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Journal of Society Innovation and Development (JSID)
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Journal of Society Innovation and Development (JSID) is an all-science, open access journal . Any paper reporting scientifically accurate and valuable research, which adheres to accepted ethical and scientific publishing standards, will be considered for publication. As such, the journal also publishes manuscripts reporting negative/null results, incremental advances, and replication studies. A multidisciplinary journal.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 35 Documents
The Correlation of Means and Infrastructure Standards on Student Achievement Ari Fuazi; Jailani; Saifullah
JOURNAL OF SOCIETY INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Vol 1 No 2 (2020): Journal of Society Innovation and Development
Publisher : Winaya Inspirasi Nusantara Foundation – WINF

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A specific educational institution requires the assistance of suitable infrastructure and educational facilities. Because the infrastructure and facilities for good learning will make the process of teaching and learning more successful and effective. However, not all academic institutions have top-notch infrastructure and amenities. A Pesantren with sufficient infrastructure and facilities is Pesantren Sulaimaniyah. Pesantren Nurul Awal, on the other hand, is a Pesantren that lacks the necessary infrastructure and facilities. As a result, this thesis explores the relationship between students' academic success and the quality of facilities and infrastructure. This study intends to provide an answer to the following question: (1) How do amenities and infrastructure affect student achievement? (2) Does the kid perform better academically at Pesantren Sulaimaniyah than at Nurul Awal Pesantren? While
The Effects of Self-Efficacy and Self-Regulated Learning to Academic Achievement Fajar Pandu Nugroho; Syarifudin Tippe; Darma Rika Swaramarinda
JOURNAL OF SOCIETY INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Vol 1 No 2 (2020): Journal of Society Innovation and Development
Publisher : Winaya Inspirasi Nusantara Foundation – WINF

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The purpose of this study was conducted to determine the effect between self-efficacy and self-regulated learning to academic achievement in students of class X SMKS 3 Taman Siswa Central Jakarta. This research was conducted for two months, that is from May to June 2018. The method used in this research is survey method. The population in this study were all students of SMKS 3 Taman Siswa Central Jakarta amounting to 136 students. With reference on the table Isaac and Michael the number of samples in this study as many as 95 respondents. The coefficient of determination t calculation on Self efficacy variables of 2.392 and t count on Self-Regulation in Learning variables of 2.276. Where t table of 1.986, it can be concluded self-efficacy variables and self-regulation in learning has a significant positive effect on academic’s achievement. Because t coount > t table. for Test F, found Fcount equal to 14,809> Ftable equal to 3,10. This means there is a simultaneous influence between Self Efficacy and SelfRegulation variables in Academic Achievement because Fcount> Ftable. Multiple regression equation obtained result Ŷ = 68,043 + 0,4128X1 + 0,052X2. The coefficient value of determination R2 is 0,244. This means selfefficacy variables (X1) and Self-Regulated Learning (X2) on Achievement Learning (Y) as much as 24,4%.
The Influence of The Use of Animation Media on The Results of Students in Kalor Transfer Materials Elma Zurika; Soewarno; Muhammad Daud
JOURNAL OF SOCIETY INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Vol 1 No 2 (2020): Journal of Society Innovation and Development
Publisher : Winaya Inspirasi Nusantara Foundation – WINF

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Student learning outcomes are still low in physics, especially heat transfer material, this is because educators do not use learning media when the teaching and learning process takes place, thus making students feel bored and bored. One solution that can overcome these problems is to use animation media. This study aims to determine the effect of the use of animation media on student learning outcomes. The method used in this study was Quasi Experiment with Pretest-posttest Experimental Control Group Design, which involved the experimental class X IPA1 of 24 students and the control class X IPA2 of 24 students. Data collection was carried out with multiple-choice test questions. The test result data were analyzed using the t-test formula. Based on the results of calculations from statistical tests show that the t-test is table is 14.31> 1.67 for a significant level of 95% or ⍺ = 0.05 so that the hypothesis Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive influence on the use of animation media on learning outcomes of students in class X MAN Darussalam Aceh Besar on the heat transfer material. This can be seen with the learning outcomes of students in the experimental class 82.87.
The Effect of Guided Discovery Models on Students' Understanding of Concepts on Straight Motion Material Nur Aida; Arusman; Siti Mauliyana; Muhammad Daud
JOURNAL OF SOCIETY INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Vol 1 No 2 (2020): Journal of Society Innovation and Development
Publisher : Winaya Inspirasi Nusantara Foundation – WINF

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The selection of the right model will facilitate the process of forming knowledge in students. One model that can be used in the process is the guided discovery model, the purpose of this study is to find several points as follows: the influence of the Guided Discovery model on understanding students 'concepts in straight motion material, the students' responses after their application, the teacher's activities when applying the guided model discovery on straight motion material. The results of the study can be concluded as: 1. Ha is accepted if t-count is greater than t-table. From the above calculation, it is clear that t-count> t-table (11.30> 1,725). This indicates that Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected. Therefore, the influence of the guided discovery model can affect the understanding of the concept of students in SMA N 1 Baitussalam Aceh Besar. 2. The response of students looks very good. 3. That the results of observations of teacher activity in the learning process by using the guided discovery model of understanding the concepts of students get a very active value that is 87.45%. While observations of the activities of educators in the learning process by using the guided discovery model of understanding the concepts of students get a very active value of 83.87%.
Selft-Development Media for Persons with Disabilities in the Digital Age Azhari; Iqbal Maulana
JOURNAL OF SOCIETY INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Journal of Society Innovation and Development
Publisher : Winaya Inspirasi Nusantara Foundation – WINF

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Introduction: This research is a case study that comprehensively analyzes the use of social media as a self-development media with disabilities. Specifically, the benefits of using social media against users with disabilities. In this digital era, it is supposed that digital-based media is used to develop themselves, including those with disabilities. The purpose of this study is to describe the influence of social media use of the self- development of the disabled in Aceh, especially the city of Banda Aceh. Methods: The research is qualitatively based, using in-depth interview methods and Interpersonal communication theory. Results: The results showed that the use of social media has provided greater space and opportunity for people with disabilities to interact and mingle with non-disability persons, increase confidence and optimistic attitude to appear in public as well as in living life, able to seek income, improve the sympathy and awareness of the public to support them, available space and the opportunity to prove self to the community that people with disabilities can also contribute and go public.
The Impacts of Rajab Celebration Culture on Social Communities in Turkey Azhari
JOURNAL OF SOCIETY INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Journal of Society Innovation and Development
Publisher : Winaya Inspirasi Nusantara Foundation – WINF

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Introduction: Etymologically, Rajab derives from a Semitic root that refers to the act of consecration and glorification. The verb tarjīb means to glorify and sanctify someone or something. The first Hadith: “Rajab is the month of Allah, Shac bān is my month and Ramaḍān is my people’s month.but do not ignore the first Friday night in Rajab. Methods: This research is a qualitative type, using methods of interviews, in-depth interviews and observations. Here's the research flow framework, Data was obtained from everyone who participated in the celebration. Results: Based on the data obtained from the community and the observation found that with the celebration of Rajab culture has made a positive influence on the social life of society. Conclusion: Based on the results of the study showed that the culture of Rajab celebration has had positive influences, including the availability of space to socialize and exchange ideas, increase social awareness, become social recreation spaces that eliminate urban stress.
The Flu Film as a Medium for Creative and Innovative Solutions to Directly Inform the Response to the Current Covid-19 Outbreak in Humanitarian Settings Azhari
JOURNAL OF SOCIETY INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Journal of Society Innovation and Development
Publisher : Winaya Inspirasi Nusantara Foundation – WINF

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Purpose: This theoretical article is intended for complex analysis of complicated phenomena and processes of the promotion of creativity and creative changes in the main areas of the contemporary social and economic life. To reduce the spread of the virus around the world is by way of humanitarian arrangements. Films are one of the media capable of influencing human behavior because films are not only entertainment but also mass communication media capable of influencing human emotions. Methods: This research is descriptive qualitative, describes, and analyzes events or a phoneme. Researchers use interaction theory and the theory of stimulus - organism - response (SOR). The data collection techniques of this research were interviews and visual documentation. The informants were those who had watched the film The Flu. Results: Based on the data obtained from the informants and the symbol analysis found that with the film The Flu is able to influence and set human behavior in pandemic conditions, especially in dealing with the Covid-19. Conclusion: Based on the results of the study showed that the film The Flu had as succeeded in increasing the awareness and seriousness of many people in stopping this pandemic, to setting up behavior to be more alert, vigilant, obeying all the gifts from health organizations and the government, one of which is aware of social distancing and physical distancing in daily activities.
Society: Solutions for Building Ethics Communication on Social Media Andhika Tiara
JOURNAL OF SOCIETY INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Journal of Society Innovation and Development
Publisher : Winaya Inspirasi Nusantara Foundation – WINF

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This paper discusses the values of humanism that should be applied in communication ethics in social media. One of the problems in using social media is the erosion of one's humanity. Dehumanization opens the possibility of a greater humanitarian crisis, indifference to others, even at a certain point considering others as half human, this is the beginning of a terrible humanitarian catastrophe. The Quran itself emphasizes many terms related to humanism, such as the terms al-basyar, an-nas, bani adam and alinsan. Communication in social media should aim to serve the truth and uphold human values that have begun to fade in the midst of various problems, and be able to lead humans to the perfection and completeness of a humanist society. As God exalts the human degree by mentioning various concepts in the Koran.
Depictive Criticism of The Application of Islamic Values in The Sulaimaniyah Islamic Boarding School Building Muhammad Al Muttawaqil
JOURNAL OF SOCIETY INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Journal of Society Innovation and Development
Publisher : Winaya Inspirasi Nusantara Foundation – WINF

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Islamic values have a very important role for a boarding school or boarding school in Aceh or Indonesia. The existence of Islamic boarding schools in Aceh has become a place to study good and true religion and is ignorant of people who have little knowledge in Islamic religious knowledge. This writing discusses Islamic values at a pesantren in Aceh. The research method used is a field study method by direct service to the location of the Sulaimaniyah Islamic Boarding School to obtain information about the buildings, facilities and facilities available at the Sulaimaniyah Islamic Boarding School. So, the conclusion is that all Islamic boarding schools in Aceh use or apply modern architecture and Islamic values such as the Sulaimaniyah Islamic Boarding School.
Digital Marketing Impacts for Preservation of Creative Culture in Aceh Study Case on Traditional Cakes Business Azhari
JOURNAL OF SOCIETY INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Journal of Society Innovation and Development
Publisher : Winaya Inspirasi Nusantara Foundation – WINF

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This study is a case study that comprehensively analyzes the phenomenon of digital marketing. The benefits of digital marketing use are felt by users. Business feels a dependence on digital marketing, including the business of Aceh's traditional cakes, especially in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. The purpose of this study generally describes the impact of digital marketing on the preservation of traditional cakes in the city of Aceh Besar. This research is a qualitative type, using an interview method, in-depth interviews, and observations of business. The results of the study it is known that digital marketing makes it easy for society to preserve Aceh's traditional cakes, build a spirit to promote it to the people of the world, provides an opportunity to reach audiences with a wider scope and modern society, gives space to the young generation to know and love Aceh's traditional cakes, an increasing number of people who know Aceh’s culture.

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