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Journal of Society Innovation and Development (JSID)
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Journal of Society Innovation and Development (JSID) is an all-science, open access journal . Any paper reporting scientifically accurate and valuable research, which adheres to accepted ethical and scientific publishing standards, will be considered for publication. As such, the journal also publishes manuscripts reporting negative/null results, incremental advances, and replication studies. A multidisciplinary journal.
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Data Digitization Strategy through A Google Site-based School Data Collection Site at SMP Negeri 1 Montasik Julian
JOURNAL OF SOCIETY INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Journal of Society Innovation and Development
Publisher : Winaya Inspirasi Nusantara Foundation – WINF

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This research aims to examine data digitalization strategies through the Google Site-based school data collection site at SMP Negeri 1 Montasik. The research method used is descriptive research with a qualitative and quantitative approach (mixed method). Data was collected through questionnaires, interviews, and observations. The research results show that the implementation of a Google Site-based school data collection site at SMP Negeri 1 Montasik has increased data management efficiency, accelerated the data collection and processing process, and increased data accuracy. Benefits include operational efficiency, deeper data analysis, easy access to information, and better decision-making. However, this research also identified several challenges and obstacles faced, including limited staff knowledge and skills, technical and infrastructure constraints, and resistance to change among teachers and administrative staff. Based on the findings of this research, the recommendations given are to improve staff training and education in the use of school data collection sites, improve technological infrastructure, and implement effective communication programs to overcome resistance to change. Apart from that, it is also important to encourage collaboration between teachers and administrative staff, as well as carry out regular evaluation and monitoring of the implementation of the Google Site-based school data collection site. It is hoped that this research can contribute to the development of a data digitization strategy through a Google Site-based school data collection site at SMP Negeri 1 Montasik and provide insight to other schools about the benefits, challenges, and recommendations related to using this strategy.
People's Views on Stereotypes of Pidie and Padang Communities Amar Azizi
JOURNAL OF SOCIETY INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Journal of Society Innovation and Development
Publisher : Winaya Inspirasi Nusantara Foundation – WINF

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This research aims to eliminate excessive negative assessments of a particular group or tribe before knowing and interacting with them directly. This research uses a descriptive-qualitative approach and obtains data by conducting interviews, observation, and documentation. This research uses symbolic interaction theory, which discusses some of the characteristics and processes of stereotype formation and also the factors that influence the existence of stereotypes against the Pidie and Padang communities. The results of this study show that most of the people of Banda Aceh do not judge the attitude of an individual in terms of ethnicity or the tribe where they come from. Instead, they see it directly from the person himself. Then most of them equally disagree or do not take issue with negative stereotypes about people from Pidie and Padang. In fact, they have their own stereotypes aimed at the people of Pidie and Padang, and the stereotypes are mostly positive stereotypes. The stereotypes of the people of Banda Aceh towards people from Pidie and Padang are inseparable from the interactions that occur in Banda Aceh City. In addition, stereotypes are also obtained from social environments such as family or close people. Stereotypes of negative views include people from Pidie and Padang being considered stingy, arrogant, chatty, stubborn, and selfish. However, there are also positive stereotypes, such as that people who come from Pidie and Padang are disciplined, not easily offended, frugal, good at trading, sociable, good at managing finances, persistent, enterprising, assertive, good at culinary, highly social, and have a good work ethic. The factors that influence the stereotypes of the people of Banda Aceh towards people from Pidie and Padang are not something that is brought about by birth but arise because they are learned from the social environment, perceptions, direct interaction, cultural elements, and mass media.
Caregiver's Interpersonal Communication Approach to The Elderly Fatur Rahman
JOURNAL OF SOCIETY INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Journal of Society Innovation and Development
Publisher : Winaya Inspirasi Nusantara Foundation – WINF

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Interpersonal communication is an interaction that occurs individually. Every elderly person living in a nursing home will be served by a caregiver every day. Therefore, it is very necessary for a caregiver to use it because it has an important role in assisting the elderly. This study aims to determine the interpersonal communication between caregivers and the elderly at Maghrifatullah Nursing Home, Deleng Pokhkisen District, Southeast Aceh Regency. The research methods used are observation, interview, and documentation. The subjects in this study were the head of the caregiver service section, the implementation of services, and the elderly. The results of this study indicate that the approach and obstacles to interpersonal communication between caregivers and the elderly consist of two forms, namely verbal communication and nonverbal communication. The process of interpersonal communication between caregivers and the elderly has been well achieved, where the communication approach that occurs is as a medium for storytelling, facial expressions (smiles), giving advice, and making activities or spiritual guidance programs and sports. While the communication barriers between caregivers and the elderly are physical, education, language, and personality.
Scholarship Information Service on UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh Website Muhammad Akbar; Anita; Hanifah
JOURNAL OF SOCIETY INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Journal of Society Innovation and Development
Publisher : Winaya Inspirasi Nusantara Foundation – WINF

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This study aims to determine how information disclosure and scholarship information service updates on the UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh website. The method used in this study is descriptive-qualitative. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and documentation. The object of research is the official website manager of UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, the student and alumni administration and student development section, and some of the students of UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. The results showed that the openness of scholarship information provided by UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh to students is not open because on the scholarship website submenu there is no regular scholarship information update. And the update of scholarship information services on the UIN Ar-Raniry website provided to students on the scholarship submenu website does not have information services as a scholarship information website because information is not updated regularly. This is influenced by the lack of human resources (HR) managing the UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh website.
The Design Motif of Batik Grafika Indonesia (Batik Pusgrafin) in National Batik Diversity Through Application Subject Nirmana Dwimatra-Trimatra Dayu Sri Herti; Dwi Riyono; Eka Triana; Immanuel Ronald David Mongkau
JOURNAL OF SOCIETY INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Journal of Society Innovation and Development
Publisher : Winaya Inspirasi Nusantara Foundation – WINF

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This research is a continuation of the dissertation on 'Transformation of the Indonesian Graphics Center/Pusgrafin in the Renewal of Educational Media in Indonesia, 1969–2008'. As a government institution in the field of graphics, one of its tasks and functions is to develop non-formal education through graphic training throughout Indonesia. This research aims to memorize pusgrafin as a renewal of educational media through the concept of creating pusgrafin batik motifs or Indonesian graphic batik so that it can enrich the diversity of batik motifs in Indonesia. Motifs with the philosophy of graphical batik motifs from local wisdom become one of the national batik diversities and support the program to increase the creative industry in Indonesia, both in books, journals, and scientific studies. The novelty of this research is that the existence of Indonesian graphical batik motifs as the embodiment of pusgrafin as one of the media to display a new identity or characteristics of a product will be able to contribute value to regional socio-economic growth, especially in the tourism and creative industry sectors. The locus at Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif (PoliMedia Kreatif) is one of the vocational education institutions and the only state polytechnic in DKI Jakarta Province. As a revitalization of Pusgrafin, it has a role in developing various superior products, both produced by each study program and through collaboration between study programs. This research uses an art history/historiography research method with a methodology of social science, culture, and creative industry approaches. This research uses the subject matter of Indonesian Batik Grafika motif design in advanced courses: two-dimensional nirmana and three-dimensional nirmana. The results of batik motif design in the future will be applied to fashion products, especially batik clothing and merchandise/gimmicks.

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