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Muhammad Majdy Amiruddin
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Sipakainge: Inovasi Penelitian, Karya Ilmiah, dan Pengembangan
ISSN : -     EISSN : 30312426     DOI :
Sipakainge: Inovasi Penelitian, Karya Ilmiah, dan Pengembangan merupakan jurnal mahasiswa yang diproduksi oleh Institut Agama Islam Negeri Parepare. Ruang lingkup jurnal ini adalah sains Islam (Islamic Science). Pembahasan mengenai sains Islam bisa meliputi berbagai macam aspek, seperti Pendidikan Islam, Ekonomi Islam, Ilmu hukum Islam, Ushuluddin, adab dan dakwah Islamiyah, Perkembangan sains dan teknologi dalam peradaban Islam, serta Konsep, filsafat, dan metodologi sains yang dapat diimplementasikan ke dalam peradaban Islam.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 5 Documents
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Praktik Jurnalisme Lingkungan dalam Mitigasi Bencana Banjir Bandang di Masamba Kabupaten Luwu Utara Ananda, Wahyu; Suhartina, Suhartina
Sipakainge: Inovasi Penelitian, Karya Ilmiah, dan Pengembangan (Islamic Science) Vol 2 No 3 (2024): Sipakainge Special Issue: Multidisipliner
Publisher : IAIN Parepare

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This research aims to analyze the flood disaster mitigation process in Masamba, South Sulawesi, and evaluate the practice of environmental journalism in reporting on disaster mitigation efforts. The study employs a field research approach with a qualitative method. Data collection involves direct observation, interviews with relevant stakeholders, and content analysis of media coverage of the Masamba flood disaster. Data analysis techniques include data comprehension, data reduction, and conclusion. Findings indicate that the disaster mitigation process in Masamba initially progressed slowly due to the large-scale and recurrent nature of the events. At the same time, environmental journalism practices by mass media outlets still need to incorporate all aspects of environmental issues in their coverage. Additionally, the analysis reveals propaganda techniques utilized by the government to disseminate environmental recovery programs in Masamba. Research recommendations include enhancing government responsiveness in disaster mitigation, improving the integrity of mass media coverage related to environmental issues, and reviewing the government's propaganda techniques.
Pengaruh Financial Management Behavior terhadap Financial Well-Being Penerima Bantuan Program Keluarga Harapan di Kecamatan Paleteang Kabupaten Pinrang Fitriani Hakim; Darmianti Razak
Sipakainge: Inovasi Penelitian, Karya Ilmiah, dan Pengembangan (Islamic Science) Vol 2 No 3 (2024): Sipakainge Special Issue: Multidisipliner
Publisher : IAIN Parepare

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The target beneficiaries of the Family Hope Program (PKH) are impoverished and vulnerable families or individuals. The distribution of assistance under the Family Hope Program in Paleteang District, Pinrang Regency, has not been effective or in accordance with the established guidelines. This study aims to assess the relationship between Financial Management Behavior and the Financial Well-Being of Family Hope Program beneficiaries in Paleteang District, Pinrang Regency, and to examine the impact of Financial Management Behavior on the Financial Well-Being of these beneficiaries in the same area. The research method used is a quantitative approach with an associative approach, employing field research through surveys or questionnaires. The data is analyzed using descriptive analysis, data quality tests, classical assumption tests, correlation tests, hypothesis tests, and simple regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that Financial Management Behavior has a positive and significant relationship with the Financial Well-Being of Family Hope Program beneficiaries in Paleteang District, Pinrang Regency. This is evidenced by a Pearson correlation value of 0.564 with a significance value of 0.000, indicating that the two variables have a moderate, positive, and significant correlation. Furthermore, Financial Management Behavior significantly affects Financial Well-Being, as demonstrated by a t-value greater than the t-table value (6.694 > 1.985) with a significance value of 0.000, which is less than 0.05.
Peningkatan Kemampuan Menendang dan Menahan Bola dengan Model Active Learning Kombinasi Small Sided Game Ihsan, Muhammad; Suhartina, Suhartina
Sipakainge: Inovasi Penelitian, Karya Ilmiah, dan Pengembangan (Islamic Science) Vol 2 No 3 (2024): Sipakainge Special Issue: Multidisipliner
Publisher : IAIN Parepare

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The objectives of this study are to describe 1) the improvement in ball-kicking skills using the active learning model combined with small-sided games in class VII-4 students of SMP 9 Parepare, and 2) the improvement in ball-stopping skills using the same model. The research method used is classroom action research with two cycles. The data collection techniques used are observation and tests. The results showed that 1) the application of the active learning model combined with small-sided games in soccer lessons conducted over two cycles improved the ball-kicking skills of class VII-4 students. This was evident from the increase in the average ball-kicking ability of students from 64.1 initially to 73.7 (in cycle 1), and further increasing to an average of 82.4 in the second cycle, with a KKM achievement rate of 92.5%. 2) The active learning model combined with small-sided games improved the ball-stopping skills of class VII-4 students at SMP 9 Parepare. This was based on the increase in the average student score, which before the intervention was only 64.5, increasing to an average of 73.45 (cycle 1), and further increasing in cycle 2 to an average of 80.86, with a KKM achievement rate of 85.1%. The improvement in students' psychomotor scores was accompanied by improvements in their affective and cognitive scores. In the affective aspect, students became more active in learning, more confident in performing in front of their peers, and more enthusiastic in asking questions.
Sipakainge: Inovasi Penelitian, Karya Ilmiah, dan Pengembangan (Islamic Science) Vol 2 No 3 (2024): Sipakainge Special Issue: Multidisipliner
Publisher : IAIN Parepare

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Communication is aprocess whereby a person or several people, groups, organizations, and society related information in order to connect with the environment and other poeple. Educationis the internalization of values in the process of human development which has implications for the formation of character which leads to human behavior. Building character is an effort to imrpove, foster, and shape character so that later they are born as human beings with good character. Communication is a method in the process of character building, meaning that in building character, effective communication is needed. This paper describe a comparison of the effectiviteness of communication between parents and teachers in building student character, especially for fifth grade students at sdn 11 Parepare.
Efektivitas Suscatin Terhadap Keharmonisan Keluarga Pada Kantor Urusan Agama Kecamatan Tubo Sendana (Studi Kasus Pasangan Di Bawah Umur Tahun 2020-2022) Sunuwati, Sunuwati
Sipakainge: Inovasi Penelitian, Karya Ilmiah, dan Pengembangan (Islamic Science) Vol 2 No 3 (2024): Sipakainge Special Issue: Multidisipliner
Publisher : IAIN Parepare

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This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of premarital courses in promoting family harmony at the Office of Religious Affairs in Tubo Sendana Subdistrict, focusing on underage couples during the period of 2020-2022. The research addresses two primary issues: the implementation of the premarital courses and the factors that support or hinder their execution. A qualitative research method with a field study approach was employed, where primary data were gathered through interviews with the local community and secondary data were collected from various literature sources. The findings indicate that the premarital courses were conducted in accordance with existing regulations; however, several obstacles were identified, including inadequate facilities and negative public perceptions regarding the importance of these courses. Supporting factors included the strategic location of the Office of Religious Affairs and the availability of competent instructors. Based on these findings, the study recommends improving the supporting facilities and intensifying public outreach to enhance understanding of the significance of premarital courses in fostering family harmony.

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