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Jurnal Geologi dan Sumberdaya Mineral (Journal of Geology and Mineral Resources)
Published by Pusat Survei Geologi
ISSN : 08539634     EISSN : 25494759     DOI :
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The JGSM acts as a publication media of high quality scientific investigations resulted from various geological scientific issues. Published articles covers Geo-sciences, Geo-resources, Geo-hazards, and Geo-environments. Geo-sciences are basic earth sciences in geology, geophysics, and geochemistry. Geo-resources are applied earth sciences scoping in geological resources. Geo-hazards are applied earth sciences concerning in geological hazards. Geo-environments are applied earth sciences focusing in environmental geology.
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Jurnal Geologi dan Sumberdaya Mineral Vol. 20 No. 1 (2010): Jurnal Sumber Daya Geologi
Publisher : Pusat Survei Geologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33332/jgsm.geologi.v20i1.157


According to previous workers, Mount Pendul were considered as micro gabbro intrusive rocks. However, in the present quarry area pillow basaltic lava flows are exposed in the eastern slope of the hill. The lava was erupted through a paleoconduit below deep sea water, having massive to autoclastic breccias, obsidian in the glassy rims and gradually changes to apanetic texture in the inner part. Microscopically, the obsidian is devitrified to become spherulites, while to the inner part the basaltic rock gradually changes from vitrophyric to hypocrystallin porphyritic textures. On the basis of the volcanic geology idea, the association of those basic intrusive and extrusive rocks is believed to be a remnant of Pendul Paleovolcano that has been eroded through the time. The age of volcanisms, particularly in Bayat area and regionally in the Southern Mountains, can be divided into four periods, e.g. Paleocene, Late Eocene - Early Oligocene, Early Miocene and Middle Miocene. However, based on the range of radiometric ages and predominant volcanic rocks in the Southern Mountains, it is suggested that volcanisms had been continued from Late Eocene to Early Miocene. The oldest (Paleocene) and the youngest (Middle Miocene) radiometric ages should be verified in order to develop researchs on volcanism and tectonics in the Southern Mountains, Java.Keywords: bayat, java, jiwo, paleovolcano, pendul, southern mountains
GEOLOGI KUARTER DATARAN PANTAI BREBES DAN SEKITARNYA, JAWA TENGAH: Respon Terhadap Peta Geologi Kuarter dan Implikasinya Terhadap Iinformasi Kondisi Geologi Holosen Herman Mulyana; T. Chairil Basri; Herman Moechtar
Jurnal Geologi dan Sumberdaya Mineral Vol. 20 No. 1 (2010): Jurnal Sumber Daya Geologi
Publisher : Pusat Survei Geologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33332/jgsm.geologi.v20i1.158


A study on Quaternary deposits in the coastal-plain of Brebes and surrounding area, Central Java, revealed eight depositional environments. They are: tidal flat (Tf), shallow marine (Sm), floodbasin (Fb), floodplain (Fb), paleochannel (Cp), Resent channel (Cr), mangrove swamp (MgS), and beach sand (B). Based on the correlation of the lateral and vertical variation of the depositional environment, tectonic activities and sea level changes were recognized. During the depositional processes, the activity of tectonic by thrust were recorded as the main factor controling global sea level fluctuation of Holocene. The result of this research is an input for the Quaternary geology study and its implications on Holocene geology conditions which is based on the Quaternary geologic mapping. The study was based on the Quaternary geologic mapping with 1:50,000 scales including an analysis of sedimentology and stratigraphy of sixty boreholes information from the coastal plain of Brebes and surrounding areas.Keywords: Quaternary geologic mapping, Holocene, coastal plain
Jurnal Geologi dan Sumberdaya Mineral Vol. 20 No. 1 (2010): Jurnal Sumber Daya Geologi
Publisher : Pusat Survei Geologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33332/jgsm.geologi.v20i1.159


The Worawari Formation is a new name proposed in this paper, comprising Paleogene deep marine sediments and cropped out in the Banjarnegara and the surrounding area. The formation comprises turbidite deposits in the lower part, and upwards it develops into olistostrome deposits consisting of claystone matrix and boulders having tens meters in size, and comprising polimictic conglomerate, sandstone, and numulitic limestone. In the Gebyugan River, a small tributary of the Worawari River, the lower part of the Worawari Formation consists of siltstone and very fine to fine sandstone and claystone. These rocks contain abundantly fossils of radiolaria, bathysiphon, fish teeth and bentonic fossils suggesting a deep marine environmrent. Meanwhile, an exposure of alternating claystone and sandstone was found in Kali Tengah River, containing trace fossils of paleodicton type indicating a deep marine environment. Boulders of sandstone and polimictic conglomerate are found in Kali Tengah River and Kali Tulis River, while numulitic boulders are exposed in the upstream area of the Worawari River. The claystone containing boulders of various types of rock is interpreted to be olistostrome deposits.Keywords: Worawari Formation, Paleogene sediments, turbidites, olistostrome, deep marine, North Serayu Mountain
Jurnal Geologi dan Sumberdaya Mineral Vol. 20 No. 1 (2010): Jurnal Sumber Daya Geologi
Publisher : Pusat Survei Geologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33332/jgsm.geologi.v20i1.160


Indramayu coast is characterized by sandy coastal dunes, with mangroves in between. The existence and conservation of mangroves are very important for biogenic gas occurences in this area; while the subsurface paleo sandy coastal dune sare strongly predicted as a gas reservoir. An inventory of Recent sandy dunes using coastal characteristic mapping method is important, because through dune identification; paleo-coastal dune condition that has already been in the subsurface can be identified. Detailed investigation is still required in order to truly invent this biogenic gas potency, before being utilized especially for the local community. The detailed exploration can be done through grid hand auger drillings combined with a subsurface radar for its lateral distributions.Keywords : coastal characteristics, biogenic gas, Indramayu
Jurnal Geologi dan Sumberdaya Mineral Vol. 20 No. 1 (2010): Jurnal Sumber Daya Geologi
Publisher : Pusat Survei Geologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33332/jgsm.geologi.v20i1.161


Gravity is one of the geophysical methods that can be used to estimate subsurface condition based on the density of rocks. Seram bouguer anomaly map reduced by density 2.67 gr/cc indicates negative anomaly pattern in Bula Basin with anomaly range between ( -50 mgal – 0 mgal). Gravity data analyses were carried out by separating the residual and regional anomalies using moving average filtering and second vertical derivative. The subsurface modeling was done by using gravmag forward modeling software. The results show two regional faults i.e. the norteast-sothwest strike slip fault and the east-west thrust fault. Those faults have different periods. The filtering using moving average and second vertical derivative shows closure areas and fold within Pretertiary rocks that geologically are interesting features.Keywords : Gravity, moving average, second vertical derivative, Bula Basin

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