebagai presiden di lembaga eksekutif selama lima tahun ke depan. Dalam pemilihan umum tersebut, membawa dampak yang baik bagi masyarakat, telah banyak melakukan perbaikan agar masyarakat ikut berpartisipasi dalam pemilihan. Perubahan pola komunkasi politik dengan menggunakan sosial media juga terjadi di Indonesia. Menurut hasil survey yang dilakukan oleh APJII (Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet Indonesia) pada tahun 2022, menunjukkan bahwa penetrasi sosial di Indonesia melalui internet paling tinggi.
Journal Education and Government Wiyata Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Mei 2023
Publisher : Yayasan Panca Bakti Wiyata Pangandaran

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Based on the results of observations regardingthe role of Karang Taruna Bina Bakti Remaja in the development of Goa Parangpang tourist attraction in Sidamulih Village, Sidamulih District, Pangandaran Regency is not optimal. This is becauseKarang Taruna has not played a role in implementing the development policy for the Parangpang Goa tourist attraction, Karang Taruna lacks a strategy in implementing the Parangpang Goa tourism object development policy. Based on the background, then the formulation of the problem is: 1)What is the role of Karang Taruna Bina Bakti Pemuda in the development of the Parangpang Cave tourist attraction? 2) What are the obstacles of Karang Taruna Bina Bakti Remaja to play a role in the development of the Parangpang Cave tourist attraction? 3) What are the efforts to overcome the obstacles made by Karang Taruna Bina Bakti Remaja to play a role in the development of the Parangpang Cave tourist attraction? The research method used is descriptive analysis method. Informants as many as 7 people consisting ofHead of Sidamulih Village, Representative of Sidamulih Village, Chairman of Karang Taruna, Members of Karang Taruna and community representatives. Data collection techniques are library research, field studies (observations and interviews) and documentation. The author uses qualitative data analysis techniques through data processing from interviews and observations to draw conclusions so that they can answer problems in research.Based on the research results thatthe role of Karang Taruna Bina Bakti Remaja in the development of Goa Parangpang tourist attraction in Sidamulih Village, Sidamulih District, Pangandaran Regencyhas not been implemented optimallywith little attentionfive dimensions of rolesin the development of tourist objects according to Santosa (2013: 66), namely the role as a policy, the role as a strategy, the role as a communication tool, the role as a dispute resolution tool and the role as therapy. There are perceived obstacles such as:there are still some Karang Taruna members who don't have enoughinitiative and activeness so that it is difficult to know the wishes and expectations of the village community, apart from that some Karang Taruna members were not serious in implementing the Parangpang Goa tourism object development program, furthermore the lack of good communication from the village government as the person in charge of the Parangpang Goa tourism object development program made it difficult to coordinate. There have been efforts such asEmphasizes all members of Karang Taruna to be proactive in communicating with the village community so that they can accommodate and gather information aboutthe wishes and expectations of the village community, besides thatprovide direction to Karang Taruna members to be serious so that they can show their sincerity in implementing the Parangpang Goa tourism object development program, other things build good two-way communication so that it makes it easier to coordinate the planning of the Parangpang Goa tourism object development program with implementation in the field.
Journal Education and Government Wiyata Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Mei 2023
Publisher : Yayasan Panca Bakti Wiyata Pangandaran

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This research is motivated by the not yet optimal utilization of rural economic potential which is based on geographical advantages and local intellectual resources as an economic basis in rural development. This is evident from the low desire of the community to create their own jobs by utilizing regional potential, such as the manufacture of palm sugar or brown sugar, the limited availability of facilities and infrastructure to develop production activities and access to marketing, and the inadequate capacity of economic institutions or organizations in the community rural areas to develop modern ways of working accompanied by the use of appropriate technology.The research method used is descriptive method. This type of research is descriptive qualitative.Based on the results of research and discussion of Village Government Strategies in Building Local Economic Potential Resilience in Banjarharja Village, Kalipucang District, Pangandaran Regency, in general, it has been implemented in accordance with four strategic matters in realizing rural economic development based on potential, geographical and rural characteristics, however there are still some indicators whose implementation has not been optimal.The obstacles faced viz including the inadequate facilities to achieve the goal of managing village potential owned by the village government, the absence of collaboration by the village government with other parties, the absence of experts or resource persons guiding Banjarharja Village to create innovations for plantations that attract tourists, the not yet optimal government villages in identifying all village potentials to be developed and utilized due to the insufficient capacity of village officials and the low commitment of village officials to be able to manage village potentials.
Journal Education and Government Wiyata Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Mei 2023
Publisher : Yayasan Panca Bakti Wiyata Pangandaran

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Based on the results of initial observations, it is known that the attainment of local revenue sourced from parking fees has not been able to reach the targets set, this is evidenced by data on achieving the PAD targets from parking fees in 2017-2019 which were not achieved according to the target. The objectives of this study are as follows: 1) To find out the strategy for optimizing regional original income in the Parking Sector at the Pangandaran Regency Transportation Service. 2) To find out the obstacles to the strategy of optimizing regional original income in the Parking Sector at the Pangandaran Regency Transportation Service. 3) To find out the efforts to overcome the obstacles to optimizing local revenue strategies in the Parking Sector. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis. Informants as many as 10 people. Data collection techniques are library research, field studies (observations and interviews) and documentation. The author uses qualitative data analysis techniques through data processing from interviews and observations to draw conclusions so that they can answer problems in research. Based on the results of the study that: 1) The strategy of optimizing regional original income in the parking sector is not optimal according to the opinion of Djalil (2014: 297) this is evidenced by the lack of improvement of the potential parking levy database and the lack of review of provisions related to types and rates of parking fees, Besides that, there is a lack of intensification of the sources of parking fee receipts by exploring the sources of parking fee receipts. 2) The obstacles are due to the lack of improvement on the database of potential parking fees because the involvement of all parties is still lacking in planning the collection of parking fees, besides that the review of various provisions in determining fee rates is still not carried out routinely. 3) Efforts to overcome obstacles in implementing the strategy of optimizing Local Revenue in the Parking Sector at the Pangandaran Regency Transportation Service, this is done by seeking to improve the potential parking levy database by involving all parties in planning parking retribution collection, in addition to carrying out assessment of the various provisions in determining retribution rates so as to achieve parking retribution targets. Efforts are made through routine technical assistance for retribution collection officers as well as increasing public awareness in paying parking fees.
Journal Education and Government Wiyata Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Mei 2023
Publisher : Yayasan Panca Bakti Wiyata Pangandaran

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The aim of this research is to find out the strategy of the Banjar City Government in setting regional boundaries. This study used qualitative research methods with seven informants. Data collection techniques were carried out through observation, interviews, documentation and literature study. Meanwhile, data analysis techniques were carried out through three stages, namely in the form of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. Based on the research results, it was concluded that the Banjar City Government's strategy in setting regional boundaries was carried out through a) Corporate Strategy; b) Program Strategy; c) Resource Support Strategy; and d) Institutional Strategy.
Journal Education and Government Wiyata Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Mei 2023
Publisher : Yayasan Panca Bakti Wiyata Pangandaran

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The results of the author's observations indicate that the implementation of the Policy on the Elderly Family Development Program by Family Planning Extension Workers in Cikukulu Village, Karangnunggal District, Tasikmalaya Regency is still not optimal. The purpose of this study was to determine the Implementation of Policies on the Elderly Family Development Program by Family Planning Extension Workers. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis. Informants as many as 10 people. Data collection techniques are library research, field studies (observations and interviews) and documentation. The author uses qualitative data analysis techniques through data processing from interviews and observations to draw conclusions so that they can answer problems in research. Based on the results of the study that: 1) Policy Implementation regarding the Elderly Family Development Program has not been carried out in accordance with several stages that must be carried out, which include the lack of availability of resources, both budgets, implementing resources and facilities and infrastructure. Likewise with the results of observations made it is known that Policy Implementation is not supported by an adequate budget, besides that officers have difficulty because not all facilities and infrastructure can be equipped. 2) There are obstacles, including the lack of availability of resources, both budgets, implementing resources and supporting facilities and infrastructure, besides that program socialization to the community is still lacking. Likewise, the observation results show that budget support is still lacking, besides that the existing facilities and infrastructure are inadequate to be able to implement the program as expected. 3) There are efforts to overcome obstacles, including providing resources, both budgets, implementing resources and supporting facilities and infrastructure besides conducting outreach to elderly families. Likewise, from the results of observations, it is known that there are efforts, including involving cadres in village deliberation activities, completing facilities and infrastructure in stages so that the program can be implemented according to expectation.

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