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Risk Management Assistance in the Clothing and Medical Equipment Business: Pendampingan Manajemen Resiko pada Usaha Pakaian dan Perlengkapan Medis PT. Lestari Dini Tunggul Diana Diana; Luqman Hakim; Djoko Hananto
Procedia of Social Sciences and Humanities Vol. 3 (2022): Proceedings of the 1st SENARA 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/pssh.v3i.146


Every effort made by humans, either alone or in groups as outlined in an organization or company, has the goal of getting results in the form of profits. The process that is carried out is certainly not free from risks. By being aware of the risk in the activity process, it is necessary to know through the risk identification process to the handling of the identified risks. PT. Lestari Dini Tunggul which is located in Jagakarsa area, South Jakarta is a company that started as a family business that produces medical clothing and factories, of course, wants the company to continue to run and grow and produce good results for other stakeholders. Therefore, the community service team on this occasion helped to provide assistance regarding the implementation of risk management. The method used is Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRS) which allows partners to actively participate in activities from problem identification to the end of the activity. The material presented in the mentoring activity is an understanding of Operational Risk, Human Resources and Finance. The results of the mentoring show that qualitatively partners gain additional knowledge, understanding, and insight about Risk Management. So that in carrying out their activities they are more careful and help each other in carrying out their work processes. Furthermore, it can be concluded that this assistance in implementing Risk Management can increase knowledge, understanding and insight for all employees of PT. Lestari Dini Tunggul.
Policy Analysis PT. BPRS Berkah Ramadhan In Providing Multi-Purpose Financing To MSME Customers In The Covid-19 Pandemic Rasyid Tarmizi; Sunardi Sunardi; Nursyifa Aulia; Djoko Hananto
Jurnal Manajemen Retail Indonesia (JMARI) Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Manajemen Retail Indonesia (JMARI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (538.096 KB) | DOI: 10.33050/jmari.v4i1.2689


This study aims to determine the policies implemented by BPRS Berkah Ramadhan in providing multipurpose financing to MSME customers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research method used is a qualitative method with the type of case study research. The informants selected in this study were the head of the marketing department, expert informants and customers of micro, small and medium enterprises. The results showed that the BPRS Blessings of Ramadan Policy during the covid-19 pandemic in providing multipurpose financing to micro, small and medium business customers, namely (1) Customers who experience problematic financing, the bank will provide policies in the form of relief in paying installments, providing restructuring and relaxation financing by using rescheduling to MSME customers whose businesses have been affected by COVID-19 as evidenced by the customer's business income report. (2) the customer has good collectibility in applying for financing, the business must run for at least 1 year. The procedure carried out by BPRS Berkah Ramadhan in analyzing the provision of financing to micro, small and medium business customers is to conduct surveys to business locations and collect business financial statements. After that, if it has been approved by the leadership, the bank will issue an SP3 or a letter of approval for a financing application to the customer, if it is approved by both parties, a financing contract will be made and the financing can be disbursed
Kajian Literatur: Dampak Sertifikasi Halal untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing UMKM di Indonesia Afina Fadhilah Hayya; Annisa Larasati; Hammas Az-Zakkiy; Bintang Putra Seme; Raja Haekal Jarot; Djoko Hananto
Philosophiamundi Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Dampak Globalisasi terhadap Identitas Budaya dan Ekonomi Lokal
Publisher : PT. Kreasi Karya Majakata

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This article explains how halal certification can have a positive impact on the competitiveness of MSMEs in Indonesia. The increasing trend and number of requests for halal products is an encouragement for the government and all related elements to continue to provide outreach and assistance to MSMEs to obtain halal certification through LPPOM-MUI and BPJPH. The results and discussion of this article contain explanations from several previously existing related literature regarding halal certification as well as the classification and competitiveness of MSMEs in Indonesia. The conclusion of this article is that socializing and assisting the halal certification process is important, because halal certificates and labels can support consumer confidence in a product and increase sales turnover. Keywords: halal certification, halal products, MSMEs Abstrak Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang bagaimana sertifikasi halal dapat memberikan dampak positif terhadap daya saing UMKM di Indonesia. Tren dan jumlah permintaan produk halal yang semakin meningkat merupakan dorongan pemerintah dan seluruh elemen terkait untuk terus melakukan sosialasi dan pendampingan UMKM guna mendapatkan sertifikasi halal melalui LPPOM-MUI dan BPJPH. Hasil dan pembahasan artikel ini memuat penjelasan dari beberapa literatur terkait yang telah ada sebelumnya mengenai sertifikasi halal serta klasifikasi dan daya saing UMKM di Indonesia. Kesimpulan dari artikel ini adalah sosialisasi dan pendampingan proses sertifikasi halal merupakan hal penting, sebab sertifkat dan label halal dapat menunjang kepercayaan konsumen terhadap suatu produk dan peningkatan omzet penjualan. Kata Kunci: sertifikasi halal, produk halal, UMKM
Inovasi Pemasaran Jasa : Meningkatkan Daya Saing Bisnis di Era Digital Brian Ramadhan; Fachdika Neza Ma’ruf; Fachri Darmawan; Kevin Aditya Santoso; Mitasari; Ade maulana; Djoko Hananto
Philosophiamundi Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Konvergensi Manusia dan Teknologi
Publisher : PT. Kreasi Karya Majakata

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Services marketing has become a key component in business strategy in the ever-growing digital era. The digital era has brought fundamental changes in the way companies promote, deliver and manage their services. Service marketing innovation is becoming increasingly important in this context, because companies that are able to adapt and utilize technology and digital trends can increase their competitiveness in an increasingly competitive market. In this context, in-depth research and understanding of service marketing innovation is crucial. This article will explain the important role of service marketing innovation in increasing business competitiveness in the digital era. We will explain various innovation strategies that can be implemented, case studies of company success in implementing this innovation, as well as its impact on business growth and customer satisfaction.
Pentingnya Perilaku Konsumen Dan Strategi Pemasaran Bisnis Di Era Digital Riscia Maharani; Muhammad Arfan; Nur Herlina; Irfa Yanpetra; Muhammad Faqih Nurizal; Muhammad Ershanda; Djoko Hananto
Philosophiamundi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Konflik Identitas dalam Konteks Globalisasi
Publisher : PT. Kreasi Karya Majakata

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In the ever-growing digital era, the role of consumer behavior and marketing strategy in business becomes crucial. This article explains the importance of a deep understanding of consumer behavior in a digital context and the urgency of developing adaptive marketing strategies. Dynamic changes in technology have changed the way consumers interact with products and brands. Therefore, the emphasis on implementing marketing strategies that are responsive to these changes is the main focus. This article analyzes the key role of consumer behavior in shaping effective marketing strategies in the digital era, highlighting the importance of adaptability and innovation in achieving business success. Keywords: Consumer Behavior, Strategy and Digital Era
Pentingnya Harga Dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Transportasi Ojek Online Firman Abimanyu; Fianti Irtikha; Ali Ade Setiawan; Ilham Nur Alam Zamzami; Adam Alif Hendrawan; Djoko Hananto
Philosophiamundi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Konflik Identitas dalam Konteks Globalisasi
Publisher : PT. Kreasi Karya Majakata

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The effect of price and service quality is very important for the continuity of online transportation service companies. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to collect sufficient information about the effect of price and service quality on customer satisfaction of online motorcycle taxi transportation users. The research method used is a literature study that collects several previous studies to determine the effect of price and service quality on online motorcycle taxi transportation. The research results from existing articles show that the effect of price and service quality has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction.
Meningkatkan Kepuasan Pelanggan Melalui Peningkatan Mutu Dan Kualitas Produk Pada Kopi Konnichiwa Pamulang Djoko Hananto; Dahlia Ayu Sulistiani; Mawaddah Azkiya Syarifatunnisa; Vina Nur Fitrah
Journal of Community Sustainability Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Juni 2024
Publisher : EL-EMIR Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69693/jocs.v1i2.41


This service was carried out at Konnichiwa Pamulang Coffee. The aim of this service is to increase customer satisfaction by monitoring the quality and quality of Konniciwa Pamulang coffee products. In this service, we use design thinking to determine quality control strategies and product quality that meet customer needs, we also use data analysis methods to find out how customers feel about quality control and product quality. The results of this service show that quality control and product quality can increase customer satisfaction. It is worth paying attention that customers like quality and high-quality products. Based on these results, Konnichiwa Pamulang Coffee continues to improve the quality and quality of its products to increase customer satisfaction.
Jurnal Intelek Dan Cendikiawan Nusantara Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): JUNI - JULI 2024
Publisher : PT. Intelek Cendikiawan Nusantara

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Pengembangan produk dalam konteks bisnis yang kompetitif adalah kunci untuk mencapai keberhasilan jangka panjang dan kepuasan pelanggan. Perusahaan harus menghadapi berbagai tantangan, termasuk memutuskan antara membuat produk sendiri atau melakukan akuisisi, serta mengelola berbagai tahap kompleks dari penciptaan ide hingga komersialisasi. Inovasi yang berkelanjutan dan pemahaman mendalam terhadap kebutuhan pasar menjadi krusial dalam meraih keunggulan kompetitif. Artikel ini membahas strategi-strategi efektif dalam mengelola proses pengembangan produk baru, dengan fokus pada pengelolaan risiko, pengujian pasar, dan strategi pemasaran yang tepat. Kesuksesan dalam pengembangan produk baru bergantung pada kemampuan perusahaan untuk beradaptasi dengan dinamika pasar dan memanfaatkan sumber daya dengan efisien, sehingga produk dapat diterima dengan baik oleh konsumen dan mencapai tujuan penjualan yang ditetapkan.