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Philosophiamundi : Journal of Global Humanistic Studies
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Jurnal Philosophiamundi merupakan salah satu jurnal publikasi ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh PT. Kreasi Karya Majakata. Tujuan Jurnal Philosophiamundi adalah untuk mempertajam dasar-dasar pilar ilmu humaniora dan mengambil pandangan yang lebih luas terhadap isu-isu penting yang terjadi di masyarakat dan di luar negeri. Jurnal Philosophiamundi berfokus pada hasil penelitian empiris dan kajian konseptual dan teoritis dalam bidang Humaniora meliputi Ilmu Sosial, Ilmu Budaya, Pendidikan, Teknologi, Sejarah sampai dengan Seni.
Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Dampak Globalisasi terhadap Identitas Budaya dan Ekonomi Lokal" : 6 Documents clear
Pengaruh Kompensasi Dan Kepuasan Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Cv. Kurnia Jaya Tekhnik Muhammad Rosyid Nurriza
Philosophiamundi Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Dampak Globalisasi terhadap Identitas Budaya dan Ekonomi Lokal
Publisher : PT. Kreasi Karya Majakata

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This study aims to investigate the effect of compensation and job satisfaction on employee performance at CV Kurnia Jaya Tekhnik. Quantitative research method on 30 samples with saturated sample technique. The results of data analysis show that work compensation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance partially. This indicates that an increase in compensation aspects such as salary, bonuses, and other incentives can improve employee performance in the company. In addition, job satisfaction also has a positive and significant influence on employee performance at CV Kurnia Jaya Tekhnik. These results highlight the importance of creating a positive work environment, providing career development opportunities, and ensuring effective communication between management and employees to improve job satisfaction. Simultaneously, work compensation and job satisfaction together have a positive and significant influence on employee performance simultaneously. This suggests that companies need to take an integrated approach in improving employee performance by paying attention to these two aspects
Pengaruh Brand Image Dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk Iphone Dengan Gaya Hidup Sebagai Variabel Interverning Lutfiana Fuji Lestari
Philosophiamundi Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Dampak Globalisasi terhadap Identitas Budaya dan Ekonomi Lokal
Publisher : PT. Kreasi Karya Majakata

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Along with the times in Indonesia, the growth of smartphone industry technology is currently experiencing a significant increase. Technology is growing rapidly with the many new things that accompany life today. The more advanced technology, the more positive impact on the development of various communication media. This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of brand image and product quality on purchasing decisions for iphone products with lifestyle as an intervening variable. In this study using quantitative data. The method used in collecting data is using a questionnaire that is measured by a Likert scale. The sampling technique in this study used a non-probability sampling technique with a total sample of 100 respondents. In processing this data using the SmartPLS program version 3.0. The results showed that brand image has a positive influence on purchasing decisions, product quality has a positive influence on purchasing decisions, brand image has an influence on lifestyle, product quality does not have a significant influence on lifestyle, lifestyle has a significant positive influence on purchasing decisions , lifestyle is used as an intervening variable between brand image and purchasing decisions there is full moderation, lifestyle is used as an intervening variable between product quality and purchasing decisions there is no significant effect and no moderation.
Pentingnya Budaya Strategis Dalam Studi Hubungan Internasional M Afifuddin Al Ariqi; Muhammad Fauzi Ilham
Philosophiamundi Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Dampak Globalisasi terhadap Identitas Budaya dan Ekonomi Lokal
Publisher : PT. Kreasi Karya Majakata

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This research aims to investigate the importance of strategic culture in the context of International Relations studies with a focus on its influence on a country's decision-making, foreign policy and security strategy. Through a descriptive qualitative approach with a library research method, this study analyzes information from various text sources to identify the role of strategic culture in the dynamics of interstate relations. The analysis covers the evolution of the concept of strategic culture, from historical perspectives to the post-Cold War paradigm shift. In addition, it explains the role of political culture and how the development of strategic culture relates to the changing international landscape. The results highlight the importance of strategic culture in decision-making processes, foreign policy formation, and security strategy, while addressing current debates regarding cultural determinism and the ability of culture to adapt.
Kontribusi UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah) Terhadap Pembangunan Ekonomi Nasional Putri Filza Salsabila Surbakti; Nurhasanah Siregar
Philosophiamundi Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Dampak Globalisasi terhadap Identitas Budaya dan Ekonomi Lokal
Publisher : PT. Kreasi Karya Majakata

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The research aims to determine the contribution of (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) to National Economic Development. In this research the author used a library research method, namely collecting and reviewing existing literature from various sources. Journals were searched using Google Scholar. Journal searches were carried out using the keywords MSMEs, national economic development. This research shows that Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises have a significant contribution to national economic development. This research shows that UMKM have great development potential to contribute more to the national economy. The number of MSMEs in Indonesia continues to increase every year and has a large contribution to the country's gross domestic product (GDP). Several previous studies also show that Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises have an important role in national economic development.
Kajian Literatur: Dampak Sertifikasi Halal untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing UMKM di Indonesia Afina Fadhilah Hayya; Annisa Larasati; Hammas Az-Zakkiy; Bintang Putra Seme; Raja Haekal Jarot; Djoko Hananto
Philosophiamundi Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Dampak Globalisasi terhadap Identitas Budaya dan Ekonomi Lokal
Publisher : PT. Kreasi Karya Majakata

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This article explains how halal certification can have a positive impact on the competitiveness of MSMEs in Indonesia. The increasing trend and number of requests for halal products is an encouragement for the government and all related elements to continue to provide outreach and assistance to MSMEs to obtain halal certification through LPPOM-MUI and BPJPH. The results and discussion of this article contain explanations from several previously existing related literature regarding halal certification as well as the classification and competitiveness of MSMEs in Indonesia. The conclusion of this article is that socializing and assisting the halal certification process is important, because halal certificates and labels can support consumer confidence in a product and increase sales turnover. Keywords: halal certification, halal products, MSMEs Abstrak Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang bagaimana sertifikasi halal dapat memberikan dampak positif terhadap daya saing UMKM di Indonesia. Tren dan jumlah permintaan produk halal yang semakin meningkat merupakan dorongan pemerintah dan seluruh elemen terkait untuk terus melakukan sosialasi dan pendampingan UMKM guna mendapatkan sertifikasi halal melalui LPPOM-MUI dan BPJPH. Hasil dan pembahasan artikel ini memuat penjelasan dari beberapa literatur terkait yang telah ada sebelumnya mengenai sertifikasi halal serta klasifikasi dan daya saing UMKM di Indonesia. Kesimpulan dari artikel ini adalah sosialisasi dan pendampingan proses sertifikasi halal merupakan hal penting, sebab sertifkat dan label halal dapat menunjang kepercayaan konsumen terhadap suatu produk dan peningkatan omzet penjualan. Kata Kunci: sertifikasi halal, produk halal, UMKM
Cultural Adaptation In Literary Translation: An Analysis Of The Novels Ayunda Putri Amirah Siregar; Azizah Surayya
Philosophiamundi Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Dampak Globalisasi terhadap Identitas Budaya dan Ekonomi Lokal
Publisher : PT. Kreasi Karya Majakata

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Translation is a timeless practice that facilitates communication between diverse linguistic and cultural communities. With the increasing global interaction, it becomes imperative for translators to not only decipher words but also comprehend the underlying cultural beliefs, values, and norms. This paper delves into the intricacies of literary translation, emphasizing the importance of preserving the emotional and psychological impact of the original text for the target language reader. To achieve this, translators often employ adaptation techniques to harmonize cultural elements from the source language into the target language, ensuring familiarity and resonance with the intended audience. This research focuses on the novel "Api Tauhid" by Habiburrahman El Shirazy, exploring shifts in translation, specifically regarding cultural content. This Study using Qualitative Method. Data was collected from the Indonesian source text and its Local Translation, revealing various cultural categories that were adapted to suit the target language. The purpose of this research is to find out and also adapt cultural elements that may have different backgrounds from other cultures. These categories encompass ecological, material culture, social culture, and social organization aspects, shedding light on the intricacies of preserving cultural nuances in translation. The results of the analysis above, it can be concludedthat there are 38 data on the number of cultural categories in the vocabulary in the novel Api Tauhid. The cultural categories proposed for the data in the novel are ecology, material culture, social culture, social organization, customs and other cultures. The material culture category is another cultural category that is most often found in the novel.

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