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Information Technology International Journal (ITIJ) is international referred journal with the objectives to explore, develop, and elucidate the knowledge of Information Technology, to keep practitioners and researchers informed on current issues and best practices, as well as serving as a platform for the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and expertise among technology researchers and practitioners.
Articles 5 Documents
The UI/UX Design with Design Thinking Method for The University Complaint Website Silvy Milda Puspita; Narti Apriyanti
Information Technology International Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Information Technology International Journal
Publisher : Magister Teknologi Informasi UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur

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One system that can be used to manage and resolve complaints within the university is the complaint system. The Complaint System that has been provided at UPN "Veteran" East Java seems not to be optimal because the service response is slow. The design of the UI/UX complaint website "Wadulan Ing UPNVJT" was carried out using the design thinking method in this study, which focuses on potential users so that they can produce websites that meet user criteria. The purpose of designing this website is to produce complaints system designs and features that suit user needs by rearranging problems and adopting ideas through a direct approach to users. The results of the study are a complaint system prototype in the form of a display for users and admins based on exploring needs and searching for the core problems experienced by users. The approach taken is to use a questionnaire with a total of 18 samples at the empathize stage and involve 5 respondents at the testing stage. The conclusion obtained from the test results using usability testing is that the website that has been designed meets the user criteria with a percentage result of 94% which can be categorized as very good.
Designing UI/UX for CareerSite Website Using LeanUX Method Mochammad Najib; Evania Trafika
Information Technology International Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Information Technology International Journal
Publisher : Magister Teknologi Informasi UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur

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One of the causes of the increasing number of unemployed in Indonesia is due to fresh graduates who do not have sufficient information about careers so they are still unsure about choosing a job that suits their interests. Based on these problems, a CareerSite website was created which will equip the community in choosing and developing their interests and talents according to the job they want. Creating a CareerSite website interface design will make it easier for the public to develop their interests and talents. The research method used in this research is using LeanUX and with Usability Testing. 10 respondents were taken to try the prototype from the CareerSite website then continued to provide an assessment and feedback through a questionnaire. The results obtained from usability testing using the UEQ-S obtained a scales value on the pragmatic quality aspect of 1.900 and on the hedonic quality value aspect of 0.925. 60% of respondents stated that the appearance of the CareerSite website is efficient, fun and creative when used. Feedback obtained from respondents can be used as further research to develop this CareerSite website better.
UI/UX Design on Digilearn Application with the Iterative Design Thinking Methodology Arsya Amalia Ristias; Mochamad Sahlan Amin; Agussalim Agussalim
Information Technology International Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Information Technology International Journal
Publisher : Magister Teknologi Informasi UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur

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Innovations in education and learning today are followed by advances in technology. The increasing use of online information technology has encouraged educational institutions to invest in new learning technologies such as E-Learning. E-Learning is teaching and learning that is supported and developed through technology and digital media, and is also a form of the concept of distance learning or distance learning. By understanding what they are complaining about, researchers as product designers can empathize with them, so that they can define their problems perfectly, create brilliant ideas, design solutions based on ideas, and try the results of these designs on target users. Therefore, researchers learn that empathy is the key to the success of a product because in the end, the product will be used by the users that the designer has expected.
Literature Review: Application of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) to Increase Operational Effectiveness and Company Productivity Ahsanul Hadi Amin; Yunita Sukma Saputri
Information Technology International Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Information Technology International Journal
Publisher : Magister Teknologi Informasi UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur

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Computer Integrated Manufacturing(CIM) is a manufacturing method and the name of an automated computer system by which the individual engineering, production, marketing, and support functions of a manufacturing company are organized. In a CIM system, functional areas such as design, analysis, planning, purchasing, cost accounting, inventory control, and distribution are linked via computers providing direct control and monitoring of all process operations. This study aims to analyze and review the literature on Computer Integrated Manufacturing in previous research through references to international journal articles by considering the discussion of the application of CIM in a manufacturing industry case for production efficiency and company operations with article sampling parameters such as being indexed in Scopus Q3.
Literature Study: Development Of Fintech Technology Mesra Amalia Ramadhani
Information Technology International Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Information Technology International Journal
Publisher : Magister Teknologi Informasi UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur

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The development of the industrial world is moving very fast where we can feel one of the changes in the lifestyle of people who use a lot of information technology such as doing the online economy. known as Financial Technology (fintech). Of course, with these developments, of course, there is a threat to the security of personal data. This study aims to determine the use of Fintech Technology (Fintech) in the current era. The purpose of this research is to provide an overview of the development of Financial Technology in the current era, even though there are many obstacles. This research method uses qualitative methods. The results of this study illustrate the growing development of financial technology

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