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East Asian Review
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East Asian Review is a scientific journal platform publishing articles on East Asian studies with a current focus on Japan and South Korea. East Asian Review publishes articles discussing linguistics, literature, culture, and history. Contributors are encouraged to submit either empirical, methodological, theoretical, or conceptual articles on East Asia from an interdisciplinary perspective. Contributors can also focus on individual country analyses (Japan or South Korea) or comparative case studies involving Japan and/or South Korea.
Articles 10 Documents
Pandangan Dunia Yi Munyol dalam Novel Our Twisted Hero Mar’ah Mukhbita Elkhoiriyah
East Asian Review Vol 1 No 1 (2023): First Half-Year
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/ear.v1(1).28-47


This study aims to find the author's worldview on the novel, Our Twisted Hero. The worldview is examined using Lucien Goldmann's genetic structuralism theory which views a literary work from the structure that builds it. The structure is in the form of homology between the structure of the novel and the social structure in society. According to Goldmann, the structure of the novel is centered on the relationship between characters and between characters with objects. The author's social group is also a material consideration behind the formation of his worldview. The result of this research shows the author's view toward struggle for democracy in South Korea in the 1980s including the attitude of the people involved. Through the conflict between the problematic hero Han Byeongtae and Eom Seokdae, his classmate, and homeroom teacher, this research reveals the view of the author who thinks that the lack of concern for some people towards the struggle for democracy actually helps authoritarian governments strengthen their power. However, the author's main goal is not to judge the right or wrong of it but to reveal the hard reality that actually happened back then through Yi Munyol's point of view as the author of the novel.
Representasi Han dalam Drama Mystic Pop-Up Bar Sindy Novi Nurjanah; Hwang Who Young
East Asian Review Vol 1 No 1 (2023): First Half-Year
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/ear.v1(1).48-62


Han (한恨) is a complicated Korean sociocultural concept which related to unresolved resentment, pain, grief, and anger. This han concept is often used in Korean cultural productions, for instance JTBC Korean drama, “Ssanggappocha (쌍갑포차), Mystic Pop-up Bar (MPUB)”. It tells about the characters’ han stories along with the process of how they resolve it. Therefore, this research used MPUB drama as research object to see the representation and finding the types of han. The theory used in this research is Andrew Sung Park’s theory (1993) about the structure of han. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method to analyze the data which is the dialogues of related scenes. The result of this research is out of nine forms of han according to Park, there are five forms of han discovered in the drama. Those forms are: (1) the han of individual: conscious-passive; (2) the han of individual: unconscious-active; (3) the han of individual: unconscious-passive; (4) the han of group: unconscious-passive; and (5) the han of nature. Generally, the dominant form found in the drama is han of individual expressed in passive way since the characters showed their process of accepting the han rather than being aggressive toward it.
Antara Ie dan Dadia: Perbandingan Nilai Budaya dalam Upacara Soushiki pada Masyarakat Jepang dan Upacara Ngaben pada Masyarakat Bali Putu Krisna Ariani; Robi Wibowo
East Asian Review Vol 1 No 1 (2023): First Half-Year
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/ear.v1(1).1-16


Penelitian ini membahas mengenai perbandingan pada upacara kematian soushiki yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Jepang dan upacara ngaben yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Hindu Bali. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui rangkaian prosesi serta menjabarkan perbedaan dan persamaan dari kedua upacara tersebut, dilihat dari nilai budaya yang terkandung di dalamnya, yakni ie dan dadia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan data yang diperoleh dari buku, jurnal, serta data kepustakaan yang menunjang penelitian. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa upacara soushiki dan upacara ngaben masing-masing memiliki tiga rangkaian prosesi utama, meliputi persiapan upacara, pelaksanaan upacara, dan kegiatan setelah upacara. Selain itu, upacara soushiki dan ngaben memiliki persamaan dan perbedaan yang dapat dilihat dari rangkaian prosesi serta sistem kekerabatan ie dan dadia yang melandasi berlangsungnya upacara soushiki dan ngaben. Pada intinya, peneliti menemukan tiga poin utama dalam perbandingan nilai budaya pada upacara soushiki dan ngaben. Pertama, pelaksanaan upacara soushiki dan ngaben memiliki kaitan yang erat dengan kepercayaan, yaitu Buddha pada upacara soushiki dan Hindu pada upacara ngaben. Kedua, pelaksanaan soushiki dan ngaben sebagai upacara kematian memiliki fungsi yang serupa, yakni mengembalikan arwah ke tempat asalnya. Ketiga, pelaksanaan upacara soushiki dan ngaben dilandasi oleh ie dan dadia sebagai suatu konsep yang menyangkut hubungan kekerabatan pada masyarakat, khususnya masyarakat Jepang dan Bali.
Fokalisasi dalam Cerpen Unsu Joeun Nal karya Hyeon Jin Geon Humaira Achirul Fitri
East Asian Review Vol 1 No 1 (2023): First Half-Year
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/ear.v1(1).63-81


This study discusses the form of focalization used in the short story titled Unsu Joeun Nal written by Hyeon Jin Geon. This study aims to identify and analyze the form of focalization used in the short story Unsu Joeun Nal. The data for this study are parts of the text in the short story Unsu Joeun Nal which are considered to show the form of focalization. To achieve the research objectives, this research utilizes Genette (1980) focalization theory as an approach to conduct the research. The analysis results of the focalization forms in the short story Unsu Joeun Nal resulted in the finding that Unsu Joeun Nal showed characteristics of zero focalization and internal focalization form, while the characteristics of external focalization form could not be found. The result also show that the utilization of zero focalization form is more dominant in the storytelling of the short story Unsu Joeun Nal. This is shown through the presence of the narrator who shows all the narrator's characteristics in the form of zero focalization. The utilization of zero focalization has a role in making the reader understand the story conveyed through the various elements in it.
Analisis Pragmatik Adverbia Kekkou dan Verba Sumimasen Bahasa Jepang Yayan Suyana
East Asian Review Vol 1 No 1 (2023): First Half-Year
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/ear.v1(1).17-27


Bahasa Jepang dikenal sebagai bahasa yang memiliki keambiguitasan, baik dalam tataran fonetik, leksikal maupun gramatikal. Diperlukan cara untuk memahami makna apa yang dikandung oleh sebuah ungkapan dalam bahasa Jepang. Sehingga pemahaman tentang konteks atau situasi tutur secara keseluruhan sangat diperlukan. Dalam penelitian ini penulis mengangkat ambiguitas pada tataran leksikal, berupa pemakaian adverbia kekkou dan verba sumimasen bahasa Jepang. Kedua leksikal ini apabila berdiri sendiri memiliki berbagai makna. Melalui pendekatan pragmatik berupa telaah dalam berbagai situasi tutur, akan dicari kategori pragmatik dan makna pragmatik dari adverbia kekkou dan verba sumimasen. Setelah diadakan analisis pada 15 situasi tutur yang mengandung adverbia kekkou dan 15 situasi tutur yang mengandung verba sumimasen, didapatkan kategori makna pragmatik adverbia kekkou bahasa Jepang adalah ilokusi asertif, sedangkan kategori makna pragmatik verba sumimasen adalah ilokusi asertif, ekspresif dan direktif. Adapun makna pragmatik adverbia kekkou menunjukkan persetujuan, penolakan, menyatakan pilihan, dan menyatakan kesanggupan. Sedangkan makna yang dikandung dalam kategori ilokusi asertif verba sumimasen menunjukkan penolakan dan memastikan. Kategori ilokusi ekspresif menyatakan penyesalan dan terimakasih, serta kategori ilokusi direktif menyatakan permintaan tolong dan sapaan untuk menghentikan lawan tutur.
Behavioral Political Economy Analysis of Legal and Illegal K-Beauty and K-Health Products on Indonesian Women: Study Case of Post-COVID-19 Pandemic Darynaufal Mulyaman; Achmad Ismail
East Asian Review Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Second Half-Year
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/ear.9126


As the K-Pop phenomenon in the world increases, there is increasing concern about physical appearance, especially oriental appearance. The phenomenon can be seen in the phenomenon of people who buy Korean cosmetics or even plastic surgery to have similarities with Korean pop stars. No exception in Indonesia, the phenomenon is also present in the community, especially among women. However, data on the behavior of Indonesian women to have similar oriental features such as Korean pop stars, especially post-pandemic, are not yet comprehensively available. Therefore, this study aims to find out how is the behavior of Indonesians, especially women, who purchase K-beauty and K-health products, legal and illegal, to improve their appearance to embrace the K-Pop beauty standard and its implications for Indonesia's political economy. This study considers that this research needs to be done to explore the behavioral political economy analysis of females from Indonesia who are looking for K-Beauty and K-Health products, legal and illegal, to improve their appearance, for a more collaborative understanding of the policy-making and education process of the public in the field of public health policy related to aesthetic beauty care or medical education for women, nationally and regionally, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Shuudanshugi: Pembingkaian oleh Media Jepang dalam Pemberitaan Kondisi 10 Tahun Pasca Bencana Nuklir Fukushima Daiichi Muhammad Umar; Anisa Ledy Umoro
East Asian Review Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Second Half-Year
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/ear.9440


Happened in 2011, Japanese people will never forget the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster as one of the saddest memories. More than ten years passed, and now Fukushima is starting to “move.” As it aims to understand the pattern of how the media frames this news topic, this research explores how Japanese media frames the topic of how Fukushima is “moving” after ten years have passed since the disaster. To achieve its aim, this research employs thematic analysis of the news data that were gathered from YouTube. Through the analysis, how the Japanese media framed the news was thick with elements of collectivism, as it is seen that the media frames the city-society as a unity and has a strong correlation even to the socio-cultural level. Elaborated with Nakane’s (1989) frame and attribute, it can be seen that the media framed the city as a spatial communal frame that binds society as a single commune entity. This finding shows the media frames the city and society as one “group.” In conclusion, the framing carried out by the Japanese media was nuanced with the concept of shuudanshugi or “group-oriented.”
Pelanggaran Prinsip Kerja Sama dalam Drama “Sweet Home” (스위트홈) Andriana Dwi Puspita; Hwang Who Young
East Asian Review Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Second Half-Year
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/ear.9694


This article examines the forms of violation of Grice's maxim of cooperation principles carried out by the characters in the drama Sweet Home (SH) and their relationship with achieving communication goals. This research uses a descriptive-qualitative method referring to Grice's theory of Cooperation Principles (CP) (1975). Research data was obtained using the method of listening without being involved and taking notes. Based on the research results, four forms of single PKS violations were found in SH: the maxims of quantity, quality, relevance, and manner. Apart from these violations, double maxim violations were also found, namely violations of the maxim of relevance and the maxim of manner. The causes of CP violations occur due to the following factors: (1) in the maxim of quantity, the speaker provides excessive information; (2) in the maxim of quality, the speaker conveys incorrect information and uses similes and figures of speech; (3) in the maxim of relevance, the speaker gives information that is implicit and unrelated to the topic of conversation; (4) in the maxim of manner, the speaker sends an ambiguous message, not straightforward and long-winded. This research shows that most conversations that violate the maxim of relevance, the maxim of quality, and the maxim of manner fail to achieve communication goals because the recipient of the message does not understand the message. on the contrary, failure of communication objectives does not occur in a maxim of quantity but only causes ineffectiveness in delivering the message.
Pariwisata Berbasis Komunitas: Menciptakan Nilai Baru pada Lanskap Budaya dengan Kebangkitan Pariwisata Lokal Melalui Toko Buku Independen di Korea Nining Setyaningsih; Eva Latifah
East Asian Review Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Second Half-Year
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/ear.9708


This research explores the phenomenon of community-based content tourism in Korea as a manifestation of localism, cultural innovation and social activism. Focusing on citizen cultural space tourism on Jeju Island, this study provides an examination of how independent bookstores driven by Jeju Island locals have become innovative catalysts for promoting unique cultural experiences and fostering a sense of community engagement in the tourism ecosystem. The study highlights the role of independent bookstores in revitalizing local culture, promoting reading, and attracting tourists. By analyzing the cases, this study highlights the potential of independent bookstores as agents of cultural landscape transformation and form. Furthermore, this research is expected to contribute to providing new knowledge on ways to increase tourism attraction in a region.
Kritik Sosial Natsume Soseki dalam Novel Bocchan Deddy Hernandy Oekon
East Asian Review Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Second Half-Year
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/ear.11764


This research aims to reveal Natsume Soseki's attitudes and views in the form of social criticism regarding the phenomenon of social deviation in Japanese society due to the Meiji Restoration (1868-1912) in his novel, Bocchan. Social problems often arise in modern societies, including what happened in Japan during modernization from 1868-1912, called the Meiji Restoration. These social problems include social and cultural dislocation due to the penetration of dominant Western culture and the marginal position of traditional elements, especially in the second decade of the early Meiji era, when Japan aggressively adopted Western culture on a large scale. This social phenomenon can be seen from the decline in Japanese society's appreciation for traditional social and cultural values while simultaneously placing Western culture in a superior position. The theory used in this research is Alan Swingewood's Literary Sociology theory. Through this theory, we will analyze the influence of Natsume Soseki's social background as the author of the novel Bocchan, as well as his ideological tendencies in responding to the symptoms of social deviation in Japanese society (1868-1912), which became the background for the creation of the novel Bocchan. After that, it will be analyzed to what extent the novel Bocchan can reflect social phenomena. The analysis was done by connecting the social aspects of the novel with the historical, social reality that was the background for its creation, namely Japanese society during the Meiji Era (1868-1912). Next, the author will see what social criticism is depicted in the novel. The results of the research show that the novel Bocchan describes Natsume Soseki's social criticism of the phenomenon of socio-cultural dislocation in Japanese society due to Westernization during the Meiji era, as well as the problems of a group of people who persist with old habits in the condition of the Japanese nation which is changing towards a developed and modern country.

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