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Aggiornamento Jurnal Filsafat - Teologi Kontekstual
ISSN : 27464695     EISSN : 29635063     DOI : -
AGGIORNAMENTO adalah sebuah jurnal ilmiah terbuka yang berfokus pada isu-isu kontekstual yang terkait dengan usaha pengembangan ilmu Filsafat dan Teologi Kontekstual. AGGIORNAMENTO menerima hasil kajian filosofis dan teologis dari studi interdisipliner.
Articles 8 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 2 No. 01 (2021)" : 8 Documents clear
MANUSIA DI TENGAH PANDEMI COVID-19 DALAM PERSPEKTIF DAOISME Refleksi Filosofis Prinsip Wu Wei atas Krisis Kemanusiaan di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19 Anjelinus Loi
Aggiornamento Vol. 2 No. 01 (2021)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

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The focus of this paper is to offer as well as explore Wu Wei's wisdom principles as a way of life to find human harmony in himself and others amid the Covid-19 pandemic. The current disaster, especially the Covid-19 virus, which has a bad impact makes humans worry about its existence. Therefore, humans need a "value" as a principle to guide their life. Thus the author offers Wu Wei's wisdom in the light of Daoism as a way for humans to deal with this Covid-19 pandemic situation. The findings of this paper are that by behaving, human Wu Wei can create a harmonious and peaceful social life in the midst of this disaster. Wu Wei's wisdom invites humans to take the least possible action, and also act according to the objective conditions that are the essence of the existing problems, or what is known as acting naturally. The author thinks the values of Wu Wei Daoism have become actual in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic situation. The thing is that the development of science and technology leads to "progress" as well as "uncertainty". The author reflects Wu Wei's wisdom in the light of Daoism, inviting people to act appropriately. The fact is that excessive artificiality has proven to have resulted in the degeneration of human dignity today. In this paper, the writer uses the methodology of literature study in the Book of Dao De Jing.
PARADOKS “KNOWLEDGE IS POWER” DAN BENCANA KEMANUSIAAN Tinjuan Filosofis Menurut Pemikiran Sir Francis Bacon Sirus Yulius Mbusa
Aggiornamento Vol. 2 No. 01 (2021)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

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Disaster is an actual phenomenon. There are many disasters that hit human life. Disasters are often understood as natural disasters, but the disasters that will be discussed in this paper are disasters of misuse of knowledge. Humans have intelligence so humans have knowledge. Human knowledge aims to make humans more and more human. But in reality man experiences suffering for his own knowledge. Mistakes in using knowledge greatly affect human life and become a humanitarian disaster. Thus the thought of Sir Francis Bacon directs humans to use knowledge as it should. Knowledge is used to advance human life. To clarify the discussion in this article, the author uses a literature study by presenting several themes, namely the background of Sir Francis Bacon's thoughts, getting to know more about humanitarian disasters and the relationship between "knowledge is power" and humanitarian disasters. The relevance of this paper is to criticize the misuse of knowledge in society because it will be a disaster for humans themselves.
Aggiornamento Vol. 2 No. 01 (2021)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

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The author focused on the subject of inter-religious tolerance in Indonesia. This theme was proposed as a criticism of unequal practices in the name of a particular religion. Religious pluralism in Indonesia describes the Indonesian nation as a diverse nation. Essentially, all religions teach truth, peace, and create unity. Its realization is very important for the realization of interfaith tolerance. However, due to the emergence of various problems that threaten the integrity of the country, unity and tolerance are gradually disappearing. Religious pluralism is no longer seen as a treasure that must be preserved, but an enemy that must be destroyed. With signs of the country’s disintegration, this issue has become more and more complex. To explore this topic, the author uses a critical reading method. The author collected information from various books, periodicals, the Internet, and newspapers. Indonesia's discourse on inter-religious conflicts has never been completely resolved. The concept of tolerance is still difficult to realize. The author believes that tolerance is a relationship. To establish unity, there is a cooperative relationship among them.
EPIFANI WAJAH DI TENGAH KRISIS RELASI Refleksi Filosofis “Aku” Dengan “Yang Lain” Dalam Konsep Alteritas Emanuel Levinas Alfredo Kevin
Aggiornamento Vol. 2 No. 01 (2021)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

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The Focus of this study is to interpret relations between fellow humans through facial representations in the midst of crisis interaction in a philosophical perspective. The method used in this study is critical reflection based on the review of Emanuel Levinas philosophy of alterity concept. This study is intended as a philosophical reflection on the loss of the essence of a relationship. The phenomenon of corruption cases that occur in Indonesia is an important discourse for humans related to their duty to maintain the sustainability of the lives of others in the world. Not a few humans have suffered from this relationship crisis. Starting from this problem, the author finds that it is necessary to build a relationship that revives a universal sense of humanity and the consequences of what is called substitutional responsibility in the form of ethical death. The irony is that the attitude of helping each other and loving others is slowly being eliminated by selfishness. So, it takes a reconstruction of Emanuel Levina’s mindset in his philosophy of alterity by placing “the other” no longer as number two, but placing in the first place and deserving of protection in the midst of the current disaster
PANTASKAH ORANG BERIMAN MENDERITA? (Sebuah Refleksi Teologis tentang Penderitaan Ayub) Benedictus Hasan
Aggiornamento Vol. 2 No. 01 (2021)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

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The author places the focus of this paper on an elaboration of the suffering that Job experienced. Job was a pious person who always obeyed and feared God, but as a believer, he seemed to be inseparable from suffering. Suffering is a reality that is always experienced by humans. The problem is how to view suffering in the perspective of a believer's life. This elaboration is within the broad outline of the entire book of Job in union with the rest of Scripture. Then this elaboration will be directed to the meaning of suffering experienced by humans "today". The method of writing is literature study by reading interpretation books, as well as articles related to this theme. The findings of this paper ultimately lead to the conclusion that God is He who is sovereign. Because of His sovereignty, He has power over all of His creations, including humans. God's sovereignty cannot be understood in a negative, arbitrary manner. All of God's actions, including the suffering experienced by humans, seem to lead to His glory. Thus, humans are always directed to the glory of God.
Aggiornamento Vol. 2 No. 01 (2021)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

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The focus of this paper is to explore the experience of God's mercy in the midst of disaster. Disasters often make people suffer. This experience of suffering raises a question about God's mercy. Where is God in human suffering? In that situation, human beings try to maintain their faith or turn away from it and do not believe in God's love. Hosea 1: 6-7 provides an interesting reflection on the Israelites' experiences of suffering. The main objective of this research is to see God's act of mercy in the text of Hosea 1: 6-7 and its meaning for people who are in disaster situations. The experience of the Israelites become an image for everyone of how to deal with difficult events in life. The method used is descriptive qualitative with a semantic analysis approach and literature study. This study found several points in interpreting God's love in the midst of a disaster experience, namely: a) God is faithful in accompaning His people, b) God's love continues in human life. God's loyalty and love have made people steadfast in their faith even in facing of catastrophic events.
DI MANA ALLAH DI TENGAH PENDERITAAN MANUSIA? (Sebuah refleksi berdasarkan Teologi Jürgen Moltmann) Fransiskus Emanuel
Aggiornamento Vol. 2 No. 01 (2021)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

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Focus of this article is on a reflection about the existence of God in the midst of human suffering. The method used by the author is a qualitative method with a literature approach and supported by the phenomenon of human suffering today, specifically related to the existence of Covid-19. The existence of a loving God and the origin of all good things is questioned in the midst of suffering. God seems to be lost, or maybe just watching the struggles of humans. Questions about God are often long reflections for believers. It is not uncommon for doubts to arise in life. The new discovery of this question based on Jürgen Moltmann's Theology of a Crucified God is that God never leaves man alone to endure their suffering. He also suffered, but His suffering was not the result of weakness or deficiencies in His existence as experienced by humans in the history of his life. He suffered from excess. That's all He does, first of all because He is Love. Love that underlies Him to sacrifice. His love strengthen man s to endure suffering.
BENCANA ITU INDIVIDUALISM (Mencari Identitas Manusia Kristiani dan Perutusan Pelayanannya dalam Bingkai Refleksi Teologi Pastoral) Tomas Lastari Hatmoko
Aggiornamento Vol. 2 No. 01 (2021)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

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In this article, the author would like to see the disaster in relation to the development of individualism, especially in the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic crisis. The disaster is not meant by natural situations, but rather sees the human factor as a source of disaster when each one lives individualism. Furthermore, the author explores and reflects on this theme in pastoral theology. In this way, the search for the identity of the Christian human finds its meaning in the life of Jesus, the Church, and its teachings, including the challenges today. When reflecting on the life of Jesus himself, the christian humans basically cannot be separated from the lifestyle of His service. Therefore, every follower of Christ is called to imitate Him as a person who dares to break the limits of marginality in the mission. Hereafter, the lifestyle of Jesus seems to have inspired the life of the early congregation and the Church until now. In the next discussion, pastoral theological reflection applies the documents of the Second Vatican Council and several documents later. The method used in this paper refers to library research. The results of this study found that individualism is a real disaster that exists in the modern world today. Individual, indifferent, and selfish attitudes have become a source of conflict and misery. This is even more alarming, when during the Covid-19 pandemic people became less concerned. Therefore, every Christian is called to witness, care for others, and cooperate according to the example of Jesus’ life.

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