Jurnal Arsitektur Wastu Padma
Jurnal Arsitektur Wastu Padma adalah oasis pengetahuan bagi pecinta arsitektur. Dikelola oleh Fakultas Teknik Universitas Bung Karno, terbit dua kali dalam setahun untuk, membuka pintu bagi akademisi, praktisi, dan peneliti untuk membagikan ide-ide revolusioner, mulai dari teknik perancangan hingga harmonisasi ruang. Menyajikan ragam topik yang luas, dari perencanaan kota dan lingkungan, kekayaan arsitektur tradisional, hingga terobosan material modern. Setiap artikel, studi kasus, dan ulasan literatur dipilih melalui proses peer review untuk memastikan kualitas dan kredibilitasnya. Wastu Padma tidak hanya menjadi platform berbagi ilmu, tapi juga titik pertemuan antara keindahan, fungsi, dan inovasi dalam dunia arsitektur.
20 Documents
Prinsip Penerapan Sistem Penghawaan dan Pencahayaan Alami pada Bangunan Rumah Susun Sewa Mabes TNI di Bekasi
Yuwanda, Farrah Amabella;
Schiffer, Lia Rosmala
Jurnal Arsitektur Wastu Padma Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Juni
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik - Universitas Bung Karno
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DOI: 10.62024/jawp.v1i1.1
The article comes from research which aims to determine the principles of applying natural ventilation and lighting to rental flats at the TNI Headquarters in Bekasi. The design of natural ventilation and lighting systems in flats is part of efforts to meet health and fitness goals for residents economically and effectively. The research method used is a survey technique by conducting observations and literature studies to obtain information regarding applications in building design. From the results of the discussion it can be stated that the principles that must be considered are building orientation, floor plan, area of light openings and effective ventilation.
Redesain Terminal Tipe A Poris Plawad di Kota Tangerang dengan Tema Arsitektur Hijau
Tamiyati, Lusifa Hafi
Jurnal Arsitektur Wastu Padma Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Juni
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik - Universitas Bung Karno
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DOI: 10.62024/jawp.v1i1.2
Plawad Terminal is a type A bus terminal which still serves public transportation vehicle mobility in the area around Cipondoh Tangerang District. The potential for passenger mobility and environmental conditions are sufficient to support its existence as a regional transportation facility. Currently, the physical and functional condition of the terminal does not meet the passenger and vehicle service requirements, so a redesign program is needed. The redesign program takes the theme of green architecture as part of improving the quality of the terminal, users and the surrounding environment. The problems raised are: (1) How does the terminal design concept accommodate passenger needs and vehicle movement? (2) How is the green architecture theme applied in building design? The discussion refers to a qualitative analytical-descriptive approach which is based on a theoretical framework and applied to design. From the results of the discussion, a design direction can be formulated, namely: (1) The design is focused on arranging the optimization layout for ease of vehicle movement and passenger space facilities which refer to the principles of walk, transit and connected (2) The design concept refers to energy conservation efforts through shape and spatial layout. Building.
Perancangan Bangunan Mixed-Use di Pasar Minggu Jakarta Selatan
Nurjam’an, Nurjam’an
Jurnal Arsitektur Wastu Padma Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Juni
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik - Universitas Bung Karno
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DOI: 10.62024/jawp.v1i1.3
This research is about how to design market and residential mixed-use buildings that are integrated with the environment and transportation facilities in Pasar Minggu. The purpose of the design is to realize an efficient building as a place to live and work that can utilize the potential of the environment. The location chosen as the site of the design object is the Pasar Minggu area as one of the strategic transportation facilities in Jakarta. In preparing the design concept, the following problems were proposed: (1) How to integrate market and residential functions in the Mixed-Use concept, (2) How to develop an integrated design with an environment that accommodates the needs and principles of T.O.D-based area design (Transit Oriented Development). This research uses analytical descriptive research methods by collecting data through literature studies, surveys and documentation as well as interviews. From the results of the discussion, it can be stated that the implementation of shared facility design, market layout arrangement, and accessibility through the development of vertical space based on zones, connecting spaces and shared spaces.
Konsep Desain Perpustakaan Umum Kota Sukabumi dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Sunda
Suwarna, Indra
Jurnal Arsitektur Wastu Padma Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Juni
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik - Universitas Bung Karno
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DOI: 10.62024/jawp.v1i1.4
This research raised the design of the Library Building in Sukabumi City with a Sundanese Architecture approach. This Library Building has a function as an educational space that can increase public literacy interest, accommodate learning activities to find information and recreation for the community. The architectural design concept of this library refers to the locus design approach with traditional Sundanese architecture. The research method used is an exploratory qualitative method in order to get shape in architectural design. From the results of the discussion of the architectural design of the Sukabumi City Public Library building in accordance with the Neo Vernacular approach which applies the concept of mass composition of the Kasepuhan Ciptagelar Cisolok traditional settlement, starting from the foundation of Sundanese architectural cosmology.
Studi Pendekatan Bentuk pada Desain Rumah Sakit Khusus Lanjut Usia di Jakarta dengan Tema Arsitektur Biophilic
Tiani, Depa
Jurnal Arsitektur Wastu Padma Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Juni
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik - Universitas Bung Karno
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DOI: 10.62024/jawp.v1i1.5
This article aims to examine the approach to the design form of a hospital specifically for senior citizens with a Biophilic Architecture approach. Elderly hospitals are based on specific care service needs for senior citizens who require special treatment both psychologically and medically. The Biophilic Architecture design approach was chosen for design oriented towards creating a close relationship between humans as users and their natural environment. Discussion in the design preparation process is based on a descriptive qualitative approach with survey techniques and literature studies. From the results of the discussion, it can be stated that the process of medical treatment for treatment and recovery is the main activity realized in the treatment room, inpatient room and interaction room. The design concept leads to healing environment conditions in the form of a feeling of relaxation, human and comfortable relationships with open spaces in voids, openings, and the unity of supporting spaces in the form of parks integrated in buildings.
Perancangan Gedung Mixed Use dengan Pola Co-Living Space dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Biophilic
Kristianawati, Kristianawati
Jurnal Arsitektur Wastu Padma Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Juni
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik - Universitas Bung Karno
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DOI: 10.62024/jawp.v1i1.6
In a big city like Jakarta, integration between residence and workplace is an important need for workers. The concept of 'Co-Living Space', which brings together living quarters with ease of accessibility, is emerging as an innovative solution in urban housing development. This concept not only provides accommodation but also creates a natural atmosphere that improves the quality of life in the city. This article discusses the design of an apartment based on the concept of 'Co-Living Space' in the Golden Triangle area of Setiabudi, focusing on the Biophilic architectural approach. Two main questions are presented: (1) How do I integrate the two functions? and (2) How is it implemented in the context of Biophilic architecture? The results of the discussion show that the design of 'sharing space' is effective for integrating living and working functions. In addition, the harmonious design with the surrounding environment and the adoption of Nusantara architecture confirm the application of the Biophilic concept in this research project.
Sense of Place pada Kawasan Masjid Tua di Pekojan Jakarta untuk Landasan Revitalisasi Kawasan
Prasetyo, Sugeng Eko;
Sahono, Sisil Friedlyka Amanda Puspitasari;
Purba, Yehezkiel Leonard;
Halawa, Yostan Putra
Jurnal Arsitektur Wastu Padma Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Desember
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik - Universitas Bung Karno
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DOI: 10.62024/jawp.v1i2.8
The Pekojan area is a residence that has historic old mosques in Jakarta which are still used by the community every day. This condition causes this environment to actually have the potential to become a religious tourism area and an object that forms the character of a leading historical city area in Jakarta. This research focuses on the area's sense of place as an important element in carrying out revitalization to improve the character and quality of the area. The method used is a qualitative method with data collection techniques in the form of observations and interviews. The results of the research show that in order to strengthen the character and sense of place of the area, it is necessary to: (1) Strengthen urban design elements to support increasing the area's sense of place such as signage, construction of pedestrian paths, availability of parking and good environmental circulation, (2) Participation-based programs community to act as a form of informal supporting activity such as managing mosques, social and economic activities that support tourism activities.
Sense of Place pada Kampung Sunda Sindang Barang sebagai Daya Tarik Obyek Wisata
Aileendra, Nurul Rahma Rasendriya Dwi;
Nomleni, Defrianto Mandala;
Lestari, Helma Julia;
Purba, Leonardo Fransisco
Jurnal Arsitektur Wastu Padma Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Desember
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik - Universitas Bung Karno
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DOI: 10.62024/jawp.v1i2.9
Sindang Barang Bogor Cultural Village is a tourist attraction that highlights local cultural values and environmental potential. From architectural studies, the existence of this tourist attraction makes sense of place a superior strength. This research is intended to test the sustainability of this potential from SWOT analysis as a strategy for increasing the value of tourist attractions and further development. The research method used is qualitative to explore the elements of sense of place that exist in the area by referring to the existing theoretical framework. From the research results it is known that the design of sense of place was carried out in three ways, namely, transforming the shape of the Sundanese village in building mass concept, creating a space experience by making it a place to stay or stay, including placement between open spaces, shared spaces and residential spaces as activity spaces or accommodating traditional activities, and creating social interactions with the surrounding environment through visits and presence. field space as a socio-cultural space.
Perancangan Hotel Resort di Pantai Nusa Dua Selatan Bali dengan Tema Arsitektur Neo Vernakular
Tampubolon, Francdy Santo
Jurnal Arsitektur Wastu Padma Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Desember
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik - Universitas Bung Karno
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DOI: 10.62024/jawp.v1i2.10
This research project focuses on the design of a Resort Hotel located on South Nusa Dua Beach, Bali. The main objective is to provide comfortable accommodation facilities for tourists, by making maximum use of the potential of the surrounding nature. In the design process, the theme Neo Vernacular Architecture was chosen. The choice of theme was based on the desire to highlight local Balinese architectural elements, which are oriented towards the utilization and preservation of the wealth of Bali's local environment. The main obstacle in this design is how to integrate the natural beauty of the beach with the needs of an effective and attractive tourist space for visitors. In addition, is the application of the Neo Vernacular theme which is packaged creatively in the architectural design of the hotel. In the discussion, it was found that the design solution lies in the arrangement of hotel rooms tailored to the specific functions of the resort, local characteristics, and the use of traditional Balinese layouts. Another discussion is that the shape of the roof of the building is designed following the example of local traditional housing to give an authentic touch.
Shelter Hewan Natha Nusantara di Jakarta Timur
Citra, Arizka Yulia;
Schiffer, Lia Rosmala
Jurnal Arsitektur Wastu Padma Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Desember
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik - Universitas Bung Karno
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DOI: 10.62024/jawp.v1i2.11
Indonesia is one of the countries that downloads the most animal violence content and has more than 100 cases per year. In 2015, the animal welfare organization Natha Satwa Nusantara recorded 103 cases of violence against animals and this will continue to increase every year. Natha Satwa Nusantara as an animal welfare organization has built a shelter for abandoned animals and animals that need help. The shelter was built in Parung, Bogor with a capacity of 100 dogs and 200 cats, however, various problems have occurred in the surrounding environment. The 5 welfare principles put forward by the AVMA have been agreed upon and approved by all animal welfare organizations in the world. The point of freedom from fear and suffering has become a public issue that is highly highlighted by the eyes of the world. An animal shelter is a place or container or protection for abandoned animals. By providing protection for animals, it is hoped that this shelter can minimize fear and suffering. According to analysis and research, a suitable architectural concept is the concept of tropical industrial architecture.