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Jurnal Kesehatan Kartika
ISSN : 19073879     EISSN : 2477054X     DOI :
Core Subject : Health,
Jurnal Kesehatan Kartika ((P-ISSN 1907-3879; E-ISSN 2477-054X; DOI 10.29084, provides a forum for publishing the original research articles related to: Public health Nursing Midwifery Molecular biology
Articles 8 Documents
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Hubungan Suhu, kelembapan, dan pencahayaan Ruangan dengan Mikroba Udara di Ruang Perawatan Rehabilitasi Instansi Pemerintah dan Komponen Masyarakat di Lingkungan BNN Kota Cimahi Hana Gumiyarna Han Han
JURNAL KESEHATAN KARTIKA Vol. 16 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Kesehatan Kartika
Publisher : LPPM Stikes Jenderal Achmad Yani Cimahi

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Ruang perawatan lembaga rehabilitasi pecandu narkoba sebagai tempat pelayanan kesehatan bagi para pecandu harus memiliki ruang rawat inap yang memenuhi syarat kesehatan, baik kualitas udaranya, konstruksinya maupun fasilitasnya. Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui hubungan suhu, kelembapan, dan pencahayaan ruangan dengan angka mikroba udara di ruang perawatan rehabilitasi milik Instansi Pemerintah dan milik Komponen Masyarakat di lingkungan BNN kota cimahi tahun 2018 serta mengetahui perbedaan angka kuman udara di ruang perawatan rehabilitasi narkoba milik instansi pemerintah dan komponen masyarakat. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan observasional analitik dengan desain cros-sectional dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 4 ruangan selama 7 kali pengukuran. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan antara suhu, kelembapan dan pencahayaan ruangan dengan angka mikroba udara di ruang perawatan rehabilitasi milik Instansi Pemerintah, namun terdapat hubungan antara kelembaban dan pencahayaan dengan angka mikroba udara di ruang perawatan rehabilitasi milik komponen masyarakat. Ada perbedaan yang signifikan angka mikroba udara yang ada di antara ruang perawatan rehabilitasi milik instansi pemerintah dan komponen masyarakat di lingkungan BNN Kota Cimahi.
Hubungan Antara Durasi Bermain Game Online dengan Interaksi Sosial Teman Sebaya Pada Siswa Di SMA Negeri 18 Kota Bandung Linda Hotmaida; Juliyanti Doloksaribu
JURNAL KESEHATAN KARTIKA Vol. 16 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Kesehatan Kartika
Publisher : LPPM Stikes Jenderal Achmad Yani Cimahi

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Online games are electronic games connected internet which are like by teenagers. Overuse of online games might cause addiction. The negative impact of playing online games has lowered teenagers’ social interactions, it also made teenagers ignorant and uncaring to their environment. This research is aimed to empirically find out the relation between the duration of online gaming and the social interaction with peers of similar age. This research involved 253 students in Bandung City Public High School 18. This research is of a quantitative kind with a cross sectional design. Sample acquirement is done using proportionate stratified random sampling technique. The result of this research showed that the majority of respondents excessively play online games (>3 hours/day) with the number up to 163 respondents (64.4%), and some of the respondents have social interactions in the “high” category, numbering up to 134 people (53.0%). The Chi square statistical test result showed P value = 0.079 > α (0.05) which means that there are no relation between the duration of online gaming with social interactions. High intensity online gaming may lower teenagers’ interaction with the society and surrounding environment. Although an increase in online socialization, at the same time a decrease in socialization in real life is also found. The gamers spend more time socializing online. Anti-social behavior, lack of willingness to blend with the society, family and friends are traits shown by those having addiction to gaming. The importance of giving proper understanding to the teenagers regarding negative impact of online gaming, giving guidance towards positive activities to occupy leisure time, limiting the children’s gaming, as well as limiting the use of gadgets are several actions that can be taken by the schools and parents. Keywords: Gadget, Online Game, Social Interaction
JURNAL KESEHATAN KARTIKA Vol. 16 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Kesehatan Kartika
Publisher : LPPM Stikes Jenderal Achmad Yani Cimahi

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The process of population aging certainly affects various aspects of life including social, economic, and especially health, because aging affects organs begin to lose some function, either by nature or by disease. The factors that influence elderly visit to posbindu including knowledge, attitudes, access, and family support. So that the target of elderly visit posbindu whether it has reached or not is based in the elderly’s good knowledge, positive attitudes, easy access, and support from their family. The aims of this study is to determine the factors that influence elderly to visit Posbindu in Cimahi Village. The type of this reaserch is quantitative with a cross sectional design. The sample of this study inclueded 76 elderly who lived in Cimahi Village, which was determined by proportional random sampling. The research data was collected by using a questionnare. The analysys was collected by using bivariate analysis (Chi-Square). The results of this research showed that there was a relationship between knowledge and posbindu visits (p = 0.001), there was a relationship between attitudes and posbindu visits (p = 0.001), there was no relationship between access and posbindu visits (p = 0.148), there was no relationship between family support and Posbindu visits (p = 0.643). Keywords : Elderly, Posbindu Visit
Promosi Kesehatan Menggunakan Aplikasi Whatsapp untuk Meningkatkan Kepatuhan Minum Tablet Tambah Darah Pada Remaja Putri di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Agus Riyanto
JURNAL KESEHATAN KARTIKA Vol. 16 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Kesehatan Kartika
Publisher : LPPM Stikes Jenderal Achmad Yani Cimahi

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Anemia incidence is a female reproductive health problem, if a female is anemia, it is dangerous during pregnancy and childbirth. Female teens in Indonesia in 2019 there were 10.3% received blood supplement tablets and in West Java only 8.2%. The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of Health promotion using whatsapp application to improve taking blood supplement tablets adherence of female teens during pandemic Covid-19. This study is a non-equivalent control group design. Selected the control and intervention groups from female teens Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) in Cimahi. Samples consisted of 54 female teens; 27 as control and 27 as intervention groups. This study was conducted for three months, the intervention group was given health promotion of taking blood supplement tablets using whatsApp application once a week within 30-60 minutes duration. The assessment of knowledge, attitudes, and adherence of female teens was assessed three times within three month using a questionnaire on google form. Statistical analysis used were independent t test and Mann Whitney test. The results showed that the knowledge of female teens between the control and intervention groups before the intervention and after the one month intervention was no significant difference (p>0.05), while after the three-month intervention there was a significant difference (p<0.05). There was no significant difference between the attitude and adherence of female teens to taking blood supplement tablets between the control and intervention groups before the intervention (p>0.05), where was after the one­month intervention and after the three-month intervention there was a significant difference (p< 0.05). Suggest the schools work together with health centers and universities to provide health promotions about blood supplement tablets regularly using application media such as whatsapp
JURNAL KESEHATAN KARTIKA Vol. 16 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Kesehatan Kartika
Publisher : LPPM Stikes Jenderal Achmad Yani Cimahi

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ABSTRACT Background: COVID-19 is transmitted through human-to-human transmission through droplets, direct contact and has an incubation period of 2-14 days. The lack of effective preventive measures to flatten the curve of COVID-19 cases can be seen from the lack of discipline of the community towards the protocol set by the government. The implementation of preventive measures is mostly caused by behavioral problems that are often determined by knowledge and attitudes, especially to prevent transmission to the school cluster. The method used in this study is cross-sectional a web-based and data collection using the online platform Google Form. The population in this study were adolescents grade VIII SMP Negeri 1 Cugenang, Cianjur Regency. Sampling was done by using a stratified random sampling technique which obtained 34 respondents. Correlation test using Square-Test. The measuring instrument used was a questionnaire to measure knowledge, attitudes, gender, place of residence, and COVID-19 prevention behavior. The results of this study indicate that the factors associated with COVID-19 prevention behavior are the factors of knowledge (p = 0.002), attitude (p = 0.022), and place of residence (p = 0.007). This study suggests providing education as a long-term strategy to increase knowledge and reduce negative attitudes towards COVID-19, especially among adolescents. Use of social media and electronic media as a means of health education
JURNAL KESEHATAN KARTIKA Vol. 16 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Kesehatan Kartika
Publisher : LPPM Stikes Jenderal Achmad Yani Cimahi

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ABSTRACT The incidence of cervical cancer is 0.8%, making it the type of cancer with the highest prevalence in Indonesia. One of these circumstances is influenced by the lack of knowledge of women of childbearing age (WUS) about cervical cancer, especially early detection with the IVA test. The provision of health education such as counseling is very important. The results of the preliminary study show that 6 out of 10 WUS people in Central Cimahi do not know about the IVA Test. The purpose of this study was to determine the evaluation of the provision of counseling on WUS knowledge about the IVA Test at the Cimahi Tengah Health Center in February 2019. The research method used was analytic with a cross sectional design. The research sample is WUS who are married at the Puskesmas Cimahi Tengah as many as 98 people taken by means of quota sampling. Collecting data using a questionnaire. Data were analyzed by univariate and bivariate analysis by Chi Square test. The results showed that most of the respondents had never received IVA Test counseling, as many as 69 respondents (70.4%). Almost half of the respondents have sufficient knowledge of the IVA Test, as many as 48 respondents (49%). The Chi Square test shows that there is a relationship between the provision of counseling and knowledge of the IVA Test (p value = 0.000). It is recommended to increase the provision of counseling programs about the IVA Test Keywords: Counseling, Knowledge, IVA Test
Perbedaan Pemilihan Alat Kontrasepsi Pasca Persalinan Sebelum dan Sesudah Diberikan Konseling ati nurwita
JURNAL KESEHATAN KARTIKA Vol. 16 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Kesehatan Kartika
Publisher : LPPM Stikes Jenderal Achmad Yani Cimahi

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Prevalensi stunting di Indonesia cukup tinggi, hal ni berdampak pada penyediaan generasi penerus bangsa yang berkualitas. Pemerintah melakukan refocusing program dalam rangka mengatasi permasalahan stunting diantaranya melalui program KB pasca persalinan. KB pasca persalinan berperan dalam mencegah dan menaggulangi stunting. Dengan Kb pasca persalinan dapat mencegah stunting dengan pengaturan jarak kehamilan agar sistem reproduksi siap untuk hamil kembali, dan dapat menanggulangi stunting karena KB persalinan memberikan waktu yang cukup pada ibu untuk memberikan ASI ekslusif dan perhatian penuh untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan bayinya. Pemamahan ibu dalam pemilihan KB pasca persalinan sangat diperlukan untuk memutuskan KB yang tepat Konseling adalah salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan bidan dalam membantu ibu memutuskan KB pasca persalinan. Metode penelitian Quasi Experimental pendekatan One Group Pre-tes Post tes One Design. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah ibu pasca persalinan fase taking hold. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan sampel minimal untuk Quasi Experimental yaitu 20 responden, yang memenuhi kriteria penelitian. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan lembar Analisi dilakukan uji bivariat dengan uji T berpasangan. Hasil analisis diperoleh p-value = 0,256 > α = 0,05 (nilai p-value lebih besar dari α = 0,05). Hal ini berarti tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan rencana pemilihan metode kontrasepsi sebelum dan sesudah diberikan konseling. Keberhasilan konseling pasca persalinan dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor. Konseling pada ibu untuk memutuskan KB pasca persalinan sangat penting dilakukan dan diperlukan kemampuan bidan sebagai seorang konselor.
JURNAL KESEHATAN KARTIKA Vol. 16 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Kesehatan Kartika
Publisher : LPPM Stikes Jenderal Achmad Yani Cimahi

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Title : The Effect Of Hypnotherapy On Online Game Addiction On Adolescents At Smp Negeri 1 Cileunyi Background: Addiction to online games in adolescents can affect the social aspects of adolescents in living their daily social life. One result is that online gaming addicts will sit at the computer for hours playing online games and neglect other tasks. Generally addicts play online games more than 8-10 hours per day and at least 30 hours per week. The prevalence of mental emotional disorders as indicated by symptoms of depression and anxiety for ages 15 and over reaches around 14 million people or 6% of Indonesia's population, one of which is due to addiction to online games. According to Mental Health First Aid, help for mental health or early mental health support can be overcome by using hypnotherapy. Objectives: Knowing the effect of hypnotherapy on online game addiction in adolescents at SMP Negeri 1 Cileunyi. Methods: The research design used was pre-experiment with one group pretest postest design. the sample of the study was 32 class 1 adolescents with heavy online game addiction at SMPN 1 Cileunyi. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. The bivariate analysis used in this study used the Wilcoxon analysis. Results: Addiction to online games before being given hypnotherapy, namely the mean time to use online games before being given hypnotherapy of 240.00 minutes per day with a standard deviation of 7.36. Addiction to online games after being given hypnotherapy is an average usage time of 135.44 minutes per day with a standard deviation of 0.80. Conclusion: There is an effect of hypnotherapy on online game addiction in adolescents at SMP Negeri 1 Cileunyi with p.value is 0.000 ≤ alpha α (α = 0.05).

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