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Jurnal Penelitian dan Pendidikan Agama Islam
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Jurnal At-Tarbiyah diterbitkan satu kali setahun pada bulan Oktober. Isinya berupa tulisan ilmiah tentang penelitian Dosen dan Mahasiswa, Pendidikan Agama Islam, Ilmu Keislaman yang berupa pemahaman konseptual, tinjauan pustaka, tulisan praktik, atau hasil penelitian dari berbagai sudut pandang.
Articles 14 Documents
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Implementasi Program Seni Tilawah Dalam Membaguskan Bacaan Al-Qur’an Di Rumah Tahfidz Al-Ghifari Desa Sialang Dusun Iv Ade Amalia; Junaidi
At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education
Publisher : STAI Tebing Tinggi Deli

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The implementation of the art of reciting the Koran is the application or implementation of reading the Koran using rhythm or song. The purpose of this research is: to find out the model of the method used in carrying out the recitation art program at the Tahfidz Al-Ghifari House. The data used is qualitative data. Qualitative data obtained from interviews and direct observation. The research results obtained, the model and learning method used is by using the tallaqi method (directly).
The Influence of the Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) on Student Learning Motivation at SMP Negeri 1 Dolok Merawan, Dolok Merawan District, Serdang Bedagai Regency, Academic Year 2021/2022 Fitria Geasani Perangin-angin; Chairuddin Siregar; Abdul Rosip Siregar
At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education
Publisher : STAI Tebing Tinggi Deli

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The purpose of this study was to determine the Learning Motivation of Students who received the Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) at SMP Negeri 1 Dolok Merawan and the Effect of the Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) on Student Motivation at SMP Negeri 1 Dolok Merawan. This research uses quantitative methods. The results of this study, the learning motivation of students at SMP Negeri 1 Dolok Merawan is quite high, the relationship obtained through the Product Moment correlation test between the influence of the Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) and the learning motivation of students at SMP Negeri 1 Dolok Merawan has a positive correlation or a positive correlation. walk in the same direction. Through the Product Moment table r value can be interpreted at a significant level of 0.297. By comparing the magnitude of rcount with rtable, it can be seen that the value of rcount > rtable is 0.4577 > 0.297. Thus the hypothesis taken is Ha, which means that there is a significant influence between the learning motivation of students who receive assistance from the Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) at SMP Negeri 1 Dolok Merawan Academic Year 2021/2022. Based on the calculation of the Determinant Coefficient, it can be seen that the influence value of the Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) on student learning motivation at Dolok Merawan 1 Public Middle School is 21%, this means that the variation in student learning motivation at Dolok Merawan 1 Public Middle School is due to the Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) ), while the remaining 79% is caused by other variables not included in this study
Penggunaan Media Flash Card Hijaiyah Terhadap Kemampuan Membaca Al-Qur’an Di SMP Pab 5 Patumbak Siti Nurfadillah; Juli Maini Juli Maini
At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education
Publisher : STAI Tebing Tinggi Deli

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This research aims to determine the effect of using hijaiyah flash card media on the ability to read the Al-Qur'an. The research method used is quantitative, quasi-experimental research. The subjects of this research were students in class VIII-3 as the experimental class and VIII-5 as the control class. The data collection techniques used were Al-Qur'an reading tests, observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis used was the independent sample t-test. Based on the results of data analysis using the independent sample t test, it was obtained that the sig(2-tailed) value was smaller than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05) as Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. The result of the average number of the experimental class was 85,66 while the result of the average number of the control class was 67,16.This shows that there are difference in students ability to read the Al-Qur’an using hijaiyah flash card media and iqro media so it can be concluded that the use of hijaiyah flash card media has an effect on the ability to read the Al-Qur'an at SMP PAB 5 Patumbak
The Concept of Islamic Education in the Perspective of Tafsir Al-Misbah Prof. Dr. H. Muhammad Quraish Shihab, MA. Indah Nazaroh
At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education
Publisher : STAI Tebing Tinggi Deli

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Research results related to educational goals M. Quraish Shihab takes educational goals from the perspective of the Koran. M. Quraish Shihab stated that the purpose of education is to foster humans so that they realize that they are God's servants and carry out their functions as God's caliphs on this earth. Education according to M. Quraish Shihab must pay attention to three aspects in human beings, namely reason, soul and body. Mind development produces knowledge, soul development produces purity and ethics, and physical development produces skills. M. Quraish Shihab argues that educational goals lead to general educational goals or what are also called perfect goals. The perfect goal or ultimate goal of education according to M. Quraish Shihab must be able to form a two-dimensional human being who is balanced between reason and faith, reason and spiritual, and finally worldly and ukhrowi. Regarding learning methods in general, M. Quraish Shihab also takes an approach based on the Koran, which treats humans according to the elements of their creation, namely body, soul, and mind. Therefore M. Quraish Shihab did not propose a specific method of delivering the material. The most important thing in delivering material is sentences that inspire and touch the heart, accompanied by examples and habituation to solidify the material being taught. It can be concluded that the learning methods abstracted by M. Quraish Shihab from the Koran are very much in harmony with student-centered learning, this is because each method always pays attention to the condition of students, namely reason, physical and psychological.
The Concept Of Children's Education In The Al-Qur'an Letter Luqman Verse 13 From Perspective Tafsir Al-Misbah Muhammad Khoirul
At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education
Publisher : STAI Tebing Tinggi Deli

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The results of the study found that children's education in the family from the perspective of the interpretation of Al Mishbah by M. Quraish Shihab in the Qur'an Surah Luqman verses 13-15 is to provide an important role for families, especially parents, in educating children (starting at an early age) both in terms of ethics, the environment, especially in terms of monotheism (not associating partners with Allah), do good to both parents, do good to parents unless they command things that lead to polytheism, do not do lies, never lie, are not arrogant and behave politely (noble character). This also encourages the creation of human resources who instill the education of children in families in Indonesia. The concept of children's education in Surah Luqman verses 12-15 according to the thought of M. Quraish Shihab includes three concepts, namely monotheism education or creed, moral education and worship education. Children's education according to Ahmad Mustafa al-Maraghi in Tafsir al-Maraghi, namely parents must be able to provide good education to their children, especially in praying, where prayer is a pillar of Islam that must be done and can be a sin if left behind, and do what ma'ruf and prevent evil that occurs on this earth, then must be patient in dealing with problems and difficulties. To children, parents should advise not to give up easily in the face of all kinds of difficulties, but must always pray to Allah for a good way out. In this way, parents can expand their children's hearts so that their minds are not stuck, as well as educate them to look for good alternatives in solving problems with clear minds and open hearts.
The influence of the Completeness of Islamic Religious Education Learning Facilities on Student Learning Outcomes at UPT. SD Negeri 16 Sido Mulyo Medang Deras District Coal District Nurmalena Julyanti; Sari Atika Parinduri
At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education
Publisher : STAI Tebing Tinggi Deli

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This research approach is a quantitative approach, namely research where the data obtained is related to numbers which causes the use of statistical analysis techniques. The results of the research in this thesis, based on calculations, the coefficient of determination is 18.31%. Thus it can be seen that the value of the contribution of the completeness of learning facilities in the subject of Islamic Religious Education to the learning outcomes of UPT students. SD Negeri 16 Sido Mulyo, Medang Deras District, Batu Bara Regency by 18.31% and the remaining 82% (100% -18%) is influenced by variables that were not examined in this study such as learning motivation, learning environment, methods and learning strategies and so on. The results of the analysis show that in the product moment value table "r" df 76, then with a df of 74 the rtable value is obtained at a significant level of 5% of 0.227, while at a significant level of 10% the rtable value is 0.227. It turns out that rxy (magnitude = 0.428) is much larger than rtable (which is 0.227 and 0.296). Because rxy is greater than rtable, thus the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected, because there is a significant positive relationship between the completeness of learning facilities in Islamic religious education subjects and UPT student learning outcomes. SD Negeri 16 Sido Mulyo, Medang Deras District, Batu Bara Regency
Kuntowijoyo's Thoughts On Prophetics And Its Implementation In The Curriculum Islamic Education Rismayanti Harahap; Herry Syahbannuddin Nasution
At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education
Publisher : STAI Tebing Tinggi Deli

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The results of the study note that Kuntowijoyo's prophetic values ​​consist of three pillars, namely: humanization, liberation and transcendence which are derived from the Qur'an in Ali Imran verse 110. The concept of humanization is to humanize humans, eliminate material things, dependency, violence and hatred from humans. The liberation that Kuntowijoyo means in prophetic social science is in the context of science and not in an ideological context; namely knowledge based on transcendental noble values. In such a way, these liberative values ​​must be understood or positioned in social science which has a prophetic responsibility to liberate human beings from the cruelty of poverty, the exploitation of abundance, the domination of oppressive structures and the hegemony of false consciousness. Meanwhile, transcendence is the most important element of prophetic ethics which also forms the basis of the other two elements; humanization and liberation. Transcendence gives direction to where and for what purpose humanization and liberation are carried out. The implications of pfofetic values ​​for the development of the PAI curriculum are: In developing the PAI curriculum in the future, in addition to maintaining its characteristics which prioritize efforts to internalize the values ​​of Islamic teachings, whether in the form of 'aqidah, shari'ah or morality, it can also increase the portion of aspects of social change as the demands of the times. This effort is intended to increase the portion of efforts to instill human and social values. The content of Divine values ​​and human values ​​must have a balanced portion. In developing the PAI curriculum in schools, apart from being able to create students who have strong faith and piety in dealing with global developments and world trends, they also have a high sense of social concern for injustice in their society and are able to participate actively in developing society towards the desired progress.
Strategi Dalam Menghafal Al-Qur’an Di Madrasah Tsanawiyah  Yapi Sipare-Pare Nurul Izzah; Rizka Harfiani
At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education
Publisher : STAI Tebing Tinggi Deli

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This research is a type of qualitative research using an inductive reasoning research model which aims to find out what strategies teachers use in memorizing the Al-Qur'an students at MTs Yapi Sipare-pare. The research method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative research method to analyze data in the form of sentences or words. Data collection techniques were carried out through observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Data were analyzed by data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. Checking the validity of the data is done by testing the credibility, transferability testing, penguin dependability, and confirmability testing. The results showed that: the strategy carried out by the Tahfidz Teacher at MTs Yapi Sipare-pare in improving students' ability to memorize the Koran, consisted of several actions, namely: 1), giving motivation to students, 2), giving assignments and punishments to students, and 3), guiding students to remain muraja'ah. The obstacles faced by the Tahfidz teacher at MTs Yapi Sipare-pare in an effort to improve students' ability to memorize the Koran, namely as follows: 1), there are students who have not been able to read the Koran properly, 2), the health of the teacher which can interfere with concentration in teaching, 3), there is a feeling of laziness from students when memorizing the Koran, and 4) there is a different intelligence from the students. The solution to this obstacle can be overcome by the teacher by giving tahsin guidance which is carried out periodically. In addition to the presence of several students who have not been able to read the Koran properly, there are also students who are lazy to memorize. This situation does not occur every day, but when students feel lazy, it will be difficult for students to memorize, even for teachers to guide student memorization. The solution that teachers can do to prevent students from feeling lazy is to always provide motivation in the form of advice and continuous memorization targets so that student memorization is always measurable. In addition to these obstacles there are also obstacles that in practice are not in accordance with the theory presented by the author.
Effect Of Using The Tik Tok Application To wards Social Interaction Of Class Students XI At Mas Al-Washliyah Pakam Village Medang Deras District Coal District Kiki Griya Angguri; Maryadi
At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education
Publisher : STAI Tebing Tinggi Deli

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This study uses a quantitative approach. Where the symptoms will be measured using numbers. This type of research is ex post facto. The data collection technique used is a questionnaire (questionnaire), observation and documentation. The subjects in this study were students of class XI. The results of the research in this thesis, there is the influence of the use of the  tik tok application on the social interaction of class XI students. This is evidenced from the table of output coefficients obtained tcount value of 3.690. With= 5%, dk=  59-2=57, the ttable value is 2,000. From these numbers, it can be seen that tcount (3,690) > ttable (2,000), as well as with a significance value of 0.00 < 0.05, it can be concluded that if the hypothesis is accepted, it means that there is an effect of using the tik tok application on the social interactions of class XI MAS students. AL-WASHLIYAH Pakam Village, Medang Deras Subdistrict, Batu Bara Regency for the 2022/2023 Academic Year.
The Role Of Islamic Community Figures In Fostering Youth Religious Activities At The Al-Amin Mosque In Kuala Tanjung Village, Sei Suka District, Batu Bara Regency Almiza Sahara; Sari Atika Parinduri; Herry Syahbannuddin Nasution
At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): At-Tarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Religious Research and Education
Publisher : STAI Tebing Tinggi Deli

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Community leaders are people who have been trusted by the community because of their good abilities and background. In this case the role of community leaders is closely related to the problem of fostering the religious activities of mosque youth. Because it is used as a coach for religious activities in the community, so here the researcher wants to know what roles are played by community leaders, especially Islamic religious leaders in fostering the religious activities of mosque youth. Adolescence is part of the phase in the process experienced by every human being. Adolescence is also a decisive period because at this time children experience many changes in their psychology and physique. The occurrence of psychological changes causes confusion among adolescents. The reason is because they experience emotional turmoil and mental pressure so that they easily deviate from the rules and social norms that apply in society. Thus, Islamic religious leaders as leaders in society must be able to provide good examples and interactions to direct and provide guidance to adolescents. Social interaction is regulated based on goodness, justice and the common good, not just for a particular person or group. Especially youth in mosques, because the presence of Islamic youth groups in this mosque will greatly assist activities held by religious leaders, to unite youth with the environment.

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