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Yulius Rudi Haryatno
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VISI SAKTI: Jurnal Industri Kreatif dan Inovatif
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Jurnal Industri Kreatif dan Inovatif merupakan jurnal ilmiah Program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Kristen Bukit Pengharapan Tawangmangu yang memuat hasil penelitian pengkajian dan perancangan yang fokus pada tema-tema industri kreatif, seperti fashion, fotografi, periklanan, film, animasi dan video, desain grafis, aplikasi dan pengembangan game, seni rupa dan ranah desain komunikasi visual pada umumnya.  Jurnal ini diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Kristen Bukit Pengharapan.
Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Desain Komunikasi Visual (Merek)" : 6 Documents clear
Analisis Brand Respons Pada Neynis Food Berdasarkan Data Media Sosial TikTok Angga Hendrawan
Jurnal Industri Kreatif dan Inovatif Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Desain Komunikasi Visual (Merek)
Publisher : Jurnal Industri Kreatif dan Inovatif

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61696/visisakti.v1i1.130


TikTok is a social media platform that is experiencing a growth in user numbers globally, including Indonesia.Social media has become an effective medium for businesses to deliver marketing communications. The existenceof TikTok has helped a number of businesses gain popularity, including a culinary business called Neynis Food.This research aims to analyze brand responses to Neynis Food after facing a number of viral events. The analysiswas carried out using the brand resonance model which consists of brand judgments and brand feelings. Datacollection was carried out using a descriptive exploratory method to explore and explain the response of TikToksocial media users to the Neynis Food brand which was associated with a number of viral events. The datacollected and used comes entirely from search results owned by the social media application TikTok. The resultsof this research indicate that brand responses to Neynis Food are negative and require follow-up action to improvethem.
Jurnal Industri Kreatif dan Inovatif Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Desain Komunikasi Visual (Merek)
Publisher : Jurnal Industri Kreatif dan Inovatif

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61696/visisakti.v1i1.131


The term femvertising emerged in the 1980s and was used by brands and advertisers as an attempt to get involvedin supporting the spread of the feminism movement. On the other hand, femvertising was utilized as an attempt bycompanies to form new branding under the guise of supporting women. This research examines the femvertisingmovement of Olay anti-aging products with the tagline #LiveWithoutLines which invites women in Indonesia toeliminate the lines made by others to limit ourselves as women. Using Roland Barthes' semiological method, thispaper reveals that Olay's #LiveWithoutLines tagline cannot be considered as part of femvertising but rather bringsdiscourse into a commodity form that does not threaten the prevailing dominant power
Analisis Wacana Pada Lirik Lagu “Life Goes On” Karya Boy Group BTS Fransisca Nirmala Gunawan Puteri
Jurnal Industri Kreatif dan Inovatif Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Desain Komunikasi Visual (Merek)
Publisher : Jurnal Industri Kreatif dan Inovatif

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61696/visisakti.v1i1.132


Korean Pop (Kpop) is a type of modern alternative music genre originating from South Korea. Kpop is actually aproduct of Hallyu (Korean wave) which is also integrated with other Hallyu products such as films, food, fashionand other Korean culture. Kpop culture actors are synonymous with a group of people formed in a group (boygroup or girl group) who sing while performing modern dance choreography. Beyond The Scene or BangtanSeonyeondan (BTS) is one of the boy groups that is very popular at the moment. This research analyzes thediscourse in one of the lyrics of the Boy Group BTS song, entitled "Life Goes On". Researchers use a semioticapproach, by conducting pre-proliferation and post-proliferation analysis of the text to see what elements makeup this song and the extent to which this song influences listeners. This research shows that the text in the song"Life Goes on" is a song that motivates listeners to continue living life even though it feels difficult in the era ofthe Covid-19 pandemic. The many figurative words as substitutes for meaning make this song play around withmore emotions and feelings, because the listeners experience the same condition.
Perancangan Logo Merek UMKM Lil Pie’s Cang Ijo Menggunakan Semiotika Charles Sanders Pierce Samuel Jovanan Kartiko
Jurnal Industri Kreatif dan Inovatif Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Desain Komunikasi Visual (Merek)
Publisher : Jurnal Industri Kreatif dan Inovatif

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61696/visisakti.v1i1.133


Brand identity is strongly influenced by the existence of the brand logo itself to show the identity and face of abrand. Designing a logo to show brand identity in a new present product is very important where the product canbe known by the public. The logo will identify a brand. The visual signs used the letter marks and pictures markon Lil Pie Cang ijo were designed using the theory of semiotics by Charles Sanders Pierce. Lil Pie Cang ijo doesnot yet have a brand identity, so the logo that will be designed is expected to produce the Lil Pie Cang Ijo logothat can identify the brand and can be known by the public.
Wacana Multimodal Pada Billboard Bacapres 2024 Yulius Rudi Haryatno
Jurnal Industri Kreatif dan Inovatif Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Desain Komunikasi Visual (Merek)
Publisher : Jurnal Industri Kreatif dan Inovatif

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61696/visisakti.v1i1.134


One of the visual displays that has attracted the attention of the public and Indonesian political observers aheadof the 2024 presidential election (Pilpres) is the billboard for presidential candidates (Bacapres) PrabowoSubianto (PS) and Ganjar Pranowo (GP), each of whom is side by side with President Jokowi Dodo. OnlyBacapres Anies Baswedan (AB) did not display the figure of President Joko Widodo on his billboards or politicaladvertising space. Because Bacapres AB operates under the "Change for Improvement" coalition which isconsidered to be in contrast to President Joko Widodo's policies. This research highlights the billboards of twoBacapres, PS and GP, each from a different party, both featuring the same political figure, who comes from oneof the supporting parties. This research aims to see how meaning or discourse is constructed through semioticmodes on the billboards of the two Bacapres. Also examines how the meaning or discourse that is developed iscommunicated to the public so that it can be taken for granted. This research uses Gunter Kress and van Leeuwen'smultimodal discourse approach. The results show that the meaning or discourse in the two billboards of BacapresPS and GP were constructed through a balanced spatial composition and established through carefully designedstages.
Kerangka Konseptual Teori Determinisme Teknologi Ferdinandus Jehalut
Jurnal Industri Kreatif dan Inovatif Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Desain Komunikasi Visual (Merek)
Publisher : Jurnal Industri Kreatif dan Inovatif

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61696/visisakti.v1i1.136


This article explains the conceptual framework of technological determinism theory. The rapid development oftechnology in the last few decades has revived the classic controversy about the relationship between technologyand society. One of the positions defended in the controversy is technological determinism. Through a qualitativeapproach and literature study methods and descriptive analysis, this theory is reviewed in this article. The data inthis study was obtained from national and international books and journals. This study found that technologicaldeterminism theory was only discovered in the 20th century. This theory believes that technology is an independententity that influences the transformation of society. However, by constructivists, this belief is consideredahistorical, reductionist and simplistic. The theory of technological determinism also turns out to have severalvariants, namely hard technological determinism and soft technological determinism. The two variants emergedas a result of different emphasis on the degree of influence of technology on society. Different interpretations oftechnological determinism have also emerged. The three interpretations are normative, nomological, andunintended consequences interpretations. Finally, the author suggests the need for a balanced reading of therelationship between technology and society. Future research needs to critically examine and question the claimsof technological determinism.

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