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Healthy Behavior Journal
ISSN : 29856868     EISSN : 29856868     DOI : 10.30989
Core Subject : Health, Social,
Healthy Behavior Journal is an open access scientific journal that aims to publish and disseminate various scientific papers to add insight and science in the field of health. That includes the following but is not limited to nursing, public health, pharmacy, blood bank technology, health recorder and information, midwifery, health analysts, nutrition, psychology, and other health sciences. The focus of published articles is a research article of publication of research in Indonesian or English. The Editorial receives the manuscript of the publication of the research and will perform the screening based on scientific relevance. The received script is an original article, or a review of a scientific article, and is expected to complete a validation page, a publication assignment letter from the institution, or it can also be ethical clearance. The editor will receive and publish the manuscript in the journal to be published after obtaining a recommendation from the reviewer for consideration. Healthy Behavior Journal is published 2 times, there are in June and December. Articles are archived in the open journal system and the LIPI science institute.
Articles 5 Documents
Peran Pendampingan Orangtua Sebagai Salah Satu Faktor Terkait Masalah Mental Emosional Pengguna Gadget Usia Sekolah Setyo Hermawan; Yanita Trisetyaningsih
HEALTHY BEHAVIOR JOURNAL Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Healthy Behavior Journal
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Achmad Yani Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30989/hbj.v1i1.832


Background: Gadget users who took advantage of the internet aged 10-14 reached 66.2%, causing emotional mental problems in children in the form of emotional disorders, social problems, and hyperactivity. In 2017, 42.7% of 75 elementary school students aged 11-12 in Semarang experienced emotional disorders due to gadget addiction. At this age the child is very easy to form, easily absorbs various information from his environment and this period really depends on the parents or caregivers.Objective: Known the relationship between the role of parental assistance and the mental emotional problems of gadget user children in SD Negeri 1 Sewon Bantul.Method: This study uses a quantitative approach correlation with cross sectional design. Sample technique, purposive sampling (41 respondents). Data collection uses a questionnaire on the role of parents and the emotional development of children of gadget users. Data analysis uses descriptive tests and correlation tests with somer's.Result: The results showed that the role of parents as a whole fell into the category of 82.9% and the emotional mental of normal children by 61.0%. The relationship between the role of parental assistance and the mental emotional problems of children using gadgets (0.033<0.05).Conclusion: There is relationship between the role of parental assistance and the mental emotional problems of children using gadgets. Parents are expected to apply the rules and understand the impact of gadget use on children.
Hubungan Peran Orangtua dengan Perilaku Sosial Emosional Anak Prasekolah Menggunakan Gadgetdi Singkil Winda Septiya; Sutanta; Emy Kurniawati
HEALTHY BEHAVIOR JOURNAL Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Healthy Behavior Journal
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Achmad Yani Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30989/hbj.v1i1.833


Background of Study: Technological developments that are very influential on the human mindset are gadgets. The use of gadgets has positive and negative impacts, one the gadget consumers start from early childhood, so it requires the role of parents for the readiness and development of their children, social and emotional abilities are the foundation for the development of the ability to interact with the wider environment.Purpose: This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between the role of parents and the emotional and social behavior of preschool children who use gadgets in Singkil.Method: This study uses an analytical survey method with a cross-sectional approach and the data collection techniques with questionnaires. The sampling technique used a total sampling of 39 respondents. The data were processed by SPSS to analyze univariate and bivariate with the Spearman Rank correlation test.Result: Data collection was carried out in April-May 2022 with 39 samples. The results show that the role of parents is sufficient at 61.5%, and the value of social-emotional behavior of preschool children is sufficient at 56.4%. The results of the Spearman rank correlation test showed that the p-value was 0.004 (p <0.05), and the correlation coefficient value of the two variables was moderate (0.452).Conclusion: Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between the role of parents and the emotional and social behavior of preschool children who use gadgets in Singkil village with a p-value of 0.004.
Dukungan Teman Sebaya berhubungan dengan Perilaku Pemeriksaan Payudara Sendiri sebagai Deteksi Dini Fibroadenoma Mammae pada Mahasiswi Ayu Putri Ana; Afi Lutfiyati
HEALTHY BEHAVIOR JOURNAL Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Healthy Behavior Journal
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Achmad Yani Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30989/hbj.v1i1.834


Background: Fibroadenoma mammae (FAM) usually occurs in women aged <30 years. Women with FAM have an 8.95 times higher risk of developing breast cancer. Early detection measures could be done with breast self-examination (BSE). One of the factors that affect BSE is peer support. This study aimed to determine the association between peer support and BSE behavior as an early detection of mammary fibroadenoma in female students. Method: Type of research is quantitative study with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were nursing students, amnouting to 218 female students. Samples were taken based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, selecting samples used a stratified random sampling technique with a sample size of 76 respondents. This research instrument used a questionnaire. Respondents had peer support the majority in the good category of 37 respondents (48.7%), most of BSE behavior were the sufficient category of 49 respondents (64.5%). Result: The result of several analyzes showed that there were a significant association between peer support and BSE behavior p-value of 0.001 (p<0.05), with a low association value of 0.392. There were an association between peer support and BSE behavior as an early detection of mammary fibroadenoma in female students. Conclusion: The advice given should be for female students to increase peer support in advocating and reminding them to do BSE.
Gambaran Kepatuhan Masyarakat Di Dusun Klengkungan Klaten Terhadap Protokol Kesehatan Covid-19 Post Vaccine Sekar Trisnaningrum; Khirstina Dias Utami
HEALTHY BEHAVIOR JOURNAL Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Healthy Behavior Journal
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Achmad Yani Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30989/hbj.v1i1.835


Background: Covid-19 is considered as Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). To deal with this issue, the government implemented Covid-19 vaccine program and encouraged society to do health protocol such as, using mask, washing hands, and social distancing.Method: The samples consisted of 96 respondents who had been vaccinated with 1st and 2nd doses, ranging from 17-45 years old.Result: The research results indicate that only 31.2% respondents who obeyed the three Covid-19 health protocol. It is revealed that most of the respondents who implemented the Covid-19 post vaccine protocol were female 17 (56.7%), ranging from age 17-25 were 12 respondents (40%), age 26-35 were 8 respondents (26.7%), age 36-46 were 10 respondents (33.3%) with SMA/SMK education were 15 respondents (50%).Conclusion: The majority of the characteristics of community respondents in Klengkungan hamlet are based on gender, the majority are male, namely 54.2% of respondents. The average age is 17-25 years as much as 41.7%. Respondent data by educational status is 59.4% SMA/SMK. The people in Klengkungan Hamlet are not obedient in wearing masks, namely with a percentage of 63.5%. The people in Klengkungan Hamlet are not obedient in washing their hands with a percentage of 65.6%. The people in Klengkungan Hamlet are not obedient in keeping their distance, namely with a percentage of 69.8%. The people in Klengkungan Hamlet are not compliant with the Covid-19 post vaccine health protocol, namely with a percentage of 68.8%.
Hubungan Antara Status Gizi, Gula Darah Sewaktu Dengan Tekanan Darah Ika Cahyaningrum; Errick Endra Cita; Novita Dewi; Supriyadi
HEALTHY BEHAVIOR JOURNAL Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Healthy Behavior Journal
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Achmad Yani Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30989/hbj.v1i1.836


Background: Hypertension is a disease that causes morbidity and mortality in Indonesia. According to Riskesdas in 2018 the incidence of hypertension in East Java was 36.6%, this figure increased compared to 2013 (26.4%). The aim of this research is to analyze the relationship between nutritional status, temporary blood sugar and blood pressure.Method: This type of research is analytic observational with a cross sectional approach. The object of this study was the community of RW 12 Oro Ombo Village who took part in a health examination and were willing to be examined. The technique of taking research subjects with total sampling, with a total of 54 people. This research was carried out at RW 12 Oro Oro Ombo Village, Batu City in January 2022. Data in the study were obtained through measurements of research subjects by measuring body weight and height, as well as blood sugar when carried out using POCT (Point Of Care Testing) while measuring blood pressure by measuring systolic blood pressure using a digital sphygmomanometer.Result: The results obtained from this study were that there was no relationship between nutritional status and blood sugar when the p value = 0.156 (> 0.05) and there was a relationship between blood sugar levels when and systolic blood pressure of the people of RW 12 Oro Oro Ombo Village, Batu City, p value = 0.024 ( <0.05). For health workers, the hope is to encourage the public to routinely check their health at health service facilities to detect their health status early.Conclusion: The reseach showed that there was no relationship between nutritional status and temporary blood sugar, but there was a significant relationship between temporary blood sugar levels and systolic blood pressure in the community of RW 12 Oro Oro Ombo Village, Batu City.

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