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Holistic: Journal of Tropical Agriculture Sciences
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Articles 5 Documents
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Pilihan tipe co-management konservasi hutan rawa mangrove dalam kasus kehadiran kelompok peduli pesisir Septia Wulandari Tia; Wanti Fitrianti
Holistic: Journal of Tropical Agriculture Sciences Vol. 1 No. 1: (July) 2023
Publisher : Institute for Advanced Science, Social, and Sustainable Future

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61511/hjtas.v1i1.2023.85


It is not yet known whether the success of mangrove swamp forest conserva-tion in Setapuk Besar was driven more by the participation of members of the coastal care group or by involving non-members. It is important to analyse this problem, in order to determine the option co-management types, after the mangrove forest rehabilitation activities is deemed successful. This study aims to analyze the implications of the presence of coastal care groups and community participation on the option types of co-management mangrove forest conservation. The research method uses a quantitative and qualitative approach. Quantitative data were collected through structured interviews with 90 respondents, while the analytical tools used descriptive methods and the difference test of Mann Whitney-U. The results of the study show that the level of understanding and participation of group members has significantly higher qualifications than non-members, so this indicates that there is still a high gap. This difference in understanding and participation is shown in the high ability of group members to analyze, interpret, understand environmental conditions, as well as their concern for consevation activities. The success of conservation which still relies on the participation of group members needs to be continuously improved by improving its management capacity, so that the level of participation can be higher by involving most members of the community. In this regard, considering that there is a real role for the coastal care group but there are gap of understanding and participation, the option about co-management form that considered appropriate is cooperative type.
Respon gulma dan tanaman akasia terhadap aplikasi herbisida pra tumbuh Jeri Afrizal; M. Umar Harun; Marlina
Holistic: Journal of Tropical Agriculture Sciences Vol. 1 No. 1: (July) 2023
Publisher : Institute for Advanced Science, Social, and Sustainable Future

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61511/hjtas.v1i1.2023.107


The study aims to know active ingredients and a dose of pre-emergence herbicides for suppressing weeds growth and it’s the effect on juvenile acacia three months after plant-ing. The study was conducted in PT. Bumi Andalas Permai, The Sugihan Water District, Patch G 3020, The Baung River, Ogan Komering Ilir, South Sumatra. The study used a Randomized Block Design (RBD) and 8 treatments. Without Pre-Emergence Herbicides (T1), Isoxaflutole 150 g․ha-1 (T2), Flumioxazine 100 g․ha-1 (T3), Flumioxazine 200 g․ha-1 (T4), Indaziflame and Iodosulfuron 150 g․ha-1 (T5), Indaziflame and Iodosulfuron 250 g․ha-1 (T6), Sulfentrazon 500 ml․ha-1 (T7), and Sulfentrazon 750 ml․ha-1 (T8). Research started from October 2021 to January 2022. The results showed that the dosed and var-ious of pre-emergence herbicides a significant effect for weeds covered, Specific Leaf Area (SLA) 8, and 12 weeks after application. However, herbicides dit not effect for height and diameter acacia stems. The best treatment to suppress for weed growth was at Indazi-flame and Iodosulfuron 250 g․ha-1, a total weed cover of 8,06 % and dominated by the narrow leave Ottochloa nodosa with SDR value of 78,47 %. The biggest increase for height and diameter of acacia stems was for the active ingredient Sulfentrazon 750 ml. ha-1 which 107,56 cm and a diameter stem 3,62 cm. Highest value for Specific Leaf Area was at a treatment of Control with 119,37 cm².g-1. Treatment of Isoxaflutole 150 g․ha-1 caused a dechlorophyllization effect of acacia leaves with percentage injury of plant to the active ingredient Isoxaflutole is 44,79 %.
Analisis implementasi program food estate sebagai solusi ketahanan pangan Indonesia Alsafana Rasman; Eliza Sinta Theresia; M Fadel Aginda
Holistic: Journal of Tropical Agriculture Sciences Vol. 1 No. 1: (July) 2023
Publisher : Institute for Advanced Science, Social, and Sustainable Future

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61511/hjtas.v1i1.2023.183


Indonesia as an agrarian country with the majority of the population working in the agricultural sector does not guarantee that Indonesia will be free from a food crisis. The increasing population in Indonesia and the addition of the COVID-19 pandemic that occurred in 2020 affected food needs which resulted in food insecurity and affected the food supply chain. Food Estate is one of the strategies carried out by the Indonesian Government to overcome food security and the problem of the food crisis that is happening in Indonesia. The Indonesian government has issued several food estate policies and programs since the 1950s which were developed on a large scale with the aim of producing food needed by the community. However, in its implementation, the food estate project that has been carried out by the government so far has failed. So, this study aims to identify developments and analyse development problems from food estate practices by comparing practices in every food estate that has ever been carried out in Indonesia. In achieving the research objectives, a descriptive analysis method was used, namely by collecting data and studying the literature to obtain the key problem factors for the failure of food estate practices in Indonesia. The results of this study obtained information related to the failure factors of food estate project practices in Indonesia from the Old Order period to the present. The main factors causing the failure of food estates in Indonesia are the lack of mature development concept planning (plans for development locations, water availability, climatic conditions, technology, and synergy between the government and farmers), land ownership issues that cause conflict between the community and the government, resource capabilities farmers in managing agricultural land effectively, and the policies compiled by the government are considered to be unable to be implemented to maximize production yields and agricultural quality. Even the food estate program has caused environmental problems such as carbon release due to forest deforestation, biodiversity threats, reduced water catchment areas and flood disasters.
Analisis fungsi keuntungan usahatani kacang hijau (Phaseolus ra-diatus L.) di Kabupaten Malaka Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur Maria Virgilia Balok Klau; Ida Nurwiana Nurwiana; Marthen R. Pellokila
Holistic: Journal of Tropical Agriculture Sciences Vol. 1 No. 1: (July) 2023
Publisher : Institute for Advanced Science, Social, and Sustainable Future

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61511/hjtas.v1i1.2023.226


The cause of the low productivity of mung beans is partly due to the inefficient use of production factors, which will theoretically affect the profit level of farming. This study specifically aims to analyze the allocation of the use of production inputs and to analyze the profit function of mung bean farming. Data collection used a survey method by interviewing 52 farmers in Central Malaka District, Malaka District, East Nusa Tenggara. Data analysis used a quantitative descriptive method, through the analysis of farm costs, and analysis of the Cobb-Douglass Unit Output Price profit function. The results showed that mung bean farming was profitable with a profit rate of around 7.66 million rupiah per hectare. The allocation of farming inputs that significantly affect production are land area, seeds, and pesticides, with coefficient values ​​of 0.96, 0.56 and -0.49, respectively. Meanwhile, variable inputs that significantly affect profits are fertilizer prices, pesticide prices, and labor costs, with coefficient values ​​of -0.43, 0.43, and -0.75, respectively. These results inform several aspects: (a) increasing the area of ​​land and seeds increases production, conversely increasing the use of pesticides can reduce production and therefore it is necessary to adjust the correct dosage, (b) the use of fertilizers is not significant to production caused by the application dose is too low, ( c) the use of labor is not significant to production and its addition reduces profits, so it needs to be more efficient in its use by prioritizing the quality of the workforce.  
Kajian metabolit sekunder tanaman ginseng Korea dan Indonesia sebagai peningkat imun tubuh Siti Azizah Ardiningtyas; Nor Isnaeni Dwi Arista
Holistic: Journal of Tropical Agriculture Sciences Vol. 1 No. 1: (July) 2023
Publisher : Institute for Advanced Science, Social, and Sustainable Future

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61511/hjtas.v1i1.2023.244


Health is essential so viruses and diseases do not quickly attack the body's immune system. The use of plants to maintain health is a form of human relationship with the natural environment. Many medicinal plants can potentially increase the body's immunity, including Ginseng. Various ginseng species, such as Panax Ginseng, are in demand by the public because they have many benefits for preventing and treating various diseases. The active ingredients are amino acids, alkaloids, phenols, proteins, polypeptides, vitamins B1 and B2. P. ginseng roots can increase the activity of effector immune cells, cardiovascular disease, and the central nervous system. Meanwhile, the local Ginseng in Indonesia, Kolesom (Talinum triangulare (Jacq.) Willd), is called Javanese Ginseng, which is still considered a weed even though it contains many bioactive compounds that are rich in benefits. The use of medicinal plants in society was originally a form of traditional knowledge within a community group passed down from generation to generation. With science and technological knowledge increasingly developing, Ginseng has become an exciting study to continue developing and researching. Until now, traditional and modern societies still use Ginseng as a potential plant. Good knowledge from the public regarding the benefits of the ginseng plant requires scientific evidence of this medicinal plant for specific health conditions and diseases that need to be optimized and rationalized.

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