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Enigma in Education
Published by Enigma Institute
ISSN : 30265827     EISSN : 30265827     DOI :
Focus Enigma in Education focused on the development of education fields for human well-being. Scope Enigma in Education publishes articles which encompass all aspects of education fields, especially all type of original articles, review articles, narrative review, meta-analysis, systematic review, mini-reviews and book review.
Articles 10 Documents
Analysis of the Influence of Social Media on the Educational Development of the Youth Dian Rahayu
Enigma in Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Enigma in Education
Publisher : Enigma Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61996/edu.v1i1.1


The advent of social media has revolutionized the manner in which students engage in communication, access information, and establish connections, thereby exerting an impact on the shaping of their values, ethics, and conduct. Social media is a communication platform that enables students to participate in many online activities, including expressing thoughts and ideas and communicating with others globally. Nevertheless, it is important to acknowledge that the influence of social media can differ significantly, encompassing both advantageous and detrimental effects that must be taken into account when considering the development of students' character. The literature search was conducted across multiple databases, including PubMed, Web of Sciences, EMBASE, Cochrane Libraries, and Google Scholar, to investigate the influence of social media on students' character development. The influence of social media on the development of students' character is highly relevant within the realm of contemporary education. Social media offers a wide range of information and knowledge while also enabling pupils to cultivate communication skills, empathy, cooperation, and digital ethics. Nevertheless, it is crucial to keep in mind that there are potential adverse consequences, like addiction, disruptions in sleep patterns, and mental health problems, that must be taken into account. Educators, parents, and supervisors have a crucial role in providing guidance to kids regarding the prudent and acceptable utilization of social media. It is important for them to offer instruction on digital etiquette, essential skills for organizing information, and effective time management. By adopting a well-rounded strategy, social media can serve as a potent instrument in molding students' character, fostering the cultivation of constructive principles, enhancing their interpersonal abilities, and facilitating a more profound comprehension of the global landscape. Hence, comprehensive education in the digital age has the potential to cultivate astute, compassionate, and accountable individuals within virtual and physical communities.
Analyzing the Potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Personalizing Learning to Foster Creativity in Students Rita Hasibuan; Andina Azizah
Enigma in Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Enigma in Education
Publisher : Enigma Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61996/edu.v1i1.2


Artificial intelligence (AI) has the capacity to greatly revolutionize education by generating personalized and immersive learning experiences that foster innovation. AI facilitates the customization of education, allowing for the adjustment of instructional techniques and educational resources to cater to the distinct requirements and capabilities of each learner. A literature search was done using several databases, such as PubMed, Web of Sciences, EMBASE, Cochrane Libraries, and Google Scholar, to look into how artificial intelligence (AI) could be used to personalize learning and encourage creativity in individuals. The utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) in customizing learning holds immense potential for fostering innovative individuals in the field of education. AI helps people be creative in many ways, such as by finding out what interests and skills each person has and then giving them access to the right resources and creating personalized learning experiences. Furthermore, it fosters innovative cooperation among students who share common interests. AI enhances the relevance of learning by prioritizing students' needs and fostering the development of creativity. Students have a high level of involvement and enthusiasm and are afforded additional opportunities for exploration and innovative thought. Nevertheless, it is crucial to maintain a harmonious equilibrium between the influence of technology and the significance of teachers, who continue to be essential in offering direction and motivation to pupils.
Analysis of the Teacher's Role in Educating Students during the Era of Disruption Jocelyn Akhsan
Enigma in Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Enigma in Education
Publisher : Enigma Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61996/edu.v1i1.3


In an age characterized by the widespread integration of technology, particularly artificial intelligence (AI), into various domains, including education, the significance of instructors has grown significantly. Teachers serve not simply as conveyors of knowledge but also as mentors, catalysts, and enablers in navigating the intricacies and unpredictability that impact the realm of education. A literature search was done using several databases, such as PubMed, Web of Sciences, EMBASE, Cochrane Libraries, and Google Scholar, to find out how teachers can have a big impact on the future of education and help students learn how to adapt to a changing world. Amidst a period of significant change, teachers play a vital role as educators, mentors, motivators, and facilitators. Their contribution is essential in ensuring that education stays pertinent and impactful and equips students with the necessary skills to navigate swift transformations. Teachers bear the principal duty of imparting pertinent knowledge, skills, and values that encompass a comprehension of AI technology. Additionally, they serve as mentors, assisting students in developing academic and professional objectives, and as motivators, fostering students' passion for acquiring knowledge. Furthermore, teachers serve as facilitators, empowering students to incorporate AI technology and other digital resources into their learning journey.
Exploration of Strategies to Enhance the Character Education of Students for the Development of High-Quality Indonesian Human Resources Mila Bestari; Nurhayati
Enigma in Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Enigma in Education
Publisher : Enigma Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61996/edu.v1i1.4


An in-depth examination of character education approaches can enhance our comprehension of how to cultivate people with qualities such as integrity, ethics, empathy, and excellent social skills. By employing effective character education strategies, we can facilitate students' comprehension of the esteemed principles of our nation and steer them towards being proactive citizens who contribute to the construction of a more prosperous future for Indonesia. The literature search was conducted on multiple databases, including PubMed, Web of Sciences, EMBASE, Cochrane Libraries, and Google Scholar, to explore ways for cultivating character education in pupils to develop exceptional human resources. The character education of students is a crucial element in shaping people who are accountable, moral, and make constructive contributions to society. Educators and other people have a crucial responsibility to exemplify exemplary conduct and foster positive moral qualities in children. It is imperative that they demonstrate unwavering consistency in displaying their moral principles. Utilizing narratives, parables, and ethical anecdotes aids students in comprehending character virtues in a captivating and emotionally stimulating manner. These narratives foster emotional connections and facilitate students' introspection about their individual experiences. Facilitating chances for dialogue on moral and character values, as well as encouraging students to contemplate their own personal experiences, proves to be a highly effective approach to fostering a profound comprehension of character values among students. This promotes profound comprehension and the cultivation of analytical reasoning abilities. By implementing a well-organized character program with a specialized curriculum, we can ensure that character education becomes a fundamental aspect of the student's educational journey. This encompasses various aspects such as academic disciplines, non-academic activities, professional development for educators, and engaging parents.
Investigation of Optimal Pedagogical Approaches for Generation Z to Develop a High-Caliber Generation Surya Atmaja; Ibnu Khalid
Enigma in Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Enigma in Education
Publisher : Enigma Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61996/edu.v1i1.5


Generation Z is a generation that was raised with the convenient availability of technology devices, including smartphones, tablets, and computers. They are familiar with digital settings and strongly enjoy using technology in the teaching and learning process. Hence, conventional educational approaches that were successful in the past may not adequately meet the needs of Generation Z, who is enthusiastic about embracing a more interconnected and technologically advanced society. The literature search was conducted across multiple databases (PubMed, Web of Sciences, EMBASE, Cochrane Libraries, and Google Scholar) to identify the most efficacious educational approaches for generation Z, with the aim of fostering the development of individuals of high caliber. Granting students autonomy in both subject matter and instructional methods enhances their motivation and involvement. The differentiation learning paradigm enables students to access content that aligns with their individual interests and aptitudes. Engaging in the resolution of practical issues fosters the development of problem-solving and critical thinking abilities. Utilizing cooperation and interaction in both in-person and virtual learning environments aids in the cultivation of social and collaborative abilities for generation Z. Aside from academic content, it is crucial to impart soft skills, such as proficient communication, creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking abilities, to equip individuals to confront practical obstacles. An effective education for generation Z necessitates the integration of these components to establish a learning atmosphere that is pertinent, inspiring, and equips them for triumph in a constantly evolving world. Thus, generation Z can cultivate the essential aptitudes and evolve into individuals who are well-equipped to confront forthcoming obstacles.
The Use of Clustering Model to Improve Poetry Writing Skills of SMP Negeri 4 Watampone, Bone Regency, Indonesia Muh. Safar; Andi Srimularahamah; Arif Rahman Aulia Jamnawi; Fahri Akbar
Enigma in Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Enigma in Education
Publisher : Enigma Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61996/edu.v1i2.22


This research aims to describe the improvement of writing skills of students in class VIII B SMP Negeri 4 Watampone, Bone Regency through the use of clustering model. This research was conducted by pre-observation in class VIII B. The writing skills of students of class VIII B SMP Negeri 4 Watampone are still low or lacking. The targets to be given action are students of class VIII B SMP Negeri 4 Watampone in 2022/2023 academic year. This research is classroom action research. The research procedure was carried out in 2 (two) cycles and each cycle had 3 meetings. Each cycle consists of four stages, namely: planning, action implementation, observation, and reflection. The techniques of data collection in this classroom action research are observation, documents, student assignments and tests. The data analysis was conducted using qualitative and quantitative techniques. The criteria for success of classroom action is the test of writing poetry using the clustering model. The use of clustering models in learning to write poetry can improve the quality of the process and students’ learning outcomes. It shows that there is an improvement in the completeness of the ability to write poetry from pre-cycle as many as 12 or 36.4%, cycle 1 as many as 21 or 63.6% and cycle 2 as many as 33 or 100%. Based on the improvement in student learning completeness in each cycle, the use of the clustering model needs to be applied to the learning of writing poetry of students in class VIII B SMP Negeri 4 Watampone, Bone Regency.
Interest of Grade VIII Junior High School Students in Badminton at Barunawati 3 Junior High School North Jakarta Muhammad Rizal; Khaeroni; Iwan Setiawan
Enigma in Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Enigma in Education
Publisher : Enigma Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61996/edu.v1i2.23


The purpose of this study was to determine the level of interest of grade VIII Junior High School students in badminton at Barunawati 3 Junior High School North Jakarta. This research is a quantitative descriptive research with a survey method. The research population and sample were grade VIII students at Barunawati 3 Junior High School North Jakarta, with a total of 106 students. Furthermore, data collection was collected by giving instruments to respondents. The instrument used was a questionnaire with a total of 31 questions. Validation of this instrument uses a content validity test. The data analysis used is a descriptive statistical analysis by translating the research results into scores and percentages. Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that students' identification of great interest in badminton at Barunawati 3 Junior High School North Jakarta tends to be in the low category. These results are shown in the following details. The very high category was 10.7%, followed by the high category at 37.9%, then the low category at 47.1%, and the very low category at 4.3%. The results of the research carried out were based on indicators from internal and external factors as a reference for identifying students' interest in participating in badminton so as to obtain these results.
Analysis of the Impact of Project-Based Learning Education Innovations on the Merdeka Belajar Program in Primary School X in Jakarta Purwadianto Purwadianto
Enigma in Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Enigma in Education
Publisher : Enigma Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61996/edu.v1i2.27


Project-based learning (PBL) is one of the educational innovations encouraged by the Merdeka Belajar program. PBL is a learning approach that actively involves students in solving complex problems or projects. PBL has the potential to improve the quality of learning, develop student skills, and develop student character. PBL takes longer to complete than traditional learning. This is because PBL involves students in a more complex process. PBL requires greater resources, such as equipment, materials, and time. This is because PBL involves students in a more complex process. Teachers who implement PBL must have higher skills in planning, implementing, and assessing projects. This is because PBL involves students in a more complex process. To overcome these challenges, proper planning and support are needed. Schools need to adapt the curriculum and provide the resources needed for PBL. Teachers need to receive training or support to develop the skills they need to implement PBL effectively.
Application of Blockchain Technology for Innovation in the Education Sector Nazir Shalim
Enigma in Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Enigma in Education
Publisher : Enigma Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61996/edu.v1i2.28


The utilization of blockchain technology holds immense potential to profoundly influence the field of education in the forthcoming years. This technology has the potential to enhance the security, transparency, and affordability of education. Blockchain technology can be employed to securely and permanently maintain student education records. Implementing this can enable students to monitor their academic advancement and receive acknowledgement for their accomplishments. Employing blockchain technology can issue educational certificates that possess a high level of security and are impervious to counterfeiting. This might facilitate students in securing employment or pursuing further education at an advanced level. The implementation of blockchain technology can enhance the security and dependability of online learning platforms. One way to achieve this is by using blockchain technology to store educational resources, evaluations, and communication between students and educators. Blockchain technology can facilitate the creation of adaptive learning systems that have the ability to customize learning materials and procedures according to the individual requirements of each learner. Blockchain technology has the potential to establish a learning environment that is decentralized and characterized by increased democratic participation. A collective or network comprising diverse stakeholders, including students, educators, and parents, typically oversees this educational setting.
Analyzing the Synergy Efforts between the Education and Industry Sectors Noor Hidayatullah
Enigma in Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Enigma in Education
Publisher : Enigma Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61996/edu.v1i2.29


Aligning the realms of education and industry is crucial for achieving a harmonious integration of educational ideals and the practical dynamics of the business world. Through the utilization of this bridge, we are able to present graduates not solely as persons possessing academic qualifications but as individuals who have been equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to actively and effectively contribute to the industrial sphere. Attaining it is not an immediate process. This is a continuous process that requires active cooperation from multiple parties. Developing a curriculum that can adjust to the demands of the industry, employing capable and pertinent instructors, and implementing initiatives like field work programs, teaching factories, and link and match programs are all crucial measures in constructing this connection. Nevertheless, it is crucial to comprehend that matching entails more than simply addressing certain sector requirements. The aim is to provide students with the necessary tools to navigate and thrive in a rapidly changing industrial environment by developing their adaptability, inventiveness, and soft skills. Ultimately, the success of matching is not solely determined by the extent to which graduates are able to secure employment but also by their preparedness to generate novel ideas, resolve challenges, and serve as catalysts for future advancements in industry. Let us further enhance this bridge, ensuring that education ceases to be an exclusive and elitist institution but instead becomes a widely accessible pathway to a prosperous industrial future.

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