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The Informatics and Software Engineering is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal that publishes theoretical and empirical research articles, review papers, and case studies on all major Informatics and Software Engineering topics. The journals mission is to offer a forum for the growing amount of scholarly research on Information Technology and Software Engineering in which it operates. The journal emphasizes theoretical advancements, their application, and empirical, practical, and policy research in global IT technology. The journal provides a platform for professionals in the field of IT to exchange their expertise and experiences. It aims to promote discussions on the design, development, implementation, management, and assessment of diverse IT applications among practitioners, researchers, managers, and IT policymakers. The journals goal is to promote communication and collaboration between and among academic and other research groups, as well as the founder of start-up and technology decision-makers at private and public institutions, national and global, and their regulators.
Articles 10 Documents
Application of Profile Matching in Selection of the Best Marketing at PT. Dinara Semesta Propertindo Delianto Damiri; Titin Prihatin
Informatics and Software Engineering Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): June 2023
Publisher : SAN Scientific

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58777/ise.v1i1.46


Human resources are a major factor that has an important role in realizing the goals of a company. Regarding the company, it is therefore necessary in a company with the best employee ratings to spur employee morale in improving their performance, so that all activities related to the company continue to move and develop properly. The instrument used in this study which functions as a data collection tool is in the form of a questionnaire using a Likert scale. In determining the best employee research, researchers used samples taken from the marketing population at PT. Dinara Semesta Propertindo, a total of 34 marketing people. The results of the research using the profile matching method based on the ranking above which is the final stage in determining the best marketing using the profile matching method. So the conclusions that can be drawn from this research are the Profile Matching Method can be used as an alternative, a decision support system in determining the best marketing. The stages in using this method include determining the GAP, GAP Weight Value, Grouping Core Factor and Secondary Factor, Total Value, and finally Ranking Determination. Determining the standard value of each aspect or criterion is very influential in the process of determining the best marketing.   Sumber daya manusia merupakan suatu faktor utama yang mempunyai peran penting dalam merealisasikan tujuan dari suatu perusahaan. Mengenani perusahaan, Oleh karena itu diperlukan dalam suatu perusahaan dengan adanya penilaian karyawan terbaik untuk memacu semangat kerja para pergawai dalam meningkatkan kinerjanya, agar segala kegiatan yang berkaiatan dengan perusahaan terus bergerak dan berkembang dengan baik. Instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yang berfungsi sebagai alat pengumpul data adalah berbentuk kuesioner dengan menggunakan skala likert. Dalam penelitian penentuan karyawan terbaik ini, peneliti menggunakan sampel yang diambil dari populasi marketing pada PT. Dinara Semesta Propertindo yang berjumlah 34 orang marketing. Hasil dari penelitian menggunakan metode profile matching berdasarkan dari perangkingan diatas yang merupakan tahap terakhir dalam pemilihan marketing terbaik menggunakan metode profile matching. Maka Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari penelitian ini Metode Profile Matching dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif, sistem pendukung keputusan dalam menetukan marketing terbaik, Tahapan dalam menggunakan metode ini meliputi, menentukan GAP, Nilai Bobot GAP, Pengelompokan Core Factor dan Secondary Factor, Nilai Total, dan terakhir Penentuan Ranking. Penentuan standar nilai dari setiap aspek atau kriteria sangat berpengaruh dalam proses penentuan marketing terbaik.
Sentiment Analysis of Rising Fuel Prices on Social Media Twitter using the Naïve Algorithm Bayes Classifiers And AdaBoost Imam Hendriyadi; Angela Febrianti Putri; Rahmawati Rahmawati; Dedi Dwi Saputra
Informatics and Software Engineering Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): June 2023
Publisher : SAN Scientific

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58777/ise.v1i1.55


The government issued a policy of increasing the price of Indonesian fuel oil (BBM) in September 2022. This policy resulted from the war in Europe between Russia and Ukraine, which caused a surge in world oil prices because many respondents complained about the increase in fuel. This condition has caused much controversy or opinion among the public on social media, especially Twitter. With this phenomenon, sentiment analysis uses the Naïve Bayes classifiers algorithms to see how the public responds to government policies. The classification used in this sentiment analysis is Complaint or Not Complaint. Sentiment analysis of fuel rise on Twitter using Naïve Bayes classifier algorithm and AdaBoost Naïve Bayes classifier algorithm is applied to get the best classification By using hashtag tweets The increase in the price of fuel oil (BBM) which was taken 1000 tweets to be Used US a dataset. Data preprocessing consists of Text, Status, removal annotations, Remove hashtags, Remove urls, regexp, Indonesian stemming, and Indonesian stopword removal. The analysis results obtained an accuracy value of 70.69%, precision of 70.49%, recall of 71.45%, and AUC of 0.729 (good classification).   Pemerintah mengeluarkan kebijakan menaikkan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) Indonesia pada September 2022. Kebijakan ini adalah hasil dari perang di Eropa antara Rusia dan Ukraina hal ini menyebabkan lonjakan harga minyak dunia karena banyak responden masyarakat yang mengeluhkan atas kenaikan BBM. Hal ini banyak menimbulkan kontroversi ataupun opini pada kalangan masyarakat di social media khususnya twitter. Dengan adanya fenomena tersebut, untuk melihat bagaimana tanggapan masyarakat terhadap kebijakan pemerintah maka dilakukan analisis sentimen menggunakan algoritma naïve bayes classifier. Klasifikasi yang digunakan pada analisis sentimen ini adalah Complaint atau Not complaint. Analisis sentimen kenaikan bahan bakar pada twitter menggunakan algoritma naive bayes classifier dan adaboost, algoritma naïve bayes classifier ini diterapkan untuk mendapatkan klasifikasi terbaik. Dengan menggunakan hashtag tweets Kenaikan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) yang diambil 1000 tweet untuk di jadikan dataset. Preprocessing data terdiri dari Text, Status, Remove annotations, Remove hastag, Remove url, Regexp, Indonesian stemming, Indonesian stopword removal. Hasil analisis tersebut didapatkan nilai accuracy 70,69%, precision 70,49%, recall 71,45%, dan AUC yang didapat sebesar 0,729 (good classification).
Lung Cancer EDA Classification Using the Decision Trees Method in Python Aqila Aqila; Muhammad Faisal
Informatics and Software Engineering Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): June 2023
Publisher : SAN Scientific

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58777/ise.v1i1.56


Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide. In Indonesia, it is one of the diseases with a high mortality rate. Most patients are unaware of their lung cancer condition, resulting in delayed treatment. A prediction method with high accuracy is needed for the early detection of lung cancer. This study aims to classify lung cancer using the Decision Trees method and perform Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) using a dataset obtained from Kaggle. The research achieved a high recall value for the positive class (Yes class) but a low recall for the negative class (No class). The study utilized the Decision Trees algorithm, known for its good performance. The dataset used includes clinical and demographic information of patients. By building a Decision Trees model, the research successfully classified lung cancer with good accuracy. The EDA results also provide insights into important factors in lung cancer classification. This study has the potential to contribute to the development of predictive models for lung cancer.   Kanker merupakan penyebab kematian tertinggi kedua di dunia. Di Indonesia termasuk penyakit dengan tingkat kematian yang tinggi. Sebagian besar penderita tidak mengetahui bahwa dirinya terkena kanker paru sehingga penanganan menjadi terlambat. Metode prediksi dengan tingkat akurasi yang tinggi diperlukan untuk mendeteksi secara dini kanker paru. Penelitian ini untuk melakukan klasifikasi kanker paru-paru menggunakan metode Decision Trees dan melakukan Analisis Data Eksploratori (EDA) menggunakan dataset yang diperoleh dari Kaggle. Penelitian tersebut menghasilkan nilai recall yang tinggi untuk kelas positif (kelas Yes) namun rendah untuk kelas negatif (kelas No). Penelitian ini dibuat dengan algoritma Decision Trees yang dikenal memilki performa yang baik. Dataset yang digunakan berisi informasi klinis dan demografis pasien. Dengan membangun model Decision Trees, penelitian ini berhasil mengklasifikasikan kanker paru-paru dengan akurasi yang baik. Hasil EDA juga memberikan wawasan tentang faktor-faktor penting dalam klasifikasi kanker paru-paru positif dan negatif. Penelitian ini berpotensi memberikan kontribusi dalam pengembangan model prediktif untuk kanker paru-paru.
Genetic Algorithm Design on Traveling Salesman Problem Deny Fadhillah A; Nanda Ega; Danny Sofisyah A; Ahmad Riski; Esa Sakti
Informatics and Software Engineering Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): June 2023
Publisher : SAN Scientific

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58777/ise.v1i1.60


Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) merupakan pencarian jangkauan rute terpendek dan waktu tercepat oleh seorang Salesman dari suatu kota ke-n kota tujuan, Banyak algoritma telah digunakan dan dikembangkan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan TSP, namun ada beberapa algoritma yang dirasa kurang dalam hal performasinya. Salah satu algoritma yang mampu menyelesaikan permasalahan TSP adalah Algoritma genetika. Dalam implementasi studi kasus ini, Algoritma genetika akan diterapkan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan TSP. Algoritma Genetika merupakan suatu algoritma yang diterapkan berdasarkan proses seleksi alamiah yang dikenal sebagai proses evolusi, individu secara terus menerus mengalami perubahan gen untuk meneyesuaikan dengan lingkungan hidupnya sehingga hanya individu-indiviidu yang kuat yang mampu bertahan. Tujuan dari penulisan jurnal ini adalah mengetahui seberapa efektif melakukan penyelesaian masalah pada TSP dengan menerapkan Algoritma Genetika. Dari hasil penulisan jurnal ini diperoleh bahwa Algoritma Genetika mampu menyelesaikan permasalahan TSP dengan baik.
Application of Naive Bayes in Assessing Student Satisfaction with Facilities and Services at SMK Dastamaco Deny Novianti
Informatics and Software Engineering Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): June 2023
Publisher : SAN Scientific

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58777/ise.v1i1.61


Education is one of the important factors that are highly considered. Starting from the selection of quality schools and also the background of good teachers. However, sometimes in order to get good facilities, of course, it is also balanced with a lot of costs. Maybe only parents who can afford it will not be a problem, but not so with parents of students whose economic conditions are middle to lower. SMK Dastamaco continues to strive to provide the best service and quality for students, so that parents feel safe and comfortable having entrusted their children to go to school. Usually, it is rare for schools to evaluate students' satisfaction with the service and quality of the existing school. Therefore, the school also lacks information about which side needs to be improved so that the school can be even better later. Based on the above problems, it is necessary to hold a differentiating classification to find out how many students are satisfied with the service and quality of SMK Dastamaco. And to classify it can use the Naive Bayes method, where later several criteria are used to be able to find out whether students are satisfied or dissatisfied with the service and quality of the school. From the test results conducted with 191 data, and as many as 27 as test data. An accuracy pattern of 0.556 stated Satisfied, and 0.222 expressed dissatisfied and also dissatisfied.   Pendidikan merupakan salah satu faktor penting yang sangat difikirkan. Mulai dari pemilihan sekolah yang berkualitas dan juga latar belakang pengajarnya yang baik. Namun, terkadang agar mendapatkan fasilitas yang bagus, tentu pula diimbangi dengan biaya yang tidak sedikit. Mungkin baru para orang tua murid yang mampu tidak akan menjadi masalah, tapi tidak begitu dengan orang tua murid yang kondisi perekonomiannya menengah ke bawah. SMK Dastamaco terus berupaya untuk memberikan pelayanan dan kualitas yang terbaik bagi para siswa, agar para orang tuanya merasa aman dan nyaman telah menitipkan anaknya untuk bersekolah. Biasanya jarang ada sekolah yang melakukan evaluasi terhadap kepuasan para siswa terhadap pelayanan dan kualitas sekolah yang ada. Maka dari itu, pihak sekolah juga kurang mendapatkan informasi tentang sisi manakah yang perlu diperbaiki agar sekolah bisa jadi lebih baik lagi nantinya. Berdasarkan masalah di atas perlu diadakannya klasifikasi pembeda untuk mengetahui seberapa banyak siswa yang sudah merasa puas terhadap pelayanan dan kualitas dari SMK Dastamaco. Dan untuk mengklasifikasikannya dapat menggunakan metode Naive Bayes, dimana nantinya digunakan beberapa kriteria untuk dapat mengetahui apakah siswa merasa puas atau tidak puas terhadap pelayanan dan kualitas sekolah. Dari hasil pengujian yang dilakukan dengan data sebanyak 191, dan sebanyak 27 sebagai data tes. Didapatkan pola akurasi sebesar 0, 556 yang menyatakan Puas, serta 0, 222 yang menyatakan kurang puas dan juga tidak puas.
Application of the Model View Controller Concept for the Academic Information System at PKBM Nola Moch Farhan; Eman Setiawan
Informatics and Software Engineering Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : SAN Scientific

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58777/ise.v1i2.84


The Academic Information System (SIA) is important in managing academic data, including processing and reporting report cards, in non-formal educational institutions such as PKBM Nola. This research aims to apply the Model-View-Controller (MVC) concept in the Academic Report Card Information System at PKBM Nola to increase efficiency and accuracy in processing academic data. This study uses a structured software development approach in which the SIA Raport system design is based on the MVC concept. The model manages academic data, including student information, subjects, and grades. View is responsible for displaying the user interface that allows users to view and manipulate academic data. The controller is a liaison between the Model and View, managing data flow and maintaining data integrity. By applying the MVC concept in the Academic Reports Information System at PKBM Nola, institutions can benefit from processing academic data, increasing efficiency, and providing accurate information to relevant stakeholders. This research provides a foundation for developing a better academic information system in other non-formal education institutions, emphasizing systematic segregation of duties and responsibilities through the MVC concept.   Sistem Informasi Akademik (SIA) memiliki peran penting dalam pengelolaan data akademik, termasuk pengolahan dan pelaporan raport, di lembaga pendidikan nonformal seperti PKBM Nola. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menerapkan konsep Model-View-Controller (MVC) dalam Sistem Informasi Akademik Raport di PKBM Nola guna meningkatkan efisiensi dan akurasi dalam proses pengolahan data akademik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan pengembangan perangkat lunak yang terstruktur, di mana desain sistem SIA Raport didasarkan pada konsep MVC. Model berfungsi untuk mengelola data akademik, termasuk informasi siswa, mata pelajaran, dan nilai-nilai. View bertanggung jawab untuk tampilan antarmuka pengguna yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk melihat dan memanipulasi data akademik. Controller berperan sebagai penghubung antara Model dan View, mengatur aliran data dan menjaga integritas data. Melalui penerapan konsep MVC dalam Sistem Informasi Akademik Raport di PKBM Nola, lembaga dapat memperoleh manfaat signifikan dalam pengolahan data akademik, meningkatkan efisiensi, dan memberikan informasi yang akurat kepada stakeholder terkait. Penelitian ini memberikan landasan untuk pengembangan sistem informasi akademik yang lebih baik di lembaga pendidikan nonformal lainnya, dengan penekanan pada pemisahan tugas dan tanggung jawab sistematis melalui konsep MVC.
KAI Commuter Employee Development Application Using The Waterfall Method Angga Riski Ramadan; Agus Junaidi; Mochammad Abdul Azis
Informatics and Software Engineering Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : SAN Scientific

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58777/ise.v1i2.93


The KAI Commuter Employee Development application is a solution to support employee development in the PT environment. Indonesian Commuter Train. The development method used in this project is the Waterfall Method, which is a sequential approach consisting of clear phases, including planning, analysis, design, development, testing, and implementation. This application aims to increase effectiveness and efficiency in the management and development of employees in the company. With features such as performance tracking, training, employee evaluation, and creating personal development plans, this application provides a powerful tool for management to monitor and improve the potential of their employees. The development process using the Waterfall Method allows developers to carefully detail requirements before starting the stage implementation. This ensures the application can meet predefined requirements well throughout the development cycle. In addition, this model allows for more structured progress monitoring and enables more efficient project management. By adopting the KAI Commuter Employee Development application and implementing the Waterfall Method, companies can develop their employees, increase productivity, and optimize resources for their humans.
Analysis of Website Quality Using The Webqual 4.0 Method at SMA Negeri 12 Tangerang Risalah Sabila Wirna; Rachmat Hidayat; Ellya Verawati
Informatics and Software Engineering Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : SAN Scientific

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58777/ise.v1i2.94


Currently, information technology has become a determining factor for success in all aspects. This web media is a suggestion that can be used in schools where websites are used to convey information to students and the general public. SMA Negeri 12 Tangerang Regency is one of the educational institutions that wants to ensure that their website provides a satisfying experience to its visitors. By conducting a webqual 4.0 analysis, SMA Negeri 12 Tangerang Regency can gain deeper insight into the strengths and weaknesses of the website. This research aims to measure the quality of the website of SMA Negeri 12 Tangerang Regency based on the webqual 4.0 dimension variables, namely quality of use, quality of information, and quality of interaction. The method used in this research uses a quantitative method with stages of identifying webqual 4.0 variables, sample selection, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, and validation. With the results of this research, you can carry out reliability testing, hypothesis testing, t test and f test. So the results can be concluded that during the t test the variables X1, variable Y.
Preprocessing Effects in Road Traffic Scene Analysis Using Machine Learning Models Daehyon Kim
Informatics and Software Engineering Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : SAN Scientific

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58777/ise.v1i2.148


Image-based real-time object detection is a key issue in integrated automatic traffic monitoring and control systems and is one of the main research topics in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Despite the growing interest in the application of image processing techniques for traffic scene analysis, vehicle detection algorithms are still unreliable in complex real-world backgrounds. Machine learning models are increasingly being applied to automatic video-based object detection and traffic scene analysis due to their excellent performance in real-time pattern recognition. However, the performance of machine learning models is highly dependent on the properties of the input vectors. Studies have shown that the preprocessing of raw image data obtained from digital video can improve the predictive performance of machine learning models. The purpose of this study is to investigate the predictive performance of machine learning models using preprocessing methods such as image size reduction and image filtering. The experiment was performed with the Backpropagation model, which is one of the most popular machine learning models, and the predictive performance was compared to see how it could be affected by different preprocessing techniques.   Deteksi objek real-time berbasis gambar adalah isu kunci dalam sistem pemantauan dan kontrol lalu lintas otomatis terintegrasi dan merupakan salah satu topik penelitian utama dalam Sistem Transportasi Cerdas. Meskipun minat yang meningkat dalam penerapan teknik pemrosesan gambar untuk analisis scene lalu lintas, algoritma deteksi kendaraan masih belum dapat diandalkan dalam latar belakang dunia nyata yang kompleks. Model pembelajaran mesin semakin diterapkan pada deteksi objek berbasis video otomatis dan analisis scene lalu lintas karena kinerja mereka yang sangat baik dalam pengenalan pola real-time. Namun, kinerja model pembelajaran mesin sangat bergantung pada sifat vektor masukan. Studi telah menunjukkan bahwa pra-pemrosesan data gambar mentah yang diperoleh dari video digital dapat meningkatkan kinerja prediktif dari model pembelajaran mesin. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki kinerja prediktif dari model pembelajaran mesin menggunakan metode pra-pemrosesan seperti reduksi ukuran gambar dan penyaringan gambar. Percobaan dilakukan dengan model Backpropagation, yang merupakan salah satu model pembelajaran mesin paling populer, dan kinerja prediktifnya dibandingkan untuk melihat bagaimana hal itu dapat dipengaruhi oleh berbagai teknik pra-pemrosesan.
Application of the Rapid Application Development Model to a Web-Based Library Information System Rani irma Handayani; Dyah Ayu Astuti
Informatics and Software Engineering Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : SAN Scientific

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58777/ise.v1i2.163


This study aims to overcome several problems in library management at SMA Negeri 7 Tambun Selatan by designing and developing a web-based library information system using the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method. The background of the problem includes the use of information technology, which is still limited in the library, so the process of recording, borrowing, and returning books is still done manually and takes a long time. In addition, the lack of an effective book search system is also an obstacle to using library collections. This research identifies these problems and formulates aims and objectives to create the right solution. In order to achieve this goal, the research method used involved data collection techniques, such as direct observation in the library, interviews with librarians, and a literature study to obtain relevant information. The result of this research is a web-based library information system that includes managing data on borrowing and returning books, book data, book category data, fines data, and making library data reports. This system allows librarians to record borrowing and returning books more efficiently, as well as facilitate students and staff in finding the desired book quickly and accurately through the search feature provided.

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