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Influence: International Journal of Science Review
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INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review (Influence Journal) is a double-blind, Indexed peer-reviewed, open-access international journal dedicated to the promotion of research in multidisciplinary areas. We define open-access journals as journals that use a funding model that does not charge readers or their institutions for access. From the BOAI definition of "Open Access," users shall have the right to "read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link" to the full texts of articles. The journal publishes original research articles from broad areas like Accountancy, Agriculture, Anthropology, Anatomy, Architecture, Arts, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biology, Bioscience, Biostatistics, Biotechnology, Botany, Chemistry, Commerce, Computer Science, Dairy Technology, Dentistry, Ecology, Economics, Education, Engineering, Environmental Science, Food & Nutrition, Forensic Science, Forestry, Geology, Geography, Health Sciences, History, Home Science, Journalism & Mass Communication, Language, Law, Life Science, Literature, Management, Marine Science, Mathematics, Medical Science, Microbiology, Pathology, Paramedical Science, Pharmacy, Philosophy, Physical Education, Physiotherapy, Physics, Political Science, Public Health, Psychology, Science, Social Science, Sociology, Sports Medicine, Statistics, Tourism, Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, Yoga, Zoology, etc. Published by: Global Writing Academica Researching & Publishing
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Mechanism of Forced Summons against Witnesses Who Do Not Provide Information Jacob Hattu; D. J. A. Hehanussa
INFLUENCE: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE REVIEW Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching and Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/influencejournal.v5i2.132


Witness testimony is one of the valid proofs in the judicial process. Evidence has a very important position in the trial court examination process, because evidence contains provisions that contain outlines and guidelines regarding procedures that are justified by law proving the guilt of the accused, so by proving a criminal act a criminal sentence can be imposed. Therefore, the problem raised is what is the mechanism for summoning witnesses in criminal cases in Indonesia. To make a summons, the investigator must give a summons in writing. The deadline for summons with the time to attend the summons should be carried out with due observance of a reasonable deadline, which is no later than 3 (three) days received before the time to come to fulfill the summons. In practice, summons is conveyed to the summoned party in various ways, such as asking the summoned party to pick up the summons himself, entrusting it to a lawyer or the investigator delivering it directly to the summoned party. A summons based on a police report, a summons signed by the investigator or the investigator's superior as the investigator. The summons is submitted taking into account the sufficient grace period. If the second summons does not arrive at the stipulated time, the investigator issues a subpoena.
Analysis of Mindfulness Practices Using Electroencephalogram (EEG) Interaxon Muse™ Headband Against the Concept of Self-Acceptance of Poststroke Clients Sulaiman Girivirya
INFLUENCE: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE REVIEW Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching and Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/influencejournal.v5i2.133


The Buddhist guidance and counseling model was applied to a client who experienced post-stroke 3 stress disorder and was isolated at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. Mindfulness of breathing, body and mind activities is very important in mindfulness practice. Mental relaxation treatments and measurements were administered using the first generation Muse™ "S" Series. Portable and "Muse: Meditation and Sleep" by the InteraXons app, linked by mobile technology (iPad/iOS). This research method uses a single subject research design with a time series approach. However, this report reports qualitatively descriptively about the client's self-acceptance concept after each session of stroke. The research sample was conducted on clients with post-stroke comorbidities. Treatment of mental relaxation sessions using mindfulness techniques. The results of measuring brain wave conditions that are inferred from the Muse™ application show an increase in mental relaxation conditions. Along with that the client's self-acceptance of the illness can be accepted with full awareness by the client. The client underwent a total of twelve guided mental relaxation sessions. In each session, the client feels able to accept the illness, forgive and fully accept himself with love.
Participación Multi-Asociativa De Los Jóvenes Y Espacio Público: Evidencias Desde El Caso Chileno Carlos Ambrosio
INFLUENCE: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE REVIEW Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching and Publishing

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El objetivo del artículo es exponer un conjunto de reflexiones y de hallazgos empíricos relativos al fenómeno de la participación asociativa juvenil y su relación con el desarrollo de un mayor civismo como condición de fortalecimiento democrático. En este marco, se presenta una serie de hallazgos relativos al fenómeno de “multiadhesión”, estableciendo, de esta forma, su importancia teórica, su conceptualización, para avanzar en la exploración de cuál sería su relación con el desarrollo del comportamiento cívico. De esta forma, se busca determinar, primero, si el fenómeno de multiadhesión constituye un instrumento de integración social propio del modelo cultural presente en nuestras sociedades; segundo, qué tipo de motivaciones impulsan y/o desincentivan a los jóvenes a participar de forma múltiple; tercero, si una eventual multiadhesión es una estrategia de experimentación social e ideológica cada vez más amplia; y, finalmente, cuál es el impacto de una eventual multiadhesión sobre la vida cívica de los jóvenes y las consecuencias que ella puede tener en las políticas públicas.
Sustainability Index of Benoa Bay Beach Reclamation Against National Resistance Munawar Ali
INFLUENCE: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE REVIEW Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching and Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/influencejournal.v5i2.135


This study aims to analyze systematically and thoroughly about how the impact of coastal reclamation on National Resilience. The activity starts from a thorough understanding of the system that occurs in the reclamation and variable processes that affect national security. The research method used analysis Multi-Dimensional Scaling Method. The Benoa Bay reclamation activity plan, multi-dimensional analysis is not or less sustainable, with an index of 42.93 %. The most sensitive attribute influences the dimensions of the environment, is the attribute of potential sedimentation is the most sensitive attribute with a value of 0.13. The most sensitive attribute affecting the economic dimension is an increase in regional revenue. In the sensitivity test of the socio-cultural dimension, the most sensitive and influential attribute obtained is the perception of the community shop. The most sensitive attribute influencing the legal dimension is the formal rules, there must be formal rules, indeed administratively the formal rules are legal products that are approved by the institutions governed by the law, but usually what is forgotten is the process of realizing formal rules.
Marketing Development Strategy for Wealth Management Products to Increase High Net Worth Individual (HNWI) Customers Rizka Aula Assaf; Eddy Jusup Supardi; Juanim Juanim
INFLUENCE: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE REVIEW Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching and Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This study aims to identify, examine and obtain analysis results regarding Retail Banking marketing management, Wealth Management marketing management, factors that may hinder the development of Wealth Management product marketing strategies, Wealth Management service product marketing development strategies in the future carried out by Permata Bank so that Bank Permata can increasing HNWI customers. The research method used is a qualitative method with a single case study approach. The research results show that there are inhibiting factors for the marketing of PermataBank's wealth management services, which consist of internal company factors (employee factors and product limitations factors); and external environmental factors (competitor factors and government regulatory factors). The marketing development strategy for wealth management products is carried out by PermataBank to increase HNWI customers by developing multichannel distribution, expanding strategic partnerships, implementing a strategy to expand the target of millennial customers and increasing the capabilities of frontliners (relationship managers).
How Are The Children Of Immigrants Assimilating? The Effects Of Individual, Neighborhood, Coethnic Community, And National Origin Group Characteristics On Education In San Diego Rennie Lee
INFLUENCE: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE REVIEW Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching and Publishing

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How immigrants’ children will integrate to US society is of ongoing debate. This study examines which assimilation pathway immigrants’ children are following. This study examines how four factors—individual, neighborhood, coethnic community, and national origin group—affect the children of immigrants’ educational attainment. I analyze a unique data set that matches individual survey data from the Children of Immigrants’ Longitudinal Survey (CILS) dataset with coethnic community, neighborhood, and group level data. The results indicate that coethnic community, group, and individual factors simultaneously influence the children of immigrants’ education, showing evidence for the selective assimilation pathway.
Early Disaster Recovery Strategy: The Missing Link in Post-Disaster Implementation in Indonesia Medi Herlianto
INFLUENCE: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE REVIEW Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching and Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/influencejournal.v5i2.138


Indonesia is a region that is prone to various types of disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, rain fires, landslides and floods. As a country prone to natural disasters, Indonesia must have a disaster emergency response management with a clear concept of early recovery because Law No. 24 of 2007 and Government Regulation No. 21 of 2008 are not strictly regulated. This study aims to analyze post-disaster early recovery strategies which are the missing link in post-disaster implementation in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative approach with the Miles & Huberman Interactive Analysis Model research method. 1992, where in this study the data analysis was carried out simultaneously with the data collection process and the flow of analysis followed an interactive analysis model. The results of the study show that the implementation of early disaster recovery in Indonesia does not yet have a clear legal umbrella and generally early recovery options are focused on recovering physical assets and ignoring traumatic recovery. The main activities of early recovery mainly only provide shelters for victims of damaged houses but other actions and activities towards humanitarian recovery have not been carried out optimally.
Mapping the Potential of Faculty of Teacher Training Education Lecturers in the Field of Study Program Development Innovation, Work Mindset, and Competitive Entrepreneurial Attitudes in the Digital Area Wahidin; Nana; Mufti Ali; Agus Sumantri
INFLUENCE: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE REVIEW Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching and Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/influencejournal.v5i2.139


This study aims to map the innovation potential of Lecturers. Aspects of the study include competence, demography and socio-culture with work mindset variables, entrepreneurial attitudes, and Study Program development innovations. Next studied the relationship between these variables. Data collection was carried out by random sampling via electronics to the lecturer population at Faculty of Teacher Training Education. The results of the returned and valid questionnaire were 33 samples. Descriptive data processing of each component is studied one by one and analyzed followed by a simple correlation test, using SPSS software. The results of the study show that demographically and socio-culturally the lecturers have positive potential with high confidence from the dimensions of the work mindset and entrepreneurial attitude at a sufficient stage to carry out innovations in the development of the Study Program. Meanwhile, between one variable and another, there is no correlation with the innovation of the Study Program development. This research paved the way that faculty collaborative programs related to innovation in the development of Study Program with stakeholders to increase the social cohesiveness and entrepreneurial attitudes of lecturers. It is necessary to improve the quality of innovation collaboration between lecturers and colleagues to face the demands of competitiveness in the digital era. Further studies are needed on the innovation model of Study Program development for the synergy of work mindsets, entrepreneurial attitudes with innovation in the development of Study Program for all faculties in the university.
New Paradigm of Indonesian Islamic Education: Analysis of Changes in the Relations of Islamic Education Institutions with Post-Reform Political Power Cecep Sumarna
INFLUENCE: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE REVIEW Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching and Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/influencejournal.v5i2.140


Islamic Education Institutions (LPI) were born with different characters and ideologies from Dutch and Japanese educational institutions. This difference is still maintained even though Indonesia has declared itself independent. Only later in the reform era did the dynamics of the relationship between LPI and government power change. This study then examines changes in the relationship between the LPI and political power after the Reformation. This research will be carried out using qualitative methods and a historiographical approach. Researchers will use data on Indonesia’s social, political, and religious situation from when the Dutch colonized Indonesia until the temporary Indonesian period. This research then found a new change in the political movement of Islamic education in Indonesia in 1998. In this change, various Islamic educational institutions began to enter the political context and fill multiple positions in the government. Islamic educational institutions started to transform and become part of political power, which marked a paradigmatic change in the politics of Islamic education.
Collaborative Writing As Educational Research: A Deleuzian Critique David Harris
INFLUENCE: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE REVIEW Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): INFLUENCE: International Journal of Science Review
Publisher : Global Writing Academica Researching and Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This article discusses the claims made by some qualitative researchers that collaborative autoethnographic writing serves to displace sociology and other social sciences as a means to understand subjectivity. Collaborative creative writing claims to be no less valid than sociological inquiry and is less socially exclusive, and academic criticism of this approach is itself seen as only subjective. A particular project by Wyatt and Gale and others can still be exposed to ‘immanent critique’, however, where the philosophical resources used to support the argument (the work of Deleuze and Guattari in this case) can be explored to suggest quite different implications for subjectivity. These include discussing external social influences on creativity and collaboration, and, more generally, on subjectivity itself. Guattari’s cartography of subjectification suggests that sociological inquiry, including the sociology of education, still has a major role in providing empirical examples and experiences of the processes involved, as resources for subsequent deleuzian philosophising and for effective micropolitics.