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J-CEKI : Jurnal Cendekia Ilmiah diterbitkan oleh CV. ULIL ALBAB CORP. J-CEKI terbit 6 kali dalam setahun atau tiap 2 bulan sekali. J-CEKI menerbitkan artikel bidang Humaniora dan Ilmu Sosial. Humaniora: Bahasa dan Linguistik, Sejarah, Sastra, Seni Pertunjukan, Filsafat, Agama, Seni Rupa. Ilmu Sosial: Ekonomi, Antropologi, Sosiologi, Psikologi, Geografi, Studi Budaya dan Etika, Studi Gender dan Seksualitas, Studi Area, Arkeologi, dan bidang terkait lainnya.
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 2 No. 3: April 2023" : 5 Documents clear
The Role of E-Trust and E-Service Quality in Building E-Loyalty and E-Satisfaction Lena Ellitan; Ani Suhartatik
J-CEKI : Jurnal Cendekia Ilmiah Vol. 2 No. 3: April 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56799/jceki.v2i3.834


The development of the internet in the modern era has an impact on changing people's lifestyles, including in terms of shopping, namely online shops. With the presence of this online shop, people originally preferred to shop directly facing the seller and see the goods they wanted to buy, now people are starting to switch to using online shopping facilities so that with internet-based technology, buyers and sellers do not need to meet face to face in carrying out the transaction process. The presence of e-commerce people easily promote their products through social media, but there is a drawback to this online shopping activity, where sellers and buyers do not meet in person, so trust is very important in determining whether or not transactions occur. In talking about marketplaces and e-commerce, the main thing that must be considered is e-trust. This is because there is no direct interaction between sellers and prospective buyers when shopping online on a marketplace and e-commerce sites. In connection with improving services by internet networks, the development of e-service quality was carried out. E-service qualiy is the development of the capabilities of a site in order to realize the effectiveness and efficiency of shopping, purchasing and product distribution facilities. Satisfaction with good service quality will be achieved if the reality is in accordance with consumer expectations. E-satisfaction is an assessment of the good and bad of the seller's service in meeting consumer expectations, which is carried out after the use of the product. Buyback of a product often occurs in consumers who assess the online shop site positively, conversely, if the assessment is lacking, the possibility of consumers changing brands is even greater. In online maintenance, consumers today really see all aspects related to products and services so that they don't just buy. The higher the level of satisfaction on an e-commerce site, the higher the loyalty that occurs. E-trust and e-service quality are the main keys in building e-satisfation and e-loyalty
Identifikasi Miskonsepsi Tanaman Rimpang pada Siswa Kelas XI di MA Sabilul Ulum Mayong Haqimatul Lubab; Febrianti Febrianti; Nafisa Alvy Siswanto; Rizky Galuh Octaviani
J-CEKI : Jurnal Cendekia Ilmiah Vol. 2 No. 3: April 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56799/jceki.v2i3.1550


Penelitian ini adalah penelitian diskriptif yang bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat miskonsepsi tanaman rimpang pada remaja. Sampel penelitian ini yaitu siswa kelas XI MIPA 2 sebanyak 30 orang. Instrumen pada penelitian ini adalah three-tier test terdiri dari tiga tingkatan yaitu soal dengan tiga jawaban pengecoh, tingkat keyakinan jawaban dan alasan jawaban. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa pengisian kuesioner dan tes diagnostic, kemudian data di analisis menggunakan CRI (Certainty of Response Index). Hasil Penelitian di ketahui 46, 3% siswa mengalami miskonsepsi dan 27, 3% paham pada konsep. Miskonsepsi terhadap tumbuhan rimpang yang terjadi pada siswa dikategorikan tinggi. Implikasi penelitian ini, pendidik dapat menganalisis miskonsepsi yang dialami oleh siswa, dan menggunakan metode pembelajaran yang cocok supaya miskonsepsi tersebut tidak terulang kembali.
Modal Sosial Antara Warga Asrama Polisi J.Kalimbo Kabupaten Soppeng Dengan Masyarakat Sekitar Abdul Rahman
J-CEKI : Jurnal Cendekia Ilmiah Vol. 2 No. 3: April 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56799/jceki.v2i3.1555


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui modal sosial yang ada di kalangan komunitas Asrama Polisi J.Kalimbo. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, dengan pendekatan fenemonologi dan interksi simbolik dan penentuan informan dilakukan perposiv sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (i) masyarakat sekitar asrama peneliti bisa menyimpulkan bahwa kesemua informan intinya mengatakan hal yang sama kalau mereka membatasi diri mereka terhadap aktivitas di dalam lingkungan asrama itu semua karena dilatarbelakangi oleh modal sosial yang dimiliki oleh warga asrama polisi yaitu pangkat dan jabatannya, (ii) modal sosial yamg mengikat dalam diri setiap warga asrama polisi itu adalah sebuah kewajiban yang harus dipatuhi oleh warga asrama polisi. (iii) masyarakat sekitar selalu berupaya membangun sebuah komunikasi dengan warga asrama begitupun kalau ada kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh warga asrama akan tetapi, batasan itu masih tetap ada dalam proses interaksi sehari-hari.
Evaluasi Tingkat Kepuasan Pasien Terhadap Pelayanan Kefarmasian di Instalasi Farmasi UPT Puskesmas Muliorejo Sunggal Mayang Sari; Tumpak Sitorus
J-CEKI : Jurnal Cendekia Ilmiah Vol. 2 No. 3: April 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56799/jceki.v2i3.1601


Apotek di Puskesmassebagai sarana pelayanan kefarmasian yang sangat dibutuhkan masyarakat untuk memperoleh obat. orientasi pelayanan apotek telah bergeser dari drug oriented menjadi patient oriented yang berasaskan pada pharmacytical care dengan tujuan membantu pasien mendapatkan dan menggunakan obat secara akurat dan tepat. Tujuan dari penelitian untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pasien terhadap pelayanan kefarmasian di Instalasi Farmasi Puskesmas Muliorejo Sunggal. Jenis penelitian digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif yang menggambarkan tingkat kepuasan pasien terhadap pelayanan kefarmasian. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua pasien dan keluarga pasien yang berkunjung ke Puskesmas Muliorejo Sunggal dan mendapatkan resep dokter serta mengambil obat di apotek Puskesmas Muliorejo. Teknik pengambilan sampling dengan purposive sampling yaitu 91 orang. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner, dan secara deskriptif. Tingkat kepuasan pasien terhadap pelayanan kefarmasian menunjukan bahwa presepsi tingkat kepuasan terbesar pada dimensi empati 80,66%, dimensi jaminan 78,61% pada dimensi ketanggapan 75,44%, dimensi kehandalan 75,22 dan dimensi bukti fisik 74,89%. Dan presentase rata- rata tingkat kepuasan pasien terhadap pelayanan kefarmasian di Puskesmas Muliorejo Sunggal secara keseluruhan sebesar 76,96% dengan kategori kepuasan adalah baik.
The Role of Internal and External Environment For The Sustainability of MSMEs Vinsensius Widdy Tri Prasetyo; Lena Ellitan
J-CEKI : Jurnal Cendekia Ilmiah Vol. 2 No. 3: April 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56799/jceki.v2i3.1609


The existence of MSMEs has become a support for the recovery of the national economy after Indonesia was hit by a crisis during the pandemic. The role of MSMEs is very large in driving Indonesia's economic activities, both as primary and secondary sources of income. MSMEs in Indonesia have an important contribution as a support for the economy. The main driver of the economy in Indonesia so far has basically been the MSME sector. Apart from playing a role in national economic growth and employment, MSMEs also play a role in the distribution of development results and are a driving force for the growth of national economic activity. The existence of MSMEs is very helpful for people who have no income or who don't have a job (unemployed), where people can open small businesses in their surroundings so that they can earn income, even though this small one is very helpful for their daily needs. To support the survival of SMEs, it is necessary to provide support and facilities for their development, especially among poor families and/or in underdeveloped areas and pockets of poverty. This research is a literature review research that discusses the factors studied in research related to the analysis of the internal and external environment of an industry or business. The object of this research is a research article that identifies internal and external environmental factors in MSMEs/UKM in Indonesia in the year of publication 2016-2023. The process of searching for articles used as literature through the literature review method is a systematic, explicit, reproducible method for identifying, evaluating and synthesizing research works that have been produced by researchers. Every business is always faced with an ever-changing environment. This condition is not possible without an adjustment process to existing internal conditions. The external and internal environment is the key to the survival of MSMEs. This paper discusses the role of the internal and external environment in ensuring the survival of MSMEs.

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