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Aggiornamento Jurnal Filsafat - Teologi Kontekstual
ISSN : 27464695     EISSN : 29635063     DOI : -
AGGIORNAMENTO adalah sebuah jurnal ilmiah terbuka yang berfokus pada isu-isu kontekstual yang terkait dengan usaha pengembangan ilmu Filsafat dan Teologi Kontekstual. AGGIORNAMENTO menerima hasil kajian filosofis dan teologis dari studi interdisipliner.
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Aggiornamento Vol. 3 No. 01 (2022)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

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This article discusses changes in the economy in particular in the world of work as a result of the industrial revolution 4.0. The terms digital revolution and era erupted due to the proliferation of computerization and automation in all areas of life. The industrial revolution 4.0 changes the way of activities in the time scale, scope, complexity, and transformation of previous life events. Humans will be faced with global uncertainty that continues to change. Humans should be able to predict times that are changing very rapidly in order to be able to cope with rapidly developing technological changes in accordance with their existence. The method in this article uses a library analysis of the influence of the industrial revolution 4.0 with a comparison of the dialectic and historical materialism of Karl Marx. Marx's philosophy states that his work of social class becomes the benchmark for Marx giving ideas about the development of the working economy. The influence of revolution 4.0 on economic factors in work seems no longer recognized with the social class system. However, indirectly the influence of technological developments caused the world of work to be controlled by capitalists who destroy the world. Society has now been facilitated by various media technologies and open economic policies that will independently improve economic prosperity. Therefore, it is necessary to have critical awareness of every human being to shield the domination of modern capitalism for the good of living together
DE CONSOLATIONAE PHILOSOPHIAE: KEBAHAGIAAN SEJATI DITEMUKAN DALAM TUHAN (Sebuah Kritik Filosofis Berdasarkan Pemikiran Boethius Terhadap Korban Penipuan Berkedok Trading Binnary Option) Gerwin Bernardus Putra
Aggiornamento Vol. 3 No. 01 (2022)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

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The focus of this paper is a philosophical critique of the mistakes of some Indonesian people in interpreting true happiness based on the thoughts of Boethius in his famous work, De Consolationae Philosophiae. The problem of true happiness has always been a conversation for humans. However, in the early Middle Ages, the problem of true happiness was discovered and analyzed in terms of the highest good, one of which was by Boethius. The purpose of this paper is to find the deepest meaning of true happiness based on the thoughts of Boethius in De Consolationae Philosophiae. The method used is the philosophical elaboration of Boethius' thoughts on true happiness regarding the fraud case by Indra Kenz and Doni Salmanan which has recently been widely reported in the mass media. The Fraud case by Indra Kenz and Doni Salmanan is an example that some Indonesians who are victims of fraud still depend for their happiness on something temporary, namely wealth and popularity. True happiness does not lie in it all. Boethius revealed that true happiness lies in the Supreme Good, namely God.
DISRUPSI: ANCAMAN ATAU PELUANG BAGI EKSISTENSI BUDAYA LOKAL? (Tinjauan Filosofis Atas Proses Perubahan Budaya) Firgianus Botu
Aggiornamento Vol. 3 No. 01 (2022)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

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On the one hand, the process of change that occurs in the era of disruption is seen as a threat and on the other hand can be used as an opportunity to create something new, more effective, efficient, and useful. I started this paper by looking at the current reality. There are many young people who experience an identity crisis and do not show a sense of love for local culture. At the same time, there was an era of disruption which was able to change everything briefly without supporting aspects as shown in the process of changing the culture of a particular society. The threat in the era of disruption can actually be used as an opportunity to create something that is more useful and effective for survival together. I use the text interpretation method in completing this paper. Text interpretation is carried out by looking at the text on the discussion of the process of cultural change and the text on the explanation of the era of disruption. The findings in this paper are dedicated to the wider community, so that they realize that currently local culture is on the threshold of extinction.
MENGENDUS MAKNA TRADISI APANG ARUQ MASYARAKAT DAYAK BAHAU BUSANG (Tinjauan Filosofis-Antropologis Teori Simbolik Ernst Cassirer) Barnabas Bang
Aggiornamento Vol. 3 No. 01 (2022)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

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The focus of this paper is to sniff the meaning of the apang aruq tradition of the Bahau Busang Dayak community. The apang aruq tradition is a custom carried out by the Dayak Bahau Busang community in East Kalimantan Province to lengthen the earlobe. The process of lengthening the earlobe begins when a person is a baby until death. The writing of this paper uses a qualitative methodology with a literature study approach, namely the activity of collecting materials related to research originating from cultural books and Ernst Cassirer. In this paper, the author finds that there are three meanings the apang aruq tradition, namely self- identity which refers to the meaning of knowledge, beauty which symbolizes the physical and metaphysical beauty of humans and as a marker of age implies space and time.
TANTANGAN BERIMAN DI TENGAH PENGARUH DENOMINASI PROTESTAN Tinjauan Kritis Studi Kasus Pindah Agama Remaja Katolik Paroki St. Gabriel Nunukan Fredirikus Nono
Aggiornamento Vol. 3 No. 01 (2022)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

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This study will discuss how St. Gabriel Nunukan Parish Catholic youth maintain their catalytic faith amid the currents of the world today. The focus of this research was the case of the transfer of several Catholic teenagers to protestant church denominations that occurred in the parish of St. Gabriel Nunukan. The research uses the Blanded methodology, qualitative-quantitative. The authors collect data by means of interviews and disseminate questionnaires. The author also interviewed several teenagers who have now renounced the Catholic faith and moved to other Churches. Based on the research, the authors found that Nunukan Catholic teenagers are faced with a variety of challenging challenges of the faith. Those who are temporarily in a period of self-discovery must deal with the general environment and the times that offer various forms of worldly pleasure. The various challenges of faith they face include the influence of social media, promiscuity, juvenile delinquency, early marriage, drugs, and also conversion. One of the serious problems faced in the Church especially for Catholic youth in Nunukan is the rise and development of the denomination of the Prostestan Church. Here the Church is also required to take a surefire model of assistance for adolescents so that they are able and faithful to maintain their faith. The Church can overcome this through holistic assistance.
Aggiornamento Vol. 3 No. 01 (2022)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

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This paper is a hermeneutic review of scripture texts, especially the book of Proverbs 1:4 and the Gospel of John 1:1. Hermeneutics or the art of interpretation or the art of searching for messages is a journey of the human mind in search of meaning. The text of the holy book is rich in meaning that should be explored to increase knowledge and faith information for humans. In the book of Proverbs 1:4 and the Gospel of John 1:1 it has meaning for the reader to know God through intelligence, knowledge and wisdom of the Word. All intelligence, knowledge and wisdom comes from God which is worthy of being lived by humans. This discussion describes the two biblical texts and explores the meaning of the text with its implications for the appreciation of faith and knowledge of God. The relevance of this paper is specifically for candidate of priests to appreciate the text of the book as a process of knowing God. As a candidate of priest, it is necessary to live the intelligence, knowledge and wisdom of the words in the scriptures to be able to cultivate personally as an intelligent, knowledgeable and wise person. Candidate of priests in the formation period is a time of personality formation to become better like Christ who is intelligent, knowledgeable and wise
Aggiornamento Vol. 3 No. 01 (2022)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

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The focus of this paper is the responsibility of humans to the nature created by God. Human responsibility towards creation is a form of ecological justice. This paper draws from the encyclical Laudato Si 159-162, which is the core of the concept of justice that Pope Francis calls for to all human beings in the world. The concept of justice departs from the perspective of Creation Theology, namely the duty to care for and preserve nature. Based on the objectives to be achieved from this paper, namely the steps and attitudes of humans to create justice for the created world where humans live and live. The author sees so many people who don't care about the environment, causing a lot of damage and natural disasters. This writing method uses an analytical study of encyclicals and the teachings of creation theology. Through the concept of ecological justice, readers are increasingly aware of the importance of caring for and preserving nature, as a common home. Because of the consequences of the sin of the first human, people until now also have a strong will to exploit natural resources. From this paper, the findings on environmental problems are a return to human awareness to pay attention to human life now and in the future. Because every human action today has an impact on human life in the future. The contribution of the writing for the readers is to build a new awareness through the concept of ecological justice in the theology of creation.
FENOMENA CHILDFREE DI KALANGAN PERNIKAHAN MASA KINI (Tinjauan Hukum Gereja terhadap Kelahiran dan Kesejahteraan Anak) Leonard Brahmandika
Aggiornamento Vol. 3 No. 01 (2022)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

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Marriage is an agreement between husband and wife in a relationship. Marriage is one and is inseparable. Marriage in the Catholic Church is one of the sacraments of mission other than the sacrament of ordination. However, there are many problems and conflicts that occur in marriage. One example of the problem is the rejection of birth, education and child welfare. This phenomenon is referred to as childfree phenomenon. The focus of this study is to examine the phenomenon of childfree that occurs among today's marriages. This phenomenon is already run by several people including artists and public figures. The methodology used in this phenomenon is a case study. The authors collect and examine cases related to this phenomenon. The goal of the study was to find the cause of married couples who chose not to have children. The study found that married couples who choose not to have children because they want to focus on their marital relationships and careers.
Aggiornamento Vol. 3 No. 01 (2022)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

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The presence of statues and iconography of the saints has been present in ancient Israel as a means of worship and a place for storing sacred objects. His presence has also decorated the temple with beauty. Meanwhile, in the early days of the Church the presence of statues and iconography was a symbol of faith. In addition, the two sacred objects are used as a means to evangelize. These are some of the things that are the focus of this paper. The understanding of these two objects is often criticized from outside the Church. The difference in Tradition between the Eastern and Western Churches makes these sacred objects foreign to both. However, this understanding is important because the Tradition of the two Churches has one root, namely the Apostolic source. That is, many historical stories are found in this writing. This is in line with the sources used for the writing methodology, so as not to deviate from the discussion. Therefore, apologetics about sculpture and iconography provides an opportunity, so that there is no doubt. In the end, this writing takes part in the mystical spiritual formation of prayer to the saints through sculpture and iconography.
Aggiornamento Vol. 3 No. 01 (2022)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

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Philosophy of religions talk about God in a rational level. This does not conflict with the theology or religious faith. In this case the author reverses this, namely approaching the text of faith from a philosophical side. The goal is the same, to find a rational basis for God. The search for God is focused on God as the creator and his relevance to human life. God created man in his image and likeness. Image in Hebrew is called tselem and appearance as demut (Gen 1:26-27). Tselem and demut are studied philosophically by approaching the text as a literary work. The text of Genesis 1:26-27 is then juxtaposed with the teachings of Platonism about the creation of the universe. The meaning found is that image is a natural gift for each person and appearance is a process of becoming image of God. The implication is that everyone is an image of God. As the image of God he deserves respect. Since man is the image of God, every human being also radiates the face of God. To quote St. Augustine that all humans although evil, he is still the image of God. In addition, the concept of God as creator proves that evil and atheism cannot be rationally accepted. Thoughts about God the creator of man contain actual truths and are not obsolete in history. Image and similar is an expression of the deep relationship between humans and God and each other

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