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Rena Fadilah Malik
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Tadrusuun : Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar
Published by STIT Fatahillah Bogor
ISSN : 28288750     EISSN : 28290933     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education, Social,
TADRUSUUN: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN DASAR is a scientific journal published by STIT Fatahillah. This journal contains scientific papers from Academics, Researchers, and Practitioners about research on Elementary School. TADRUSUUN: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN DASAR will publish 2 editions each year, in March and September.
Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): September 2024" : 6 Documents clear
Application of The Brain-Based Learning Model on Students' Learning Outcomes and Initial Mathematical Abilities Ibnu Imam Al Ayyubi; Sofia Martini; Ai Sri Masfuroh; Aulia Suwanti Nur Ramdani
TADRUSUUN: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN DASAR Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): September 2024
Publisher : STIT Fatahillah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62274/tadrusuun.v3i2.157


Along with advances in technology and understanding of the learning process, the Brain learning model emerged Based Learning is one of the innovative steps in improving the quality of learning. This research aims to see whether some differences and interactions occur in student learning outcomes which that implications for students' initial mathematical abilities and the basic competencies learned by students. This research was carried out at SDN Batujajar 3 with a quantitative approach. This research method uses survey methods and ANOVA test analysis to see the relationship between mathematics learning outcomes using the BBL model, Basic Competencies consisting of KD 3.3, KD 3.4, and KD 3.5, and students' Initial Mathematical Ability with high, medium, and low classifications. This research instrument uses a test to test the data analysis requirements used, consisting of a normality test using Kolomogorov-Smirnov and a homogeneity test assisted by SPSS version 26. In this study, it was found that there were differences in students' mathematics learning outcomes using the brain learning model-based learning on the basic competencies learned by students and students' initial mathematical abilities, but there is no significant interaction between them. This shows that there is a significant difference in students' mathematics learning outcomes between KD 3.3 and 3.4 and 3.3 and 3.5, but this does not happen at KD 3.4 and 3.5. Apart from initial mathematical abilities, students in the categories of high and medium, high and low, and medium and low obtained significant differences between the three. Thus, it is hoped that further research can have implications for students' level of cognition and geography regarding mathematics learning outcomes using the brain learning model-based learning.
Pengembangan E-LKPD Berbasis Experimental Method Materi Peristiwa Alam untuk Meningkatkan Literasi Sains Peserta Didik Kelas V SD Heri Dermawan; Rena Fadilah Malik; Anggi Riafadilah
TADRUSUUN: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN DASAR Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): September 2024
Publisher : STIT Fatahillah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62274/tadrusuun.v3i2.159


Developing E-LKPD (Electronic Student Worksheets) based on experimental methods is an important innovation in science education, especially to increase the scientific literacy of fifth-grade elementary school students. This research explores the effectiveness of using E-LKPD in improving understanding of natural event material, increasing student involvement, and stimulating interest in learning about science. The research method uses a literature review. The literature review results show an increased understanding of natural event material after using E-LKPD. The interactivity provided by E-LKPD helps increase student involvement in learning, while the use of technology in learning also triggers students' interest in science. Benefits for teachers were also found, with the evaluation feature integrated with E-LKPD allowing them to monitor student progress in real-time and provide more appropriate guidance. These findings show that experimental method-based E-LKPD has great potential in increasing scientific literacy at the elementary level.
Manfaat Media Komunikasi Dalam Pembelajaran Pada Kelas IV B SD IT Ar-Ridha Pantai Cermin, Tanjung Pura Dila Aulia; Muhammad Sulaiman; Syahera; Tuti Rezeki Awaliyah Siregar
TADRUSUUN: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN DASAR Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): September 2024
Publisher : STIT Fatahillah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62274/tadrusuun.v3i2.160


This research aims to evaluate the benefits of using communication media in learning in class IV B SD IT Arridha Pantai Cermin. The research method used is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach by collecting data through indepth interviews and observations of the implementation of communication media in the learning process. The results of the research show that the use of audiovisual and audio communication media in learning in class IV B SD IT Arridha Pantai Cermin has proven effective in accommodating various student learning styles, increasing involvement and collaboration between students and teachers, therefore the focus of this research is to explore how teachers, especially Mrs. Khadijah, S.Pd, utilize this technology to increase the interactivity and effectiveness of learning in the classroom.
Hubungan Gaya Mengajar Guru dengan Motivasi Belajar Peserta Didik pada Mata Pelajaran Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam Siti Rukmini Nugrahaeni; Asis Saefuddin; Alvin Yanuar Rahman
TADRUSUUN: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN DASAR Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): September 2024
Publisher : STIT Fatahillah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62274/tadrusuun.v3i2.161


This research began with observations in Class IV in the History of Islamic Culture subject, where it was found that the teacher's voice was difficult to hear, the teacher often left the classroom to chat and often played with gadgets during the lesson. This causes students to lose motivation. This research aims to determine teachers' teaching styles and students' learning motivation and the relationship between the two. Teaching style indicators include voice variations, the concentration of attention, silence, gaze contact, body movements, teaching positions, behavior, and habits. Indicators of learning motivation include the desire to succeed, encouragement in learning, hopes and aspirations, appreciation for learning, interesting activities, and a conducive learning environment. The research hypothesis is that there is a significant relationship between teaching style and learning motivation. The research method uses a quantitative approach with correlation techniques, observation, questionnaires, and documentation. Questionnaires were distributed to 61 respondents in Class IV-A and IV-B. Data analysis techniques include normality, homogeneity, linearity, and correlation tests, with validity and reliability tested first. The research results show that the data is normally distributed, homogeneous, and linear. The teacher's teaching style and student learning motivation are both in the perfect category. The relationship between teacher teaching style and student learning motivation shows a positive result of 0.333, although in the low category
Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran 3cm dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran IPA Novi Alpani Nurajijjah; Titim Fatimah; Inne Martthyane Pratiwi
TADRUSUUN: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN DASAR Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): September 2024
Publisher : STIT Fatahillah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62274/tadrusuun.v3i2.162


This research is motivated by the low creative thinking skills of students in the science subject. An alternative to improving students' low creative thinking skills is by implementing the 3CM (Cool, Critical, Creative, Meaningful) learning model. This study aims to determine the difference in the average increase in creative thinking skills of fifth-grade students in science subjects using the 3CM (Cool, Critical, Creative, Meaningful) learning model compared to students using the problem-based learning model. The population of this research includes all fifth-grade students at MIN 2 Kota Bandung for the 2023/2024 academic year. The samples taken are class V-A and class V-B. The data collection techniques used are tests and observations. Data analysis techniques include normality tests, homogeneity tests, and independent t-tests. The independent t-test results on the N-gain data showed a significance value of 0.003, indicating a difference in the average increase in creative thinking skills in science subjects. The 3CM learning model has a learning syntax that includes: providing motivation, interpreting contextual problems, criticizing contextual issues, resolving conflicts, converting concepts into creative products, confirming creative products, and reflecting meaningfully.
Gambaran Pendidikan Karakter Disiplin di Era Digital Pada Siswa Kelas V di SDN 02 Laladon Bogor Nabilah Farhah; Fitira Rosmi; Dace
TADRUSUUN: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN DASAR Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): September 2024
Publisher : STIT Fatahillah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62274/tadrusuun.v3i2.163


This study aims to describe the character education of discipline in grade V students of SDN 02 Laladon Bogor in the digital era. The digital era has a significant impact on the development of character education, especially discipline. This study uses a qualitative method with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The results of the study indicate that character education of discipline in grade V students of SDN 02 Laladon Bogor faces challenges and opportunities in the digital era. Factors such as the use of technology, parenting patterns, and school environment influence the formation of students' disciplined character. These findings provide insight into the efforts that need to be made in improving character education of discipline in the digital era, including the development of relevant learning methods and the active role of parents in supporting character education at home. This study is expected to contribute to increasing understanding and awareness of the importance of character education of discipline in changing times. The practical implications of this study can be used as a guideline for educators, parents, and related parties in designing effective strategies to develop discipline in grade V students in the digital era.

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