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Jurnal Kesehatan dr. Soebandi
ISSN : 23027932     EISSN : 25277529     DOI :
Core Subject : Health,
Jurnal Kesehatan dr. Soebandi (JKDS) is a national journal covering scientific studies in various health fields (Nursing, Midwifery, and Pharmacy). Jurnal Kesehatan dr. Soebandi is a scientific journal as a forum for academics and practitioners to present quantitative and qualitative scientific works. JKDS published by LPPM Universitas dr. Soebandi Jember. This journal was first published in October 2012 with two times publications in one year (April and October). Editors receive empirical research articles and studies in Nursing, Midwifery, and Pharmacy. It is hoped that the consistency and quality of scientific work can improve the quality of education in the future. The purpose of Jurnal Kesehatan dr. Soebandi: Supporting the Development and Improvement of Health Degrees in theory and practice in Indonesia with integrated and critical research results. Articles submitted by the authors have not been published elsewhere (except in abstract form or as part of a published lecture, review, or thesis). They are not currently considered for publication elsewhere. The Focus of Jurnal Kesehatan dr Soebandi is in the field Nursing, Midwifery, and Pharmacology Sciences. The Scope of Jurnal Kesehatan dr. Soebandi are : Community Nursing, Community Midwifery and Home Care, Pediatric Nursing, Emergency Nursing, Maternity Nursing and Midwifery, Mental health Nursing, Medical surgery Nursing, Nursing Management and Leadership, Gerontology Nursing, Nursing Pharmacology, Pharmacology
Articles 7 Documents
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Pengaruh Penyuluhan Kesehatan Terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Remaja Tentang Kesehatan Reproduksi Di SMPN 5 Bengkulu pawiliyah
Jurnal Kesehatan dr. Soebandi Vol 7 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Kesehatan dr. Soebandi Vol. 7, No. 2
Publisher : LPPM Universitas dr. Soebandi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36858/jkds.v7i2.114


Health reproduce is a complete physical, mental and social well-being and not only has no disease or weakness in everything related to the reproductive system and its function and processes. The purpose of this study was is to the effect of counseling on the level of adolescent knowledge about reproductive health in Junior High School 5 in Bengkulu. The study used pre-experimental with a one group pretest posttes design. Population in this study were students in class VIII C and D as many as 60 people. Sampling technique was Total Sampling. The data collection technique used in this study was to fill reproductive health questionnaire. Data analysis techniques were performed by univariate and bivariate analysis by Paired Sample T-Test. The results of the study obtained a significance (sig) 0,000 (p<0,05). There was a significant influence on the level of adolescent knowledge about reproductive health in SMPN 5 Bengkulu. It was expected Junior High School 5 in Bengkulu can work together with health centers so that the level of knowledge of adolescent on reproductive health can be better
Hubungan Obesitas dengan Kejadian Asma Erika Maftuhatul
Jurnal Kesehatan dr. Soebandi Vol 7 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Kesehatan dr. Soebandi Vol. 7, No. 2
Publisher : LPPM Universitas dr. Soebandi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36858/jkds.v7i2.115


Obesity and Asthma are chronic diseases whose increased. The factore are explain the relationship between Obesity and Asthma which decrease pulmonary complications system, pulmonary volume and breath perfusion diameter. Adipocyte tissue in Obesity sufferers causes increased production of cells and inflamation mediators which is occurace of Asthma. Purpose: This research for knows the relationship between Obesity and Asthma in Lung Poly Rs Graha Sehat Kraksaan Probolinggo. Method: This research used quantitative with research method “Cross Sectional” (relationship / association), this research sampel amounted to 83 respondents. The results showed that P = 0,000 <0,005 with a correlation (r = - 389) which mean that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Conclusion: There is a relationship The “r” value was interpreted have a strong relationship, its mean the heary the risk category, Obes I, Obes II would be more affected by respiratory system diseases such as asthma, The risk results were 15 people (18.1%) with a well-controlled asthma level category as many as 12 people (9.96%), Obesity I as many as 49 people (59.0%) with category of uncontrolled Asthma as many as 36 people (29.88%) and Obesity II as many as 19 people (22.9%) with the category Asthma uncontrolled 17 people (14.11%)
Pemberdayaan Ibu Primigravida Melalui Upaya Promosi Kesehatan Untuk Deteksi Dini Pra Eklamsi Dalam Mengurangi Angka Kematian Ibu Trisna Vitaliati
Jurnal Kesehatan dr. Soebandi Vol 7 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Kesehatan dr. Soebandi Vol. 7, No. 2
Publisher : LPPM Universitas dr. Soebandi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36858/jkds.v7i2.116


Early detection related to classification or activities to obtain information about pregnant women is very helpful in preparing for the control of the risk of pregnancy complications. Although the occurrence of preeclampsia cannot be completely prevented, its frequency can be reduced by making early detection. Non-compliance of pregnant women in antenatal care can cause various pregnancy complications not to be known so that they are not immediately addressed, so a health promotion strategy is needed with community empowerment efforts in this case is primigravida mothers. This allows the community and health workers to take adequate care and succeed in reducing maternal mortality.This study aims to analyze the empowerment of primigravida mothers for early detection of preeclampsia in Jember Regency. The research method used was Quasi Experimental Design with Pre-Post Test Control Group Design. The sample in this study was taken probability / random by cluster random sampling technique. The analysis is done univariately and bivariately.The results showed the average score of behavior change in the intervention group and the control group. In the Mann Whitney test results obtained p-value <0.05 so it can be concluded that the empowerment of primigravida mother programs significantly influence behavioral changes in early detection of preeclampsia. Primigravida mother empowerment program is effective in increasing pre-eclampsia early detection behavior so that this program is suggested to be applied to pregnant women as part of maternal and child health programs.
Efektifitas Terapi Slow Deep Breathing Terhadap Tingkat Keparahan Asma di Ruang Mawar RSUD. Dr. R. Koesma Tuban KUSNO FERIANTO
Jurnal Kesehatan dr. Soebandi Vol 7 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Kesehatan dr. Soebandi Vol. 7, No. 2
Publisher : LPPM Universitas dr. Soebandi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36858/jkds.v7i2.144


Bronchial asthma is a disorder in the form of chronic respiratory inflammation that causes bronchial hyperactivity to various stimuli. Prevalence data based on medical records at RSUD dr. R. Koesma Tuban the number of asthma patients throughout 2018/2019 reached 131 asthma patients. Efforts made in the severity of asthma in addition to controlling the triggering factor is by administering slow deep breathing as an additional therapy for asthma by using a peak flow meter. The purpose of this study is to reduce the severity of asthma in patients with persistent severe bronchial asthma in the Rose Room of RSUD Dr. R Koesma Tuban. This type of research is Quasy Experimental with a pretest-posttest with control group design. Samples were taken using systematic random sampling with a total of 28 respondents including 14 respondents in the experimental group and 14 respondents in the control group. Data collection is done by using observation sheets. Analysis of research data using the Mann Whitney Test. Mann Whitney Test Results obtained Asymp results. Sig. (2-tailed) = 0.002 where 0.002 <0.05 then H1 is accepted H0 is rejected so it can be concluded that there is an effect of slow deep breathing therapy on the severity of asthma in asthma patients. It can be concluded that slow deep breathing therapy has an influence in decreasing the severity of asthma in asthma patients. Thus slow deep breathing therapy can be used as an effective adjunct therapy to reduce the severity of asthma in addition to pharmacological therapy.
Hubungan Sikap Ibu Dengan Status Gizi Pada Balita Di Desa Kemuning Lor, Arjasa, Jember Eka Afdi Septiyono; Lantin Sulistyorini; Faridha Nur Qomariah; Intan Dwi Arini
Jurnal Kesehatan dr. Soebandi Vol 7 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Kesehatan dr. Soebandi Vol. 7, No. 2
Publisher : LPPM Universitas dr. Soebandi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36858/jkds.v7i2.145


Nutrition is the organic substance needed by the body. Nutrition is one of the important factors influencing the growth and development of humans. But right now, undernutrition in Indonesia is being a central problem. Undernutrition is a condition where someone’s nutritional state is lower than standard which is <-3SD weight/age. One of the factors that caused undernutrition in a toddler is the mother’s attitude. The purpose of this study was to analyze the correlation between mother’s attitude and nutritional status in toddlers in Kemuning Lor Village, Arjasa District, Jember Regency. The type of this research was descriptive-analytic using a cross-sectional approach. The sample of this research is 156 respondents taken using a purposive sampling technique. Data analyzed with Chi-Square Test. The result of this research showed that most of the mother’s attitude was (53,6%) sufficiently and most of the nutritional status in a toddler was (80,8%) normal. The data analytical by Chi-Square Test (CI = 95%) and result showed p-value 0,003 (p-value > α = 0,05). In conclusion, there was a correlation mother’s attitude and nutritional status in toddlers in Kemuning Lor Village, Arjasa District, Jember Regency. A good mother’s attitude can impact the mother’s effort in increasing the intake of nutrition so that it can improve the nutritional status of the toddler.sta
Perubahan Kadar Hemoglobin Pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III Dan Sesudah Inpartu 2 Jam Post Partum Kiswati
Jurnal Kesehatan dr. Soebandi Vol 7 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Kesehatan dr. Soebandi Vol. 7, No. 2
Publisher : LPPM Universitas dr. Soebandi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36858/jkds.v7i2.147


The incidence of anemia in Jember in 2012 reached 40%. Incidence of anemia in pregnant women will increase the risk of maternal death than women who are not anemic, therefore the need for monitoring of hemoglobin levels in early pregnancy to childbirth .This study aims to determine the changes in hemoglobin levels in pregnant women after the third trimester inpartu. Design used in this study using two sample paired comparisons, the data is interval with a descriptive approach. Samples in this study were 30 samples using random sampling techniques. Results of processing of the data showed a hemoglobin level of pregnant women before the third trimester inpartu average of 11.1867% and after inpartu average of 9.1567%, found the average yield of 2.03%. After analyzing the data using two independent samples t test where t count> t table (26.663> 2.000). Ho denied means there is a change in hemoglobin levels in pregnant third trimester and after inpartu. The change of decrease in hemoglobin levels is recommended to overcome early anemia or prior to pregnancy by consuming iron tablets during pregnancy and maternal diet should be well-balanced nutrition is such a material containing iron from animal food (meat, fish, chicken, eggs, liver) and vegetable material (dark green vegetables, beans, tempe) and consuming vegetables (katuk leaves, cassava leaves and spinach) and fruits like tomatoes, oranges and pineapples are very useful to enhance iron absorption in the intestine and pregnant women should hemoglobin levels checked at least once in the third trimester.
Deskripsi Faktor Resiko Diabetus Mellitus Gestasional Di Poli Kandungan RSD Kalisat Jember Aulia Rahmwati
Jurnal Kesehatan dr. Soebandi Vol 7 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Kesehatan dr. Soebandi Vol. 7, No. 2
Publisher : LPPM Universitas dr. Soebandi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36858/jkds.v7i2.149


Gestational diabetes mellitus is a complication in pregnancy that is still rarely noticed by many. Kalisat hospital is a referral hospital in jember. The factors that influence the occurrence of gestational diabetes mellitus include age, body mass index, a history of diabetes mellitus in the family, a history of having given birth to a baby macrosomia. This study aims to describe the risk factors for gestational diabetes mellitus. The research method used is descriptive by using a cross sectional approach and the sampling technique uses simple random sampling with data management taking primary data using a checklist that has been made by the researcher. The results of the data collection were age <35 years (67.4%), BMI> 25 (70.4%), no history of gestational diabetes mellitus (90.1%), no history of ever having a macrosomic baby (95.2 %) as a risk factor for gestational diabetes mellitus. So as a pregnant woman, you need to know about the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus and the need for an examination of cadargula in pregnant women.

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