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Published by Universitas Bengkulu
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The Journal of ESP in Indonesia (JESPI) is a peer-reviewed academic journal published by the Postgraduate Program of English Education of FKIP, University of Bengkulu. Its primary objective is to disseminate scholarly information on research and development in English for Specific/Academic/Occupational Purposes worldwide and to bridge between theory and practice. The journal welcomes year-round submissions and contributions addressing the common professional concerns of researchers and practitioners. It is published biannually—at the beginning and middle of the year.
Articles 32 Documents
Understanding and Attitudes of University Students towards Plagiarism in Academic Writing at the University Diya Safitri; Safnil Arsyad
Journal of English for Specific Purposes in Indonesia (JESPI) Vol. 1 No. 1: July 2022
Publisher : UNIB Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/espindonesia.v1i1.23495


In the academic world, plagiarism is prone to be occured. Academic dishonesty has emerged as a major concern and difficulty for the educational system. The goal of this research is to find out the understanding and attitudes of students towards plagiarism in academic writing. This research used of descriptive quantitative research methods with a questionnaire instrument. Based on the results, understanding of students obtained, namely strongly agree as many as 42.6%, agree as many as 43.7%, disagree as many as 4.2%, and strongly disagree as many as 1.6%. While, based on the results of students' attitudes towards plagiarism as a whole obtained, namely strongly agree as many as 37.9%, agree as many as 51.2%, disagree 6.3%, and strongly disagree as many as 4.6%. So, the attitude of students at the university shows a good attitude towards academic writing at the university. The students are quite familiar with the basic concepts of plagiarism but still cannot apply them correctly and appropriately. With this study, it is hoped that students will become more open and understand the concept of understanding plagiarism and what behaviors can be indicated as plagiarism behavior.
An Analysis of Code Mixing in A Presentation in Tenth Grade of Vocational School at SMK Agribisnis DangauDatuk Bengkulu Lidya Rona Mentari
Journal of English for Specific Purposes in Indonesia (JESPI) Vol. 1 No. 1: July 2022
Publisher : UNIB Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/espindonesia.v1i1.23637


This study looked at the many sorts of code-mixing in the tenth grade at SMK Agribisnis Dangau Datuk Bengkulu. Suwito's theories were utilized in this study. Because the researcher wanted to study verbal in the tenth grade of SMK Agribisnis Dangau Datuk Bengkulu, the researcher employed a descriptive qualitative method. Students' utterances in presentation at SMK Agribisnis Dangau Datuk Bengkulu wereused as a source of data in this study. The results of this research are 50% of word insertion, 25% of phrase, 4,17% hybrid, 4,17% of idiom, 4,17% of repetition=4,17%, and 12,5% of clause. The most used type of translation is word insertion, followedby a clause.
Code-Mixing on Instagram Captions Posted by the Fashion Influencer “AMELIA ELLE” Dhiya Dzakirah Wijaya
Journal of English for Specific Purposes in Indonesia (JESPI) Vol. 1 No. 1: July 2022
Publisher : UNIB Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/espindonesia.v1i1.23639


This research aimed to find out the types and the reasons for codemixing used by fashion influencer Amelia Elle on her Instagram captions. This research was a mixed-method. The subject of this research was Amelia Elle. The data in this research were features of code-mixing used by Amelia Elle, a fashion influencer, in her Instagram captions. The data source in this research is Instagram captions. In analyzing the data, the researchers only took the captions which contain code-mixing. The result of this research shows that Amelia Elle used a type of code-mixing most dominantly in her Instagram captions insertion. Based on the interview, co reason dominantly used is being emphatic about something. In conclusion types and reasons for code-mixing appears to be the personal interest of young Indonesian speakers.
EFL Students’ Attitude toward Learning the English language based on Teacher’s Gender: A Case study in Cambodia Context Meng Kimleang; Safnil Arsyad
Journal of English for Specific Purposes in Indonesia (JESPI) Vol. 1 No. 1: July 2022
Publisher : UNIB Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/espindonesia.v1i1.23641


Gender is defined as all of the social and cultural habits, roles, conditions, and responsibilities regardless of one's biological gender, that are necessary for a society. This study aims to explore EFL students' attitudes toward learning the English Language base on teachers' gender. When teachers assess pupils with high levels of problem conduct for special education referral, cross break analysis finds that male teachers are substantially more likely than female teachers to decide not to recommend. The impact of teacher gender on this scenario has been investigated, but the results have been equivocal. Furthermore, while teacher expectations have influenced student academic achievements and student gender stereotypes have molded such expectations, the gender of the teacher has been overlooked in this context. The descriptive quality method was used in this research with the students from the National University of Battambang who currently studying for master's degrees. The questionnaires were given along with the individual interviews. The result showed that female teachers were the most selected due to the attitude of the students when they were studying with female teachers. Keywords: Behavioral Aspect of Attitude, Cognitive Aspect of Attitude, Emotional Aspect of Attitude, Teacher gender.
An Analysis of Code-mixing and Code Switching by Online Tutor of Englishvit Video on Instagram Reels Aulia Arifani Miladesia
Journal of English for Specific Purposes in Indonesia (JESPI) Vol. 1 No. 1: July 2022
Publisher : UNIB Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/espindonesia.v1i1.23642


English is the main act in communicating internationally. English is used as an official language in the global community to make anything that happens smooth and understanding, such as business field, medical, politics, and also education. Language courses are also not something unfamiliar in the countries, to reckon that is how important English to be mastered by people nowadays. The findings of this study should aid students and teachers in improving their understanding of how code-mixing and code-switching will affect students' skills in speaking English. The data for this sample is taken from an Instagram reels video from an English study account called Englishvit (@englishvit). The result shows that for code-mixing, the L1+L2 type is the highest percentage of lexical items. For codeswitching, L2 without translation is the highest percentage for the lexical items. The second rank for code-mixing is L2, and for codeswitching is L1+L2, which is the opposite of the highest rank. The certain expression that is often said in the reels video are have you guys know, hello, hi, thank you for watching, give comment down below, what do you think of, and bye-bye. L2 dominate in the conversation video because they have to demonstrate the situation based on the title of the video itself. The viewer can directly look at the example given in the video for understanding how to use the sentence or idiom or combine the words
Gender Differences in EFL Coursebook Used in Islamic School of Bengkulu Province Arief Hadianto
Journal of English for Specific Purposes in Indonesia (JESPI) Vol. 1 No. 1: July 2022
Publisher : UNIB Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/espindonesia.v1i1.23644


This study aims to see if there is a gender bias in the English textbooks for EFL used by Islamic schools in Bengkulu province. The objects of the research used are the course books used in Islamic schools in Bengkulu city, entitled "Bright an English 2 curriculum 2013 revisi" and "Grow with English 5 (a thematic English for elementary schools)" published by Erlangga. This study was analyzed based on six aspects according to Logsdon, namely: (1) the total number of male/female photos, (2) the total number of male/female noted, (3) the total number of male/female actors, (4) overall amount of male/female gameplay, (5) total number of male/female role models, and (6) structure of citing male/female names. The result showed that there is gender bias in the course books Bright an English 2 and Grow with English 5. Males are dominant in the Bright an English 2 book as a whole in categories 1,2,3,4, and 6, but not in the Grow with English book. In the book Grow with English, women are dominant in the first and second categories. Finally, the dominant gender bias lies in men. However, there are similarities in the comparison of gender differences between the two books in the fifth category, namely the total of male/female role models
A Sociolinguistic Approach to ELT: Perspectives from English Teachers Nurmaisa; Safnil Arsyad
Journal of English for Specific Purposes in Indonesia (JESPI) Vol. 1 No. 1: July 2022
Publisher : UNIB Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/espindonesia.v1i1.23645


The use of English seldom make students have a bad ability to speak and comprehend English as their teacher wants. It caused the students can not understand what their teacher has explained because they just have little vocabulary in English. Besides, the text in the students' book used foreign narratives, and foreign activities so that the students can not understand and comprehend the context of the book itself. Because of the condition, the teacher needs to approach to inform their students about English itself. That is why the sociolinguistic approach is needed in that condition because it can make students understand and comprehend easily the context of their English book. Therefore, this study is the gap to know teachers' perspectives on the use of the sociolinguistic approach in ELT and hindering that the teachers found in the implementation sociolinguistic approach. This study used descriptive qualitative research with 26 participants of English teachers. The findings of this study showed that sociolinguistics gave positive perspectives and benefits to the students.
Gender Differences and their Impacts on Students’ Performance in Speaking Ability Lussy Erviona; Safnil Arsyad
Journal of English for Specific Purposes in Indonesia (JESPI) Vol. 1 No. 1: July 2022
Publisher : UNIB Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/espindonesia.v1i1.23646


This study aims to see the differences of the ability in speaking English between male and female students at the senior high school level. This study employed descriptive quantitative research. The study was conducted at SMAN 1 Bengkulu Selatan. There were ten male students and ten female students of senior high school Bengkulu Selatan, Bengkulu, Indonesia, as the samples of this study, therefore the researcher focused on using 20 students as the data source. The activities carried out by researcher in data collection were by giving and recording 3 (three) minutes session of speaking activities about student personal experience. Then the data were rechecked, evaluated, and corrected. The researcher used assessment indicators, namely: pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, fluency, and understanding. The results were described in the form of numbers, properties, and characteristics. The result of this study showed that between male and female students, female students were  better that male students in the speaking as seen from the results of comprehension, vocabulary, and pronunciation. On the other hand, male students had better scores in grammar and fluency. From the result, it can be concluded that both male and female students at SMAN 1 Bengkulu Selatan were fluent to speak English based on different indicators.
The Representation of Gender in English Textbooks Pelsi Santika
Journal of English for Specific Purposes in Indonesia (JESPI) Vol. 2 No. 1: January 2023
Publisher : UNIB Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/espindonesia.v1i2.25787


Gender representation in English textbooks has been an interesting issue because teachers use textbooks to explain their lessons in school. However, this type of research is still done infrequently by researchers. The aims of this study are to identify similarities and differences in gender representation in parts of text, gender representation in visual, and gender roles in occupation in English textbooks for Grade Eight in Indonesia. Two English textbooks from different authors and publishers were selected for this study: Textbook 1 (When English Rings a Bell) and Textbook 2 (Interactive English 2). The first result reveals that in the components of the text, male representations are more detectable than female representations. The similarity between the two textbooks describes that male representations are more visible than female representations in conversation script and exercise. However, unlike textbook 2 which also have male domination in two other components, textbook 1 portrays female domination in course material and reading passage. The second result is that male representations are more appeared than female representations in both individual and group settings in both English textbooks. In individual, male characters have the highest proportion in textbook 1 while in textbook 2, male characters in the group have the highest proportion. The last result is that male roles in occupations are portrayed in a larger number of occupations than female roles in occupations for both English textbooks. In Textbook 1, males have 7 categories of occupation, while females have 3 kinds of job. In Textbook 2, male roles identify 10 types of job, while female roles mention 6 categories of occupation. It can be concluded that male characters are more represented than female characters in parts of the text, visual, and role in occupation for both English textbooks. This causes gender inequality between males and females.
Comparison of Cultural Awareness in English Textbook for General and Elective Programs Used by EFL of Senior High School Rismasari; Safnil Arsyad
Journal of English for Specific Purposes in Indonesia (JESPI) Vol. 2 No. 1: January 2023
Publisher : UNIB Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/espindonesia.v1i2.25788


The main goal of this research is to determine "What cultural awareness is represented in the English textbooks Pathway to English Grade X General Programme?”, “What cultural awareness is represented in the English textbooks Pathway to English Grade X Elective Programme?”, and “What are the comparison between two English textbooks?”. Two English textbooks from the same author and publisher but used in different programmes for senior high school were chosen for this study, they are Pathway to English Grade X, General Programme; and Pathway to English Grade X, Elective Programme. This study is part of the qualitative approach to library research. To make it easier to understand, Percentage-based quantitative analysis is used. Researchers collect data from English textbooks in the context of textbook analysis to come clean about the way culture awareness contents are represented in two English textbooks. The findings show that all English textbooks presented cultural awareness content, and the cultural awareness contents in each English textbook used by Senior High School as EFL have covered four aspects of cultural content for Book I, and seven aspects of cultural content for Book II. Although not all aspects of the cultural category are covered in the English textbook, it is clear that the cultural content exceeds half of the total. The percentage of those is as follows: Book I have 72,80 per cent and Book II have 70 per cent. This suggests that the authors should use several different cultural awareness aspects in their English textbook as EFL.

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