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International Journal of Integrated Science and Technology (IJIST) is a scientific multidisciplinary research journal published by Multitech Publisher. The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the research results, conceptual thoughts, improved research methodologies, and ideas that have been achieved in any area of research. The accepted articles are going to be published in the monthly publication. Any interested authors are required to submit their manuscripts in English. The mission of the International Journal of Integrated Science and Technology (IJIST) is to promote excellence by providing a venue for academics, students, and practitioners to publish current and significant empirical and conceptual research in the Enginering; health sciences; information technology; computer scince; religion; arts; business; humanities; applied, natural, and social sciences; and other areas that tests, extends, or builds theory. The International Journal of Integrated Science and Technology (IJIST) is a double-blind, peer reviewed, open access journal.
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The Influence of The Role of Parents on Children's Social Independence in The Cempaka Cluster Kindergarten, Central Banjarmasin District Novi Suma Setyawati
International Journal of Integrated Science and Technology Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : MultiTech Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59890/ijist.v1i3.449


At the Gugus Cempaka Kindergarten, children Not yet show attitude independent at school. This is caused children too spoiled by parents them. Parent get used to child For independent, get what are they want, so you can Study responsible answer, esp For self yourself. Research objective : influence role to independence social children at Gugus Cempaka Kindergarten, Central Banjarmasin. Study This use approach quantitative with explanatory method, namely because consequence. Population study This totaling 360 with a sample of 189 people used technique sample proportional. Study This use questionnaire, analysis regression, and path analysis. The result show influence parental role _ to independence social children in the Cempaka Cluster Kindergarten, Central Banjarmasin District, is 15%, while factor other influence by 85%.
Sharia Accountant In the Era of Industrial Revolution 5.0 Eny Latifah
International Journal of Integrated Science and Technology Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : MultiTech Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59890/ijist.v1i3.485


This research aims to show how to maintain the existence of the Sharia accountant profession in the era of the Industrial Revolution 5.0 .The research method is qualitative with the type of literature study. The result of the research is that the existence of the Islamic accountant profession in the era of the industrial revolution 5.0 in Indonesia will still be maintained in various ways, namely: (1) Designing assignments that are not routine and not structured, where the performance of judgment and wisdom really requires human mindset and special skills that can only be done by humans and cannot be done by technology such as robots or other technological tools; (2) Using Technical Skill and Ethics (TEQ) by understanding relevant technology and playing a role with ethics and a sense of responsibility not only to stakeholders in the world but to Allah SWT in the afterlife; (3) The task of Islamic accountants as supervisors of sharia-based industries provides a great opportunity for Islamic accountants to maintain their existence with the development of Islamic entities on sharia principles and rules in the digital era; (4).There is no need to worry about the upcoming threats to the 5.0 industrial revolution in the Islamic accounting profession because technological developments cannot be prevented. However, what must be done is to adapt and learn and improve the quality of accounting education by providing services both virtual and conventional in order to create the quality of students who are competent in the field of accounting; and (5) Technology will forever be unable to replace the role of ethics and Islamic religious values and principles in the concept of business or transactions based on Islamic sharia.
Harvest Payment System in Workers' Wages: an Islamic Economic Perspective Eny Latifah; Hannik Lailatul Fitroh
International Journal of Integrated Science and Technology Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : MultiTech Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59890/ijist.v1i3.502


This research aims to show how to maintain the existence of the Sharia accountant profession in the era of the Industrial Revolution 5.0 .The research method is qualitative with the type of literature study. The result of the research is that the existence of the Islamic accountant profession in the era of the industrial revolution 5.0 in Indonesia will still be maintained in various ways, namely: (1) Designing assignments that are not routine and not structured, where the performance of judgment and wisdom really requires human mindset and special skills that can only be done by humans and cannot be done by technology such as robots or other technological tools; (2) Using Technical Skill and Ethics (TEQ) by understanding relevant technology and playing a role with ethics and a sense of responsibility not only to stakeholders in the world but to Allah SWT in the afterlife; (3) The task of Islamic accountants as supervisors of sharia-based industries provides a great opportunity for Islamic accountants to maintain their existence with the development of Islamic entities on sharia principles and rules in the digital era; (4).There is no need to worry about the upcoming threats to the 5.0 industrial revolution in the Islamic accounting profession because technological developments cannot be prevented. However, what must be done is to adapt and learn and improve the quality of accounting education by providing services both virtual and conventional in order to create the quality of students who are competent in the field of accounting; and (5) Technology will forever be unable to replace the role of ethics and Islamic religious values and principles in the concept of business or transactions based on Islamic sharia.
Two Stay Two Stray Type Cooperative Learning Model on The Learning Outcomes of IPS Class V SD Students of Negeri 125138 Pematang Siantar Necia Sitorus; Lisbet Novianti Sihombing; Osco Parmonangan Sijabat
International Journal of Integrated Science and Technology Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : MultiTech Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59890/ijist.v1i3.518


The background to this research is based on observations made by researchers in class V of SD Negeri 125138 Pematang Siantar, namely that teachers still use conventional learning models so that students are less involved in the learning process. This makes the learning process less than optimal and student learning outcomes have not been achieved in accordance with the Minimum Completeness Criteria. From this problem, it is necessary to find a solution, namely by implementing the Two Stay Two Stray type cooperative learning model . This learning model is suitable to be applied to social studies subjects because this learning model invites students to communicate, work together and be responsible in groups because they have their own tasks. This learning model can improve the quality of social studies learning so that students are more active, creative and learning is more meaningful so that learning outcomes can improve. This research used a pre-experimental method with a One Group Design Pretest-Posttest design with a sample of 38 students. Based on the results of the data analysis tests carried out, the Hypothesis Test results were obtained, t = 15,371 and t table = 2,026 with t count > t table = 15,371 > 2,026, so H 0 was rejected and Ha a was accepted. With this explanation, it can be concluded that there is an influence of the Two Stay Two Stray type cooperative learning model on the social studies learning outcomes of class V students at SD Negeri 125138 Pematang Siantar.
The Influence of Contextual Teaching and Learning Models on Learning Outcomes of Class V Students UPTD SD NEGERI 122337 Pematang Siantar T.A 2023/2024 Meri Christina Sitanggang; Lisbet Novianti Sihombing; Fine Eirene Siahaan
International Journal of Integrated Science and Technology Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : MultiTech Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59890/ijist.v1i3.519


This research aims to determine whether there is an influence of the Contextual Teaching and Learning Model on the learning outcomes of class V students at UPTD SD Negeri 122337 Pematang Siantar FY 2023/2024. The method in this research is a quantitative experimental type method whose research design is Pre-experimental type one group pretest -posttest. Conducted in September 2023, the population of all students at UPTD SD Negeri 122337 Pematang Siantar and a sample of 28 students consisting of 14 female students and 14 male students used was purposing sampling with two research variables: the dependent variable (x) in the form of learning outcomes, as well as the independent variable (y) in the form of the Contextual Teaching and Learning model, a learning concept that helps teachers link the material taught with students' real world situations which encourages students to make connections between the knowledge they have and its application in their daily lives. Data collection techniques are test techniques with validity tests, reliability tests, difficulty level tests, and differentiating power tests. The test results using the N-gain technique with the help of the SPSS version 21 program, based on the calculation results obtained a mean of 0.6726, that the effectiveness is 0.7 > 0.6726 > 0.3 which is included in the medium category, in the ANOVA test the significant value is 0.000, which is where 0.000 < 0.05 then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. This means that all independent variables have a significant influence on the dependent variable. So it can be concluded that there is an influence of the Contextual Teaching and Learning model on the learning outcomes of class V students at UPTD SD Negeri 122337 Pematang Siantar FY 2023/2024.
The Influence of Pop-Up Book Media on Student Learning Outcomes on Subtema 1 Ecosystem Components Class V at UPTD SD NEGERI 122337 Pematang Siantar Maria Belen Silitonga; Yanti Arasi Sidabutar; Pdt. Melvin Simanjuntak
International Journal of Integrated Science and Technology Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : MultiTech Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59890/ijist.v1i3.520


This research aims to determine the influence of media Pop-up Book on the learning outcomes of class V students at UPTD SD Negeri 122337 Pematang Siantar, the method in this research is a quantitative experimental type method whose research design is pre-experimental type one group pretest-posttest. Conducted in September 2023, the population of all students at UPTD SD Negeri 122337 Pematang Siantar and a sample of 28 students consisting of 14 female students and 14 male students used was purposing sampling with two research variables: the dependent variable (x) in the form of learning outcomes, as well as the independent variable (y) in the form of the Media Pop-up Book model . Data collection techniques are test techniques with validity tests, reliability tests, difficulty level tests, and differentiating power tests. The results of hypothesis testing using the N-gain technique with the help of the SPSS version 21 program, based on the calculation results obtained a mean of 0.7467 , with an effectiveness of 0.7 > 0.7467 > 0.3 which is included in the medium category, in the ANOVA test the significant value is 0.000. where 0.000 < 0.05 then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. This means that all independent variables have a significant influence on the dependent variable. So it can be concluded that there is an influence of Poop-up Book media on student learning outcomes in sub -theme 1 component of the system in class V at UPTD SD Negeri 122337 Pematang Siantar .
The Influence of The Time Token Model on The Social Science Learning Outcomes of Class IV Students of Private Primary School 125138 Pematang Siantar Jenew Year Manurung; Osco Parmonangan Sijabat; Sukardo Sitohang
International Journal of Integrated Science and Technology Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : MultiTech Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59890/ijist.v1i3.527


This research aims to find out whether the use of the Time Token Model has an influence on the learning outcomes of Class IV Students at SD Negeri 125138 Pematang Siantar on theme 3 Caring for Living Creatures with sub-theme 1 Animals and Plants in My Home Environment in lesson 1 at SD Negeri 125138 Pematang Siantar. There are 2 hypotheses in this research, namely (1) there is an influence of the Time Token Model user on the Social Sciences Learning Outcomes of Class IV Students at SD Negeri 125138 Pematang Siantar (H a ) and there is no influence of the Time Token Model on the Social Sciences Learning Results of Class IV Students of SD Negeri 125138 Pematang Siantar (H 0 ). Pre-Experimental Design research type that uses a One Group Pretest-Posttest Research Design. The population of this study was all fourth grade students at SD Negeri 125238 Pematang Siantar, totaling 30 students. Data collection was carried out using test and observation techniques. This research data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. Based on the results of data analysis, it is known that the t count is 15.112 with a significance level of 0.05. So it can be concluded that there is an influence of the Time Token Model on the Social Sciences Learning Outcomes of Class IV Students at State Elementary School 125138 Pematang Siantar sub theme 1 animals and plants in my home environment means that H a is accepted and H 0 is rejected.
Puzzle Media on Student Learning Outcomes in Science Learning in Class V of State Primary School 125138 Pematang Siantar Winalda Sinurat; Yanti Arasi Sidabutar; Hetdy Sitio
International Journal of Integrated Science and Technology Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : MultiTech Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59890/ijist.v1i3.528


Study This examine The Influence of Puzzle Media to Results Study Student on social studies learning in Class V of SD Negeri 125838 Pematang Siantar . Problem in study This are : Students appear less active during the learning process , Teachers have not used learning media optimally so learning is less interesting or less effective , Teachers do not involve students in the learning process so learning is teacher-centred , Low learning outcomes for class V students at SD Negeri 125138 Pematang Siantar . Type research carried out is experiment with approach quantitative , with method Pre-Experiment designs . Population in study This is whole student class v elementary school at 125138 Pematang Siantar . As for who became sample is student class v 125138. Engineering deep data collection study This observation , test results Study And documentation . Technique data analysis consists from Test Normality , Test Hypothesis . Results study show that : the use of puzzle media in social studies learning in class v SD Negeri 125138 Pematang Siantar give influence positive to enhancement results Study increasing students _ so that give significant influence.
The Influence of The Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) Learning Model on The Learning Outcomes of Class V Students Subhtema 1: How The Body Processes Food State Elementary School No. 125138 Pematang Siantar Irena Nopi Prenti Raja Gukguk; Minar T. Lumbantobing; Hetdy Sitio
International Journal of Integrated Science and Technology Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : MultiTech Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59890/ijist.v1i3.535


The background to this research is based on the observations of Class V researchers at SD Negeri 125138 Pematang Siantar that teachers still use conventional learning models so that students are less involved in the learning process. This causes the learning process to be less than optimal and student learning outcomes do not meet the minimum criteria for perfection. The solution to this problem needs to be found, among others, by implementing the Student Teams Achievement Division learning model . This learning model can be applied to Indonesian and natural science subjects because it encourages students to work together and communicate with each other in completing their assignments. This learning model can improve the quality of Indonesian and science learning so that students are more active, creative, and learning is more meaningful so that learning outcomes improve. This research used a pre-experimental method with a single group pretest-posttest design with a sample size of 38 students. Based on the results of the data analysis tests carried out, the results of the hypothesis testing were tcount = 18.576 and ttable = 2.026 with tcount > ttable = 18.576 > 2.026, so H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted. With this explanation, it can be concluded that there is an influence of the Student Teams Achievement Division learning model on the Indonesian language and science learning outcomes of class V students at SD Negeri 125138 Pematang Siantar.
Practical Life : Efforts To Train Independence In Early Children Nurilla Santi, M.Pd
International Journal of Integrated Science and Technology Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : MultiTech Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59890/ijist.v1i3.557


This research aims to explain Practical life activities in an effort to train early childhood independence through habituation. This type of research is descriptive qualitative which is directed towards narrative studies. The participant in this research was a class teacher at As-Syuhada Kindergarten, Wargo Mulyo Village, Kapuas Kuala District, Kapuas Regency. The results and findings of the research are that there are learning strategies in implementing practical life activities in an effort to train early childhood independence with the following steps: 1) Teachers provide repetitive activities (habituation) to early childhood, 2) Teacher preparation for learning to train children's independence early age, 3) Effective teachers are able to create a cheerful learning atmosphere and attract attention in an effort to train early childhood independence, 4) Creative teachers in an effort to train early childhood independence. However, during the implementation of Practical Life, during break times, children wash their hands before eating, there is a lack of hand washing facilities and infrastructure because only one hand washing facility is used in 2 classes between Kindergarten A and Kindergarten B, so the children - children scramble to wash their hands. Even at that time, the teacher's preparation was still not able to see the situation and provide a quick solution to provide easy facilities such as providing water in another tub so that there was no fighting over it and not directing children to be disciplined in queuing.

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