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International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Studies
ISSN : -     EISSN : 30257247     DOI : -
ETHICA International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Studies is dedicated to serving as a distinguished platform that brings together academics, researchers, and practitioners from the realms of humanities and social sciences. Our primary goal is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, innovative ideas, and profound insights encompassing a wide spectrum of human experiences, cultural dynamics, and societal structures. Embracing a steadfast commitment to fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, we actively encourage cross-pollination of thoughts and perspectives. Through this, we aim to cultivate a global dialogue that transcends geographical boundaries, promoting a holistic understanding of the intricate tapestry of our social world. At the heart of our mission lies the promotion of critical thinking. We strive to nurture an environment where rigorous analysis and thoughtful evaluation flourish. By doing so, we seek to contribute to the advancement of nuanced interpretations and comprehensive viewpoints, thereby enriching the comprehension of the multifaceted nuances inherent to our global society. In essence, the ETHICA International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Studies is not merely a repository of scholarly articles, but a vibrant conduit for the exchange of ideas that propel the boundaries of conventional understanding. We invite you to embark on this intellectual journey with us as we collectively explore the depths of human culture, behavior, and interaction in pursuit of a more profound awareness of our ever-evolving world.
Articles 11 Documents
Enhancing Students Cognitive Abilities in Integrated Islamic High Schools: A Need-Based Analysis for Developing Chemistry Modules Infused with Islamic Values Ninik Andriyani; Muhamad Subhi Apriantoro
Ethica: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Studies Vol 1 No 1 (2023): SEPTEMBER
Publisher : Global Research Network

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From an Islamic perspective, motivation to learn and achievement goes hand in hand with faith and piety. Integrated chemistry learning with Islamic values at the Integrated Islamic School is a learning innovation to improve students' cognitive abilities. This research aimed to analyze the needs of students in the integrated chemistry module of Islamic values to upgrade students' cognitive abilities. This study used the descriptive qualitative method. Data was taken from 112 students of class X Integrated Islamic High School in Surakarta. Data were collected using observation, interviews, questionnaire sheets, and analysis of teaching materials. The results of student and teacher interviews show that integrating Islamic values in each subject will increase student interest and motivation in learning. This is in line with the Integrated Islamic school's vision and mission and is supported by more dominant Islamic activities. Structured learning models integrated with Islamic values are believed to be learning innovations that can improve learners' cognitive abilities, skills, and attitudes as a whole. However, the analysis of teaching materials used in the Integrated Islamic School has not supported achieving the above objectives. As a result, it is necessary to develop a chemistry module with a constructivist approach integrated with Islamic values.
Islamic Perspectives on Installment-Based Online Trading of Gold: Ensuring Compliance with Value and Principles Deva Mauli Diana; Muhamad Subhi Apriantoro
Ethica: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Studies Vol 1 No 1 (2023): SEPTEMBER
Publisher : Global Research Network

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Technological advancements have significantly influenced various aspects of life, extending their reach into economic activities, particularly within online buying and selling. A noteworthy facet of this evolution is the virtual trade of gold, a practice increasingly prevalent today. However, online gold transactions primarily reflect the nominal value of the metal without involving physical goods for exchange. Notably, these digital gold transactions often employ installment methods. Within Islamic teachings, careful consideration of installment payment methods is essential to prevent the accumulation of profits resembling usury. This study employs qualitative research techniques, primarily drawing upon literature sources such as books, journals, and prior theses. These sources are carefully selected to align with the teachings of Allah SWT, as elucidated in the Quran and Hadith. The research reveals that according to Islamic principles, the installment-based purchase and sale of gold is permissible based on diverse scholarly opinions. Crucially, this allowance is contingent upon gold being regarded as a precious commodity rather than a medium of exchange, such as cash. Furthermore, the monthly installments must maintain the original value of the gold as initially acquired.
A Study of Waste Transaction Practices and Islamic Jurisprudence at Bank Sampah Firhan Abdillah Ghani; Muhamad Subhi Apriantoro
Ethica: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Studies Vol 1 No 1 (2023): SEPTEMBER
Publisher : Global Research Network

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Garbage is a big problem for people who produce so much waste every day and are also quite disturbed by its unpleasant smell. This study aims to see how the transaction model of buying and selling waste saving system at the Berkah Lestari 3 Waste Bank. There are two problems studied in this study, namely: 1. How is the waste buying and selling transaction activity of the saving system at the Berkah Lestari 3 Waste Bank in Sewulan Village, Dagangan District, Madiun Regency. 2. What is the view of Islamic law on the transaction of buying and selling waste in the savings system at the Berkah Lestari 3 Garbage Bank in Sewulan Village, Dagangan District, Madiun Regency. The purpose of this study is to find out how the activities and perspectives of Islamic law views on buying and selling carried out at the Berkah Lestari 3 Garbage Bank. This research uses field research (field research) namely by direct field research to directly obtain information, observations, data, and interesting facts in the field then the data is described, analyzed to answer the formulation of the problem, from the results of the research found that, 1. This waste buying and selling transaction activity in practice the process of depositing waste can be directly deposited into the waste bank or can also be taken directly to the house by the waste bank if the customer cannot deliver it. In the process of taking garbage directly to the customer's home, it does not weigh and record the results on the spot but is carried out at the waste bank collection point, so that the customer does not know directly how many results they get. 2. The view of Islamic law on the sale and purchase transaction of the savings system at the Berkah Lestari 3 Garbage Bank is still allowed, because this waste or used goods still has benefits. Although in practice it is not witnessed by customers during the weighing process and recording results, so it can cause an element of gharar.
Exploring the Permissibility of Mahar in the Form of Stocks in Islamic Law Khoirul Anwar; Muhamad Subhi Apriantoro
Ethica: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Studies Vol 1 No 1 (2023): SEPTEMBER
Publisher : Global Research Network

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A dowry is a mandatory gift given by the prospective bridegroom to the prospective bride. In the general community, dowries are usually in the form of money, gold, and vehicles. Along with the development of the times, dowry is not only in the form of money, gold, and vehicles but also in the form of stocks, a new phenomenon among the general public. This study aims to enlighten the public about the law of giving dowry in the form of stocks. The results of this study indicate that giving a dowry in the form of stocks has many benefits for the bride and groom, so the law regarding giving a dowry is permissible.
Strategy for Innovation and Empowerment by BMT for MSMEs in Wonogiri for 2019-2022 Natasya Fika Rahmadani; Muhamad Subhi Apriantoro
Ethica: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Studies Vol 1 No 1 (2023): SEPTEMBER
Publisher : Global Research Network

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The research objectives include: a) To find out the role of BMT in carrying out innovation and empowerment of Wonogiri SMEs in 2019-2022; b) To find out the constraints of BMT in carrying out innovation and empowerment of Wonogiri SMEs in 2018-2022. The type of research the researcher uses is descriptive-qualitative to understand phenomena regarding the research subject, such as the behavior and ways of words and language researchers in a particular (natural) context using various natural methods. Sources of data used in qualitative research are humans as respondents. Data collection techniques through; a) Interviews/interviews, b) Observations, c) Documentation. In this study, the data analysis technique used by the researcher used the Miles and Huberman model. Data analysis in qualitative research is carried out at the time of data collection and after the completion of data collection within a certain period. The results obtained are BMT Mitra Mandiri in empowerment through training carried out by BMT Mitra Mandiri by collaborating with Human Resources companies. Constraints obtained are intense competition, customers being late in making installments, dishonesty committed by customers where the submissions are not by the implementation in the field, and the marketing process is challenging to motivate MSME actors to carry out innovation strategies so that consumers gain confidence to make purchases.
Psychological effects of social media on Muslim youths in northern Nigeria Adamu Abubakar Muhammad; Ikilima Abubakar Shariff; Yakubu Zulaihat Muhammed; Muhamad Subhi Apriantoro
Ethica: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Studies Vol 2 No 1 (2024): JANUARY
Publisher : Global Research Network

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This study examines the psychological effects of social media on Muslim youths in Northern Nigeria. By taking an in-depth look at the growth of social media in the region, its use by Muslim youths, and its effects on their psychological well-being, this study seeks to contribute to the body of knowledge regarding the psychological impact of social media use. In order to understand this phenomenon, we conducted qualitative interviews with 22 Muslim youths in northern Nigeria. Results indicate that the majority of participants believe that social media use has a negative effect on their psychological well-being, with many citing feelings of anxiety, depression, and insecurity when using social media frequently. Further, results showed that many participants reported feelings of alienation from the local communities, since they often felt that they were judged for their online behavior due to the false impressions created by social media. Overall, this study demonstrates the degree to which social media has infiltrated the lives of many Muslim youths in Northern Nigeria and how its effects may be both positive and negative. It is important to recognize the potential psychological effects of social media use in this population and to equip Muslim youths with the necessary resources to navigate its use in a healthy way.
Pentahelix synergy to women empowerment: analyzing stakeholder engagement in a CSR program PT Pertamina Patra Niaga DPPU Adisumarmo for village development Rashifahunnisa' Mellinia; Siti Fatonah; Bintang Fajar Pamungkas
Ethica: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Studies Vol 2 No 1 (2024): JANUARY
Publisher : Global Research Network

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In the era of dynamic social and economic development, this study explores and analyzes the implementation of the Pentahelix model in a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program run by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga DPPU Adisumarmo. With a primary emphasis on the nuanced roles and contributions of government, industry, academia, community, and media within the Pentahelix framework, the research centers around their collective efforts in propelling women's empowerment and fostering village development. The core objective is to unravel the multifaceted impact of this collaboration on women's empowerment and the holistic development of rural villages.Through an exhaustive analysis of stakeholder interactions and synergies, the study not only underscores the intrinsic importance of cross-sector collaboration but also reveals the nuanced ways in which it has been pivotal in ensuring the success of the CSR program. The discussion delves into the specific outcomes of this collaboration, shedding light on how it has propelled women's empowerment initiatives and catalyzed tangible advancements in rural development. By elucidating the complexities and interdependencies within Pentahelix, the research offers profound insights into how the amalgamation of diverse interests can yield substantial positive impacts, thereby contributing significantly to the sustainable development narrative.
Sustainable use of water hyacinth for community welfare: ecological, economic, and social benefits from PT Pertamina's CSR program at DPPU Adi Sumarmo Arum Brawijaya Putri; Siti Fathonah; Bintang Fajar Pamungkas
Ethica: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Studies Vol 2 No 1 (2024): JANUARY
Publisher : Global Research Network

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Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) causes negative impacts in the Cengklik Reservoir area because it is considered an invasive weed with very fast growth and ability to spread very efficiently. Although hyacinths have some benefits, there are also significant negative impacts. The existence of wild hyacinths has a negative impact on the tourism sector, accelerating water reduction, fisheries, and fishermen etc. The study aims to investigate the impact and potential use of water hyacinths in sustainability, ecological, economic, and social frameworks, taking into account the principles of Maqashid Sharia. CSR PT Pertamina Patra Niaga DPPU Adi Sumarmo encourages the Community Group of Sobokerto Village, Ngemplak, Boyolali to implement effective management strategies to control the growth of water hyacinths and mitigate their negative impacts by making biogas and organic fertilizer from water hyacinths. The research method used is qualitative, focusing on a deep understanding of people's perceptions and experiences related to hyacinth sustainability. The study found that hyacinth sustainability is not just about achieving favorable economic outcomes, but also respecting the ethical, ecological and social justice principles underlying Maqashid Sharia, so as to provide holistic benefits to the environment and local communities. Thus, hyacinth management can be a positive example in achieving a harmonious balance between environmental sustainability and community welfare in accordance with Islamic teachings. Proper management of hyacinths can maximize their benefits and reduce their negative effects on society and the environment
Economic values contained in the book of Al-Hikam ibn Athaillah as-Sakandari Yayuli Yayuli; Ahmad Yusuf Efendi; Muhamad Subhi Apriantoro; Al Milla Hamidah; Rozi Irfan Rosyadhi
Ethica: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Studies Vol 2 No 1 (2024): JANUARY
Publisher : Global Research Network

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This study aims to learn more about the Economic Values in Ibn Athaillah As-Sakandari's Kitab Al-Hikam. In this study, the author used qualitative methods. Based on researchers' findings in the book of Al-Hikam by Ibn Athaillah As-sakandari, six points discuss economic values, namely a). Worship and Business must be Balanced; b). The extinguishing of the eyes of the heart, c). Different practices, d). Stay active about world affairs, e). infaq, f). Obedience is a gift of Allah Swt. From these six points, it can be concluded that the book can be taken as Wisdom regarding how to obtain the sustenance of Allah Almighty, where we are encouraged to pray and try to seek care because the reality has always been that the crowd is too focused on pursuing the world so that they forget the end and vice versa.
Cinematic Discourse Analysis: Representative Speech Acts in "Nanti Kita Cerita Tentang Hari Ini" by Marchella Febritrisia Putri Ifa Chairin Ananda; Muhammad Yusuf Zanuar; Latifah Hannani
Ethica: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Studies Vol 2 No 1 (2024): JANUARY
Publisher : Global Research Network

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The investigation into representative speech acts in the film "Nanti Kita Cerita Tentang Hari Ini" forms the core idea of this research, aiming to decipher the meanings embedded in the selected film's dialogues and to understand the context and types of speech acts. A qualitative method was employed, where the researcher gathered data from the dialogues within the film "Nanti Kita Cerita Tentang Hari Ini." The data collection from this film source involved observation, note-taking, and speech act analysis, as the data comprised spoken dialogues. Representative speech acts in this context include declaring, conveying, demonstrating, agreeing, reporting, and informing. The purpose of this study is to ascertain, identify, delineate the types of representative speech acts, and analyze the forms of representative acts within the film "Nanti Kita Cerita Tentang Hari Ini." The research findings indicate a variety of representative speech acts, including 31 instances of declaring, 11 of conveying, 10 of demonstrating, 7 of agreeing, 2 of reporting, and 6 of informing.

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