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European Journal of Higher Education and Academic Advancement is an open-access, peer-reviewed international journal that offers comprehensive coverage of theoretical and empirical studies of higher education in Europe, comparative research within Europe, and comparisons between European and non-European higher education. Building on the successful legacy of its predecessor, Higher Education in Europe, EJHEAA is establishing itself as one of the flagship journals in the study of higher education and specifically in the study of European higher education. The journal accepts original research articles and proposals for special issues. We strongly recommend that authors consult back issues of EJHEAA for examples of topics of interest to our readership and to ensure that your proposed article is in conversation with any prior articles in the same topic area published in EJHEAA or other higher education journals. The articles that are part of a special issue do not all necessarily have to have an explicit European focus as long as the overall theme of the special issue fits the scope of this journal.
Articles 58 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): European Journal of Higher Education and Academic Advancement" : 58 Documents clear
Basics of Foreign Language Teaching in Inclusive Education in Institutions Toshmurodova Mukhabbat Nazaralievna
Journal of Higher Education and Academic Advancement Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): European Journal of Higher Education and Academic Advancement

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61796/ejheaa.v1i1.215


Teaching foreign languages in inclusive education in higher education institutions, is becoming one of the most pressing issues of today. An inclusive education system is being introduced in the system of non-philological educational institutions in order to introduce inclusive education. At present, the level of development of students' knowledge in the Republic, the opportunities, features and special attention to the teaching of foreign languages is developing day by day.
Linguistic Phenomena in the Context of Psycholinguistic Analysis Nargiza Vosiqjon Qizi Oripova
Journal of Higher Education and Academic Advancement Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): European Journal of Higher Education and Academic Advancement

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61796/ejheaa.v1i1.216


In the article, analysis and generalization of theoretical and experimental data on the study of human speech behavior allow us to conditionally distinguish the following three aspects in the structure of language ability: the language mechanism or the ability to master a language (native and / or foreign), the language organization of a person or mental representation and organization in the mind of the speaker systems of signs of a natural language and the norms of their communication, the speech mechanism or the ability to carry out speech activity - to produce and perceive speech statements.
Developing English Reading Skills Through Pedogigical Technologies Yuldasheva Nigora Rixsiboy Qizi
Journal of Higher Education and Academic Advancement Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): European Journal of Higher Education and Academic Advancement

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61796/ejheaa.v1i1.221


This article provides information on the methodology of developing reading skills in English through new pedagogical technologies. These principles relate to the development of reading activities, which are applied during each activity based on the unique circumstances of the students and the pedagogical implications. The application of the pedagogical part in this order is mainly determined by the principles exposed here.
Modern Pedagogical Technologies Hayitboyeva Dilnoza Ne’mat qizi
Journal of Higher Education and Academic Advancement Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): European Journal of Higher Education and Academic Advancement

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61796/ejheaa.v1i1.222


This article discusses educational technologies, methods and results of using them in the course of the lesson.
Issues in University Administration in Nigeria Conrad Ugochukwu Ukozor; Blessing Ijeoma Ikechukwu
Journal of Higher Education and Academic Advancement Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): European Journal of Higher Education and Academic Advancement

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61796/ejheaa.v1i1.283


University administration is the engine room of the universities that determines the university’s development speed. University administration is the pillar that holds the universities and makes its function. This paper is a review research paper with the objective to examine issues hindering effective university administration in Nigeria. Relying on secondary data collected from print and online publications. Content analysis was adopted to scrutinize the data that gave the final data that were used in the paper. The paper concluded that poor funding, Integrated Personnel and Payroll Information System (IPPIS), corruption, lack of current data, inadequate staff, shortage of infrastructure facilities, brain-drain, political interferences and strike action are some of the problems hindering effective university administration in Nigeria. Based on these problems, the paper recommended that the government should increase the financial investment of university education. The government should remove universities from the Integrated Personnel and Payroll Information System (IPPIS) platform and employ more academic staff in all public universities in Nigeria. The government321 qewdsx3432qewzx should direct all anti-corruption agencies to monitor all the funds released to the university administration and artificial intelligence should be deployed for effective fit against corruption in the system. The government should ensure current university data are generated annually for effective university planning.
Vice Chancellors and University Education Sustainability in Nigeria: Challenges and Way Forward Niyi Jacob Ogunode; Evans Oluwagbamila Ayeni
Journal of Higher Education and Academic Advancement Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): European Journal of Higher Education and Academic Advancement

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61796/ejheaa.v1i1.284


The study examined Vice Chancellors and University Education Sustainability in Nigeria: Challenges and Way Forward. Vice Chancellors are major players and chief executive officers in the universities' administrations; hence their roles cannot be underestimated. The social and economic development of the universities depends on the job performance of the Vice-Chancellors. This paper critically looked at the concept of Vice-chancellors and the roles and functions of Vice-chancellors in the university system. The paper also examined factors that enhance the job performance of Vice-chancellors in the university system in Nigeria. This study attempts to provide an answer to the research question that says; how has the Vice Chancellors impacted University Education for Sustainability in Nigeria? The study employed an ex-post facto research method, using secondary data that were collected from print and online publications. Content analysis was the method of analysis. The paper established that the independence of Vice Chancellors, training and retraining, adequate funding, effective supervision and provisions of adequate working resources are the factors that will enhance Vice Chancellors' job performance and enable university education to be able to perform their roles in Nigerian society. Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations were made: The Federal Government of Nigeria and the state governments should provide adequate funds for university administrators, infrastructure facilities, adequate working resources, grant autonomy to universities and ensure effective training and retraining programmes and supervision. The suggested solution will enable the university administrators (Vice Chancellors among others) to be effective in the discharge of their roles in the universities and make university education perform its role of social and economic development.
Journal of Higher Education and Academic Advancement Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): European Journal of Higher Education and Academic Advancement

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61796/ejheaa.v1i1.288


The author examines the problem of developing students' academic literacy and teaching writing from the perspective of theory and practice. The article analyzes the nature and structure of academic literacy and puts forward the thesis that the formation of academic literacy is based on the concept of academic discourse. Written language is seen as a key component of academic literacy, and teaching writing is built on learning to translate academic written discourse.
Unpacking the Role of Higher Education Institutions in Accelerating Women’s Progressive Education in Kenya Emily A. Odhong; Cynthia O. Achieng
Journal of Higher Education and Academic Advancement Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): European Journal of Higher Education and Academic Advancement

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61796/ejheaa.v1i1.293


Due to unprecedented global challenges, labour market dynamics, and uncertainties, higher education institutions have no options but to adopt new approaches to enhance adaptability. In Kenya, despite many efforts made to accelerate women's empowerment, only 29 percent of women between the ages of 15 and 49 are empowered. The universities have a unique capacity and potential to develop skills, foster knowledge, and mobilize educational resources. Hence, accelerating an inclusive socio-economic recovery starts with a solid foundation of human capital which entails: health, education, skills, jobs, and growth to boost progressive education.  The significance of the study is to: expand access to progressive quality education for girls and women; inform policies; enhance capacity to upscale women’s holistic learning and most importantly promote resilience and innovativeness among higher education institutions to emerge stronger. The main objective of the study was to analyse the role of higher education institutions in accelerating women’s progressive education in Kenya. The study was anchored on John Dewey's theory and women's empowerment framework, which cuts across and support both dependent and independent variable. The study adopted a mixed-method research design and, a pragmatic and constructive research philosophy. The researcher adopted a triangulation approach in sampling techniques where stratified, purposive, and random sampling techniques were applied.  The study sample size comprised 129 - degree students and 26 lecturers. Questionnaires were adopted as the data collection tool.  Based on the regression results, the study findings reveal that the R-squared is 0.62, the Adjusted R-squared is 0.61, the F-statistic of 31.94, and a p-value of 0.0000. This implies that the model explains 61% of changes in women’s progressive education. The study concludes that the public-private nexus, blended learning, digitalization, and student retention explain a 61% percent change in women’s progressive education. The study recommends: First, strengthening of public-private nexus through institutional industry linkages, upscaling support through adequate funding of women’s education, and considering Students as Partners in their learning. Second, embracing a blended learning approach to reduce the dropout rate of female students and upscale women empowerment through the integration of ICT skills training. Third, institutions should commit adequate resources to promote effective digitalization and improvement in ICT infrastructure that facilitates learning and is user-friendly to lecturers, learners, and administrators. Lastly, promoting students’ retention through mentorship, semester check-ins, workshops, and effective lecturers, to enhance student enrollment and acceleration which increases completion rate and school-to-work transition, and embracing transformative and sustainable leadership.
Kontsept Nazariyasi Va Konseptual Makon Fayzullayeva Munavvar Bahodirovna
Journal of Higher Education and Academic Advancement Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): European Journal of Higher Education and Academic Advancement

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61796/ejheaa.v1i1.298


Kognitiv fan o'z rivojlanishining hozirgi bosqichida inson bilimining har qanday yangi gumanitar sohasiga xos bo'lgan vaziyatga duch kelmoqda: fanning o'ziga xos fanlararo tabiati, uni ifodalovchi olimlarning ko'plab, ba'zan bir-biriga qarama-qarshi yondashuvlari, shuningdek amaldagi usullarning xilma-xilligi, tadqiqot mavzusining tarqoqligi va atamalarning nomuvofiqligi tashqi kuzatuvchida dunyoda kognitiv olimlarning o'zlari qancha kognitiv fan variantlari mavjud bo'lsa, shunchalik ko'p taassurot qoldirishi mumkinligiga olib keldi.
The Notion of Linguacultureme and Non-Equivalent Lexicon in Different Cultures Sharipova Sarvinoz Sayfiddin qizi
Journal of Higher Education and Academic Advancement Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): European Journal of Higher Education and Academic Advancement

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61796/ejheaa.v1i1.299


The article focuses on the notions which have sometimes do not have the alternatives in other languages including linguaculteremes, realia. It takes a close look to the lexicon of several languages and makes some comparisons on the stated notions.